Boy Scout Week February 6-12 i lift Clftrofett #wmrt Think On These? Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest. whatsoever things are just what soever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report: If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.?Phil. 4-5. VOLUME ft?NUMBER 39 MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA* THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1952 TEN PAGES THIS WEEK Classes Move Into New School Building I I A... Lirje numBvi* aucuucu ujj.ii House which was observed at the new High School building Satin da) from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. and on Sunday from 3 p. m. to 3 p in. Members of the faculty acted as hostesses and served punch to guests upon arrival. Flowers and -plants were pre sented by several patrons and firms. The building is the last word In modern construction. It contains nine class rooms, a library, sci ence laboratory, teachers' lounge, a guidance room, and two rest rooms. Green and Robelot were archi tects. J. M. Hughes and Son, gen eral contractors. Murphy Electric al Shop had the wiring contract, and Presley and Allen of Brevard the healing and plumbing. The building cost $144,000. The furnishings and equipment cost $12,000. Only a portion of the High School classes will occupy the new building. Seven high school class es and the upper grammar grades will occupy the old building. Class es moved in Monday. An auditorium and a lunch room can be added later when funds are available. The building Is- heated by auto matic hot water and lighted by in direct concentric incandescent lights. The floors are of Ereen con crete. Walls of class rooms are of pastel shades of green, yellow and peach. xnere are steel Venetian blinds along the East side. The lounge is equipped with plastic furniture, with floral draperies at the win- j dows. The hall has a skylight ven tilating roof. The outside of the building is red brick. DONALD RAMSEY, manager of Murphy Farmers Federation who has been named chairman of the 1952 Funds Campaign of the Cher okee County Red Cross Chapter. Presbyterians To Hear Hatchett Bryan Hatchett will preach at the Presbyterian Church Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday School will convene at .0 a. m . with J. Franklin Smith, superintendent In charge. Churches To Hold Union Prayer Service All churches of Murphy will1 come together for a union prayer service at the courthouse Wednes day, February 13. at 7:30 p. ni. The picture. "The Pay Off", will be shown, and special music will be given. The church people will hold 'his service for the purpose of iraying for the community to be .-id of the evil of strong drink and for the people to vote on the right side on Thursday, February 14. Brothers Have Happy Reunion Seaman Sam Webb and Cpl. Gene Webb, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb of Andrews recently had a happy reunion while Seaman Webb was helping move 24th Division from Ko rea to Japan. The two brothers spent several hours together be fore Seaman Webb returned to Ko rea for another load of soldiers. Cpl. Webb is expecting to re turn to the states within the near future. On the same ship with Cpl. Webb are two other Andrews boys, Keith Wilson and Edward Tran tham. Stowe Announces Church Services The Rev. Lester Stowe, pastor of Hiwassee Dam Friendship Bap tist Church, announces that hL Sunday sermon topic at 11 a. m will be "Memorials to God". Sunday School will begin at 10 a. m. Beginning Sunday evening the Rev. J. C. Pipes of Asheville will teach for five nights from the book. "The New Testament Doc trine of the Church". Sunday School Is Organized " At Prison Camp The Cherokee County prison j "mr> i? the first one in Western North Carolina to have a regular .unoaj School. The class of Joe Hamilton at First Baptist Church - sponsoring the prison Sunday School, and at least 35 men have been enrolled in it. The Church upplies the liter?'ure. The Rev. \. G. Brooks, asscciational mis I nonary of the WNC Baptist Asso | ' iation. has been the teacher most I 'very Sunday since the organiza tion early in January. CivitansSee Wilson Movie S. S. Williams, treasurer of Murphy Civitan club, reported Monday evening that two hundred dollars will be turned over to the Cherokee County Polio Fund. This 's the amount cleared from the benefit square dance that!the club sponsored January 26 in the school gymnasium. The club hanked the people of Murphy and surrounding areas for their co-op eration in making this affair a suc cess. The pragram committee gave the club a lesson In "Citizenship", by showing a movie, "Woodrow Wil on." Built around the life of a great presid?nt, it shows how he 'ought for peace and unity among nations. Although his great fight ?mded in failure at the time, he realized that some day it would eventually come about. Rae Moore vice-president, pre ided in the absence of president Myron Jensen. V. Ml Rankin reaJ he "Civitan Creed". Jack Craw ford passed out cigars to tl.e group without having to be asked j by the presiding o'ficer. Bob Rhlnchart. faculty member of Mur phy .High School was the guest of C. D. Puett. Moore Is Enrolled In Leaders Course Pfc. William T. Moore of Mur phy has been accepted for enroll ment In the Leaders' Course of the Signal Corps Replacement Train ing Center at Camp Gordon, Ga., according to a letter received bv Pfc. Moore's father, John B. Moore of Murphy, from Major Charles E. Lathey, Commandant. The purpose of the Leaders' Course la to develop potential leaders early in their military ca reers as an aid In providing the 4nny with youn? individuals who. With a limited amount of further training experience, can assum* noncommissioned officer and offl Pfe. Moore has been in the Ar my for oae year, during which he was stationed at Camp Rudfer, Ala. EXPEND mi.S71.7S W. M. Corkill, division engineer, toys that $#41,871.78 has been ex mtded oa roads in Cherokee bounty out of bond funds through it $1. Chtrrch Offers Studv Course A study course, "The New Tes ?arr?>nt Doctrine of the Church". '? h?tng taught each Wednesday at 7:1S p. m. at Andrews First Baptist Church by the pastor, the Rev. J. A. Richardson. Mr. Richardson reports good at t*ndar>',e. Ever'one la Invtted to take the course. Credit will be "?"?g for Sunday School, Training Union and V. M. U. Truett To Preach T?>e Rev. W. T. Truett announ wt't preach at Upper Peach tree Sunday at 11 a. m. and at S:SO p. m. His topic will be "Triumph ant Life". Rufty To Speak At PTA Founders Day Program Founder's Day will be observed by Andrews P. T. A. Tuesday at 7:30 p. m at Andrews High School auditorium Sup'.. John Rufty will have charge of the program and will discuss the place of the ex ceptional child in school and par cnt-teacher treatment of him. Grade parents and past presi dents will be honor guests The i>oin having the largest number >f parents present will receive a I prize in elementary and high 1 .chool. Mrs. R. S. Gernert will have de | votlonal, and the eighth grade cho I al group will give music. Andrews Beta Honor Society : will assist the hospitality commit tee at a social period following the : meeting. Morris Speaks At Easley Church Opening Services The Rev. J. Alton Morris, pas ter of Murphy First Baptist Church, spoke at (he formal open ing of the new Easlev First Bap tist Church, S. C., Sunday. Mr. Morris, who preceded the present pastor. Dr. Carl A. De ?"?nr ac pastor there, delivered the evening sermon at 7:30. Mi. Morris' daughter. Miss Sal ly Morris, sang "The Love of God" preceding the evening sermon. Dr. S. H. Jones of Greenville, editor of The Baptist Courier de 'ivered the morning sermon, and Dr. E V. Babb of Seneca, a for mer pastor, brought greetings. The new church, begun in Aug ust 1950. cost approximately $225. 000. Is in the Gothic architectural -tvle, and has a sanctuary seating -parity of 600. It Is the fourth to be built by the Easley First Bap tists since organization in 1873. The Easlev Church has a mem bership of 790. A total of 559 were present for Sunday School, and the i?v auditorium was filled to ca oarity at worship service. Mrs. Al orris. John Morris, Miss Ahn Shields and Roger Baugh also attended the service. Plan For Grange At Hiwassee Dam A meeting has been planned and arranged to consider the or ganization of a Grange unit in the Hiwassee Dam Community Friday. Feb. 15. at 7:30 p. m. T. W. Ferguson. Special Deputy O the Nortn Carolina State Grange ol the Greensboro office, -til he present and present the grange. Tue Grange is the oldest and ?cost powerful ?' i m oreanizatiin in this country, having been orga nized in lblj7. It is an organiza ion that includes the whole fam 1>. men. women and children, and mj one who lives in a rural sec tion, is interested in building a better communiy in roads, schools, churches, telephones, farm prices and ll'ing conditions for rur;i people is eligible to join At present North Carolina is well organized in the Grange with the exception of extreme western part of the state. An organzatlon has already been set up in the Peachtree community, and another organization under way at Marble. Sveryone interested in the or ganization, including rarmeis. teachers and rural ministers is urged to be present for the meet ing. Sfc. C. B. Ledford Is With Army In Philippines CLARK AFB?Sergeant First Class Carroll B. Ledford of An drews recently received an assign ment with the 462th Signal Avia tion. Construction Company of Philippines Command (Air Forcel ?m'1 Thirteenth Air Force on Clark \tr Force Base, located CO miles north o Manila. Newly arrived on the Philippine Vse Sergeant Ledford has heen r. military servict with the U. S. rmv since April 1946. Currently crvlng his second foreign assign ment, the sergeant was stationed 'n Italy during the latter months of 1946. Sergeant Ledford is the son of v?r. and Mrs. Manvers M. Led ford of Star Route, and husband ?f Mrs. Sarah M. Ledford of Box >66, Andrews. Mrs. Ledford Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake H. Abernathy, also of Andrews. Sergeant and Mrs. Ledford have wo daughter*. Sarah. 5, and Carol 1. ELECTED DEFENSE DIRECTOR Sheriff Frank Crawford wa* elected Cherokee County Director of Civil Defense by the county commission* when they met Mon day. Dr. Penjamin Swalin, Director of N. C. Symphony Orchestra Mrs. Bristol Is County Symphony Chairman Plans for the sale of member | ship tickets for the Little Symnh | onv, which will aDDear in An ; drews March 20, are well under I way. announces Mrs. Edwin Bris tol. county chairman. Mrs. Bristol says membership ' tickets, bought now, will enable the buyer to attend any other per 1 formance of the symphony. The I oral program will not be the same I as others scheduled in this local ] ity. | Those who buy tickets during I the drive, February 11-18, will not : be taxed, but those buying il-j'-c e*e at tile door will be Uxc-J. --iekets bought at the door will not count toward the county quota. Records for preparing the chil dren have been purchased in An rews by the Konnaheeta Club nrt will be used in the grades bv Mrs. Tom Hay frcm now until the symphony comes. The records w;il later be donated to Andrews Ele rr.entary School record library. Drive representatives are: Coun ty chairman, Mrs. Edwin Brit'ol; Murphy, Miss Elizabeth Grey An drews, Mrs. Florence Huffman, Mrs. Bristol: Hiawassee, James Os icrne and Mrs A1 Brown; Peach tree, Mrs. Frank Forsyth; Marble, tors. Frank Battle. j Those working for the children's j oncert will be Mrs. Tom Hay, Mr. iieigh, Mrs. A1 Brov.n, Mrs. Frank ^orsythe and Mrs. J. C. House. Mrs. Mildred Ray oi Citizens tank in Andrews will be treasurer. I Andrews membership salesmen re: Rotary Club, Baxter L?y; P. Mrs. Florence Huffman; Conn lheeta Club, Miss Hildred caion and Mrs. Lucy Caldwell; \mcrican Legion, John Slagle; ions Club. Dr. Charles Van Gor T: Chamber of Commerce, Miss Margaret Fisher; Eastern Star, irs. Carrie'Womack; High School, Miss Polly Hicks. Elementary School, Mrs. Hazel Elliott. Tickets will also be sold at Da vis Drug Store in Andrews. M. B. Wright New Assistant Farm Agent Main Job To Be With 4-H Club Millts Barnes Wright, new as slotant county agent who suc ceeds Mack Patton, recently arriv ed in Murphy to assume his new position. Mi. Wright, a native of Pike Cocn.y, Ky? attendee Berea Col lege, Ky? for one year and re ceived a B. S. degree In agronomy from Clemson College. S. C? Jan uary 27. He served in the United States Marine Corps for six years and vas overseas twice. He says that he feels at home n Murphy as Pike County also is mountainous. His chief work here will be with he 4-H Club. Mr. Wright is married to the 'ormer Miss Doris Waddell of 'air Bluff. Mrs. Wright attended ""cacc College. Raleigh. They have i four-year-old son. Douglas Alan. Mr. and Mrs. Wright are mak ng their home in a King home on _o\veIl St. Announce Baptist Church Services The Rev. J. Alton Morris' ser >ion topic at Murphy First Bap <st Church Sunday at 11 a. m. will be "Christ Speaks to a Dead Church". Sunday School will be at 9:45 a. m. Elizabeth Hale Circle will meet with Mrs. Lucille McDonald Mon day at 7:30 p. m. and Ruth Bag veil Circle with Mrs. Kenneth Da vis at 7:30 p. m. Ruth Swan Cir cle will meet with Mrs. L .W. shields Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Choir practices are as follow: Junior, Tuesday at 3:13 p. m? Che rub, Wednesday at 3:15 p. St., Vouth, Thursday at 3:15 p. m. There will be a fellowship sap oer Wednesday at 0:30. AH auxil iaries of W. M. U. and the brother hood will meet at 7 p. m. A union prayer service will *a held at the courthouse at 7:30 p. m. DALE THRASH, of Lake /una 1 jska who has announced his can Uacy for Congress from the | 'elfth District in the May 31st i Primary. Thrash has served as 1 County Farm Agent. Field Repre | cntative for the Federal Land1 l 3?nk. and District Highway Com missioner. Marv Lon Gordon !s Honor Student Miss Mary' Lou Gordon, a seph "?nore from Murphy, was listed on the first semester honor roll Le noir Rhyne College. It was anm tn >d recently by Prof. E. L. Sea. -r, ?Van and registrar. She was included on the se~ond toner group, with those stud -nls attaining a 00 to 93 percentage average in all subjects. The first honor group Included fifty-sis students, the second. <U5 students. Total enrollment at the Lutheran college during the first semester was 777 (MANGE TO MEET The nmr meeting of Peachtre Orange wtl be held at Peachtree School Wednesday Instead of Thursday as previously planned. Laughrum To Discuss *52 Production Goals Agricultural Interests To Meet A county-wide mobilization meeting will be held in the court house Tuesday at 1 p. m Paul Laughrum, State Field Represen tative of the Farmers Home Ad ministration of Western North Carolina, will be on the program. Topics to be discussed will be as follows: 1 The need for increased pro duction as shown in the 1952 goa's. 2. General Outlook for 1952 as to prices, supplies, labor, machin ery 3. How this county can increase production. Farmers, representatives of all agricultural agencies. bankers, 'arm machinery dealers, seedsmen and insecticide dealers, vocations) agricultural teachers and veteran instructors, all businessmen and any others who might be intere-t -d. are invite-J lo attrnd this meet ing. The Secretary or Agriculture is -ailing to - increased far .1 produi ion in 1952 to meet Ihe merge ) cy needs of the n mo ? This in | crease is 49 percent gieater than the average far tl.e five yetr. 935-1939 and 6 percent ; bove the 1931 production. Dockery. Reece To Be Judges In Beer Election The Town Board Tuesday even ing elected Hayes Dockery and D M. Reece judges for the beer elec ion next Thursday. Mrs. Beryl Witt was elected assistant to the mdges. The board considered paving the following streets: King. Vance, Duke, Mooney. Spruce. Cherry, Spring Date, Willow. Cold Springy Cherokei ""and Second, alley be tween Candler's store and f^arring ;r's store and alley between Sin clair's and laundry. A blinker light will be installed n the fire truck. Hearing Date Changed To Mar. 18 The State Utilities Commission ?as changed the date for the hear ing on the application for approv >1 of the purchase of telephone properties at Murphy by the West rn Carolina Telephone Company from Southern Bell Telephone Company from February 19 to March 18. The hearing will be in Murphy as originally arranged. Cause for the delay is due to ?)ther lengthy hearings. Byrum Announces Sermon Topics The Rev R. Delbert Byrum, pastor of Murphy First Methodist Church, announces that his ser mon topic at 11 a. m. Sunday will be "Weighing the Facts". Sunday School will be at 9:45 a m The pastor's sermon topic at 7:30 p. m. will be "Vigilant Chris tian". District Deputies To Visit Here District Deputy Grand Matron. Mrs. Hassie Butler, and District Deputy Grand Patron Dillie Lun > ford of Andrews will pay their of ficial visit to Murphy Chapter No '0, Order of the Eastern Star February 14 at 7 30 p. m. Hall Takes His Recruit Training Undergoing recruit training at ?he U. S. Naval Training Center. Q?n Diego. Calif., is John W. Hall. !'?? seaman recruit. USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hall of Route 1. Marble. N. C. Hall entered the Naval service Dec. 10. 1951. Before entering the Navv. he worked for Alexis. Ire. I This initial training Includes in struction in such fields as sea manship. ftre-fli'Uling. gunnery. ?Wnaiing. and o'oer courses de signed to make the recruit well versed in every phase of Navy life Upon completion of their 11 week training period at the train ing center, graduates are assigned to duty stations with the Fleet or at Navy shore stations, or are sent to service schools for advanced technical training i TO IATI SINGING There win be a singing at Suit FriendaMp Church Sunday at I p. 1 I i REV. HOWARD ROSE Free Methodists To Hear Rose At Youth Revival The Rev. Howard Rose of Ty rone, Pa., is speaking in services February 12-17 in Andrews Free Methodist Church. Mr. Rose is eastern dircetor of Young Peoples Missionary Society, youth depart ment of the Free Methodist de nomination. which employs four fulltime directors. Mr. Rose's su pervision takes him from Maine tc Florida and as far west as Ken- ? lucky and Ohio. During five years of this work, he has spoken be fore numerous conventions, callics and high school groups. The local services will feature special music, slides on youth work, and messages each evening at 7. The young pc9ple of the Free -Methodist Church are engaging <a i a World Youth Crusade. The !?*' cal services are a part of this cru sade. Mr. Rose will be assisted by Mrs. Rose, who will direct singing and give stories illustrated by felt scenes. Mr. and Mrs. R ne travel in a sedan delivery truck which is fully equipped to do work among young people. This mobile unit will be seen In the city as it is used to announce the services. The public is invited Mr. Rose is a seminary graduaie ltd has had seven years experience a.-, pastor. The Rev R. I. Wood is pastor of the local church. Mrs. Lillie Morris Is Taken Sunday Mrs. Lillie Morris. 74, of Hart well. Ga? mother of the Rev. J. Alton Morris, pastor of Murphy First Baptist Church, died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Fred W. Cleveland. Hartwell, Ga., late Sunday afternoon after a few days illness. Mrs. Morris, native of Hart County. Ga.. was the daughter of the late W. W. Wilson and Mary Wade Wilson of that section. She was an active member of Mt. Oli ! vet Baptist Church near Hartwell She is survived by four sons, W. Guy of Anderson. S. C., Ervln Morris. Tampa, Fla., the Rev. J. Alton Morris, Murphy, and Kermit Morris of Hartwell, Ga.; two daughters. Mrs. Fred W. Cleve | land and Mrs. Denver Fleming, | both of Hart County, Ga.;one bro ther and four sisters; 21 grand children and 15 great-grandchil dren. Funeral services were held at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Tues da> at 3 p. m. The Rev. Watson | Franklin, the Rev. Sam Shaw, and the Rev. J. Alton Morris conduct ed the sendees. Burial was in the church cemetery. Grandsons were pallbearers: ferry Cleveland. Max Cleveland, Charles Cleveland, Emerson Flem ing. Bill Fleming. Kenneth Mor ris. Owen Morris, and Isom Mor ris. Those from Murphy who attend ed sendees were Mrs. J. Doyle Ilurch, Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Miss Velma Umphfres, Miss Ann Shields and Roger Baugh. Plan Founder's Day Program Murphy Parent-Teachers Asso ciation will meet Moaday. at 7:30 p. m. in the primary building. Mrs. Emily Davidson is in charge of the program, which will be built around "Founder's Day." Lodge To Meet Cherokee Lodge No.. 146, A. F. and A. M? will hold a meeting for the purpose of conferring the sec ond degree on a class of candida tes, Friday at 7 JO p. m. In the Ma sonic HaQ, witli ter Sam Capps Bfinfl

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