Rorici - QMULOU cowry quali fied m executrix and executor of of S. W. Lovtogood, de le of Cherokee County, thn ie to notify all persons having Sow tilt's REAL , Coffee! * The between meal cof fee-break in offices ev erywhere I* a growing, refreshing custom. In more and more offices,' youH^find a small hot plate*.-a coffee maker and close by, a package of delightful coffee fla vor ? JFG Special in the blue and white bag. t c* s - claim* against Mid estate to pre sent them to fee undersigned on or before the tod of July, 1954. or fete notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person* in debted to add estate will plea** payment to tbe Thia tbe 2nd day of July, 1093. MYRTLE HUBBARD, Executrix and F. V. fi ^SOMETHING WRONG IN POUGLAS OFFICE. ' dl HE' C?T 0OY GO/. THERE'S TONTO'S HORSE, MARSHAL. HE REACHED T AHEAD OF US! HE REACHED THE INDIAN AGENTj mr 6 HAPPENED here?J5 A SHORT TIME LATER? J J INDIANS ATTACKED LIS I NOW I'M WITH THE CATTLEMEN! WE'LL RUN THE REDSKINS F=T OFF THE RESERVATION, WHERE'S MOOR SON, DOUGUfflSj 1 "THEY MUSTVE CKPTURED JIM.' I'LL LOOK FOR TRACKS.' ? 'Pb-JV ?Ef 0UT I SAW - INDIANS WHO (VXTKCKED US! I NEVER HEM3P0FWDt(?S< RWN6 HORSES -THKT WERE SHOD'. WHERE'S THAT MK5KED FRIEND. OF YOURS?. HIM CO FOR MNJ3HW./ HIM FIND tOU CROOKS J ^\ou nk-naT np wowruve THAT U3N&/ j r\ ?