IN THE SUPBUOR COURT SUMMONS DOCKET NO. 418 STATS Or NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNT*. CHEROKEE COUNTY, Plaintiff LEE MULL and Wife, RUBY MULL. MINNIE LCDTORD and Hoaband. LONNIB LEDPORD, FRED MULL, JERRY MULL and Wife RUBY MULL, WILLEY MULL, MABY ANN MULL, MRS. MILBY RAVENCBOTT. and hus band, MILEY RAVKNCROrr, De fendants. The defendants, Minnie Ledford and Husband, Lonnie Ledford. VI rs. Miley Ravencroft and Him band. Miley Ravencroft, Trad Mull, Mary Ann Mull. Wllley Mull, will she notice that an action entitled is above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County , North Carolina, to fordoes the lien of taxes due plaintiff by defendants for the years 1943, 1944, 1947, 1MB, IMS, 1950, 1*51. ard 1952 against the lands of said defendants in Valleytown Town ship, Cherokee County, North Car olina. to-wit: Being a part of Tract No. 37, situate, lying and being in the Town of Andrews, North Carolina. adjoining the lands of Francis Me $*tt Of ^ haffy, Patterson, Kings, Hubb Mull, and Aquone Road, and oth ers, and bounded and more par ticularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake In the South margin of Aquone Road, and runs South with Hubb Mull's line MOV* feet to a stake; thence East with the King property line 90 825 feet to the Francis Mehaffy line; thence North with said Me haffy line 740V4 feet to the Me haffy corner; thence West SO feet with Patterson line; thence North with said Patterson line 200 feet o the Aquone Road; thence 70. 825 feet with said Road to the Be GINNING. containing 134 acres, more or less. Said lands being fully described to satisfy said taxes, tax liens, in terest and costs of this action, and to forever bar and foreclose all | right, title, estate, interest, claim and lien of defendants In and to ; >r upon said lands; and the said defendants will further take notice they are required to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, at his office in the Court house in Murphy, N. C., within Twenty (20) Days after the 7th day of November, 1952, to-wit, on or before the 26th day of November, "952, and answer or demur to the ?omplaint in this action, which is now on fi'e with copies for defen condemning the said land to sale 'n the complaint now on file in this ??etion, reference to which is here by made for more full description. And for the further purpose of dants, or the plaintiff will apply 'o the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. This the 7th day of October, 1952. J. L. HALL, Clerk Superior Court. By CARMEN HANEY. Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County. N. C 13-4tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned having quali ied as administratrix cum testa -nento annexo of the estate of Cash S. Jenkins, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of October, 1953, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to i said estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned. This the 17th day of September, 1952. P Your children will Httete tAe Change to a(uKHf4