I1 OK SALE 1 bidder for cash *hal l-. On Satuiday January 12 19*2. fcnovtn a* the County Home oi will it-11 at Public Auction lu th.- p^orhouse property containing 6t ?r?"? um??? Mi of ar.d more or less anc '.?ring on t S Highway Nu 19 Just east of Murphy North Caroli na I* me industrial bite and excel ] Jtnt re-idcnti.d subdivision possi Ibinties Good investment oppur t unity Sale to be held at 2 p m at Notice To Subscribers Of Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph fompanv The North Carolina Utilities Commission will hold a public hearing on the application of Southern Bell Tele phone and Telegraph Company, filed en November 27, I 95 I, for an increase in its service rates in North Carolina in its hearing room in Raleigh, February 26, 1952, begin ning at 10 a. m. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company V v ITU VA L KOKts I tllMBhK M>K S ALL N a.tJ bids will lit- rtv'theil b> the ion>L Si.pei\i>oi FianK.in North Carolina uj. U jiid nut later than - ud p u Ket-:uar> 4 ly52 and op- ntV iinri)ediate!> thereafter for a.. n\e tiniDe; mat keU or deslgnat il for cutting oil an area embrac ing 14b d( Ici within the liamby Bend I nil near Hiauassee Dam. t fit i okee Cuunlv NantahaJa Na lloiial Kuri'sl North Carolina estl l.attd to be 7 >1 colds 12li cubic ? i t ol pine pulpuood and 25 Hi. ? i 1 tiil\ed hardwood pulp nt nio.'r or Jess No bid of less i SI 7r> per tord for pine and ? ? p i lord for hardwood will ? i n->i li ifci $200 must be de ?? 'id *.lth each bid to be ap 4 in lie purchase price re irni'-d or retained in part as i |ui ia < d damage*. aecording to conditions of sale The right to am and ad bi(N U re?- rved . ? bids .re submitted fu'.l in - >:! iiion concerning the timber '?.{ t i*i M-i' n- of sate and the sub i v i . o4" I ? - J should be obtained the F'iresi Supervisor Frank ? \..vth Ciioliria m t%e District c. Mu'pav. North Carolina >p -rty site 1 I M K ?! \ i i Ci :;rd> .Vtnr v 20 fit r U hns - Manville BVi'1. Materials \s;i!iall ^liinsrli's-Rol! Rooting Asbestos Siding ? iftits iinw v \rro sit *??. It HE LONE RANGER Hy Fran Striker H ftSGEt?. ISN'T "WERE TaE CARTON'S BEO* "" VrtTJOUT KlUJh' CHIEF WhiTE EAGLE ?1 AWAY WE CAN GET TuE CARTONS best] Th . he always weak wt belT"^ r EVEN WEN HE SLEEPS. WE VE GC TO KILL HM "TO SET IT --v \rJ (FT-EC- " .5 T-MS -B K'-iE? ?? -?'SoseLL J si* a;.;-lr v, HAVE " ' ? ">Cr, OS ^ 5't 7ST AWr/OA " TmE ISO A. 3 .1 RAZE fern OUR PK?SX.\ ECCAN AE FGAVE/' 3r us N' TnE FCRTaE t?F-S'iAST GUN' MUSCEi?? CUls ?,r -3^ ' THE STRANGER WAS RUSHED CUT OF TOWN BY THAT INJUN- ! ^ DCN7 SEE HOW WE CAN FRAME HIM FOR SuOOTlfS' WHITE EAGlE. J LEWE "TAA7 TO A. F "TO COK? ?AC< FO?~hT ^G' I ASP GUN HE LEFT AT T-? STA ^ ( CD'-'.E V, TM k : ? ? ThE UJGCtGE, INCUS,N'T-iS V .'E NEVES BEEN IN 11? PEO Cr YCuP. fC.R CC'.NTRY Vh^NT'NG N A-R'CA, _ E. I CAN'T 1 SMITH ALSO A3CUT _E.E YOU'VE ^YC'JP rAMOOS r , EA5D CE ME . ELEPHANT GEn ^ A iv fTtJE ELEPhANt"*1 1 BYOOVE.TOAT REMINDS ME' AMD MV LUGGAGE ACE AT WE ^^-7 STATION' JJX GOLLY, MP SMITH 1 FROM TOWN 50 M'tJOSE yfcOCUJMS wei?e| FAS^ \ VO*Q?Ttog UP. j ABOut rr. "WATS R'.GUT t W YOj'P SETTEE1 WAifl FORGOT I OWE MY J HERE IN CAME SM T* UFETONOJ?- S\ WE'LL &El"YCue rM *\ F*?~~? ?- .c* r LL GGAG E'UL WATCrt TILL HE COMES FOR TriE _GOA.SE,--EN FOLLOW HIM.' lU. TAKE DAN'S HORSE "TO HELP CARRY THE LJGGACE. I'M 2LKJETHE STATtONMASTER WILL MrrL^^i remember y coud i forget -be ME, d MAW YHO SMASHED "RE A PemE-r^GANG THAT WAS BOBBIN11 OJg,PTA?ES p WELCOWF I CAME IN The REAR DOOR SO I WOUL0N> BE SEEN- I WANT MR. SMITU'S LUGGAGE. e5? /.HATS TAE AC-EMT GOlM TO DO 1 KEEP WITH "TWO" yhr EYES OPEN &N' VtXlU. F1NP OUT/ esaSs-fci ft -w ^ . CM GLAD MR. SK!TK ^a'UJ OLHELPYOU WTTH HEtLTWNK BETTER OFTWS CDlNrcf4i? MS LUGGAGE", IN' VOU.-TME SMART ALECKS HERE N I A&AQj e?GesT RH ni>' tor swootin? 1 BFIE \ ?Tl ELEPHANTS. SMITH HAD EVER CEENlj [J IT ESPECIALLY MAPE.I SOMEONE IS RJW'AWAvXgCOCV, WTH TWCr ELEPHANT C3T COME C* ^eef/weiL] -rjuowAJ I lacoitygteiff [ riuee I?w wmY rr WyBOouu^flTOJ-1 ?XH *MW wl OEftUNT WWWHWtWK1) GUN WWIE IT W?1 ^sfssteissd ~ V?U_TA?EJk?HCRr uw"iwaWMy?osGor '?;?I dfT/MPYW* 79ST. xiu vcrs eow* w euKBrn. i Right* .jCcr wt NOTICE Ol FOKECLOSl HE B\ si BMiri feu rut stee NOKTli CAROLINA. -MlLRokLL I'UL.M i L iidn and by virtue ol tile pow - j oi suit loUlallled Hi a Ctrl Lain .a id oi It asl executed by 1 tie nristuphi t Lumber Corporation .j ilobait i. Mckeevei trustee ujU'il .Viaicii 2o 1949 and record . u in iiuuk ib2 Page 202. Ill llie o.ilcc ol llie Register ol Deeds of ciitiokee Uuni), and under and *r$ virtue ol Itie authority vested in llie undersigned as ^substituted Trustee. b> an instrument ol wnt iiife ilated the 19th du> of Decem i iyji aiid lecoided 111 book . v/i. Page 2 i. in the office ol the sit i oi Deeds ol C herokee ji.ni) .^leiauit having been made u?t penult-fit ol Die indebtedness ..rii'in si t uxed and llie said deed l 11 nsi Lieifig b> the terms there i synjet i to foreclosure, and the ..tidt: m Uie indebtedness thereby i ui i U huv ing demanded a lore 's-:* tin i col for the purpose ol ?sivuifc said indebtedness the .... t signed subslitated Trustee oill i loi' sale at pubiii. auc tion > i.'.e highest bidder lor cash at m l ouiihouse Door in Murphv, ? .1 . i Carolina, at Twelve ? 1 li DO? ? ink Noon on the 29th day of -ii ..i >, j9u2. the lands and pcr ... .1 |ioper;\ conveyed in sail d oi tia-r the same lying and ? ?ng i Murphy Township. Cher v >uiuy. North C arolina, and pjiiiciijarly described a.s fol p.ii-i of lTa".e . . e\ No. Li iet No ti bT'.f c i o: o Tie a', the . .. public i o:. ? jy and at public t 1U feet i. ist of No | ant! .o d runs Hu nte with the | .. iu;ui Nin th 2i> K :st 3.id leet i < [>? at in the toad: lher. v ' !i -Via East 1of leet to u ' in -..id road: 'hence leaving; "as1 1 runrir: : North 54-30 < . -sing No ti hratieh at 2t>0 ? p it: a 12 inch poplar tree f?.i whole dVtance 528 j til a \, uid in conic*' <8 Track | ?: a .a; I way t "omp in>: ; e . !. ' ai i enter lin ? "1 said i ? f w. ;> Track a Sout :i e . < i: -i lee'. : j a point , ? if : WictT. a t*e?n.T of . . : ere 1 ofere ron i h" > i . ' ? ? r, -eon ors t? ' i Jilih- a.: \ . i da r.urcl ill \> ol C. L . --?=:? II :u e \ 11 o ? h 1 in of .! CihV la." S? ? ' 4 id ) K - ' 4 leet to .I stak :? : :i old road, n r i*T aid C.ih'i- them ' ? 'inuirh with the !i:ie of -aid h!?s lot. South 7 Fa l 2 '?> feet to :?he in the South net tieary line S:ale Since" No 0 or. ire mar i of the puhlie road: fhem-e with ' -aid puhlie re. ? I and ' !? line j Slate Survey No c So. Mi H8 I ; crossing No. 8 branch ' 100 j ?' whole dis'anee 21" fe.i t ? 'he hit of beginning. "Af'FI'TIN'C WD UKSKitVINCi easerient for K e I .. v 1 U o. ? 1 ? dth along the V, est line r-' p-o-'-id !:. rp > Id and aloiu C;:1)1)-. line from the point in r'er oi the Southern Railwav p .:\y tracks to the said public ie i ;o- No. K branch for use of :u ? s and Iheir grantees on i : lining pa:-t or No. (i lving ? ' asul \Hrthv.e-l of said Hail ay (Vanpane tracks. J*!!ilSONAT. PROPTRTY " (I M. Deisel Engine. Motor ? . 4 W\. Serial N\>. 4-4301. co;n ? ? :i ' ? Turn-n* Sawmill, le t- with al! pulleys, shafts, Netting and other articles of per ' i1 prop rtv us.';i in and around and in connection with the opera ?n of said sawmill and power unit. Bui this- sale will be made sub- 1 p ct to a certain deed of trust ex it by Browning Lumber Com ?) re. Inc. to ,1. 13. Gray, dated 14. i 943. and recorded in . N 182. on Page 89. in the office . Ihe Register of Deeds of Chero ee County. North Carolina. But this sale will be made sub c L? ail outstanding and unpaid axes. This the 2Gth day of December, (). L ANDERSON, Substituted Trustee 25-4tc, IF THE MAINSPRING BREAKS a watch can i run When -ornithine happens to you, your oucohHcl can't continue to run smoothly unless you have taken positive measures to safeguard your family's future security by providing them with a living in come. 1 A. D. PEACOCK Phone 457 Murphy, N. C. , Pilot Liri i bKuuiaiSmin] "Nolk* of tied of Murphy U> detci or not Brrr shall be in the (. orporaU- li I oh n of Murphy Notice is hereby given election has been called be held at the regular votin, in the Tuvui of Murphy the being the Courthouse on the day of February 1952 for the pi pose of submitting to the qualift voters of the Town of Murphy thi question of the legal sale of beer within the Corporate limits of said Town as provided by Chapter lb, 1 Section 127 of the General Statutes ut North Carolina Notice is further given that the, . < gist ration books for the said el-, ection will be open at the polling place ol the Town of Murphy, the i same being the Courthouse on ' Saturday January 19 iy32. Sat urday January 2b 1952. and Sat- J urdav. February 2nd 1952 from \ 9.U0 A M. until sunset, during the registration period and that on all other week days the registration! books '.nil be available for regis tering qna'iiied electors durine | the same ..ours at the home or) gov of business of the Registrar. Ch;.Ileum * wiii be received at :!n- polling p!ae?- on Saturday, Feb *?!?. . 9 .2 11 Dili 9 HO A M io 3 00 F M T:...l the baho? for said election 'uMain as follows I . i 1 h ? U gal sah' of beer ? -inst the legal sale of beer T ?t s.od election shall be held n. Its' vni.is ia t canvassed, ccr ?]!: d ar-d declared under tile same and regulations governing I the holding of Special Elections as I noe. provided by law. except that J i.i absentee votes shall be received 1 counted in said election. T in- December 19. 1951 hi id. M>\MS Mayor. Town ot Murphy .:<>I!\ li.WUISS Town Clerk" 24-4tc pay 1951. AmaJ H A Cii 4?^ ^cOU REAL for sail Farms, houses, lots, business property, tourid Cafes, grocery stores, vacant land, camp sites, hoi| all kinds of real property. Let us know what you wanf may have it or can get it I). M. REESE Real Estate Broker Fred V. Johnson John C. O* Salesmen PIIONE 214 MURPHY N ?,flcy AUTO w #9 SERVT" ^/IVElPN REPAIRS 24-Hour Service K- pert Body and Fonder Repairing CI rai Auto Repair Service EVANS AUTO CO. Phonic Day 48. Night 52-W QUINN AND RADCLIFF COPPERHILL. TF.NN. Long MOVING Short PALMER BROTHERS Phones 202, 31 Murphy, N. C. ?! CASUALTY ENDOWMENT EDUCATION PLANS RETIREMENT FIRE PEACOCK INSURANCE AGENCY A. D. Peacock, Mgr. Ruth Walker, Sec. bonds General Insurance aito bur,ai. pjlone 457 Murphy, N. C. 1,FE I Health and Accident, Hospitalization. Plate Glass. Burglar and Theft. Workmen's Compensation. Mortgage Plans POLIO Tractor Tires New Or Used Tractor Tire Repair Anv Size Tractor Phone 300 "Up A 5''

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