VACATION i?th< FJectiun (hart Page'! PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS 'a \ ??l I VI t o: \l ViHK i: Ml KFin NPK I H ( aKOI l> A IHIK^ t lii: *?. I I N p \? . t - I HI - 4. t I K Mauney Elected; Eisenhower Apparent Yv inner Murphy High Annual Stages Naming Contest \\ A ' i:. i 1 ?. r -.k lei's a IK* s-ii.iMs \v. :k n_ t plan tu jvn?; th?- ? ;n. ri 'Mi ti>:K '*sNion 'ii.t^.i/r:- ^ and \ and r i- i: an fu>rt to reduce ??arhmik and i' : .1 ! student* Kastern Star To Honor Mrs. (iibbs M r s ? PaG 1 b b s iri11 Mar?ha of the Tennessee < >n1iT of the Eavtt-rji Star and * .shter of Mrs M \ Palmer t>f \ndrews. will b< honored bv K rn'\v:!l.' C.iapte; b9 during a ri feting starting at 7 3d p m Fri ll '? Nov 14 in the Maso: :<? Ten p ? ? at Know : . le Mr- (r.hb< is being honored for iier :r.a r.y years of faithful work f. : the order." the Know i !#?** ( (:.aj>*er announced Mrs Lee PuLlkmi of \ndrcws : a oister to Mrs Gtbbs btcal Birthday Calendar Will lie Issued Here tut'M- " ? ? h: -J. st?'d vs :! b* :ta?k ??* vs i" h h;0. >??. :>'? :...'ked h> na.iit- of the cou : r i < ?! i k ?d b\ the ! 1 A I. Auxiliary Meeting Called T::i- Aw!".''; n I,eg:on V.;\i'\iT : Th ursdav r 7 30 p m 'l ediK\:t!??:..i! buihtirig of V Pr<?sb> 1 r ? r*i jr C!iu.t:i with t1 pn-viie;:' M. \ u? Taylor pr M:v Ruth Carrin.vr program ?\.der will present Mrs Johnsie Nunn, superintended of public welfare who w:il speak on Child Welfare Ml members are urged attend as there will be a dis i-u>sio:-. of the Fifth area meeting at licnotr on So\ 14 to ascertain how many will attend Barbara Rhoads Is Homecoming Queen Miss i'. irbara ft hoa da a i bj ; i:i i : i! : i-iiii iiur I 'u- \llii .?run .:ii; will K- j'Auitii t Mi MiUhv-d Taylor j'no a hieti v l: . :*? maid of hon r.aix'h onto the field i:.- with itv team's oo i 'i lit Thompson H a thss Khoads and Miss T >.i u. r>. nominated by the fo, ad and were eleetrd in v,ad:.. poll , Jh ir atendanls will he mem brrs of the newly organized Boost ?r < itih. whose sjwinsor is Mrs Joe Ray. I he girls in the club are: l!i'-abf'b Frankum, Sally Eergu son. Maxine Kilpatrick. Carolyn \'ev rider, Sally Morris, Jimmie l>a\is, Shirley Bates. Roy Burgess. \un Elliott, Billie Jane Rush, Sarah Posey Sherrill, \udrey liockery and Glenda Ivie. or a' .Murphy High School, has ?mi h\ *?'' Buiiii ami the high rcvv M i rp'm game a i l at hall \\ 1-rtii Dalrwnple. football team Also: \nn Shields, Joanne Ad- | ams, Susie Calhoun, Susie Miller, Jo Ciarrett, Joan Schmit, Rosalind Stalcup, Ann Dockery, (iwenda | I.ou Cole and Juanita Kephart. The queen and in a id of honor J are also members of the club. T.irec majoretf--S have also been ] crioson %:> march with the school on! a* the half time They are M: ?'s Jerry Ruth Smith. Jane Wln'.rv and Reeky Jo Ray School will be dismissed at 2 p. { >r the gam - which will be at 2 3) . Halftinu* rer- rriony plans have I seen marie by sponsors of the j Jut ,... Class, .Mrs Fannie Mit j Case. Walter Puett and John 1 Thompson working with Mrs. Ray and Coach Ike" Olson High School Receives Gifts In Memory Of James B. Ward Murphy High School received1 'wo memorial gifts in memory of .f>:nes B Ward Jr, late husband of Mrs Ann Candler Ward of ihe ?high school faculty Mr Ward died in Haiti in August A group of Haitian laborers un iVr Mr Ward't supervision pre sented an unabridged dictionary with nvrhoghany s*and, and a croup of Mr Ward's Murphy friends presented a 16-inch physio I political globe with library mount- i i rug Th<> giftA were presented ait a recent chape! exercise and were accpted by suprerinienrtent. H Btieck. in bebaif of the school Arp Home Burns In Culberson The home of Walter Arp at Cul berson. Rt 2, burned las* Friday night ut 11 o'clock No one was at home at the time Six or seven thousand dollar* damage was reported by sheriff Frank Crawford Registration For f I) Set At School Murphy citizens interested in s? rvitig with Civil Defense forces I will get a chance to register from I | 9 a in to 4 p m irh day Nov j 1 through Nov 27 Thr Murphy Lions Club will register volunteers during that period in the lobby of thr Mur phy Elementary School building Civil Defense has sot up 10 ma jor volunteer services to bo press ed into action in case of a national o mcrgoncy The divisions include warden service. fire service, police ser vice. health service, welfare ser vice and engineering .service Also, rescue (service, tnansportia- i .ion service, staff service and com munication*; service Volunteers will get a chance to select the service they wish to join Democratic House Candidate Takes And Holds Karlv Lead According To Incomplete Returns 1 j' ? 'a r r t\ 37. < ..?'i*. -i w. <? lf<?! Iii. . ? ?* ] 4 Ci.r:-.?k.M r.:n :?.? ?? : - ' * .i- r ? ? pjM.-vn* - tie: 1C r -! ?, ? r t" n >! ? .47; p*> ? ? u* j gav.- 4' 7 4 44 f?.: <\ j 7 .. L'4 ? J' . :7,oa. ? \ ( ? \\ i. li . n k s -.:.m :i .r \:i? i V ?? "i < ? . 1!. ? ??? ! j same t:> 1 5 ':<?'s \\ C ? M. ad ItiT #177 i Sea - a. ; ?>4 044 I \ ' Vu"*1: < ! ' .i !)? m- K-rot.e .res rod* v. ;-h Vr\<< ad ::: 1 i ? p.! !? ? return* indicated County followed the i:ne -1ra; 'ht ' u-k?-t patter:, with vr-. few spilt vuti^ corning tn T:;e county gave George \ ^11uf<: 13 2.507 votes as compar ed to 2 i "7 for Republican Hugh Me;. te.M: of Sylva in the V S Con gy-s> pace Statewide, Shuford got IT.4'from 81 of the 204 precincts in the 12th Congressional District Monteitb got 15 300 By 11 30 p m Tuosda> it was apparent that Mauney had been e - <ted and Crawford had carried ti;e county Between that time and mid night the crowd in the Elections KI'.P M:\r\EV Rim::. 'El- ( 'Hi !~ Hnjse ? 1 . it :. :i!> a '. . o a . ? .? f: b> "r11 '1 a.t went Ke ; .<?.:! 4 !;?.?? ?:iip 1 *-t?? -. ? ? . j: ?; v. ? : ?:.< ? .:i Kbenee ? G :.i;> ? ? k H.i-.-,'LrvJ :tv ],,:n; - i >.a < *:-??? -k ' ::k:i and 1 "pptT Eb i. ? ?ni.i ti I :i area f 1--< *. i ? r;- Fred Z:::;anir t11 .11 v^s elect-d Murphy Town i.ur"able w i': 1,568 vol; s Hjs i.;:j> :>nt. Mark Fairncr ?ot 1.2H3. S r Ei o o board returns put C:a: - Van Gordcr with t. 120 votes Frank Wilhide with 841 L. M \':ehols with 811 and Rooert Heuton with 746 on the Andrews School Board Fleeted to the Marble School G?>'. :nis>ion ware Fred Barton w ir 11 285 and Giles Bryson with GOV I'MSTI \1) J:i- Dff: Pi .1 I ? . ? i r :n , < .1 Li''at' -? run:i:nc id \ * A > S v'M s'l: i ?Vii1 ? wv:-v M> ra W.i k. ? 44? ? C S F:v.-! 37J .md M. - Gj.r^ C'oVx'r. G35 Electric Power Be Off Sunday P. M. ; ' r;<- power in Mu-ph wilt I '? r?ff Sunda> m>v l* a*. . ? 35 j) m th?- Tour. ot Murphy ! ?' nn->:i:: i*d | Tn ? poucr m.\ b<- !ur.'j?d i*tf s? j : .'".a*. TV A r..n mak*- ::i r ub-stat ion. Cherokee County citizens gathered from all points of the area to visit the Andrews plant of Berkshire Mills when the building w<js opened for ?. i>i-tors last -Friday Show n aK>vc are visitor* f""m Andrews and Murphy as th^y watch operations of < :i,' of the knitting machines I,rft to right are Mrs B (i Brumby. Jr of Murphy, Mrs J W Thompson of Murphy Mrs L B Nichols of \n;lrev. - Mr-. I like Kllis of Andrews and Mrs J H MeCall of M arp<h> Some l.fSOO pr i sons filed through the plant during the Open House Refreshments v> me served m th plant's cafeteria. 1,500 At Berkshire Opening Area Guests See Mill Operation BY Rl'TH SrRSAVAC;*: The Berkshire Knitting Mill- r?f Andrm held Open House last ri f la y to some l.fiOO visitors Community leaders of Andrews, Murphy. Bryson City, Robbin-sville, Svlva and Franklin wore extrava gent in their prai<*o r?f the new in riust r> Congratulatory flowers came ?many sources and added to the gala atmosphere that prevailed as the doors of the big plant were opened to the public ("'?operating with tlie manage ment. employees shifted thefr working hours so that vis Hon might see every department In full production. insofar as present rvariliable installations permitted. The departments In the new plant include knitting, seaming, examining mesvHng .and prefxnd ?ring. with special arras set aside "-I., maintenance. shipping and iffiee duties Following the tour Tiroughout ::e plan1 guest- a ere invited into !h' spinous and beautiful oafo ''?r;a fur refreshments Fneeutirrs from the home plant Reading I'i , came early for the eeLol)ration, most of them arriving on Wednesday and staying through Friday afternoon I no! tided in the executive groups were the President of Berkshire Knitting Mills, Ferdinand K Than and Mrs Thun. John W Bowman, vice-president and treasurer, Mrs Sam Fry; William Brenner, assis tant to the vire-presideTit, Robert G Ghjinger. superintendent of en gineering; William Sheeier, super intendent of production machine ry, Henry Fiddler, vice-president of aales; J Tobias, assistant to \'iee-p res Went of salea; and Hans Holhaok inventory control. Plant officials were high in their pr:;is> df {he new pTant, its man ( * : ? n* its employees .1:1.1 t.h | p< li- M .1! pui. ic of W\C | Th< \ expressed sat isfat'1 hip Ait! | the Open House celebration. nipl | j wiH'j the number of persons who | j visit'*! the plant In addition to the- people of the , I \n ?*-fv.s Nantahala. Mtnirphy mid , I 1 urrounding communities them ! were representative?; of Hatves I I Hosiery MM!, Van liaatte Com pa 1 | nv and several WNC leaders, among whom was State Treasurer Brandon I* Hodges, who wrs largely responsible for sending the Berkshire company to Cherokee County The Berkshfrr Knitting an mi Island evidence of 1 he accompli shed in a by wholehearted and cooperation The town of AndnewV^' went all out to gain the Berkshire J plant and Open House ahowed the' I people just what an asspt they hotM < gained j 1 Honesty, Integrity Col.!!. I. Putnam Speaks At \iidrcvvs Kotarv Club Meeting t *: 11 - a.-id I ? lit pen -d'-rice ? -< >:it: nil- ? ? > : s1. ' n_nr u h \ J I \ I < ll< >l< I !i " i * \:iu-r: .lit' i'.ii vd w ifh i . ?. or mafe H? ? I ::i^it :iiarik:rid 41 . " 1 a. ' ' i has biHXHVl' ? .' ? : 1 ya. run J, materia. . m*k1> ?:i41 a -alt:;. tiiat they are rr freedom a rut rc.igion )?.- -at - d tuat the present tgvrid tii.varu socialistic government . ii :u I * !?;. fear and an appeal to ? h< hi^e: [wvsions of man 11,- < ie.;]wi:*et! pre-eiit trends :n Vm- ruu with similar trends that 1 p receded th< fail of the Roman | Knipire lie a Co compared present ? ri.-:Mi^ with the Bibl.cai account of ' 'he \rri-('hr:v: Col. Putnam stated that his talk : was non political. He asserted that the salvation of the world did not rest with politicians nor with i mnumists. nor w ith diplomats, hut rather in the hearts and pur poses ol the common man. Col Putnam showed documenta ry proof that our own country and j gov eminent are infiltrated w ;!h n:a::y sociai.s-s ar.d communists I a n ! complete!y un-democratic ' lead rs rle stated fha! the dan I " \ :?.er;ca is from within and no! from without. As a ooSu'.ion to the dark and :nsid:??ui picture that he portray ed. Co! Pal nam called for a re turn to M-.iysm and with if a re turn to hones:v truthfulness and .no .;r:'v .n both low and high places Co. i'.i'r.i:n closed his very of- ] fee1: ve i-ciin ? w t!h a i>ra> ? r and i poi ;nan: so!d:e; "> poem Final Rites Are Held For Stiles Child Cr.t i m C rites for Vickie Cou >'*: .??' cC :ghter of the Rev and M \ -ah Stne- were heal i l";i;i: ?d.. n Sa -n <' nncp-ry at Suit I. fun- i H--:r:e was in < '..arye Boomerang Staff Is Listed His- ' ? l' 'i' ?*> pj i.' r.. ? chief ( KluTS ?'tl l'.'- stuff .? ' ? ? , ? : ?-rit d 't'- p ?' T:.... u:v avM? cdiU (F, U .tri:! Mil.I.- K.W, spirts edr ."v si.Lsi!' \! ' : vir .i < .Jt>. \ n \ ? 1 ?*?i' m \dir ... ?.MI \1.1II1- ' n . ]?' ..^tin-til F rank il :T1 ! ? . - . ?. , <? \ H.r ! I>! \\* '? ? ? i K.i'.'/.i rumor l ,<l \i< ? ?. Berry Joan M? * ? \ r:: ? S: ? Ids Mildred Max.r.e K .jHiSri<-k Ann Ikr fK. .. R?..*ci* II C B c-< \Ku> Ik.! t'l-vs v . ; v . ? and IV H?u Kw M a -? . -n il.sT.r .md \ :? .1 St. i"-, ' > . .?' tl\ u i. i ?i .t-'.an ( ??lo, a-.J ; ty sp.n.'-.-rs Miss Mara- Travis and Jack Harm :t The c i i<^ue is a 1" page pumica: inn and includes :ieu > sports fasir.orr- gos-ip and pkes 500 People .See Andrews School Open Hous-e was observed at the Xrulr'ws V?w Primary Building Irom 2 p m in 6 p :ri Sundav Approximately 500 visitors were 1 -iioun through The new buPding The building was opened for nssc> on Monday It houses four firM grades four second grades, a principal's office, a teachers" h-tinge and storage areas Modern in even. revp-N 4 .eh classroom has both an outs-d and < erridur entrance, a lavatory, thinking fountain and rest rooms The building is equipped with all modern furnishing-. Full length Venetian blinds are at the w i ndow - N e w blonde f i r. i she (I desks, tables and cha rs and new leaders' d'-^ks are a '.so in use T:.e floe- i- covered with green nd ':\.v ir.laid Tile squares and I-.'.a!! ; idor- include light ar.d dark I : ",i >??!' . a ins ? a:;<t white T:.! building or ded by Smith ' .:.d Jones (hm.struction Co will I ,i c.en xinte some 2bo pupils in its Fieri' - of window space gives a i't i urge school ground which ha> been sowed with grass Cod.S Durir.r the afternoon of Open Howe, visitors from both Andrews . n it ?? ii t-of-town were shown ..?ugh the building. Refresh ment.- were starved at the school 1.. nek room Swpt J K Rufty express g plea sure ;n the many c*m/ratui..".iry fl-ew-ers that were sent by business Urnis. e.vic clubs and in dr. i Rials. Hiwassee Dam PTA Announces Thanksgiving Carnival Plans C O Thanksgiving Carnival, nod. ^handmade articles ill he held a4 the Hi School starting at 6 , Nov 21 v r The Carnival, sponsored by the i Hi'Aassce Dam School Parent-1 Teacher \ssociation, will be staged 1 to raise money for the school. I Kr.itme attractions will includ bingo cake wdl* a*d * sale Jm ? " r A l*i7aar lioath displaying hand made articles "and a country store j showing canned goods and other 1 food items are evpccted to drawn big crowds. Numerous game booths wtll be j iQt up for the children to enjoy * invitation to all Pherokw Cjninty was Issued by the Hfwtw fcSjVrA ?? ? PJF StiPPKR AT CHURCH j . There will be * pte supper ?t Bid Martin's Creek Cfyurrh FrIJI lay night Proceeds will go ta ?ikif iC?t church Bulldog Seniors Slated For Bowl Thr Murphy Bulldp^i <^nd 14 seniors to the SnwJnfWfo'untain Senior Bowl f ootids if ^anip Thanks giving Day. Nov 27, at Bryson jgL who are expected to see in* the game are Donnto Greene, Larry Posey, James Smith, Steve Crawford, BUT Thompson and Hayden McClure JAtso. Fred Dalrymple. Wayne Comwell, James Davis, Bill Rw sey, George Hall, Dale KUpatrtck. Cyrus Rich and Denny Elliott, ^ All seniors In the Smoky Moui> tain Conference wflj play the (fame The Western teem WU1 be made op of players from Murphy. Hayesvttle, RobbinsvHle and HpStikJIn F The Bastern team will oonatst Of players from Syha, Cherokee and Dl JSUtl Ckf.

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