SOCIET Y Mrs. Harold Hall Is Honored At House Warming On Friday afternoon .Bin. J. B. Hall honored Mrs. Harold Hall, who recently moved Into her new home, with a house wanning party. Those attending were: Mrs. R. M. (Adklns, Mrs. Gordon Wilson. Mrs. Cecil Montleth and daughter, Yvonne, Mrs. B. B. Cornwell, Jr., Mrs. Jean Dickey White, Mrs. Roy Wells. Mrs. Jeanne Wells, Mrs. T. r. Calhoun, Mrs. Nolan Wells, Mrs. W. S. Dickey, and Mrs. Harold Wells. After a social hour, refresh ments were served, and the honor ee received many beautiful and useful gifts. Many sent gifts even though they could not attend. BIRTHS Frank A. Hembree, G. V. S. N? and Mrs. Hembree announce the birth of a son, Frank Alvini Jr., October 23, at Erlawyer Hospital, Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. Hembree Is serving in the navy aboard the U. S. S. Helena (CA75). Mrs. Hembree Is the for mer Miss Mary Hunkaplller of Chattanooga, Tenn. PETRIE HOSPITAL Sir. and Mrs. Clyde Beaver. Route 1, Culberson, announce the birth of twin daughters October 23 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McRae, Route 3, Murphy, announce the birth of a daughter October 23. Mr .and Mrs. Guy Rich, Route 2, Culberson, announce the birth of a son October 25. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Dailey of Young Harris. Ga., announce the birth of a daughter October 27. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whitmire, daughter, Rosalie, spent Friday in birth of a daughter October 29. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Howard have just returned from a vacation in Minnesota and Illinois where they visited Mrs. Howard's mother and other relatives. Mrs. G. C. Walker and five chil dren of Valdosta, Ga., and Mrs. Luther Cooke of Culberson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Portwood Wednesday and Thurs day. Miss Grace Payne Bride J. R. Martin Miss Grace Payne, daughter of | Mr. and Mr*. O. C. Payne of Suit, became the bride of Joseph R. | Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Martin of Cullman, Ala., and Ml-1 ami, Fla., October 29, at the home | of her parents. The Rev. Lester Stowe of Friendship Baptist Church per formed the candlelight ceremony, and a program of nuptial music was presented by Glenn Ellis. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white iaille suit with black accessories and carried a white bible covered with a white orchid and streamers. Her maid of honor. Miss Jean Payne, wore a dove gray suit with a corsage of pink rosebuds. A. G. Qulnn of Murphy served as best man. Following the ceremony an in formal reception was held In the | home. Mrs. Martin Is a graduate of Hl wassee Dam High School and at tended" Knoxville Business Col lege in Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. Martin is a graduate of St. Rernard J'-ntor College In St. Bernard, /'a., where he was a member of Sigma Beta Kappa Fra ternity and also a graduate of Uni versity of Miami, He is now em ployed as bookkeeper with Kllgore Seed Co. In Homestead. Florida. The couple are making their | home In Miami. Mrs. Crawford Is Honored At Shower! Members of the Esther Sunday School class of First Baptist Church had a covered dish supper at the home of Miss Addle Mae Cooke Friday evening. Mrs. Cal vin Stiles presided over a business meeting Mrs. M. L. Williams and Mrs. Lewis King conducted the de votional. Mrs. Jack Crawford was given a surprise shower and re ceived many gifts. Those present were: Mesdames Don Ramsey, Jack Crawford, Mary Mayfield, Calvin Stiles, John Flem ing, M. L. Williams, Lewis King, Verlln Jones, Jewell Miller, George Portwood, Kenneth Davis, Vin Stiles, Hubert Hinton, Dorothy Israel, and Miss Cooke. Cpl. Jack Garner of Ft. Leonan Wood, Mo., spent - from Thursda; until Sunday with his wife am daughter. CANDIDATE?Frank M. Parker of Aaheville, who hat announced hit candidacy for Congress from the Twelfth Dlitrlct. He Is an at torney and has been elected state senator for two terms. He has been active in many civic promotions in Ashevllle and Western North Caro lina. Happ Memorial To Be Dedicated The Lee M. Happ Memorial Hos pital will be formerly dedicated at ceremonies in Hiawassee, Ga? on Sunday, November 4, at 2:30 p. m. Included in the program will be conducted tours through the hos pital. The principal address will be given by the Honorable Herman Talmadge, Governor of Georgia. Happ Memorial Hospital is a 15-bed hospital built under the Hill-Burton Bill and includes every modern convenience. The total cost of this project was $185,000.00 and represents a much needed ad dition to the health facilities in North Georgia. School Health Is PTA Subject The P. T. A. of Peachtree will meet at the school Monday at 7:30 p. m. The school health program will be discussed. Miss Willie Lov ingood, county health nurse, and Miss Maggie Bell Kisselburg, coun tj school supervisor, and possibly others will make talks. A report on the school lunchroom will also be given. ATTENDS CONFERENCE Mrs. Boyd Davis attended the second annual conference of the North Carolina School Food Ser vice association in Charlotte Oct. 26-27. HENN Theatre MURPHY, N. C. Saturday, Nov. 3 Roy Rogers & Trigger "Heart Of The Rockies" Also Added Serial And Comedy LATE SHOW Mark Stevens-Gale Storm "Between Midnight And Dawn" Extra Added Attractions Sun. Mon., Not. 4-5 Robert Preston-Martha Scott "When I Grow Up" Added News And Cartoon Tuea. Wed., Not. 1-7 Robert Ryan-Claire Treror "BestOf The Badmen" Than. Fit, Not. M ^lytfc-Dorid Finu "The Golden Horde" / In Color' r Alto Novo And 1 Cartoon " DICKEY Theatre MUKPHY, N. C. Saturday, Nov. 3 Spade Cooley-Maria Hart ?In? "Border Outlaws" Also Added Serial And Comedy LATE SHOW j Edward G. Robinson-Peggy Cummins, In? "Operation X" Extra Added Attractions Son. Mon., Nov. 4-5 Jon Hall-MaryCastle "When The Redskins Rode" In Co'jw Abo Added Color cartoon Tw*. W?l., Nov. ?-7 Pat 0'B*ten-Robert Kyan "Marine ^Raiders" Mm AMed C?lor Fit, Not. M 9nir* Kejm-Tu Heflla "TheProwler'' HENN Theatre ANDREWS. N. C. Saturday, Nov. 3 Dan. Durea-Yvonne Decarlo ?In? "River Lady" In Color Also Added Serial And / Comedy LATE SHOW John Wayne "Back To Bataan" Extra Added Attractions San. Mon., Not. 4-5 Loretta Young-Joseph Cotton, In? "Half Angel" Also Added Color Cartoon Toes. Wed.. Not. S-7 Payne-Arleen VMn ?In? "Passage West" Alw Added Color Cartoon Than, hi, Not. M CU odette Colbert-Ann Birth "Thunder On The Hill" Pullium To Preside Postmasters' Meeting The semi-annual meeting of the 12th District, North Carolina'Chap ter. National Association of Post masters, will be held in Bryson City Saturday night, November 3. The meeting is scheduled to open with a dinner at 8 p. m. in the Methodist Church of Bryson City, and William T. Martin, host post master. Postmaster Galusha Pullium. Andrews, district president, will preside, assisted by Postmaster Thurman R. Smith, Hazelwood, district secretary. President Pul Keenum Announces District Meeting A meeting of all the Masonic Lodges In the 43rd d Is tret will be held with Montgomery Lodge at Ranger Saturday at 4 p. m., ac cording to Robert L. Keenum. Mr. Keenum urges that as many Masons as possible attend. Refreshments will be served by Montgomery Lodge. Dr. Claude Jamison Is Chapel Speaker Dr. Claude Jamison, state school dentist, spoke at a chapel program of Andrews Elementary School Monday afternoon on the care of teeth. He stressed a regular dental care program, the simplicity and inexpensiveness of home care and the importance of a healthful diet Following Dr. Jamison's talk. Mrs. Jim Stewart's fifth grade of fered a program featuring the theme "Autumn". Hallowe'en songs were included on the program. Announcements were made by Principal Chas O. Frazier. Among The Sick Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lovingood who were injured in a car accident in Chattanooga Saturday after noon, are both improving accord ing to reports. Mrs. Lovingood is at Petrie Hospital, suffering with bruises. Mr. Lovingood is at home with a broken rib. Martha Hendrix who has been in Petrie Hospital for a week with pneumonia is reported to be im proved. Mrs. John Axley is improving at her home following attack Friday while on the lake fishing. TO ORGANIZE P. T. A. There will be a meeting of the patrons and teachers of Martins Creek School in the school audi torium on Tuesday, November 6. at 7:00 p. m. for the purpose of organizing a P. T. A. Murphy Drive-In Theatre On U. S. Highway 64, 4 "Miles East Of Murphy Two Shows Nightly Starting at 7:00 .1 Saturday, November 3 "The Golden Stallion", In Trucolor Roy Rotera Sunday, Ntwtabcr 4 "Topper Returns" Tonne-Joan Mob. Tdes., November M "Adams Rib" Spencer Tracy-Catherine Wednesday, November 7 "The House By The River" Loalae Hayward ' Than. Fit, November M ' "Emergency Wedding" llum state* that In addition to Items of business of particular In terest to postmasters, there will be an Interesting program put on by s group of students from the West ern CaroUna Teachers College at Cullowhee. Postmasters In the counties of Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Gra ham, Haywood, Henderson, Jack son, Macon, Swain and Transyl vania are Invited to attend, and Host postmaster Martin invites all members of the 12th District to attend and bring their wives or husbands. PERSONALS John A. Thompson of the High School faculty made a business trip to Winston-Salem last week. J. S. Smith is in South Carolina this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Howse who have been employed in Chattanooga, have returned to their home In East Murphy. Howse will work with his brother-in-law, C. L. Al verson, In his gas company. Fred W. Bowles and Mrs. Ima Hicks of Paris, Tenn., are guests of Mr. Bowles' mother and sister, Mrs. Minnie Bowles and Mrs. Ed wlnna Hagaman. Mrs. Hagaman will accompany them home Fri day for a visit. Glenn Swaim of Mars Hill Col lege was at home for the week end. Ernest Queen and Miss Marie Anderson of Elizabethton, Tenn., P. R. Cagle of Knoxville, and Mrs. S. N. Bobo, Jr., and daughter, San dra Lee of Marietta, Ga., were week-end guests of Mrs. Sallie Queen and family. Mrs. R. H. Foard, Mrs. J. B. Gray, Mrs. E. H. Brumby and Mrs. Bruce Gordon were In Asheville on business Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J. A. McKay of Shelbyville, Tenn., spent a few days here last week with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Savage. J. W. Denton of Hiawassee, Ga., who has been in the army for sev eral months, has been assigned to Camp Stoneman, Calif., port of em barkation. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turnage Wednesday night were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cashman and daughter, Marylyn and cousins, Beverly, Shirley and Harold, of Chicago. Miss Evon Davidson spent last week-end with her sister, Miss Frances Davidson, at Brevard Col lege to attend the homecoming event. She formerly attended Bre vard College. Mrs. E. L. Hinds returned Thurs day from a trip to Washington, Ga., ! where she visited her brother, | George F. Armstr ong, and Athens, Ga., for a visit with her mother and sister, Mrs. S. M. Armstrong and Miss Margaret Armstrong. Mrs. Mamie Hinds has returned to her home in Charleston, S. C? after a three weeks' visit here with her son, E. L. Hinds and Mrs. Hinds. Miss Clarissa Kincaid of Rome, Ga., spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Foard. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin left Wednesday for Atlanta. They will be joined there Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fulmer and children of Webster, and will attend the showing of the new Wyllis. They will all leave from there Friday morning for Florida, where they will spend a ten-day vacation. I Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hyde and daughter, Rosalie, spent Fridaf in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Ferguson of Sylva visited Mrs. T. S. Evans and Tom Evans Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Bailey returned Sun day night from a visit with her sis ter in New Jersey, and nieces and nephews in Deleware and Mary land. Mrs. W. L. Logan, mother of Mrs. Harvey Wilson, Jr., and Mrs. Will Davis, sister of Mrs. J. H. Wilson. Sr., of Gainesville, Ga. spent the week-end here. Mrs. Frank Asbury. stepmother of Mrs! Wilson and Mrs. Davis, who has been here for a few weeks with Mrs. Wilson, returned with Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Logan for a visit In Gainesville. John Wrinn and sister of Green ville, S. C, were week-end guests of Miss Frances Dickey and Mr. and Mrs. Buel Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Howard who have been vacationing for two weeks in Northwestern States, have returned to their home near Duke's Lodge. SATURDAY SPECIAL: Par ? limi ted time only flrat quality 51 horn lor 91-00. Aadrrwt Shop. J-9t | Pvt Howard Davis iitds His Basic Private Howard S. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Feaa Davis, Route 3, Murphy, recently completed 10 weeks of basic training with the 1th Infantry Division at Fort Jack son, South Carolina. Private Davis entered the service 'ast June. , During primary training he fired the standard infantry weapons, en gaged in platoon and squad tactics, and underwent intensive physical training. Most of the men com pleting eight-weeks training will attend a service school which will qualify them as specialists In one of the. Army's career fields. Griggs Serves On USS Valley Forge Porter O. Griggs, seaman, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses G. Griggs of Box 206, Marble, N. C, Is serving aboard the aricraft car rier USS Valley Forge. He boarded the ship recently in San Diego. Calif., where the car rier Is awaiting further assignment. The "flat-top" was the first Uni ted Nations carrier to launch air strikes against the invading North Koreans on July 3, 1950. She spent almost ten continual months oper ating around the 38th parallel be for returning to the United States last April for major overhaul. Senior Group Guest At Dinner Misses Lucille Bell and Gladys Christy entertained the senior Youth Fellowship with a dinner in the basement of the Methodist Church Wednesday evening. Those present were James Led ford, Lowen Truett, Kent Laugh ter. Zeb Conley, Jr., Misses Doris Holder, Doris Hogsed, Elizabeth Bell, Wilma West, Ruth Hamilton end Marlin West. Andrews Personals P. B. Ferebee is visiting relatives in New York, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Barlow and children visited relatives in Hayes ville Sunday. Miss Anna Jo Crisp of Junction City, Kansas, is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Crisp. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Anderson of Hayesville visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. Tames Griffith Sunday. CARD OF THANKS we wish to thank all those who were so kind in their many ex pressions of sympathy at the death of Mrs. Noah Lovingood. We shall be ever grateful to every one. Family and niece, Mrs. Lisbeth Shelton. ltp Miss WaJdroup Loyal E. Jones Berea Students MUi Elizabeth Waldroupo of An drew* and Loyal E. Jones of Brass- v town are among the 1440 students enrolled In Berea College, Berea, Ky., for the fall term. They are registered in the college depart ment. Berea College Is a non-secterlan. coeducational Institution that maintains three schools?a college aepartment, a high school unit, and a nurses' training school. The college was established In 1899 pri marily for the purpose of serving worthy youth from the mountain areas of eight Southern states. More than ninety per cent of the enrollment comes from this de signated territory. A labor schedule Is provided foe all students. This enables them tp work all or a part of their school expenses. Both the college and high school are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Dr. P. S. Hutchlns is president of the col lege. Farley Speaks To Rotary Club Andrews Rotary Club met at Junajuska Terrace Hotel Thursday at noon with the regular dinner meeting. G. F. Farley, new county agent, spoke on the agricultural needs of Cherokee County. Lt. John H. Davis was a specia' guest. BOX SUPPER A box supper will be held in the community building at Bell view on Saturday, November 17, at 7:30 p. m. Proceeds will go to help pay for a heating system in the Bellview Methodist Church. AUXILIARY TO MEET The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in the Presbyterian Church assem bly rom. All members are urged to be present. NOTICE I hereby offer a liberal reward for information given to the mayor or police leading to the arrest of anyone trespassing on my proper ty known as Imps Nest in Murphy, N. C. Frank L. Mauney, Washing ton, Ga. l&tfaw See WESTERN AUTO SALES AGENCY i 'hone 115 Andrews, N. C.J GE Television Sets Citizens Bank and Trust Co. Our Best Calling CarcL* A substantial portion of our new business domes <as a result of the recommendations made by our friends, , ' Our bank is not only a safe place to keep your money?not only a place where all your banking needs sure promptly taken dare of?but an organization of friendly peopfc eager to help you do what's really best for you, at all times? in all financial matters, * SAFEr?BECAUSE ITS SOUND" CITIZENS BANK and TRUST GO. s?irnro so Murphy'

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