KEEP YOUR MONEY IN YOUR COMMUNTTY 01ft Wftrofeff #>r?awt PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS 4. s TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS VOLUME??6 NUMBER 41 MUKPHY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, APRIL M. 1*53 1 EIGHl PAGES THIS Lion Governors Of NC Meet Here May 9-10 The North Caroline State Coun- I cH of Governors of Lions Interna tional and the State Stick ley Pro motion Committee will meet In Murphy May 9 and 10. President Bob White has an nounced that the six district gover nors and their wives and aix mem bers of the Stickley Committee and their wivew will be guests of the Murphy Lions Club at ? special dinner meeting at Duke's Lodge Saturday evening. May 9. ' On Sunday morning May 10. the committee members will begin their business session with a break fast at Ike Regal Hotel, headquar ters for fite meetng. Mm. H. Bueck will be hostess to the ladles of the party for a breakfast Sunday morn ing. i There will a number of children j In the pafty. They win be enter ? talned for the week end by Burke ' Edward Moore, H. C. Bueck, SaOie Bault, and Lynn Whitley. Those attending the meeting wW be Richard E. Kelley, District Governor Sl-B, Boone,; E. O. Lane. I District Governor 31-C. Denton; Llman D. Austin, District Governor 31-D, Albemarle: W. Paul Lyman District Governor 31-E, Raleigh; W. J Dunn, District Governor 31-F, Washington; Norman TrueMood, State Sec., Elizabeth City; and H. Bueck. 31-A, Chairman Board of | Governors, Murphy. Prom the Sti ckley Committee International Co unselor Hugh Monteith, Syhra; Past President E. B. Graber, Charlotte. Past Deputy District Governor H. Kennedy Houtz, Elizabeth City; International Director John L. Sti ckley, Charlotte; International Co unselor Charleg S. Clegg, Mt Holly and Louis K. Dey, Rocky Mount DOGWOOD WINTER, blackberry winter and Jut plain winter hare been clutching out at Cherokee County, during the past few weeks, but every now and then Spring pipes up in spite of itself. The weath erman hasn't said whether all of the winters are' over yet? and kill ing frosts have secured from time to time during the dogwood bloom ing season. But on one of the better days, pretty Lois Jones, 14, in the 8th grade at Hiwassee Dam Saehool, lust dared old man winter to bother Chero kee again. Here she is decked out?like the dog need tree in the back ground?in a pretty spring frock. Lois is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones. Some of the recent cold readings reported by the TVA Hydraulic Data Division, oceured from April 17-22, whan the minimum.temper ature was 24 degrees. So far this season the maximum temperature reported is 83 degrees, reported both April 8 and 9. (Scout Photo) New Zealand Youth Ends 2-Week Visit In County Brian Mooney, left, and host, Dallas McKown chat over a cnp of cof fee on the terrace of the McKown home at Oak Park, before leaving for a tour of the Tennessee Copper Company in Copperhlll. (Scout Ptfotos) left. Was Guest Of Shields, McCombs Brian Mooney of New Zeland, an | International Farm Youth Ex-1 changee.was scheduled to leave' Cherokee Ciunty. today, after two | weeks spent here observing farm-' ing methods and speaking to local | groups. Mooney was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B Shields of Tomotla; April 16-23, observing the Shields poultry and hatching egg business at their farm. He attended the Murphy School Junior-Senior party and the Re creational Training School at the Folk Sshool at Brasstown. He also attended the Aberdeen Angus sale at Enka with G. H. Farley, county agent, and several local cattlemen. He was guest speaker at the Hi ?vassee Dam School and Murphy High School assembly program, as well % being a visitor to the junior ? and senior English classes at the latter school. " , He was also taken to visit sever al other farms during the week. , Friday he was the guest of Mr. | and Mrs. Dallas McKown at Oak Park. Mr. McKown was his guide on a tour of of the Tennessee Cop-, per Company in Copperhill. Saturday, P. C. Ivie took Mr. Mooney to Clay County to meet an Australian girl, and Saturday and ' Sunday he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs Hugh Howard near Duke's lodge for a fishing trip. The remainder of his visit was , spent at the McCombs farms in j Peach tree. Wednesday he attended the District Home Demonstration Clubs meeting in RobbinsvUle. Mr. Mooney will next go to Wis consin, the dairying state, and at the end of his sojourn in this coun try will go to Enggiand for a visit and thence home, completing a trip around the world. The 21 year old New Zeeiander, llve? on a dairy farm in his home Forsyth Named Chairman Of Murphy Power Bd. At Meet NOAH LOVINGOOD J. a DUNCAN FRANK FORSYTH Rotarians Have 25th Birthday The Rev. Malcolm Williamson of Waynesville, former Rotary District Governor, was guest speak er at the 25th Anniversary meet ing of the Andrews Rotary Club April 23 in the Shell Dining Room. The program and dinner, at which the ladies were also present, included a short summary of the club's history, by L, B. Nichols and Gerald AWtad made a she talk and presented pins signifying 25 years of service in Rotary to W. D. Whitaker. L. B. Nichols, Zed Whitaker and Luke Ellis. The charter members were How ard .TUlett, Claude Tarklngton. Dr. Will Morrow, Rev. Hershell Ford, Sam Cover, L. B. Nichols, W. D. Whitaker, J. Frank Bristol, C. H Jarrett, J. Wiley Davis, Luke M. Ellis, L. O. Caldwell, P ercy B. Fer ebee, W. T. Latham. John Sessoms, Will Ashe, George B? Hoblitzell, Bill Currier and Frank Swan. School Board Elects Supt., Principals The Andrews School board has re-elected J. E. Rufty as superin tendent, and Charles Frazler, prin cipal of te Andrews Elementary School and Frank Walsh, princi pal of Marble School, according to L. B. Nichols, chairman of the Andrews School board. Teachers for the two schools will be elected Tuesday night, May 5. Serving on the Board are Robert Heaton. Dr. Charles Van Gorder, F ank Wilhide of Andrews and Fred Barton and Giles Bryson of Marble, along with Mr. Nichols. Dance Recitals Set At Andrews, Hayesville The spring dance recital of Miss ? Htldred Heaton's Dance Classes in Andrews and Hayesvllle will be presented Friday evening. May 8 in Hayesvllle and Friday evening May 15 in Andrews. Both Andrews and Hayesvllle students will preform in both reci tals, and the Hayesvllle recital will be in the Hayesvllle Gymnasium; and the latter in the Andrews School Auditorium. Both will be at .7:30 p. m. , The following numbers will be presented: "Doggie In The Win dow," song and tap, Keya Carpen ter, Cathy Van Gorder, Chipper Heaitan. Donna Sue Fuller. Chuckle Van Gorder, Barby Watrry. Skippy Almond, Linda Head and Johnny Gernert. "Animal Crackers", sing and tap, Sandy Zimmerman, Robert Staten, Helen Kahn, Nancy Lee Bristil, Bill Gray, Julia Wheeler, Gail Palmer, Sherry Wimpey; "Buttons and Bows", tap, Suzan Gray, Martha Plemmons, Betsy Bradshaw, Jackie Eckerd and Judy Phillips. "Waltz Clog", tap, Ann Graley, Mary Hope Day. Mary Jo Battle, Ann Pullium and Percy Day; "Lady of Spain", Spanish tap, Ann Pull ium, Catherine Sursavage, and Bet sy Battle. DOUGLAS BEAL, 15. proud ly displays the t lb. 11 on. baas he hooked Saturday morning fishing from the bank of Hl wasaee Lake in Old Chambers Field. Douglas used a Usard for bait and an ordinary rod and reel to catch the 22 Inch fish. The fisherman Is the son of Mr. Mrs. Charlie Beal of A companion of Beal eaaght two "May Pole Dance', ballet, Suzan Gray, Martha Plemmons, Betsy Bradshaw, Nancy Lee Bristol, Hel en Kahn, Jackie Eckerd, Sherry Wimpey and Judy Phillips; "Mili tary Tap", tap, Catherine Sursav age, Betsy Battle, Ann PuIlium and Kent Laughter. "Top Hat", White Tie, and Tails", tap, Ginger Gray, pat Staten, Con nie Moore, Helga Wimpey, Kay Farmer, Joan Crawford, Terry Stat en, Junior Jones and Jack Cloer. "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" ballet, Cathy Van Gorder, Keya Carpenter. Sandy Zimmerman, Julia Wheeler, Gall Palmer, Linda Head, Donna Sue Fuller, Barby Watry, Mary Hope Day, Ann Fra ley, Betsy Battle, Ann Pullium, Catherine Sursavage and Mary Jo Battle. Also, "Tea for Two", soft shoe tap, Sandra Gray, Joyce Lewis and Kent Laughter; "Oriental Dance", ballet, Ginger Gray Sandra Gray. Connie Moore, Joyce Lewis, Pat Staten, Kay Farmer and Joan Crawford; ballroom, foxtrot, waltz | and jitterbug. , i Skelton Dance, acorbatics, Skip py Almond, Chuckle Van Gorder, | Johnny Gernert and Butchie Sur savage; black faced comedy act, tap and pantomine, Kay Staten and Kay Farmer; and oircsu, entire cast. Mrs. Lail Takes Prize In Revue Mrs G E. Lail was first prize winner in the drees revue of the Valley Town Home Demonstration Club April 22 at the home of Mrs. Mle Taylor. Mrs. Dave Swan placed second.. Others la the revue were Mrs. Hsrvw Hamilton and Mm. J. J. Wood. MAYBE YOU'LL BELIEVE it now?in case yon've heard any of J|m Ed Hughes' fish stories. This beautiful 22 Vi inch brown trout weighing 3 lb. 13. oz. was caught by Hughes Saturday, on Santee-' lah Stream. Hughes used a flat fish to lure the trout, and he also hooked a number of smaller fish to bring in his limit. (Scout Photo) Final Crippled Fund Report $800 Some $800 was raised in Chero kee County tor the recent Crippled Children's Easter Seal Campaign, Bill Whitaker, chairman, 9aid. About one half of the 700 envel opes with seais were returned with contributions. Co-Workers with Mr. Whitaker were Mrs. Mavis Harris, Mrs. Blanche Ramsey and Mrs. Mildred Ray of Andrews and Mrs. Alice Swain and Miss Willie Lovingood of Murphy. An apparently high voltage Mur phy Power Board met Fitoay in quick order elected itself a i mail, appointed a hired a part time secretory Save present employes ot the 1 trie Department a vote at i Frank Forsyth, appointed tn j newly passed General set as a she jnar member at 0w Power Board, was elected ? at the board. ? Other members at the board are J. H. Duncan, appointed far Ms years, and Nosh Lovingood. ap pointed for two years. ehanxes in I be made after farther the board. Mias Elizabeth Gray was hhed a* a part time secretary to board meetings and and keep records of the actions. The group sated to schedule ? foil study at the pay, dak lease, vacations sad other fasten per tain Ins to employes of the elec tric department. Next meeting at the Murphy Power Board was set for 7 p. to Thursday May 7. The panel has in vited TV A and Electrical < to the meeting to discuss the phy power i Charles Moore's Bites BeToday Charles Spence Moore, SO a re tired farmer and carpenter died at his home in Hayesvilie, Route 4, at 9:45 a. m. Tuesday after en extended illness. 'Funeral services will be conduct ed at 3 p. m. today in Hayesvitte Methodist Church of which he bad been a member for a number of years. The Rev. G. C. Green, pastor, will officiate, and burial will be In the Presbyterian Cemetery. Nephews will be pallbearers. ! Surviving are the widow. Mis. Carrie Hampton Moore; five song, Robert E. of Tampa, Fla., Monroe of CarroDton, Ohio. Thom as Rex of Black Mountain, Jack of Canton, Ohio and Charles Barry of Hayesville; six brothers, E. C. and J. B. Moore of Murphy, John Patfl af Warne, W. T. of Andrews, Frank M. Blairsville. and Harve of Hayes ville; four sisters, Mrs. Dollie Lowe of Birmingham, Ala., Mrs. Mamtn Smith and Mrs. Eliza Patterson of Hayesville, and Mrs. Katharine Snyder of Detroit, Mich., and eight grandchildren. Townson Funeral Home is la charge of arrangements. Andrews PTA Head Mrs, Margaret Ann Watry was recently elected president of the Andrews PTA Other officers are Mrs. S. J. Gemert, vice-president, T oulse Rector, secretary; snd Marvin Anderson, treasurer. HIWASSEK DAM SCHOOL