LAND I Junes W. Stewart has applied for exchange under Act of March 3. 1923. <43 Stat 1219) offering 143 acres of land In Cherokee County, North Carolina, being the same tract of land conveyed to Samuel Stewart by Laura J. Cover, et sis. by deed dated May 7. 1904, and be ing bounded on the west, north and east by national forest lands, and on the south by lands of James W Stewart, in exchange for not to ex ceed an equal value of national forest timber on Wright Creek, Graham County, North Carolina Persons claiming said properties or having bona fled objections to such application must file their protests with the Regional Fores ter. U. S. Forest Service, 50 Sev enth Street. N. E.. Atlanta 5. Geor gia. before February 20, 1952. 27-4tp NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE BY1 SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE I NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the pow-; er of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed by The Christopher Lumber Corporation to Hobart L. McKeever, Trustee, dated March 26, 1949, and record ed In Book 162, Page 202, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as Substituted Trustee, by an instrument of writ ing dated the 19th day of Decem ber. 1951, and recorded in Book 181, Page 21, In the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the said deed of trust being by the terms there of subject to foreclosure, and the .older of the Indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a fore closure thereof for the purpose of a.isiying said indebtedness, the ndersigned substituted Trustee LI otter for sale at public auction .o the highest bidder for cash at ne Courthouse Door In Murphv, North Carolina, at Twelve (12 00) o'clock Noon on the 11th day of ?\-bruary, 1952, the lands and per onal property conveyed in sai.l lecd of trust, the same lying and .eing in Murphy Township. Cher ki.v County. North Carolina, and uore particularly described as fol "ws: A part of State Survey No. 6 in Uistrict No. 6. BEGINNING on a stake at the nargin of a public roadway and at ne intersection of two public oads about 110 feet East of No. > branch, and runs thence with the public road North 26 East 388 feet 'o a point in the road; thence North 20-30 East ISO feet to a point In said road; thence leaving he road and running North 54-30 Vest crossing No. 6 branch at 260 ?et. passing a 12 Inch poplar tree t 309 feet; whole distance 528 "eet to a point in center of Track f Southern Railway Company; hence with the center line of said Southern Railway Track a South est direction 390 feet to a point in center of said tracts, a corner of i parrel of land heretofore con eyed by your Commissioners to Tim H. Gibbs and wife. Margaret libbs. now in possession of C. L Mvcrson; thence with the line of aid Gibbs Lot South 44-30 East 193 feet to a stake in an old road. 1 other Turner Sawmill, com plete with Power Unit, Motor No. 427. Together with all pulleys, shafts, belting and other articles of per Diner of said Gibbs lot; 1 ?nce untinuing with the line of said Gibbs lot. South 7 l ast 235 feet to | i sake in the South boundary line f 1'tate Survey No. 6 on the mar in of the public road; thence with 'he said public road and the line of State Survey No. 6 South 88 "ast crossing No. 6 branch at 100 'ret. whole distance 210 feet to the ooint of beginning. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING an easement for Roadway 16 feet in width along the West line of 'h? parrel here sold and along aid Gibbs line from the point in he center of the Southern Railwav Company tracks to the said public oad near No. 6 branch for use of ne owners and their grantees on he remaining part of No. 6 lying Morth and Northwest of said Rail way Company tracks PERSONAL PROPERTY 1. G. M. Deisel Engine. Motor < No. 4029A, Serial No. 4-4301. Com- j plete with one Turner Sawmill, sonal property used in and around and in connection with the oper ation of said sawmill and power { unit. But this sale will be made sub ?cet to a certain deed of trust ex- | euted by Brownine Lumber Com-1 pany, Inc.. to J. B. Gray, dated ruly 14. 1941. and recorded* in look 162. on Page 89, in the office ?f the Register of Deeds of Chero kee County, North Carolina. But this sale will be made sub let to all outstanding and unpaid This the 8th day at January, ! 1932. I O. L. ANDERSON. Substituted; Tn"1"" 26-4tc' NORTH CAROLINA , CHEROKEEE COUNTY ? Und*r ?nd by virtue of the pow er of sale contained In a certain jeed of trust executed by I. L. Rice and wife, Eva Rice to J. B. Gray, Trustee, dated the 20th day of September, 1947, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for .Cherokee County in Book 161, page 407; and under and by vir tue of the authority vested in the ..ndersigned as substituted trus tee by an instrument of writing dated the 27th day of September, '951, and recorded in Book 181, page 4, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Cherokee County. North Carolina, default having been nude In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and he said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos ure, and the holder of the indebt dness thereby secured having de manded a foreclosure thereof for ?h* purpose of satisfying said in debtedness, the undersigned Sub i uied Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder fop cash at the Courthouse door in Murphy, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon, on the 21st lay of February, 1952, the land ?onveyed In the said deed of trust, bounded and described as follows: A certain'tract of land lying and being in the Town of Murphy, Cherokee County aforesaid, and more particularly described as fol lows BEGINNING at a point in the oi-th margin of Fort Butler Street, a corner of the 1.76 acre r?"t of land heretofore conveyed -> I. L. Rice and wife, Eva Rice, -- Tarheel Investment Company, and runs thence with the South ?:ar?in of Fort Butler Street 84 1? West 58,8 feet to a point the THE LGNE RANGER By Fran Striker 'j 'ft 1/il-i ? tflONScic WWtf" -- TWO ARE WAITING FOR. jrfk iV-LUt lAKK IN WwFANH<X/8. ' THEN WE'LL GET VIUTE EAGLE'S 1 BE'-T m ILOCKf SOME-^ "WIN'S GON' ON IN TUE VILLAGE' Tae COUNCIL IS ABOUT TO START YOUR TRiAL FOR T* MURDER TRIAL ?TART [SOON. IT NOT TAKE LONG. WU - WHAT IP I HA FOUND GUILTY OF MURDERiNG CHIEF WHITE _ EAGLE? i VOL) DIB' COME ON, BEEF. ITS DARK ENOUGH TO VIST TrtE WIGWAM WHECE THE DEAP CHIEF UES.' quSles W?t?& [ARE HEADING FOR THE WIGWAM OF "WE CGAD CHIEF/ THOSE CROOKS YOU KEEP WATCH,BEEF. J 1Kb M lU. GO THROUGH THE pj INJUN ^ BACK AN' TAKE THE ?-J COUNCIL CAPTAIN'S BELT OFF Vf IS UOU>iN THE DEAD CHIEF. J?JTHE TRIAL. WE HEAR HEAVY gun-see chief. FALL DEAD. WE CAPTURE THIS MAN WITH THIS GUN CH4&ES Birr l TELL VDl/1 DID NOT FIRE IT? IS ^ ?"WERE NO Wfly I CAM PROVE MY S , 7^, ^yi 'nnocemce?/ SMTOOCKT MAKE IT, SILVER. WE CANT, HELP VW BY GOING BACK. WErfUSt RKj T>m *~r ?? r~ IHOW CHEF/ TWKT5 -PECNLV VMS. ~ TOOBRWmry??p\ I ^ I TEU-YOU I PPKT SHOOT YOUP chief/ MY elephant gun r" V#3 STOLEN. I TOUNO IT JUST BEFQgE> NfcW JUMPED M& JTOvfFF^ ? "MS GUN KILL WHITE EA&LE.' you OWN gun' you fpce TR1AL OF INDIAN COUNCIL'/ PlNGER.WE GOT CHIEF WHITE I WElLGCT EAGLE, BUT WE STILL HMFHT^rT TOHIGHT, THAT BELT HE ALWAYS - U BEEF, AFTER rthose two crooks see m to ee TORA.VEUNG ?H A.BIG cibcle: o? * IDOKTGETB T?S. 91MS! loose. MEN MADE NEABlY A OOMRXTE CIRCLE W HE WOO05. HOW HEVQE UEADING 0AOCTDV*CO "WE K?M VtU-AGE. ran: FsoMEONes tied, UP. NEABTUE 3TA*E,0EEP (TMU5T BE "WE OHE V/HOS BLAMED ' for shootim' vwte OMkT CLEARS US ? )F ANY SUSPICION. OF MURDER. , you SAID Wit) GET 1 TOT BELT WHITE EAGLE WORE, AS SOON AS ITS LEAVE THAT TOME.1 ITWU. BE A I CINCH?AND WITH "WAT EJECT,* BE RICH.'? mm NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT! Summons Docket No. 3871 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY CHEROKEE COUNTY. Plaintiff VS. A. L. Frankum and wife. Vaul Frankum, Andrew Green and wife, Shlrlane Green. Andrew Green, Sr. and wife. Myra Green, Ruby Kay lor and husband. John Kaylor, Charles Frankum and wife. Beat rice Frankum, Edith Frankum by C. E. Hyde, Guardian ad Litem, Elmina Mull and husband, Floyd Mull, George D. Frankum and wile, Pauline Frankum, Addle Mc Donald and Lum Evans, Defend ants The defendants. Elmina Mull and Floyd Mull, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, to foreclose the ien 01' taxes due plaintiff by de fendants for years 1937, 1938, 1939, 940, 1941, 1942. 1943. 1944, 1945, 946. 1947, and 1948 against the ands of said defendants in Notla Township, Cherokee County, North Carolina, to-wit: V certain tract or parcel of land in Cherokee County. State of \orth Carolina. BEGINNING on a large post oak he South West corner of said No. 46. runs East 58 poles to a stake on the top of a ridge and on s ledge of rocks, thence with said ledge of rocks North 52 E. 66 poles o a maple on the bank of a small branch, thence up said branch with its meanders 42 West 36 poles to t small Spanish oak on the South bank of the Blairsville Road, thence with said road N. 7!t4 W. 12 poles. North 49 W. 19 poles to a stake in said road, then N. 33 ?. 49 poles to a stake and small ?d nish oak on Collins line, then vith that line North 58 W 101 poles to a stake the N. W. corner >f N. 46 and N .E. corner of 45, hen with line of Nos. 45 and 46 4. 174 poles to the beginning, con taining 77 Vi acres more or less. Excepting certain tracts or par cels heretofore conveyed by J. B Frankum and Lillie Frankum. said tands being fully described in the ?omplaint now on file in this ac ton. reference to which is hereby uade for more full description. " And for the further purpose of ?ondemning the said lands to sale 'o satisfy said taxes, tax liens, in 'cr=st and costs of this action, and to forever bar and foreclose all right, title, estate, interest claim and lien of defendants in and to or upon said lands; and the said defendants will further take no ice that they are reuired to b" nd appear before the Clerk of he Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, at his of ice in the Courthouse in Murphy, N. C? within Twenty <20> Days af cr the 7th day of February, 1952, o-wit. on or before the 27th day if February, 1952 and answer or lemur to the complaint in this ac ion, which is now on file with ?opies for defendants, or the plain " Iff will apply to the Court for the eli?f demanded in the complaint. This the 7th day of January, '952 J. L. HALL, Clerk of the Super !or Court of Cherokee County, N. C. 26-4tc intersection of the South margin of Fort Butler Street with the West margin of Witherspoon Drive; henre South 55 West 205 feet to i stake; thence South 29 East 131 '^ct to a stake; thence South 50 East 145 feet to a stake, a corner of the McMillan lot; then with the line of said McMillan lot North ;7 East 194.2 feet to a stake, a cor i?r common to McMillan and the Rice 1.76 acre lot; then North 11.15 West feet to the point ? f Reeinning The above described real estate j ?ill be sold subject to all taxes outstanding and unpaid on the | ame. This the 17th day of January, | 1952. F. O. CHRISTOPHER, Substitu-j ' ?d Trustee. 28-4tc REAL ESTATE for sale Firms, bouses, lots, businesses business property, tourist courts Cafes. frocery stores, warehouses ?scant Isnd, csmp sites, hotels and ill kinds of real property. I.ct us know what you want. Wc may have It or can set It (or yon D. M. REESE Real Estate Broker Fred V. Johnson John C. O'Dell Salesmen PHONE 214 MURPHY, ft. C ?jm 11 mum* jPP ignnffM at your FORD DEALER'S FRIDAY Maryland No. 1, a meat-type hoc line developed by the U. S. Depart ment of Auriculture. carries ap [ proximately 02 per cent Landrace I and 38 per cent Berkshire blood. I Hens on U. S farms made a good record in 1051. They averaged 170 eggs each during the year. The rate in 1950 was 107, and the average rate is 150. Men! Women! "Old", Tired at Middle-Age? New Liquid, Medically Proven Fights "Growing Old" Feeling Thousands 01 folks are peppy at 70. Try "pepping up" with New HI-VITA Tonic. Contains tonic for weak, tired, rundown feeling which many people call "old." You may suffer misery from gassy bloat ing which crowds your heart. You belch sour adds; your food fer ments causing indigestion. You may feel nervous, dull, lazy, no appetite, without spark In your eyes. You may look pale, haggard, older than your years. A shortage of Iron, B-l, B-2, B-6 and Niacin in your system may be the cause of all your needless suffering New HI-VITA Tonic is then what you need. Watch the results a day or two after using HI-ViiA. The houae cleaning it will do in your body? the secreted poisons it will bring out. You will begin to feel new pep as your insldes tone up. New red blood will charge into your veins. Color will return to your face. Your food will taste better. You will feel like a new and dif ferent person. So don't go on suf fering! Get New HI-VITA at R. S. Parker Drug Co. Advt. CASUALTY ENDOWMENT EDUCATION PLANS RETIREMENT FIRE rou? PEACOCK INSURANCE AGENCY A. D. Peacock, Mgr. Ruth Walker, Sec. bonds General Insurance auto burial phone 457 Murphy, N. C. LIFE Health and Accident Hcapitalisation. Plate Glass, Burrlar and rheft. Workmen's Compensation. Mortcue Plana. Tractor Tires New Or Used Tractor Tire Repair Any Size Tractor Graves Tire Co. Phone 300 Murphy, N. C. DANCING MOONBEAM MINSTREL Saturday, February 2 at 7:30 p. m. Andrews School Auditorium Given by Robbinsville Lions Club and Prominent Citizens Sponsored by Andrews Lions Club Tickets on sale at business places Proceeds to go to March Of Dimes

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