giug: KAYFS AUTO PARTS MKOt AMMMSOOOo^" awXww Jw-' l@?; iSgg; 5prr, * Co?rV4! Qf7he7tte*fi THE VALUABLE COUPON ON EVERY BAG CAN HELP YOU SAVE MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Wrtl? for coMpliftly illut^fctid colotoj showing Mooy lion?hold orftcWt. JFG Coffoo Co. Knoxvillo.? ?n rnce more may the Christmas Star send its Messing down with the same glad meaning it brought to 8ethlehem. And as we yield our hearts to the spirit of tenderness which pervades the Christmas air, may we remember the heavenly love which came into this world the night Christ was born. ISLet us remember, too, that we keep Christmas truly, only when we permit the love of the Christ to enter our hearts and lives. May you en Joy a truly Merry Christmas gnd a Happv New Year. Gillespie's Fruit Store Murphy, N. C. Federation Announces 36th Dividend The SSth semi-annual dividend 'o common and preferred stock holders of record was declared by the executive committee of the farmers Federation Saturday. It was announced that the mar ket department of the Federation is processing over $200,000 in poultry and eggs a month for '.Vestern North Carolina farmers, dross sales of the Federation dur ing the fiscal year ending June 33, 1931, not including the tobacco uarket, amounted to $5,532,639.69. The Federation has over 20,000 hockholders or members in 18 Western North Carolina counties. In the 18 counties the Farmers Federation operates 26 stores and warehouses, eight freezer-lockers, and poultry dressing plants. Tommy Brauer l!as Birthday A*rs. Hermann Brauer enter ??ined Tuesday afternoon at the tut" with a party honoring her n. Tommy, on his twelvth birth day. A table was centered with a srge two tier cake, decorated with cliy and red birds, topped with ixteen candles. Games and stunts were enjoyed and the group sang "Happy Birth day" as the honoree blew out the lighted candles. Refreshments of cake, ice cream and punch were served. Invited guests were Margaret Terry, Jean Bristol, Judy Bristol, Ardiih Hay, Virginia Garner, Jane Smith, Sue McGuire, Joan Beck, Dan Cathey, Walker Jones, Wayne .iattle. Jr., Trigger Payne, Pink ney Orr, Lloyd Derreberry, Toney Cox, Thurman Luther, Robert Ray, Bob Slagle and Phillip Brauer. REAL ESTATE for sale ? arms, bouses, lots, businesses business property, tourist courts Cafes, grocery stores, warehouses, rarant land, camp sites, hotels and all kinds of real property. Let i>* know what you want Wr nay have It or can get it for you 1). M. REESE Seal Estate Broker Fred V. Johnson John C. O'DeU salesmen PHONE 214 MUKPHY. M. C. NOTARY PUBLIC I'ANNIE McGUlKF SfOI'T (IFflCt To Rdttre Muery trf rrr C C$/666 ^LKMMO M VAUfTl* tAMl MST MUi Johns - Manville Bldg. Materials Airtilt ShinclM-Soll Rooflni GIBBS HOW. a AUTO SUfVLT ?He earnestly hope that your I Christmas be aglow with plenty of good { cheer and happiness. ?* And may your New Year be radiant with the pleasures derived from lasting, loyal friendships. Cooper's Sinclair Station Andrews, N. C. oy o 'Jow \ The truest joy of Christmas is not found in receiving but in giving. So this greeting is sent with a hope that Gods promise of Joy and Love, of Peace and Good Will? will be yours this Holiday Season. E. E. Stiles Produce Co. Murphy, N. C. "GOD BLESS YOU ALL" 13. Ob December SI, I u retiring at ay own request as President of the Southern Railway. s. During my 14 strenuous but happy years as President, 1 have been continuously enoouraged and inspired by the loyalty, spirit and devotion of the oountless am aad won en, both within and outside of our Southern Railway "family," who have worked with ne in our .'?? efforts to pronote the best interests of the South and of the railway that "Serves the South." For this oo-eperation, I now express my heartfelt appreciation. Seeing our beloved Southland grow and prosper over the years has been a rioh and satisfying personal experienoe. The faot that I have been privileged to play a small role in this historio drama has been for me its own reward. Saying "good-bye" as President has been made easier by the Southern's Board of Directors asking me to serve as Chairman. It is made easier, too, knowing that I am ".giving up the throttle" to the experienced and oompetent hands of my oolleague, Harry A. DeButts, who has been with the Southern 35 years and who has been our Yioe President in oharge of Operation sinoe 1937. ' k.. Ood bless you all. - ?- ?? a?wU ^11^/ SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM