?pvtgsr ?taasggi Wltf * c. v?,. Wfeflr rt DmtiHh/ ME 6 NUM>EK 35 ni KPMY NORTH CAROIJWA, THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 1952 TWELVE PAGES THIS WEEK Little Symphony Comes To Andrews BISHOP COSTEN J. HARRBLL Bishop Harrell To Speak At Methodist Rally Mcdthodists of Cherokee, Cla> ? ^ * C rah am Counties will assem ble in Murph$ First Methodist Church Monday. March 17. at 7:3G p. m for a special Methodist Ral ly Bishop Costen J. Harrell. resi dent bishop of the Charlotte Area ot the Methodist Church, will be tl.o featured speaker His subject will be "Our Methodist Heritage/ Oihers to participate on the program will be: the Rev. W. Jack son Huneycutt. Superintendent of the Waynesville District, the Rev R. Delbert Byruni. pastor of First Methodist Church in Murphy; the Rev E L. Kirk, pastor-of the An drews Methodist Church; anil Olen St rat ton. president of the Murphy Area Subd.strict Organi zation of Methodist Men. Special music will consist of congregational singing and an an them. "My Faith Looks Up Tr Thee" by Schneck?r, to be rend i red by he choir of Firs Methodist Church. Mr Frederick Schley will be featured in a violin obliga to for the anthem Bishop Harrell is one of the prominent leaders of The Metho dist Church lie received his edu cate n at Duke University and Vanderbill University, and has re ceived honorary degrees from Randolph-Macon College. Duke Uni' i Tsity and Birmingham Sou thern College Some of his pro minent pastorates include Dur ham Raleigh. Richmond. Atlanta Xor'o'k and Nashville. At the time of his election tn the episcopacy in 1944 Bishop Harrell was pastor of the West Fnd Methodist hurch. Nashville, T? nn of the campus of Vander bilt University. For four years lie snrvod 'he Birmingham Area and since 1948 he has served the Charlotte Area which embraces the entire State of South Carolina 'South Carolina Conference) and t je Western North Carol na Con ference. The Methodist Rally is being sponsored by the Mu;p\v Area Organization of Methodist Men Everyone is cordially jnvited to a'lend", says Mr Mvrirr. pastor ? f the local church. WAYNE LUNSFOKD W. R. Lunsford Now In Korea Pfc. Wayne R. Lunsford Is now serving with the 116th Engineer ing Combat Battalion In Korea. Lunsford entered service in April 1951 He was first stationed at Camp Stewart, Ga., where he re ceived his basic training. Part of his training was at Fort Jackson, S. C., and from there he went to Seattle, Wash., and then was shaped to Korea. Lunsford says he will always remember his 90th birthday which was on Jan uary 27, the day he landed In Ko Lunsford is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Lunsford of Andrews. ^Children's Concert To Reein At 1:30 I The North Carolina Little Syin j phony, under the direction of Dr Benjamin Svvalin. will give two I performances in Andrews next | Thursday Tli lirst performance, to be iven in Andrews gymnasium, ill be for children The concert ] ill begin promptly at 1 30 p i o that bus schedules in the toun sehools from which pupils at ?ul the concert will he maintain 1 closely as possible The evening concert for adults I n A:i-!r"us High SehooJ auditor!-1 en will begin at 8 o'clock The program for the evening | ?{ inert is as follows: Kabalevsky. "Suite"' from The Vimedianes"; Haydn. Symphony *01 The Clock'"k Lehar. "Gold nd Silver Waltz"; Bull, "The ? hoph ?rd Girl's Sunday"; Kreis ter. "Liebesfreudsoloist, Dr walin: Logan. "Pale Moon". I Vngner, 4 Walthers Prize Song". | Mozart, Rondo for Glass Harmo nicas". flute, oboe, viola, viloncel o. Rodgers, "Slaughter on Tenth \wnue'4 from "On Your Toes"; Coates, Knightsbridge March": Massan *t "Meditation" from Thais"; Strauss, "Roses of the South" Mrs. Ei" in Bristol is county hrirman for the ticket drive Miss Elizabeth Gray, Murphy I hairman. says that the ticket [ de in Murphy will end Saturday r.r-kr!s may be purchased from I numbers of the Junior Woman's 'lisb MLs a points out that [ i' i els bo 'ght now w01 cos lei :u n at ute ga ? Sat. Deweese !s finest Speaker At Dinner Monday Sgt. Fannie Deweese. who ar- [ iwd home recently from Germa : t-; visit her mother. Mrs. Bes- | ;e Dew eese, v as ijuest spoak .u* a* h" meeting of the Smoky Moun- I ? in Home Economic? Association | t Regal Hotel Monday evening '-o v as introduced by Mrs. H 'iu 'ck. She illustrat ed her talk on | 't r oanv and other counties sht ? vi ited in Europe while sta -rl t11 ere with the army, with I 1 in;*. fi "[urines. co^umes. ana | v?i( had purchased Mrs Willa Mae Scruggs of Syl-1 president presided Local ?'omc economists were hostesses Mrs. Whitaker ' 's Taken At A?e 74 i Funeral sendees for Mrs llano Whitaker. 74. of Andrews, who I Friday, at an Andrews hos- j u->l \nors agisted by the Rev E. L firk the f?ov j c Neville and | 'he Rev. William E. Hall. Mrs. Whitaker was born Octob- j i r 9 1ft7ft the daughter of the ! 'ttp Mr. an.1 Mrs. James Burch of | j lay Coil my. When she vas grown, she taught | ? hool in Clay County until the mily mn-'oil to Andrews. She hen worked in the Andrews post 1 ifrlfe where her father was post j n In October 2(?. 1902. she1 was *1 cried to HaYvp M Whitaker of ndrews The couple resided jn ' \nJrcws. where Mr Whitaker is ir. the merchantilc business, until 'he time of h u* death Mr- Whitaker "as a member of he FirJ Baptist Church where ?e v a active in 1he work of the j Mission wv Socialv She was a , o?nm* Sunday School teacher. , Srrvh ircr. addition to the ? shnnd. are two sons Edwin w? Itafcnr of P>\ sen City, and ? v. f 't alter of Andrews. vvbo i*5 now I erring with the TT. S. Army, sta '*io*ied at Or'indo, Fla : one i -aug^tor Meredith of the home, nd a "rand daughter. Anna Noal ,,Thit*kr of Brysnn City. Also ? nrh itir are a brother. J. A. B reh. or Canton. and a sister, *?- Mary \ Taylor, of Seattle. Wash. | pallbearers were A. B 'handler. Jr. Arthur Watkins, "?^Hp F r^b^0 Dr Charles Van Corrtnr t nke El'is. ,T Ward Long, Fd" in Bristol and Edgar Wood. Flower bearers were ladies of >he Eastern Star. Honorary pallbearers were of of Andrews First Baptist church. Internment wa3 In Valley River ?emetery. Bd?* Funeral Home was In ~harge of arrangements Grange To Meet . Peaehtree Granse will hold 1U next meeting at the school house Wednesday. March 18, at 7:80 p m.. announces Mrs Paul Sui derth. publicity chairman. INITIATED?Daniel Whitaker Davis, son of Dr. and Mrs H. E Davis of Andrews, was recently initiated into Scabbard and Blade a National Military Honor Society for outstanding cadet officers in ' KOTC units of American Colleges and Universities. Davis is now in the NROTC at the University of North Carolina and will be graduated in June and commissioned as an Ensign in the USN. He is a graduate of Andrews High School class of 1948 Families To Financial Planning Three outstanding goals have been adopted by the Cherokee Coun t y Home Demonstration Clubs as a result of recent dem onstrations on Financial Planning rhe iirst is: to establish a family nunc1!. not only to do financial pu.nni.ig but to discuss and plan ;1 activities and solve family dif ic utli: and problems: tiie second, ?ai h family to do financial plan ing. either an annual pi in or a ninthly plan: and the third: to vslabl"di a business center in the mine. The home management chair ;!V I, in each club has been asked to nick.' a survey on these three goals First, the number of fam ily's having already realized these goals: second, the number who re iaii'e these coals during the re minder of 1052. Some of the points stressed in ?his demonstration on Financial Sixth Graders See Scout Printed Miss Amanda Slagle's sixth -raurrs of Murphy Schools vis i <1 TOE SCOUT office today to see the paper printed. In the group were: Charles Bndsha". Fred Carter. Roy Cole. Junior Graves, Clyde Hun sucker. IVm. Johnson. Robert Killian. Billy Lovingood, Tom my Moore, John Morris, Tommy Mull. J. C. Sneed, Undall Thom as. C.vde Turner, Mary Ander son Carolyn Bates. Jean Bur gess, I.aura Mae Chastain. Fran e s Crisp. Chariene Davidson, t inda F.nglish. Martha Forrest er. F.'h'abcth Martin. Alice Pal mer, Doris Queen, Nancy Rose, and Betty Weaver. 04her sixth grade groups will visit the plant during the com ing week. Mrs. Ronnie's Mother I? Taken Mrs M. V. Moore, widow of the 11,'k r of M V. Moore and Com .III, ol Ashevitle. died Saturday -.iliTiioon in a nursing home in heiill.' lollowing several years . ill health Per husband. M- X an Moore. l:..i .','ovembei' 13, 1946 \ native of Bryan. Texas. Mrs. ' ooiv Wes the former Miss Edith 'i r ke ,e vas married to Mr. i,'.';rt. November ft. H?2 and ram ? tu Ashevilt? three years lat , illl.l folk Va . five grandchildren and : 1 great-grandchildren. "i t'sl services were con.luc, : a i p. :a. Montlai in the chapel i' Morris-Gearing-Black Funeral ' ,i Trie Rev. John W Tiilon. e for of Trinity Episcopal Church i PT1a burial was n Riv erside Cemetery. The family requested that no ers he sent, but instead, eon bu'ions be made In Mrs. Moore s memory to the county Red Cross campaign. surviving are two daughters. i i Francis C Bourne of Mur an.l Mr; Edith Word or Not Church Services Th? Rev R. Delbert Byrum. p-n-or of Murphy First Methodist ^hurch. announces that his Sun -ay sermon topic at 11 a m will be "Implications of Dedication . Sunday School will be at (Ms a. m The evening aermon topic at |5p, m wtH be 'In God'. Keegs Ing". Planning were: <1> All the family I.arts m the planning; >2' A fam . \ si arts where they are, facing dents and present spending hab its; 3' Each member of the fam i.y cooperates by adjusting his ex ,j nditures to the needs of others and in using and caring for family property; 4 Each individual fam ! y to develop their own plan, bas j i on tin r own -experiences, am . nj ions tastes and habits; io' Each ! .Member of the family given his 1 ?wn personal allowance planned j ) take care of specific needs; <6> ! , n ca^e of emergencies, all decide ?w the situation is to be handled ' nd where cuts are to be made; 7' It a f nancial plan is to sue ?cd the family must ko?p clearly n mind \vhat /hey ?van* -nos; out i Mfe and don't lose sight of it. ^ The film strip. "Managing the .mi!'. Income" was used as a pan of the demonstration. CHARLES G. DAVIDSON C. G. Davidson Naval H. N. Charles G Davidson, son of Mr. n Mrs. Sam Davidson of Mur ha recently received the rate .1 V at the Naval Hospital., ?iv.ieola. Fla. Davidson eidercd the Navy in . i . :? ;Y I1*">I. I'pon comple ? n 't hoot livir.ing in San Diego, j: b" wib sent to hospitai o! in 11 nnhridge. Md . for ad 1 ? training. nr graduation he has been -i. a d to duty in IVnsacola, .'here he and his wife, the ?r %,iss Charlotte Sparks of "opperhill, Tenn , are residing i "Wr Announces r?i?rch Services i ?{? " i A'tner, pastor of \irphy Free Methodist Church ** ?-p" t' at his worship topic n 'ay at '1 a m will t>? "The "T4 of Spiritual Power". Sunday School will be at 10 a n and Y. P. M. S. service at 7 p m. 1 evangelistic sermon topic ' 7 30 p m. will be "God's In heritance". I Wednesday prayer meeting will h" hrM at 7 30 p m. To Sneak Here W. G Shawver, traveling rep resentative at the Watch tower Bl bV? and Tract Society. New York, "111 apeak at the courthouse hi ; Murphy Sunday. March J8, at 9 p. a. HU subject win be "What Does God Request of You?" Rural Church Conference To Be Held 19th At Peachtree Dr. Henry Walden,' Rev, D. Ciarke 4re Sneakers A Rural Church Development v'onitien e for this region will be v.-Id on Wednesday. March Id at Areh'n ? BapHM Church near .1. p! y This confetvnce is for all i ? sror< in Tuskas* igee, Macon. | l\nncssi'e River. Western North \ * rniiia and West Liberty Asso- ] iaa.'ns. Each pastor nia> in\itae lie lay.nan from each church i .'.i nd. :.e meeting. The meeting v.il! bt ^ in at 1') a. m and continue until p in. J.uneh will be served to . ! who attend Dr. Henry Walden. secretary of he Rural Church Work in North arolina, v ill be in charge of the irogtain Dr. Walden is asking every pastor who can attend this meeting to bring a \ort message on the most valuable thing his i:..rch is doing and how tnis is ing ac-omj> ? died. Perhans each message will be limited to tnrce ? * lour minutes. If a church has ?i o jtst.indiv.g Sunday School, ining Union. Mhsionary Pro ?-'vjm. financial, building, or soal mrting program or a*jy other worthy work the pastor nas been ? ed to be prepared to tell the pl.-rcnce how this is accomplish ed rhe Ke\ Dunvrnt Clarke, of the :.v. ic: ; Federation. will explain ? l 'in"; A ere pan. Dr. VVal ?' v id speak on the "Rural dur.li Challenge". Me will show d'f ? of grcc.t things which have ?tn arcosr.pLshi'd hy some of the ral churches of North Carolina A large group of preachers and ? d leaders are expected to uM.cn d. Or!v A Tenth Pf Red Cross Ro?1 fs Reported Fund Campaign Chairman Don id Ramsey of the Red Cross an nounces that to date a total of "24* has been deposited in the :.nk toe ai d tile quota of $2268. o.ne contributions that have >een made not >et been reported, s committees Stave not completed heir wo!k Mr. Ramsey requests hat all workers make their so icita.ions as early as possible, in udrr for follow up work to be It :u\ untii the quota is reached Only a portion of the advanced i ts committee has reported, and he chairman makes a special re ined for all of that committee to omplete its work soon. Red Cross films have been hown at the Murphy School and o civic organizations this week, f any group desires a showing, it ur. be arranged. Everett English, chairman of the business district, announces that he following committee is serv ?e with him: Royd Davis Miss V aye Boling. Miss Eloise Davis. Luei't' Mcdonald, and Mrs. Harold Hatchett. It v as decided by the board of ib-T-tors this year that all gifts *' 0,o or more wouPT be publish I Tse follow ing in this group '? thus far been reported: E. ' Moore Co. $4) Dr W \ Hoo ? $?>. T?.grie Hospital $25. A P T'j Co $25 and Farmers 1 1 -ati. ?* $25 Mnmhv ''i?h Rand "lavs In Andrews '-** 'dents of Andrews High v i --u of t'"? seventh and e!"h:h grades of the elementary .' ,->! orrl a mnc rt given by *v~ Vir'p'w MifTh School Rand i .%v moaning. nnlv I brco years ago. ? I.. .-,,rpi,v jv>?id |,1s crown in , n.t i lar"r number oi ? ' f ro nW'o to oppress them- j ? in music. The Andrews students cvidcnc much pleasure from the band performance. Presentation of the Murphy "-nd was a courtesy of the sen ior class of Andrews Hich School. Polio Funds Top Onota Bv $2,000 foe E Ray, chairman of t '012 polio campaign, states th 'o date approximately $5,000 h ,v"v?n donated The quota w S3100. The campaign began lAeeember and haa contlnu 'hrough the preaent time. Mr. R statea that there still are thr -ommunltiei that have not nepo ed. and exact figures cannot Riven for that reason Red Cross Concert Given Here Tonight MISS VEI.MA UMPHFRES Episcopalians To Have Revival ' The Rev. Rhett Y Winters, priest in charge of Episcopal hisrcli 01 the Messiah, announces lie revival schedule to begin areh 17 and end March 22. The final speaker Saturday will be the Rt Rev. George Henry. D ) Bishop of the Dioscse of West n North Carolina The topic of is message will be "Authority of . perienee in the Church." The Rev. G. Mark Jenkins, pas r of Fletcher Calvary Episcopal Chore-!, -will bring the first mes ne "Christianity: A Way of l ife" Monday. Others are: the Rev. A. Rufus .-tergal). St. Anges. Franklin, "Chris'iarifv: A Way of Worship", ! ruesdav. lite Rev. William Anlh ?n." CI I' ch of the Redeemer ?Shelby.. "Christianity. A Way of '1 ieving". Wednesday; the Rev. id-hp's 1 oeher. assistant minist r at Trinity Church. Asheville 'Authority of Scripture in the "hurch", Thursday: the Rev. Rog i.r Sherman. St Andrew's Church, "anion. "Authority of Tradition n the Church". Friday. All services will begin at 8 p. Morris Announces Church Services "A Steward Found Faithful" will be the 11 a. m sermon topic >f the Rev. J. Alton Morris, pas tor of Murphy First Baptist Church Sunday Sunday School will he at 9:45 -V m . Bealtown Mission services ' 2:30 p m. and prison camp Monday School at 3 p. m. Training Union will he at 6:30 > m. and worship at 7 30 p. m ! "Hi.* Cherub. Junior and Youth "hnirs will eiv * special music at ' ' evening services. Training Union Council will t Monday at 7 30 p m.. and 4 ' Brotherhood will meet Tues ; \v at 7pm for a pot lu 'k sup Velma Umphfres And Mrs. Place Are To Appear A concert for the benefit of Cherokee County Red Cross cam paign will be presented by Miss v'e I ma Umphfres, mezzo-soprano, and Mrs. Catherine Cortelyou Place. concert pianist, in Murphy Primary School auditorium this "vening at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Umphfres, educational di rector of Murphy First Baptist Church, is a graduate of Wayland College. Texas. She has traveled with the Wayland International Choir quartette and has appeared as soloist with the Amarillo (Tex as) Symphony Orchestra. Place, who will accompany Miss Umphfres, is a piano teach er in Cooperhil). Tenn She also directs the Cherub, Youth and Adult Choirs or the First Baptist Church of McCaysville, Ga., and teacher smging in the Fry and Mobile schools. Ga. Before moving to Copperhill last September. Mrs. Place was I pianc instructor, duo-pianist, ac | covrpanist and voice coach in Westfield and Somerville. N. J She attended Hunter College, and is a graduate of the Granber ry Piano School in New York City, ? here she was a pupil of Dr. Nich j c|as J Elsenheimer and Prof. ; George Folson Cranberry. She has ! also served on the faculties of the ] Berkeley Institute in Brooklyn. \" Y? and the Arthur Baecht vhnol of Music in South Orange, i v ,r. Of recent years. Mrs. Place has 'Id m New York. City with I v.-'vaQn Huehrtl one m the few ' living pupils of Leschetiszky in j Vienna, and has appeared as so 'oist in his Master Closes Mrs. ! Place has concertized in New York. New Jersey and several southern states. To Add Six County Roads To State Svsteni Six roads in Cherokee County will be added to the State High way System pending the approval of the Highway Commission in Raleigh, according to L Dale Thrash, 10th Division Highway Commissioner. The roads are: Sour John, 1.2 miles: Parsons Branch, 0 55 mile; John Elliott, 0 80 mile; Newt Wil son, 0.80: mile; Rneed Branch, 1 10 miles; Old Ducktown, 0.50 mile. "After these roads have been "dded to the State System they will be graded, drained and rocked just as soon as the high way forces can get to them.'- says U" Thrash. He ?avs other mud roads will be added to the State system as rast as the Highway Department ?no absorb them. rrr-Al, CI.I B TO MEET '*'irp'\ Regal Club will meet itb Miss \ddie Mao Cooke at her home Friday at 7:30 p. m. Miss Edna Bi hop will be co-hostess. GOVERNOR SCOTT BUYS EASTER SEALS?Governor V Scott li shown buying the first batch of Beater Seals from Wood Lyons, Jr., High Point Youngster, who has beei _ North Carolina Easter Seal Child lor IMS. Be wiB qathrtlss all crippled children during the annual sale of Banter Seals frbm 13 to April IS.