Andrews Personals Mr. and Mra. D. D. Overton at Andrew* S. C., have returned after a vlalt of a week at the Juna luaka Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jordan of Atlanta, Qa? have returned after a vlalt with Mr. Jordan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jordan. Miss Janet Long of Bryson City spent several days last week with Miss Barbara Battle. She was ac companied home by Misses Bobble Jcan Bristol and Barbara Battle who spent two days with her. M/Sgt. Walter Whltaker of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., was week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Whltaker. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. SherriU of Dlllsboro spent the week-end with relatives and friends. Miss Carolyn Smith and Mrs. C. S. Freel spent Monday at the Metal Workshop in Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Allbright of Roanoke Rapids spent several days at the Junaluska Terrace Hotel last week and attended the drama ' Unto These Hills." Mr. and Mrs Frank Craig of Clayton were house guests of Miss Eleanor Cover last week-end. Mrs. Roy Williams has returned . from Atlanta, Ga., where she vis ited Mrs. J. E. Powers and family. Mrs. Powers is the former Miss Lois McNally of Andrews. Misses Lenora and Genevieve McDonald of Murphy spent Sun day with their cousins Misses Lor cne and Betty Freeman. Mrs. Katharine Miller Justice and children of St. Augustine, Fla., will arrive this week for a visit with Miss Eleanor Cover. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Beaver and children of Letitia spent the week end with Mrs. Beaver's sister, Mrs. Robert Freeman and Mr. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Galusha Pullium and children, Jerry and Ann, were week-end guests of Mrs. Pullium's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark cf Flowery Branch. Miss Amy Arlington and Bobby Mulkey are spending several days this week at the home of Miss Arrington's mother, Mrs. M. R Arrington. ^ S. A. Harry Hawk and S. A. Dan Hawk of Bainbridge, Md., are spending ten days with their mo ther, Mrs. Blanche Hawk and fam ily. Miss Patsy Washam and Jamie Washam of Charlotte are visiting friends here this week. John Clark of Henderson is spending the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark. Miss Janice King of Warren Wil son College, Swannanoa, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waldroup. Miss Bessie Derreberry has re turned home from Cullowhee after spending the summer there. Dr. Julian C. Davis of Chatta hoochee, Fla., and Miss Susanne Davis of Orlando, Fla., were week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Carver of Robbinsville and son, David, were week-end guests of Mrs. Carver's parents,^ Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Mathis. , OUv# Brownl** *ni Dorothy Bowen of S?n Antonio, 1 ex**, are gu??U of Mia. Brown lee's sister, Mr* Tom H?y ?nd family. Mr*. Helen Dupree of Ashevtlle spent the week-end with her fam ily here. Miss Lena Truett of Oak Ridge In spending the week with her par ents, Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Truett. Mrs. Gordon Davenport of Can ton, Ohio, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Phillips, last week. Upon her return home she was ac companied by her daughter. Joan. who spent the summer with her grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis of| Quincy, Fla., were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Bounetti of WCTC, Cullowhee, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Der leberry. Miss Virginia Huffman of Wich ita Kansas, has returned home af ter a visit of four weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Schaper. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Cox and sons spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Crisp In Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Arrowood of Portsmouth, Va., are visiting the parents of Mr. Arrowood, Mr. and Mrs. Gurley Arrowood. Louise West of Stanley is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon A. West. Miss Shirley Matheson and Miss Bobby Jean Wood are visiting friends in Gainesville, Ga., this Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrick "and Mrs. Vina Kilpatrick spent several days in Asheville last week. The Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Smith and daughter, Phyllis, of Boger City were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Christy Sunday. Mr. Smith, a former pastor of the An drews Methodist Church, was guest minister at that church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Kilpatrick of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Etna Kil patrick of Ranger were visitors of Mrs. Vina and Miss Elizabeth Kil patrick last week. Mrs. Ernest Palmer of Andrews, Route X, is visiting her two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Palmer of Franklin, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer of Yorktown, Va. Mrs. Palmer will return home soon. Miss Betty Jean Parker of An drews is visiting her aunt, Virgin ia Parker. Ernest Palmer went to Murphy Tuesday on business. Mrs. Rex Vivian of New York, N. V., is visiting her mother, Mrs. May Taylor and family. John H. Christy, Jr., spent the week-end at Lake Junaluska. Mr and Mrs. Paul Jordan ac companied Miss Jean Christy to Richland where she will teach this year. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will re turn home the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Battle and children, Betsy, Mary Jo and Wayne Jr., and Jane Smith spent the week-end with Mrs. Battle s pother, Mrs. G. C. Plott. Sick In Andrews Leila Vivian Newton, infant daughter of Pfc. and Mrs. Samuel Newton. Jr.. has returned from Victoria Hospital, Ashevtlle, where she has been since birth. Lucile Hawks of Marble was a patient at Rodda-Van Gorder Hos pital last week. Lee Watklns, who has been a pa tient at a Knoxville Hospital for several weeks Is doing well at this writing. ? Mrs. Mattle Piercy was not quite so well last week but Is much Improved the past few days. Mrs. Richard Hardin reurned to her heme last week from Victoria Hospital, Asheville, where she un derwent a major operation. Miss Mattie Bates spent several days at Rodda-Van Gorder Hos pital last week. Joe Sursavage Is a patient at Rodda-Van Gorder Hospital. Robert Dills, who has been a pa tient in a Morganton Hospital sev eral weeks after suffering a sun stroke, is much improved and ex pects to return home within a few weeks. Andrews Births Pvt. and Mrs. Keith Allison of Camp Stoneman, Calif., and An drews announce the arrival of a son, Keith Lewis. Misses Hazel and Jessie Brown of Wilmington, Del., who are guests of their mother, Mrs. Hor ace Rector and Mr. Rector spent Monday in Asheville visiting Mrs. Paul Samms. Mr. and Mrs. George Bachman of Lakeworth, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bradley. No Man or Woman can' Enjoy Life With Stomach Gas! Poor digestion?swelling with gas after meals?heavy feeling around waistline?rifting of sour food. These are some of the penal lies of an Upset Stomach. CERTA-VIN is helping such vic tims right and left here in Mur phy. This new medicine helps you digest food faster and better. It' is taken before meals; thus it works with your food. Gas pains ?.0! Inches of bloat vanish! Con tains Herbs and Vitamin B-l with Iron to enrich the blood and make j nerves stronger. .Weak, miserable 1 1 So don't go on suffering. Get OERTA - VIN - MAUNEY DRUG STORE. NOTICE OF EE-SALE OF SEAL ESTATE SUMMONS DOCKET NO. 3871 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY CHEROKEE COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. A. L. FRANKUM and wife, VAUL FRANKUM, ANDREW GREEN and wife, SHIRLANA GREEN. ANDREW GREEN SR. and wife. PITFALLS TO AVOID FOR KEEPING FAMILY PEACE Meddling in. lives of members of the family Is responsible for ruin ing countless homes. Read how peace In family may be better maintained by avoiding the 11 pit falls revealed in "Family Ties That Bind and Bind" in September 9th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's popular Magaxine with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order from Your Local Newsdealer MYRA GREEN. RUBY KAYLOR and husband, JOHN KAYLOR. CHARLES FRANKUM and wife. BEATRICE FRANKUM. EDITH FRANKUM by C. E HYDE, Guardian ad Litem, GEORGE D. FRANKUM AND wife. PAULINE FRANKUM, ADDIE MCDONALD and LUM EVANS, Defendant* By virtue of authority vlested In me by a judgment of the Superior Court of Cherokee County In the above entitled action and an order of said Court directing a re-sale of said property under said judg ment, I will on Tuesday September 4, 1951. at 12:00 Noon at the court bouse door In Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands in Notla Township, Cherokee County. North Carolina: A certain tract or parcel of land adjoining the lands of Kilpatrick, Evans and Akins and bounded as follows: BEGINNING on a large post oak the South W. corner of said No. 46, runs East 58 poles to a stake on the top of a ridge and on ? ledge of rocks, thence with said ledge of rocks North 52 E. 66 poles to a ma ple on the bank of a small branch, then up said branch with its meanders 42 West 36 poles to a small Spanish oak on the S. bank of the BlairsvtUe Rd. then with' said road N. 71V* W. 12 poles, I North 49 W. 19 poles to a stake in said road, then N. 33 i E. 49 poles to a stake and small' Spanish oak on Collins line, then I with that line North 58 W. 101 j poles to a stake the N. W. corner of No. 46 and N. E. Corner of 45,1 then with line of Nos. 45 and 461 S 174 pole* to the 1 tslnlng 77V4 J Being the in ? dee wife, Verdto Keeeler to J. B. Frenkum, end wife Lillie Frankna dated January X, ltlt aad regis tered in the Office of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County to Book 71 page 401, reference to which is hereby made. Excepting certain tracts or par cels previously conveyed. This the 16th day of August, 10S1. J. L. MASON, Commissioner. 6-2tc BOBBY BROILER MAKES DRAMATIC RECOVERY A - 1 I was underweight, states Bobby Broiler of Broiler House, U.S.A.,''and because of my size, other occupants of the house I lived in started crowd ing me back from the feed trough. I was frantic; I didn't know which way to turn, and then one day my diet was changed. SECURITY BROI LER RATION was served in our house and my appetite increased and so did my weight. I'm 8 weeks old now, I feel fine, and I'm a normal weight. In fact, I. heard rumors that we are such a fine looking bunch since we've been fed SECURITY BROILER RATION that we'll be shipping out very soon. Well' I don't care where they send me as long as they continue to feed me SECURITY BROILER RATION." advertisement advertisement [security! MT. VALLEY COOP. MURPHY and BRASSTOWN, N. C. Sylvester & Fair 2 Yl lb. jar Honey 65c No. 2 Yl can Peaches 26c Sugar .... 5 lb. bag 49c Flour, 25 lb, bag $1.60 up Cigarettes, per carton $1,52 Fresh shoulder lb. 53c Fresh Ham 63c lb. Pure Pork Sausage lb. .45 Pork Chops 65c lb. Phone 322 We Deliver momt You never tried a fine car like This One You've a right to set your sights higher when you buy a fine car. "You can rightly expect more room ?more comfort?more performance -and a lordly smoothness in the way it carries you. So we present these facts: You'll find, in a Roadmaster, more usable room than you'll find in any other six-passenger car in A merica. You'll find the extra comfort of double-depth Foamtex cushions in Roadmaster only. You'll find that the Roadmaster has a high-compression, valve-in-head power plant that is also exclusively Buick's ? a nAghty Fireball Engine endowed with more performanct than most owners will ever need. And you'll find that a Roadmastei rolls with unsurpassed levelness am poise, thanks to coil springs on al four wheels ? which is still anothei feature found on no other car in tht fi%e ?car field. But the thrill that is yours, when yoi get this willing beauty out on th< open road, is something that can't tx summed up in any listing of features one by one. It's a "feel" which, we hon estly believe, no other car can approach. It's the sure way this dazzling < performer holds the road?the way it responds to your slightest wish?the quick answer you get when you nudge the throttle?the extra security you feel in the velvet grip of the brakes? the complete freedom from tension you find in Dynaflow Drive ?the sense of mastery that makes every mile a joy. And, confidentially, there's one more important way in which Roadmaster stands alone, and that is in the modest cost of its pounds and performance. Better come in soon and check for yourself what a great car and a great buy this one really is. ROADMASTER Cu4to*K ~6>U//y~ :wm .?! FRANKLIN MOTOR GO. MAIN STREET Murphy, North Carolina Nylon Blowout Prevention! See unforgettable *, safety demonstrations; at our now going on! j COMITODAYI See the U.S. Roval Nylon miracle?the LIFE TUBE! nvi!}0|}0yciblo dswionitrotloni safety testa only LIFE-TUBES can stand! " * strength that prevents blowouts! Mi tabes strong as Mrss?tubes that can carry car and passen gers without tires, if necessary! WllsitasiM IsSoil No cost I?No obligation! Mok. yosr sua testa and demonstrations! GRAVES TIRE CO. Phone 300 ' Murphy, N. C.