runt Father's Day Sunday, June 15 Nature is aui't teacher. She un folds her treasures to his search, unseals bis ere. illumes his salad, and purifies his heart; an Influence breathes from all the sUhta and bounds of her existence?Street VOLUME ?2?NUMBER 41 MURPHY, NOKTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. JUNE It. 1M2 Jl. C' TEN PAGES THIS WEEK st?w To Make Parking Survey In Murphy The Murphy Town Board paued a motion Tuesday evening to re quest the state to send a repre sentative to make a parking sur vey in Murphy and make recom mendation to the board. The board considered plans (or street paving and decided to call a meeting sometime this month after needs have been found. All interested persons should see the mayor, board member or be pres ent at the meeting, says Town Clerk, John Bayless. All past due taxqs have been turned over to Hobart McKeever for collection. The city attorney has been directed to obtain a li censed engineer to re-survey the city limits, enabling the city to bring property into the city limits not on ths tax list. The board decided to Install a red light at the intersection - of Hill Street and Valley River Ave nue. Limited parking signs have been ordered to be placed in front of and behind the post office. Gene B. Stewart Commissioned Second Lieut Colonel Nathan J. Adams, Prof essor of Air Seienoe and Tactics, University of Tennessee, announc es that Gene B. Stewart was one of 26 advanced AFROTC Cadets to b? commissioned Second Lieuten ant in the USAF Reserve in com missioning ceremonies held May 26 at Shields-Watldns Field-, Knox ville Having previously been declared a distinguished military student, he !s eligible for a permanent commls on in the Regular Air Force, .tewart, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart of Andrews, is a senior in the College of Electrical Engineering Mrs. Stewart, the former Miss Mildred Hendrix, is (he daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hendrix of Murphy. The Stewarts and baby are home for the week. Jurors Drawn For Superior Court In August Jurors have been drawn for the August session of Superior Court. Judge W. M. Bobbitt of Charlotte will preside. Court convenes Aug ust 4. Jurofs are as follows: Luther Verner, Route 1, CopperhlU, Tenn.; Ernest PaJnvrr, Route 1, Andrews; Claude Bradley, Andrews; Walter Guyton, Hlawassee Dam; Thomas H. Graham, Route 2, Murphy; W. L. Hembree, Murphy; Mrs. E. J.' Darnell, Murphy; Aud Sudderth. Route 1, Murphy; Eugene Cook, Brasstown; Frank Arrowood, Route I, Marble. H. B. McNabb, Suit; Dennis Shields, Culberson; Jack W. Bax ter, Marble;F. L. Cook, Route 1, Culberson; V. M. Potest, Route 3. Blalrsville, Ga.; J. A. Ledford, Cul berson; A. C. Hyatt, Route 3, Mur phy; Coll Is Roberts, Letltta; J. A. Cartkn. Route 1, Turtietown, Tenn.; Fred M. King, Andrews; B. M. Luther, Route L Culberson; Glenn Van diver, Route 2, Mur phy; Z. V. Whltner, Uneka; Virgil Kephart. Murphy. Richard Wilson. Marble; Glenn t. SUkjop. Route 2. Murphy; S. V. Garrett, Grandview; Albert Morrbt, Route 2, Murphy; Ray Me Murphy; J. C. Swanson, 1. Turtletowp, Tenn.; Cling man Odell. Route 1, Murphy; 0m car H. Palmer, Route 3, Murphy; L. L "Dors, Andrews; Marshall B. King.' Marbls; A. R. Hatcbett, ?. Murphy; Boyd Arrowood,^ I, Marble || Frank J. Wstklns. Marbls; Grant Griggs, Andrews; Fred Graves, IST Vacation Church School Starts 16th Methodist-Church The annual Vacation Church School at First Methodist Church, Murphy, will begin at 0 a. m. on Monday, June 16, and oontinue through Friday, June 27. Sessions will be held from. 9 until 11 a. m. i each day of the school?Mondays through Fridays. The Kindergarten group will be studying "Stories About Jesus"; "Everyone Needs a Church" is the Primary I ages 6, 7, 8) text; and, the junior group (ages 9, 10, 11) will study "The Church Around the World". Intermediates (ages 12, 13, 14) will use the same text as the juniors. Leaders and workers in the va rious groups will be, as follows: Kindergarten: Miss Clara Mc Combs, Mrs Hobart McKeever, Mrs. Duke Whitley, Mrs. Frank Forsyth, Misses Mary Fanner, An ns Forrester, and Jean Reed; Pri mary: Miss Adella Meroney, Mrs. John A. Davidson, Mrs. Evelyn Patton, Miss Mary Frances Axley, Miss Martha Axley, and Mrs. Nan cy Meroney; Juniors and Interme diates: Mrs. R. Delbert Byrum, Miss Judy Cook, Miss Nancy Sales. The pastor. Rev. R. Delbert Byrum, will serve as dean of the school. A sharing period will mark the end of the school on Friday, June 27, at 6:30 p. m. with a picnic sup per at the church. Over 200 Bible Pupils To Receive Certificates Vacation Bible School students at Murphy First Baptist Church ( will have their commencement dur ing the Sunday School period be ginning at 9:45 a m. Sunday. Over 200 students enrolled in the school for the two week period. Worship services Sunday are at 11 a. m. and 7:55 p. m. with Dr. Carl Bassett, revival speaker, preaching. The revival will come to an end Sunday evening. Bealtown Mission services will ' be at 2:30 p. m. prison camp Sun day School at 3 p. m. and preach ing at the prison camp at 4 p. m. The State worker for the church during Training Union Enlarge ment Week, Monday through Fri day, is Miss Wllla Marks, a teach er in the Rockingham city schools. The Elizabeth Hale Circle will meet with Mrs. W. C. Kinney, Jr., at 7:45 p. m. Monday, and the Ruth Bagwell Circle will meet with Mrs. J. B. Hall, also at 7:45 p. m. B. W. C. win meet with Mrs. John Don ley at 8 p. m. Tuesday the Brotherhood will have a supper meeting at 6:30 p. m. The Ruth Swan Circle will meet with Mrs. W. A Rherrill at 8 p. m. During the summer the Cherub, Primary, and Junior Choirs will practice on Tuesdays and Thurs days at 10 a. m. The Youth Choir will practice at 11 a. m. on Tues days and Thursday. The Adult Choir wiH practice on Wednesdays at 8:80 p. m. Byrum To Discuss Praying, Parables The Rev. R. Delbert Byrum, pas tor at Murphy First Methodist Chufch, will discuss "What Pray ing Can Do" at services at 11 a. m. Sunday. Sunday School will be at ?:4S a m and the youth meeting at 6:M p. m. Mr. Byrua's evening sermon will be "The Bather's Good MRS ERWARD BRUMBY Mrs. E. H. Brumby Is Camp Counselor Mrs. E. H. Brumby left Monday for the Pioneer Camp of the Pres byterian Church at Camp Hope, taking with her, .Shirley Smith Mary Bolan and Ida Brumby. Mrs. Brumby is one of the counselors it the camp. They will be gone for jne week. Frank Forsyth Named Receiver For Cooperative All creditors and parties hold ing claims against Mountain Valley Cooperative, Inc., of Brasstown lave been notified to present their :lalms, together with a statement if the securities or priorities, to W Frank Forsyth, receiver, on or be fore August 12. Those failing to present claims ifter that date will be barred From participation in the distri bution of assets. Security Mills, [ricorporatfd. Is the plaintiff. Miss Thomas Awarded A. B. Miss Geraldlne Thomas of Cul aerson received her A. B. degree in Biology from AY. C. U. N. C. on Tune 2. Mrs. Carl Thomas and lane, mother and sister of the gra luate, and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. rownson attended the graduation exercises. Local Grange Enters National Service Contest Martins Creek Grange met at the school Wednesday night and closed its Charter with 40 mem bers. Practically all members were present. Several community pro jects were discussed. The Grange is entering the Na tional Grange Community Service Contest with about eight thousand Granges throughout the country. Attractive prizes are offered in the contest and every Grange stands a chanoe at winning. Fourteen children were present at the meeting and a Juvenile Grange organization was started with Mrs. Glenn Stalcup and Mrs. L. F. Lochaby as Matrons in charge. The next meeting of the Grange wil be held at the school Wednes day, June 18, at 7:30 p. m. Hiwassee Village Offered For Lease Hiwassee Village, now being op erated by the State, is offered for lease and a recrea tion area, TVA announces The village, now named Hiwassee Lake State Park, was built in 1936 to house workers at TVA's Hiwassee Dam. The property, including ap proximately 250 acres of woodland, may be leased for a period up to 30 years. The area is located on a wide bend on scenic Hiwassee Lake. It is adjacent to Hiwassee Dam and is near the upper reaches of Apala chia Lake below the dam. Facili ties in the village include 61 hous ing units, several garages, a cen trally located building suitable for remodeling as'a combined office restaurant or commissary, two small buildings usable as ware houses or shops, hard surface roads, and water and sewage lines Most of these facilities can be con verted to vacation rental use. Adjacent to the village are ap proximately 40 acres (also having some paved roads, water and sew age lines) suitable for Immediate -development of resort facilities Electricity is supplied by a rural electric cooperative which owns I and maintains the distribution sys tem. Offering of the Hiwassee Village area for lease marks the seventh time that TV A construction villages have be>n put to permanent use. The towns of Fontana, Watts Bar and Pickwick Dams are now un der lease to private operators as resort areas, and the Kentucky and Wheeler Dam villages are being operated as state parks by Kentuc ky and Alabama respectively. The town of Norris was sold at public auction in 1948 and is now a privately owned residential com munity. The Hiwaase? Village site is lo- ; cated in a popular tourist area and [ is easily accessible by paved roads from major travel routes. It is : within a few hours' drive of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and various well-known vaca tion spots in western North Caro lina and east Tennessee. TVA will accept proposals to lease and develop this property j until August 15. Detailed informa-! lion may be obtained from A. D. Hieger, Manager of Properties,' Tennessee Valley Authority, Chat tanooga, Tenn. Bassett Urges Return To God And Repenance By All Daily In Revival At Baptist Church Revival services with Evangelist Carl Bassett preaching will contin ue at Murphy First Baptist Church through Sunday evening. There will he no service Saturday even ing. Large crowds have been hear ing the messages of the evangelist, who each evening at 7:49 opens the service with a period of hymn singing, when he accompanies with the trombone. Miss Sally Mor ris Is organist and Misses Shirley Bates and Rosalind Staktap pian ists. The beautiful chalk painting Il lustrating his message which Mr Basset* does each evening is giv er away to the person who has brought the most new people to the service. During his sermon the church is In semi-darkness, and masterpieces of Christ and His sacrifice flashed on the screen help' portray the message. Preaching the crucified Christ, calling upon church members to get right with God and sinners to repent Mr. Baasett has made such emphatic statements as the fol lowing: "K you break man's laws, you are a criminal; if you break God's laws, you are a worse criminal, for God is greater than man. "I charge you with the erhnaon crime of letting ttmnearwii go from your dtjr into eternity lost through your criminal nyglect So we could cany on past Its Ooi-L "We have aim ? Sgaw and never attend a prayer meeting; church members who are thrilled by movies and bored by sermons; members who are more familiar with a deck of cards than the Bi ble; church homes with bridge whist but no family altar. We call them Christians and bush and cover up their sins. How are we going to get power until the church repents and quits sinning, so the city will say to us, 'Now we believe in you. for you remind us of Jesus.' You must either forsake sin or your Sihrlour. You cannot have both." i "Jesus died of a broken heart? literally of a broken heart; so de clared by the Scripture and proven beyond a doubt by medical science. It was not the thorns or scourge or nails or spear that broke Jesus's heart. It was the sins of church members. "There are lust two roads through life; one began at Calvary and leads to Heaven; it is the way* of the cross; the other road leads to Hall, and It is the way of self. "Laughingly they nailed Jesus to the cross. Instead of giving Him a magnificent throne, they gave Him a cross of shame. But that croas of ahame, soon became an emblem of victory. Once a thing of horror, now a thing of honor. Tonight there la a man in glory with the sign of the crocs all over Him. And Ha wants to fallow Him. In avory heart I is a cross and a throne. If self Is on the throne, then Joans taaa tba than m If is an tba ston means two deaths. It meant one death at Calvary. It means another death to yourself every day you live. "I will tell you one fact that ought to silence and shame every unbeliever in town. No man was ever known to rppent of Christi anity on his deathbed and turn to infidelity but thousands of infidels, when they stared into their coffins, have renounced infidelity and turn ed to Jesus. "Would you treat a dog better than you would treat Jesus? If a dog dragged you unconscious from a burning building or from a river, when you recovered consciousness, wouldn't you pat him on the head and try to thank him? Say, did you ever look up and say, "Thank you," to Jesus? "I plead with ^rou, for Jesus, sake, when you are Ignoring and shaming, I plead with you for the sake of scores who will spend eter nity in Heaven or in hell through your Influence from this night on, I plead with you for your own take as you ait here tonight on the edge of hell, 1 plead with you for your children's sake who will be saved or damned by your Influence, I plead with you for God's sake whom you aro defying and Insult ing. I plead with you to repent of your sins and yield your Ufa to "Let me aek the gel to hold his pan a < Fifteen Churches To Participate In Baptist Training Program Brown Announces Church Schedule The Rev. Frank Brown has an nounced the schedule of services for Sunday at the Presbyterian Church. The subject for the 11 a. m. ser vice will be "The Lord is My Shephard". At 7:30 p. m. the sub ject will be "We Are God's Fam ily". Sunday School will convene at 10 a. m. and Young People's Meet ing will be at 6:30 p. m. Choir practice will be held at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. REVIVAL?The Frrst Baptist Church of Andrews is having revi val services each day at 10 a. m. and 8 p. m? with Dr. James A. Howard, Superintendent of Evan gelism for South Carolina Baptist State Convention, shown above, speaking. Larry Power, summer worker of the church 4s leading the singing. The Rev. J. A. Rich ardson is pastor. County Singing To Be Held At Macedonia Church Annual memorial services will be held at Macedonia Baptist Church June IS, announces the pastor, The Rev. J. Calvin Thomp son. Dinner will, be served on the grounds at noon. The afternoon will be devoted to the Cherokee County third Sun day singling, beginning at 1:30. Vis iting singers will include the Blue Ridge Quartet. New Union Quar tet, Carolina Trio and Bunker Hill Trio. Glenn Ellis will be piano ac companist. CPL. BUCHANAN CpL J. B. Buchanan Completes Course Cpl J. B. Buchanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Buchanan of An drews, completed a Light and Hea vy Weapons Infantry Leader course June 7. Opl. Buchanan, who enlisted in February 1091, is a member of Company 117, R A. Infantry, sta tioned at Camp Rucker, Ala. He graduated from Andrews High School in May 1901. The course prepares selected non-commissioned officers for du ties as Ught and heavy weapons NCO's with infantry units. The tac tics and techniques of small infan try units in all types of operations and tactical training of the Indivi dual soldier are covered in the in struction. - It is one of 21 courses open to officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army, Organised Reserve Corps, and National Guard, courses range from training recruits to be parachutists to training regimental and dhdstou general CONDUCTS RRTTFAL The Rev. Serve tlaaksnj is a revival UtttR His fatter, Rev. J. 8. Stas is pastor af the start*. 5 Possibly 15 churches of the Western North Carolina Baptist Association will have a simulta neous Church Training program June 15-20 under the supervision of James T. Morgan of Raleigh. State Training Union Director, and Mrs Carl Wert of Andrews. As sociations! Training Union Direct or. Workers will meet at Murphy First Baptist Church Saturday at 4 p. m. All participating churches will send a representative to cany the worker to their churches. Ses sions will be held each night dur ing the week. Miss Mabel Starnes, Dean of Women at Gardner-Webb College, will direct the campaign, accord ing to Mr Morgan, who will be di recting a summer assembly at i Fruitland at the same time. Fifteen workers will assist Miss Starnes in this training program. There will be a special worker for each church participating in the campaign. The churches will study the book "Building A Church Training Program" by Dr. J .E. Lambdin of Nashville, Tenn., Sec retary of Training Union for the Southern Baptist Convention. The Training Union specialists who will come to Western North Carolina with Miss Starnes are as follows: Miss Jean Rhinehart, Gas tonia. Route 1, Gardner-Webb Col lege; Miss Evelyn Brown, Wallace Meredith College; Tommie Lee Canipe, Rocky Mount. Route 2, Campbell College; James G. Do ver, Asheville, Route 4, Wake For est College; Charles Flick, Fiel dale, Va., Wake Forest College; Miss Ann Marie Fuller, Louistourg, Route 2, Campbell College; Miss Mary Evelyn Hens ley, Burnsville, Meredith College; Miss Gwcn Home, Atkinson, Meredith Col | lege; Miss Mildred Laney, Maiden, Route 1, Gardner-Webb; Miss Len non, Boardman. Meredith, Wayne iSorrells, Franklin, Route 3, Gard j ner-Webb College; Miss Bettie Jo , Weaver, Hickory, Route I, Lenoir f-.hyne College; Edward H. Willi ford, Dunn, Campbell College; Miss Willa Marks, .Rockingham! teacher at Rockingham; Miss Doris Peoples, Gastonia, teacher at New ton. Churches participating in the campaign are as follows; An drews, the Rev. John A. Richard son, pastor; Calvary; Marble Springs, the Rev. A. B. Loveli; Mt. Pi9gah, the Rev. Earl Cable Murphy First, the Rev. J. Alton Morris; Peaohtree; Tomotla, the Rev. Jack Palmer; Truett Memori al, the Rev. L. P. Smith; Valley River, the Rev. Robert Barker; Val leytown, the Rev. Ralph Matheson; Moss Memorial, the Rev. Earl Ca ble; Pleasant Valley, the Rev. Earl Cable; Mt. Pleasant, the Rev. J. S. Stansberry; Grape Creek, Hanging dog and Murphy Second will vote Sunday on whether to participate The week will close with a rally and picnic supper at Cbatuge Lake, near Hayeavllle, at 8:30 p. m. Friday with all Training Union workers, pastors and other inter ested persons expected. Everyone will bring a picnic supper. The pic nic will be followed by an inspira tional message by Fred Scott from Southwestern Theological Semina ry, Fort Worth, Tex. Andrews Given Safety Award Claude Watson, town clerk of Andrews, says he haa received a certificate presented by North Car olina Department of Motor Ve hicles Highway Safety Division to Andrews In recognition of out standing achievement in highway safety during 1900. Mr. Watson says he is proud of this achievement and hopes the record will be maintained in the wmr ToHevPittnun iPvi i ? hi ? i ' Urn n*