VACATION in tfci lift #nwt VOLUME it?NUMBER U ' MURFHY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JJJNE 1#. 1*52 ? TWELVE FACES THIS WEEK 1 - _ lAbwy Andrews Children To Parade On 4th Mrs Margaret Ann Watry. chair man of the Children's Parade for the Fourth of July celebration, ask* that parent* who plan to en ter children In the parade regis ter as soon as possible. The pur pose of the registration Is to make possible an estimate on the num ber of entries to expect. Registra tion may be made at Lay's Dry Goods Co., Caldwell's Market or the Citizen Bank and Trust Co. The parade was one of the most popular features of last year's cel ebration. Dog carts, ponies, doll carriages, bicycles, tricycles and pets can be utilized to make a greater variety and to add inter- ' est to the parade, Mrs. Watry sug gests. An early registration will great ly facilitate celebration schedule planning, she says. In connection with the big day celebration, Mrs. Watry says she hopes all the major civic organiza tions, along with clubs and private entries, are making plans now for their floats. Wm. Allen Hembree i Taken Suddenlv William Allen Hembree. *3, died suddenly Wednesday at 10:30 p m. at a lo.'al hospital. Funeral services will be held at Bell view Methodist Church Friday at 10 a. m with the Rev. C. A. Smith and -he Rev. Alonzo Davis officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Masonic graveside rites. Mr. was a native of Cherokee County, the son of George A. and Eva Lovlngood Hembree He was a co-owner and operator of Clty'Bkrber Shop for 23 years until recently when he sold his Interest due to 111 health. He was a member of Cherokee Lodge 148 A. F. and A. M. with 32nd degree. He served as secre Jary for five years and was past master. Mr. Hembree was a chart er member of the Eastern Star No. 10. and was ictlve In the organi zation since. He was Master of Martins Creek P. T. A., and a member A Bellvlew Methodist j Church. He is surv ved by his wife. Mrs V.erna Morris Hembree; one daughter, Mrs. Wllla Mae Hogsed; two sons, William Morris and Har-, ry Allen, all of Murphy; parents; ! two brothers, J. C. and Noah of' Murphy; three sisters. Mrs. Mattie ? Dockery of Murphy, Mrs. Bertha I Kephart of Murphy, Route 3, and 1 Mrs. Bessie McDonald of Arden. Ivie Funeral Home is In chlrge of arrangements. "ells Andrews Town Office Hours ! Claude Watson, Clerk of the I Town of Andrews, announces that beginning Monday, June 18, the Town Office Will be open each day from 7 a. m. until 3 p. m. -jounce 4-H, Home Club Winners Winners in Friday's Cherokee County 4-H Club and County Fed eration of Home Demonstration Clubs contests have been announc ed. The results were: Home Demon stration Clubs dress revue?first, Mrs. G. H ButleV, Hlwassee Dam; econd, Mrs. Don Gentry, Murphy; hird Mrs. Eleanor Wilson, Mur phy. * Senior 4-H dress revue (with first, second and third denoted in hat order)- Emma Jean Shields Tomotla, who will represent the county In the state finals at Ra leigh next month; second, Jerry Ruth Smith, Martin's Creek; third Kathrene Centry, Hangingdog. Junior 4-H revue; first, dress, Frances Gentry, Hangingdog; first, kirt, Jo Ann Simonds, Sunny Point; first, blouse. Madge Barton, Marble; first apron, Jo Ann Mc Donald, Hangingdog. 4-H Dairy foods demonstration senior)?Emma Jean 'Shields, in dividual, -<nd Joy Collect and Bar bara Barton, both of Andrews, teem, winners to represent the county in the district contest. Ju nior, individual, Jo Ann Simonds, Sunny Point. 4-H Health winners were crown ed by G. H Farley, county agent Senior: Joy Collect and Fred Van Horn will represent the county in the State Health Pageant; junior, Carol Elliott and Charlie Mills. Public speaking winners: Fred Van Horn, and Clara Hughes. They will represent the county in the district contest. Dorothy Shields,' International Farm Youth Exchange delegate, told about her preparations for her trip to The Netherlands and expressed appreciation to the clubs for sponsoring her trip. Mrs. J. F. Smith, County H. D. Council President presided. Sun ny Point H. D. Club members served as hostesses for the lunch hour. ' Judges wore, Mrs. C, E. Hyde, ,!iss Jane Hill. Mrs. Gene Stew- j art, Mrs. Johnsie Nunn, Miss Mary | Farmer. Children's Story Hour At Andrews Library Friday Announcement has been made that the Children's Story Hour will be conducted Friday afternoon at Andrews Carnegie Library at 3 p. m. Mrs. Galusha PulHum will be in charge of the Story Hour this week. This library program, sponsored by members of the Konnaheefa Club, will be held each alternate week throughout the summer Receive Tree Farm Awards At Program J. r ran kiln Smith, A. Q. Ketner ?lid John C. Campbell Folk School last Thursday were awarded cer tificate* designating their farms as "Tree Farms", received by them for good forestry practices for at least the past five years. Commis sioner of Agriculture U T. Ballen tthe sees principal speaker, railing attention to the good practices nec essary to earn this award and the valos that accrues to ell farmers who properly plant, cultivate and harvest their forests. The program weft held ra the term of J. Frank* H. E. Price. T. V. A.xfereetar, lied attention' to the large de> rln,tercet Area. In thlg1 ty m the oast II yaer .? protection program led by I S. wmmmm fire control 11 forests sre to be pro fitable Fred Whitfield, district Exten sion forester, gave details of the program catried out 'by Smith. Ketner and (be Folk School to en - title them to the tree farm certi ficates .This program is sponsored by the North Carolina Forestry Association. J.* H. Keener, representing the North Carolina Forestry Associa tion. presented the certificates. Be called attention te the fact that Cherokee County produces for Champion Paper and Fibre Com pany, eMi which ho la woods de partment manager, mom pnlp any other county In the n? SUM that local poop Id MOO ,#00 by his cor la 1*1. WILLIAM H. WHITE Grand Master Meets With Masons Grand Master William Henry White and Grand Secretary Wil bur L. Mclver (or the Grand Lodge of A. F. and A. M. at North Caro lina will speak to Masons at the 43rd district at Robbinsvllle Mon day, June 23, at 3 p. m. This will be the annual district meeting. >esbyterian Bible School "*egins Monday The annual Dally Vacation Bible School of the Presbyterian Church vill begin on Monday, June 23, ?t 8 a. m. and continue through July 4. Mrs. Cloe Moore will be super intendent. assisted by the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Brown. Mrs. W. A. Singleton and Mrs. Sob Rector will have charge of | 'he beginners: Mrs Bruce Gordon, .Mrs. Lewis Podges and Miss Ida Brumby will be In charge of the primary c'ass. Juniors will be taught by Miss Carolyn Alexander, and Miss Faye Burgess. Sirs. Brown, Miss Jane1 Hill and Miss Betty Moore will be in charge of intermediate girls, and Mr. Brown and Brandon Kin- [ caid will teach the intermediate boys. Sessions will last from 9 to 11 a. m. each day. The day circle of the Women ox the Church will pro vide refreshments the first week, and the evening circle the second week. Murphy Lions Win Three Cups Mrs. Gibbs* Father Taken Bv Death J. Mason Anderson, 71, of Moore, S. C.t father of Mrs. Jim j Gibbs of Murphy, died Monday at 10 p. m at his home. Funeral was held Wednesday at Nazareth j Church near Moore, and burial was i In the Nazareth cemetery. Mr. Anderson is survived by his wife and live daughters, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Ilorgan Goldsmith and i Mrs Tom Keith of Greenville, S.! C? Mrs. John Moore, Lexington; and Miss Kitty Anderson. New, York City. 1 Murphy Lions Club won .three cups at the State convention in Waynesville this year, it was an ' nounced at the. club's meeting i Tuesday, June 10. | The club, which has won the state wide blind cup for many I years, won again this year. H. ! Rueck won a cup for his outstand ing work as Deputy District Gover I nor. The local club also won the | attendance cup. s [ Glenn Patton, Lion secretary, won the secretary's plaque for get ting his reports on time It was announced that the State Convention will be held in Ashe ville next year. Thirty-four Lions were awarded perfect attendance pins. Rally Is To Climax Training Program A rally picnic supper will bt* held Friday at 6:30 p. m at Cha luge Lake, near Hayesville. by churches in the Western North ; Carolina Bapast Association as the : climax to the weekrlong simul taneous Church Training program. Everyone will bring a picnic sup per. All Training Union workers, pastors and other interested per sons are expected. The picnic will be followed by an inspirational message by Miss Mabel Starne,, Dean of Women, at Gardner-Webb College, who is di recting the training program. Five hundred and fifty-one at tended the Suifday program at the twelve participating churches, and 492 attended Monday. There is a total Training Union enrollment of 633. Certificates Are Awarded At Four Churches Vacation Bible School certifi cates were awarded to Bible stu dents at Rollings Creek, Little Brasstosm, Truett Memorial and ML Pleasant Baptist churches this week. Awards were made by Miss Sarah Perry summer worker In the Western North Carolina Asso ciation. and tne Rev. A. G. Brooks, sMociatlonal missionary. Forty received certificates at Rollings Creek, with 48 enrolled. Including seven faculty members; 97 pap Us received certificates at Little Brssst ;wn with 78 enrolled, including nine faculty members; approximately 80 received oartifl at 1ft Pleasant with more 80 enrolled. Including nine faculty members. There were 11 dedications at ML Fir see id Mr and Mrs Raid MMm m Rev. Reid Wall Is Guest Pastor The Rev Reid Wall, superinten dent of the Methodist Home at Charlotte, will ^deliver the 11 a m. sermon at Murphy First Meth odist Church Sunday. Mr. Byrum, the pastor, says, "Mr. Wall repre sents one of the finest church-, sponsored homes for aged people j to be found anywhere. The Metho dists of Murphy and Western North Carolina have helped to provide this ministry to older peo ple". Sunday School will be at 9:45 a. m. The youth will meet at 6:30 p. m. The pastor will speak on the topic "The Ultimate Wisdom" at the 8 p m. service. h Joint Quarterly Conference of the various Methodist churches in Cherokee County will' be held at First Methodist Church on Sun lay at 4 p. m. The Rev. W. Jack son Huneyrutt, superintendent of the Waynesvllle District, will pre side. Brown's Topics AreAiun I i?111IL w. J "What Jesus Has Meant to Men" Till he the subject of the Rev. "rank Brown's termoa at the Pres byterian Church at 11 a. m. Sun day. Sunday School will meet at 10 a. m. At 7:30 p. tau the subject win be "The Father and the Family." On Wednesday evenings at 7 30 1 series of discussions on "Whet Presbyterians Believe" win be held Choir practice will follow IJtJUWKD was injured last he Mm trampled hp a Agricultural Workers Accept The State'Wide Challenge DR. J. D. GREY Dr. Gray Speaks On Baptist Hour Dr. J. D. Gray, pastor of First Baptist Church. New Orleans, La., and president of the Southern Baptist Convention, will speak on :he nationwide Baptist Hour broad casts during July, August and Sep tember. Hi3 'heme for this series will be "Questions that Count." Two of Dr Gray's messages dur ing the quarter will tie in with Transfer Cnnreh Membership1 Week, being promoted by all Bap "st Churclies September 14-21. His topic frr September 7 will be "What Makes a Church Great?", and on September 14 "Are You A.. W. O L.'" Dr. Grey is a native of Ken tucky. graduated from Union Utii 'ersity, Jackson, Tenn., with an \B degree in 1929. He received the BD degree at Southwestern Seminary, Fort Worth, Tex., in '932, has s!ik< been honored with a DD degree from Union Univer sity and an LID degree from Lou isiana College. His pastorates have Deluded Tabernacle Baptist Church. Encis, Tex.; First Baptist Church, Denton, Tex., and First Baptist Church, New Orleans, where he has been since May 1 '937. Music for these programs will be supplied us usual by the Bap "st Hour choir with John D. Hoff ran, director, Frank Boggs, solo ist, and Miss Frances Schum, or ganist. . Gleet Swan Grande Garde De La Porte ? William J. (Bill) Bwan of An drews, a member of Cherokee County Post 1307, 40/8, Cherokee County, was elected Grande Garde De La Porte for the year 1953 at the Grande Promenades at Dur ham recently. Voyageur Swan is a World War II veteran, son of Capt. and Mrs. Frank W. Swan, of An drews. All of the agricultural workers ?f Cherokee County have joined tends in accepting "The Chal enge", announces G. H. Farley, ?ounty agent. This is a state-wide agricultural program dedicated to increase per capita Income, provide greater security, improve educa ional opportunity, increase spirit ual values, encourage stronger community life, and go add more dignity and contentment in coun try living. Special enterprise committees have been formed to work with the farmers and farm women of the county in formulating a county wide agricultural program. They are as follows: Home Food and Feed Supply: Home Foods: Miss Edna Bishop. Mrs. Frances Puett, Miss Meredith Whitaker, Miss Dol lie Martin: Feed Supply: S .S Wil liams, Douglas Hall, John Morley, Glen Patton. Ralph Shields, G. H. Farley. Dairying: G. H. Farley, A. Q. Ketner, C. R Freed, William Wal ker, S. S Williams. Beef Cattle and Hogs: Glenn Patton. Carlton Wells, J. Franklin Smith. Poultry: J. H. Hampton, Vernon Rankin, Richard Ramsey, Miss Ed ta Bishop, M. B. Wright. A concentrated effort will be nad; by each committee to work out with the farmers and farm wo men, a program for each enter prise that will help Cherokee meet "The Challenge", says Mr. Farley. Fire Does $10,000 Damage At Coble Dairv Products ^Fire broke out in the boiler room of Coble Dairy Products, Inc., about one o'clock this morning (Thursday), doing considerable damage. The boiler room was prac tically a total loss, and stock, in cluding sugar, vanilla, and truck tires, in the stock room, was dam aged. Coble Dairy Products, Inc., about one o'clock this morning (Thurs day), doing considerable damage. The boiler room was pracically a total loss, and stock, iuviuuJig sug ar. vanilla, and truck tires, in the ?tock room, was damaged. C. R. Freed, manager, said the fire started in the boiler room, possibly from a dust explosion. He estimated damage at $8,000 to >10,000. Mr. Freed salfl some of -.he employees were still working "?t the time and notified firemen immediately. Firemen were succes immediately. Firemen were suc cessful in extinguishing the flames Sent Overseas Camp Rucker, Alabama?Private First Class Clifford Hunsucker Route 3, Murphy, North Carolina, has been ordered to a port of em barkation for overseas duty. He has been serving here with the 47th "Viking- Infantry Divi sion. Civitans, Lions Hear Dr. Campbell Bloodmobile To Be Here On July 11 J. L. Savage, chairman of the Red Cms P'.oodmoblle program hcroi announces that the Bloodrao bUe will be in Murphy on Friday, July 11, and that the Lions, Clvl tans, Regal and Junior Woman's Clubs are to recruH donors. The hours will be frotn 12:30 to ? p. m. On Overseas Duty Camp Rucfcar, Malian Private First Claaa Hoyt E. Docfcery, Route % Murphy, North been ortesd to a post of stton for iwrim duty. Ha has been serving hers with ?he 47th "Vlldng" Infantry DM Dr M. E. Campbell, Dean of the School of Textiles at State Col lege. Raleigh, was the speaker at a Joint meeting of Murphy Civi tan and Lions clubs Monday even ing. Dean Campbell told of the state's progress in the textile In dustry and what the School of Tex tiles Is doing In the line of re search and in keeping up with the modern trend In the textile Indus try. He. was introduced by the Rev. R. Delbert Byrum, pastor of Mur phy First Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Williams will leave hjr plane for Detroit Sunday. June IX to attend the Gfvttan Con vention as delegates from the Mur phy Clvitan Club. The ieu/ trunk Q. tar of the ?pat of the 4, , v,.,. I MISS DOROTHY. SHIELDS Dorothy Shields, ? Youth Delegate, To Sail To England Miss Dorothy Shields, Interna tional Farm Youth Exchange Del ! egate, left Monday morning for | Washington, D. C., where she will spend a week in preparation for her trip to the Netherlands. She was accompanied by Miss Phyllis Snyder, Regional Librarian, to Washington. Miss Snyder is now visiting at her home in York, Pa., and will attend the American Li brarians Association in New York later this month. While in Washington Miss Shields will spend a day at Na tional *-H Camp and visit with President Truman. She will fly with a group of delegates to New York City on the 24th and sail for Southampton, England, the 25th on the R. M. S Georgic. After arriving in England | the group will fly to The Hague for departure to the designated places. Miss Shields will be gone five months, living in the farm homes of Holland and touring other coun tries. Morris Announces !ermon Topics /T The Rev. J Alton Morris, pastor of Murphy First Methodist Church, announces that his sermon topic at 11 a. m. Sunday will be "For His Name Sake". At the 7:55 p. m service his subject will be "Why Follow Jesus in Baptism?". There : will be a Baptismal service In con nection with the evening service. Sunday School will begin at 9:45 a. m, Bealtown Mission at 2:30 p. m. and Prison camp Sunday | School, also at 2:30, and Training Union at 7 p. m. The Junior G>. A. will meet with Mrs. George Portwood at 4 p. m. Monday, and at 7:30 p. m. the Y. W. A. will meet with Miss Doris Palmer. The Sunbeams will meet ; at the church at 3:15 p. m. Tues day. Junior, Primary and Cherub choirs will practloe at 10 a. m. Tuesday and Thursday, and at 2:30 p. m. the Day Circle will aaast.. Mae Perry Circle will meet wRh Mrs. P C. Hyatt, PgfmU Heck Cir cle with Mrt. Lloyd Hendricks, and Lottie Moon Circle with Mrs. John O'Dell. Prayer service will be held at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, followed by Adult choir practice at 8:30. The Junior R A. will meet Thursday at 3 p. m. Divisional R. L, G. A. Camp Planned Plana now are under way for a divisional R A. and a G. A. camp to be held at Itlwim state Perk July 14-18, announces the Rev. A. O. Brooks, **o will be in charge of recreation The Royal Amhasaadurs will meet July 14-16. and tha Girls Auxiliary July i?-i9. Facilities of tha

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