Attend Eastern Star Meeting - Mr. and Mr*. Gordon Butler and Mr*. Woodrow Cos attended the Oce Chapter No 130 Eastern Star supper meeting at Dillsboro Sat urday evening The meeting waa in honor of Chapter member* and the 29 year member*. Mrs. Butler, district de puty grand matron, presented the 25 year certificate* Andrews 4-H Club Hears Mrs. Puett Mrs. C. D. Puett gave a talk and Illustration on "How to Have Mon ey In Your Pocket" when An i drews High School 4-H Club met I Tuesday In Andrews High School. Shirley Carver, president, pre 1 sided and William Franklin and | Lorine Watkins led songs. The meeting was then turned over to G. H. Farley, county agent, and he introduced the new assist ant county agent, M. B. Wright WEEK-END SPECIALS SHOES One fable $L98 One Table Cotton City Cottons ?Dresses Guaranteed? Nationally Advertised in Good Housekeeping $2.98 & $3.98 Specials In Slips eautiful Lace Trimmed Cotton 1.59 or 2 for 3.00 Rayon Crepes t Values for $1.69 Many other values offered in our winter merchandise ECONOMY Clothing Store "w?n? Murphy, N. C. Mrs. Luke Carver Is Valleytown Club President Mr* Roy Williams *u hostess to the Valleytown Home Demon stration Club which met at her home on January 30. Plans for the coming year were made, and offi cers and committee leaders were elected. Officers are: President, Mrs. Luke Carver: Vice-president, Mrs. Lon te Early; secretary. Mrs. Walt Brown; treasurer, Mrs. Roy Wil liams. Committee leaders are: Food and nutrition, Mrs.' Walt Brown; home gardens, Mrs. Louie Early; home poultry, Mrs. Harve Hamil ton; home dairy. Mrs. Bruce West, food preservation, Mrs. George Clayton; home furnishings, Mrs Mac Taylor; home management, Mrs. Roy Williams; family life, Mrs. Dave Swan: home beautifies - tion; Mrs. C. S. Freel, clothing. Mrs. W. G. McKeldrey; arts and cratts, Mrs. Ltwson Crawford, community service, Mrs. W. A. Cathey; health, Mrs. Roy Williams, education, Mrs. Lonle Early; ci tzcnshlp. Mrs. C. S. Freel; rec reation. Mrs. Louise Whltehouse, loan fund. Mrs Dee Mosteller; mameis. Mrs. Lawson Crawford, 4-H Club leaders, Mrs. Luke Car ver and Mrs. Mae Taylor; music. Mrs. W. A. Cathey. The committee for the Model Mile are: Chairman, Mrs. C. S. Freel, Mrs. Dee Mosteller. Mrs. Luke Carver, Mrs. Louise White house and Mrs. Walt Brown. After the business session re freshments of hot chocolate, sand wiches and cakes were served by the hostess. Mrs. Collett Dies Of Heart Attack Mrs. Virtie Collett Lambert, w, i of the Choga section of Macon County, died suddenly Monday | morning in an Andrews hospital, of a heart attack. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Tuesday in Valleytowr. Baptist Church with the Rev. Wei-1 don West officiating. Burial was in | Andrews Cemetery, with Townson Funeral Home In charge. . Surviving are the husband, Reu ben Lambert; a sister, Mrs. C. M. Watson of Andrews; and four bro thers, George Collett of Robbins ille. Jim and Jess Collett. both of Andrews, and Grover Collett i of Gastonia. & Johns - Manville Bldg. Materials Asphalt Shiagles-Roli Roofing Asbestos Siding GIBBS HDW. * AUTO SUPPL1 HERN THEATRE . MURPHY, N. C. Saturday, February 9 Bod Cameron-Fumy Kniyht "Trigger Trail" Also Added Serial Aad Comedy LATE SHOW Fay Wray-Balnh Belamy "Woman In The Dark" Extra Added Attractions Si ndax-MontUr. Februrr 11-11 MontcomefT Cltft-EUnbeth Tartar MA Place In The Sun" TMk-W?A, rahraary IS-IS Gary OihMmmi Crata "People Wffl Talk' Ala* ASM Calar 14-If The Tanks Are DICKEY THEATRE MURPHY, N. C. Saturday, February 9 Wild BUI Elliot "Lone Texas Ranger" Also Added Serial And Comedy LATE SHOW Scotty Beckett-Jimmy Lydon "CorkeyOf Gasoline Alley" Extra Added Attractions Sunday-Monday, February lb-11 Jeaa Peters-Louis Jourdau "AnneOflk Indies" Tae*.-We4.. Februry IMS Cimll "Belle I' Pullium is a pattest at '.od da-Van Gorder Hospital and la mproving. Dillic Lunsford. who entered !odda-V?n Gorder Koapltal day is very Hi. How you can compare cars and judge value! Where others give you "sell" ...we give you proof! Stop by soon . . . well be glad to give you your copy of the "Show Down" booklet that helps you make car-value comparisons so quickly, conveniently, convincingly. Make money-saving comparisons a* your leisure! Our newlSHOW DOWINT WAY gives you the full facts and free proof youve been looking for! Be your own expert on car value I Let the facti prove how the big new Dodge for '52 gives you more comfort, safety and economy than even cars costing hundreds of dollars more! First, of course, you'll want to actually inspect the smart lines and luxurious interior of this big new Dodge. Then . . . with the free Dodge "Show Down" booklet . . . really get down to "brass tack" comparisons. You can quickly compare with other cars cost ing hundreds of dollars more, the Dodge features that give you extra satisfaction even after thousands and thousands of miles. SpaciffcatioM and Equip?lit t?b|?ct Is Owns# wMwst Hslks (Q/liew, dqtmdaile 52 DODCfE > NOW ON DISPLAY - E. C Moore 107 Valley River Ave. Phone 37 Murphy. N. C. "Boycott Is An Ugly Word" I received a circular letter through the mail Feb. 4. This letter was headed is Murphy Citizens Legal Control Committee. There were no names telling of whom this committee is composed but it was signed at the bottom by Fred V. Johnson 1 am answering this letter through THE CHEROKEE SCOUT because I have not seen a list of the Legal Control Committee and therefore car rot write to each one individually. I want to tpeah briefly of 'h's first word, "Boy colt". This letter that cied the word "Boycott" has been composed by a expert, but he is using a Bad Word in a Bad Place and in a Bad Way. From the simple fact that the tenor of the letter from Aie first word "Boycott" to the las* .vord "Legal Con trol", is a denying the people who oppose what is s called legal control the right of choice. In other words, my vote will be against legal control in any way, shape or form, but should legal control cany, according to this letter that I have before me. should I refuse to enter their shop and patronize their business, and advocate it, I am still guilty of boycotting. Now to me, it seems that the dry forces are the ones that are being boycotted rather than the ones that want to call themselves advo cates of legal control. It seems that legal control's great argument is that people are going to buy I. and drink It any how, but people are going to commit murder re gardless of any law against killing. Legalising It will not decrease the drinking of beer, and legalis ing it does not make it right, one single whit more then would legalizing murder make murder right. To the writer this is a moral question, and all cight-thlnking men and women should plaee them selves on the right side of every moral question. I i am not trying to influence unduly any one. I would be the last person to deny any one the privilege of thinking and acting for himself, but to my way of thinking if one wants to be on the right side of this question he will go to the polls on the 14th of ' 1 f" "? February and vote against legal control. This is sn advertissiMat paid for by W. A. ADAMS