,KEEP YOUR MONEY IN YOUR COMMUNITY TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS / . ?? ?? ???? VOLUME M?NUMBER S MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, AUGUST II. 1853 ' TEN PAGES THIS WEEN 50 Criminal Cases Are Disposed Of In Court Term Here;Shields Sentenced Superior Court closed ben yesterday after crkakjal cases were disposed if including a contempt of court charge against L. M Shields well-known Murphy Shields drew a 3ft day from presiding Judge F. Donald Phillips on changes of alleged at tempts to influence a grand Juror. Shields tied been served April 18, 1053, with a bill of indictment for drunk driving, by Patrolman C H. Long and Deputy Guy Rob erts. According to contempt proceed ings record, the defendant, know ing that Frank KllMan was a mem ber of the grand jury of Chero kee County, approached Kiilian on August 10, 1953 and apprised the grand juror Chat there was a bill of indictment befloce the grand jury against him (Shields) upon a charge of driving a motor vehicle upon the highway of the State while intoxicated. The record says Shields stated to the grand juror that the law for driving while intoxicated. If he was convicted, would take his 'license for driving away from htan. The defendant. Court record says, re quested Frank Kiilian not to vote a true bill against htm (the defend ant). Shields again approached Kil ljan on August 11, 1953, accord to the record, again inform the Juros of the bill pending against him and again requested Kiilian not to vote to find a true bill against him. Shields declined to testify in' t contradiction of Kal ban's testim ony. I.^r V* OTHER CASES Cart Wilburn Bowers; speeding; no contest; Judgment continued for 12 months; costs of action. J C. White; driving under the influence; pleaded guilty; four mo mffihs, suspended for two years, $100 fine, license revoked 12 months. J C White, driving under the in fluence. 12 months suspended 3 yean, $250 fine; licence revoked Hiram Arnold RrumbLey, speed tag; pleaded guilty judgment oone itoued 12 months on good behavior. $50 fine. Thomas Andrew Truett. speed tag pleaded gutUy; judgment cont inued 12 mouths; $150 fine license suspended 6 months. John W11 lard Hanrby, drunk dri ving; pleaded guilty; judgment continued two yearn, $100 fine; 12 months license suspended. ALSO Luther Lemmons, driving under the influence; pleaded guilty, judgment continued two years; $100 fine, 12 months license sus pension. , Joe Boyd Deaiton, drunk driving; pleaded guilty, $700 fine. L. L. Day. drunk driving; judg ment continued two years; $100 fine; two years license revoked. Dale Earwood, speeding; plead ed guilty; judgment continued two years; $100 fine. . Howard Odus Thompson, reck less driving; judgment continued 18 months; $50 fine; pleaded guilty. A. O. Stiles, driving under the Influence; .pleaded guilty; judg ment continued two years; $100 fine; license revoked two years. Wade Mull, driving under the influence; pleaded guilty; con tinued two years; $100 fine; two yeans license revoked. Lon Jefferson Freeman, driving under the influence; pleaded gull ;ty judgment continued for two years; $100 fine; 12 months license revoked. Herbert Gibson, driving under the influence; judgmgent contin ued two years; $100 fine; 12 mon ths license revoked. Hillard J. Swink, speeding; pleaded guilty; judgment contin ued 12 months; $50 fine. James Marion Fowler, murder, nil pross wtilth leave. David Phillips, driving under the influence; continued for state, Alien Wise, carrying concealed ?weapon; 90 days to run concur rently with sentence defendant 4s now serving. Willard Rogers, driving under the influence; found guilty by jury; judgment continued for two years; $100 fine; two years license re voked. Ervin Coleman, speeding; plead ed guilty; judgment continued 12 months; costs. Allien Dockery, larceny; plead ed guilty of larceny of goods leas than $100 value; judgment contin ued 12 months. Billy Cannon, Mrs. David Phil lips, Mrs. Wills Mae Phi Hops, dis orderly conduct; ndl pnoss with leave. Eugene McDowell. speeding; pleaded guilty of speeding and reckless driving; judgment contin ued 18 months; $50 fine; six mon ths license revoked. Harry Zimmerman, violation of prohibition laws, for possession, six months; transporting, 12 mon ths; second count suspended far three yeans. Jack Hartness and Hairy Green, breaking and entering and larceny of ahicks; nol pros with leave; changed to probation. Jack Hartness and Ola Mae Hartness, breaking and entering and larceny; Jack pleaded guilty, State (PitBon not more than one nor less than two years, being 18 years old, not to be placed with hardened criminals; Ola Mae, two years. State Prison. OTHER CASES Charley Stewart, assault with a deadly weapon; pleaded guilty; 12 months. Odds White, assault; pleaded guilty to simple assault two years. Evelyn Gladsoin, violation prohi bition law; nol proes with leave. Evelyn Gladson, violation prohi bition law; pleaded guilty of poss ession; judgment continued two years; $50 fine; for possession to sell; four years suspended for three yean. John (MrMUhm, murder, corftin ued. Ralph Oarrtager. breaking and entering and larceny; thee years probation. Jerry Green, breaking and enter ing and larceny, thee years proba tion. Andrew Green Jr.; breaking and entering and larceny; pleaded guil ty .not leas than two nor more than four yeans, State Prison. W. T. Teas Jr.; reckless driving; nol pross with leave. Marion McTaggort, false pre tense, nol pross with leave. Ray Swanaon, violation of pro hibition law nol pross with leave. Howard Trantham, driving under the influence nol pross with leave. Joseph Hamby, reckless driving; pleaded ndlo contendere-, judg ment suspended 18 months; $25 fine. Ethel Foumg. violation of profii ibitlon law; pleaded guilty to pos session judgment continued for two years; payment of costs. Oscar Smith, driving under the influence; judgment suspended two years $100 fine 12 months lic ense revoked. Oscar Smith, driving undre the influence; 8 months, sentence sus I pended for three years; $200 fine; two years license revoked. James Jackson, drunk, disorder ly, resisting arrest, contributing to delinquency of a minor; case re commended to the justice tor trial. S J Taylor, Jack Taylor, James Crisp, larceny of gasoline; pleaded guilty; judgment suspended two yeee; $25 fine; six months license suspended. James Elbert Anderson, driving under the influence; pleaded gui lty; judgment suspended two years $100 flue; license revoked 12 -months. Frank Guffey violated conditions of suspension sentence of 12 months put into effect. School StartsSoon Plans Made For Enrollment, Ft.ball Begins School days begin for Murphy' children August 26, and in the 12 days left before the opening, school officials are attempting to enroll ell children who have mot yet been enrolled at the school. GRAMME GRADES Mrs. Hilda Olson, elementary supervisor, has announced that she will be at the primary building of Murphy School to enroll all chil dren not enrolled in Murphy Grammar School from last year, on Tuesday, August 18, and Thurs day August 20. Mrs. Olson requested all chill-I dren not properly enrolled in the! school to visit her an one of these days, in order to save time and con fusion on the opening day of school. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (Meanwhile, Supt. H. Bueck's of fice will be open Wednesday and Thusday, August 20 for all new high school students, end all old students, unregistered, Mrs. Pau line Bault, high school dean said. FOOTBALL TEAM Coach Ike Olson h also issuing a soli tor students this week, asking the 44 dandidates for the football team to meet Mm at the school Saturday, August IS, to begin plans for the team. Junior and Senior players am to oome at 10 a. m. Satur ?t 2 p. m. . Practice will begin nesot week, the coach mid, and inedimts eg be given Monday. The opening game of the aeeson will be played September 4 against Andrews. Lodge To Hold Special Meeting Cherokee Lodge. No. ltf, AT and AM. w?l (hM ? ?MCial meet fag ?n ?w Lodge A* Monbp ?* 7 JO p. n. lor At my ct ooo i?r Record Number Men On Probation Here A record number of nine men were placed on probation during the term of Superior Count ended here yesterday, probation officer H A. McGlamery said today. Two of the probationers ore on temporary probation until the next term of court. (McGlamery said the boys will be required to be in by 10:30 p. m. and not to come into town unless accompanied by a parent, The record number for one term of court here Includes; Billie Wal ker and Kenneth Bailee, breaking entering and larceny; pleaded gui lty; make costs and restitution; on temporary probation untU the next term of court. Other* on probation are: Grady Farmer and Hildred Elliott; reoeiv ed sentence for 6 to 8 months, on probation; receiving stolen goods. Bill Ware and Bryan OomweM, Guy Ware, breaking entering, and ?larceny, 18 to 36 months, three years probation. Jerry Green and Ralph Oarrin ger one to two years, three years probation. At the same time two boys, pre viously on probation had their provattan rights revoked and were sent to the road for failure to comply with their probation rules. Ellis Hogsed placed on probation in October 1950 for five years, was sentenced to 12 months; Barl Mc Clure, sentenced in April, 1953 for two years probation, and failed, also received a 12 months sen tence. Test Farmers To Go On Haywood Tour Fri. Hie first out-of-county farm* tour tor Cherokee County fir men In many yean will be held Friday when Cherokee Test Dem onstration Fai men to to Hey Wod County on luvltsttun of fir men of the Thickety commun ity. Cherokee Ouuttty Farm Agent G. H, Farley said tbe eome SO loc al farmers -will go by chartered bus to Haywood leaving at 7:18 a. m. fir the tour and field day. Farley aald there la room fir a few other aooagy firmer* If thay would Uka tola 11m tour k by the TV A Tart of fit hwhH Peach tree Church Revival Starts Sun. Revival services will begin Sun. day, August 16 at PescWree Memorial Church, witn the Rev Kane Stomas at West AahevtHe Church conducting the Sue Miller Wins On Talent Show SUE MILLER Sue Miller, 11 year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jewell T. Mil ler of Murphy, last week took lop honors on the KNOX "Stars of Tomorrow", children's amateur hour. The Murphy girl "The Sweetest Stoy Ever Told'. The prize was a CBS raido. Sue competed with fiwe other girls, 12 and under. Lowell Blanc hard is master of ceremonies of the program. Mrs. Margaret Akin accompanied Sue at (he piano. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Margnet Akin, and Miss Margaret Akin accompanied Sue to Kaox vtlle. Murphy Race Ne~ *vednesday TYKER MILLER Tyker Miller will be in Murphy Saturday with his Soap Box racer with which he won the Asheville (Derby and entered the national derby in Akron, O. Mrs. Anderson's Death Is Told [Mrs. Bessie Cook Anderson, 73, widow of Robert L. Anderson, died Saturday at 9 a. m. in a Young 'Harris Ga. Clinic following a long illness. Mrs. Amdenskm was a native of Fannin County, Ga, the daughter of the late Rufus and Caroline 'Reed Cob, and had resided in the Oggden Community of Clay County since her marriage to Mr. Ander son, a pmminest farmer and mer chant of that section. Until her health foiled, she was active in church and community affairs. Funeral services were held Mon day at 11 a. m. in Ogden Meth odist Church. The Rev. Grover C Green, the Rev A B Lovell, and the Rev. John H Green officiated and burial was in the church cem etery. The body lay In state in tne church for one hour prior to the service. The body was taken to the home at 2:30 p m Sunday to await the funeral hour. Pallbearers were O L, James W, Harold and Early Anderson, El win Cook. Lloyd Smith. Clyne Tiger and Monroe Wilson. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs Allen J Bell, Sr. of Warne, Mrs Robert N Tiger, Sr HayesviHe, MSss Christine Anderson of .Ral eigh, and .Mrs Henry A Tjlley of Chapel Hill; one son, Robert L of Warne; five grandchildren, and five great-grand children. Townson Funeral Home was in charge. Honorary pallbearers were Marion and Joe Myers, M A Payne, V H Bell. Gass Hyatt, Glenn Swan son, J M Ingram, Claude Moore, H B Estes, K B Sherlin, Dr Tanner, Dr Whitfield, Dr. Staton, Earl Standridge, G J Bradshaw, Pink Ledford, Mont Reece, W J Miller H J Swamson, Willis Loudermilk, Donald Ledford, Wade Beaah, Hor ace Garrison, W A McGLatnery, Fred Allison, Frank Bell, William Groves, Ray Williams, Ralph Smith, Gus and Q E Townson, Ed Hyatt, Alvin Penland, J T 'Booth. A number of friends from all over the state were present. The some 20 young auto builders are scurrying to complete their racer? before the Murphy soap box derby set for next Wednesday af ternoon. The race will be'held either on Tennessee St. or on Hilton SL ac cording to chairman of the Sum mer Recreation Program, Hobart L McKeever. On Saturday, August IS, Mur phy boys will have a chance to look over racers built by tvao Waynesv ilie boys and used in the AahevMle Soap Box Derby. Tyker Miller, win ner of the AsheviUe race, spo nsored by Allison & Duncan Tire Co. of WaynesviUe, also raced in the National Derby in Akron, O, last Sunday. Tyker Miller will be at the All ison & Duncan Tire Co in Murphy Saturday, August 15, with bis racer Sammy Lane, also of Way nesville, will accompany Tyler, and bring (his racer, which was judged the best built car in the AsheviUe race Sammy will adao have bis tool kit to show the local boys. Murphy Soap Box Derby win ners will be awarded the above four shining trophies Wednesday here. .Top row, left to right, runner-up trophy and winner trophy. Bottom row, left to right, best car ann third place winner. Former Andrews Woman Dies Funeral services for Mrs. G. C. West, 56, who died Saturday in an Aslheville hospital, were held at 3 p. m. Monday in Calvary Baptist Church, Ashevtlie. The Rev. J. Lester Lane, pastor the Rev. Nane Starnes and the Rev. J. B. Grice officiated and burial was in Green Hills Ceme tery. The body lay In state at the churdh from 2 to 3 p. m. (Mrs. West is the former Miss Pansie Rickett of Andrews. Two Men Uninjured In Peachtree Crash "It's hard to -get hurt in an air plane," pilot George Stephens of Carbondale, 111., said ,'ifter plowing through a concrete waV; at Smiti mont Farm Service in Peach tree today ait 3 p. m. The veteran pilot, who has flown all over (the United States, said the accident (today, which occured dur ing a take-off, was his first mis bap. Stephens was accompanied by Rev. James Webb, also of Carbon dale, 111., and the two were en route to Ridgeorest Baptist Assembly. They received slight lacerations in the crash. The plane, Stephens said was a total loss. However, the' two were still plan ning to go on to Ridgecrest to night by (bus. Smith moot Farm Service owner, J. Franklin Smith, said the plane, a 1 Luscombe 65, landed in the field behind the store about 2 p. m. and' the passengers came to the store saying they were lost, and asked directions to Ridgeorest. They had lunch at the store, Smith said, and returned to the plane for the take-off. Both the pilot and onlookers at tributed the crash to lack of room tor the take-off. Hie plane had gained an altitude of about 50 feet before it fell into a concrete wall about 32 feet behind the store proper. The wall was part of an addition being made to the store. Hiwassee Dam Very Wet In July Is spite of unusually dry July for most of North Carolina, rain fall at Hiwassee Dam was far ab ove average for July according to the Tennessee Valley Authority. Hiwassee was the scond wettest spot in the Tennessee Valley ill July registering 9.99 lsches. Hamby Infant's Rites Are Held Funeral services were held at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Tuesday July 27 for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs Namon 'Hamby. The five months old baby was found dead Monday morning in bed at the home. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev Earl Hughes of Copper hill, Term with Pack Funeral Home in charge. ? Surviving are the parents, pater nal grandmother, Mm Pal he Ham by of Cleveland, Tend'; aix bro thers and one slater and several uncles and aunts. Andrews Scouts Get Star At Honor Court The Andrew* Senate Ite week were awarded the Star Renk at (be Boy Scout Cam* at Honor beU In Andrea. Wayne Battle and Joke 'anion McOurry, field We U B. mm pcMldad. Pad Geraeit of Andrews Troop 1 aerved m clerk of court and Tommy Moon of Troop X Murphy, led Mm platted to Mm TmderfDtt ewarda ad toy Mr. MoCunry Ooctim of Troop S, ' ? Recorder's Court Is Recommended Miss Pullium Dies In Andrews Miss Little Mae Pullium. 40, died at the home of a sister, Mrs Glenn Cooper of Andrews at t p. m. Wedenariay after a lone Illness. She was a native of Cherokee County, the daughter of Joe E and Sadie Queen Pullium. Surviving in addition to the treats and Mrs. Cooper, are one Mrs H aady Annans of Akflon, Ohio; tour brothers, Paul of Struthera, Ohio, Charles and Jade of Akron, Ohio, and BeUvUBe. Otno. held Fri day at 8 p. m. In diet Cburcrh. The Rev I L KM and the Rev John Cortdtt oMdah ad and IMM nan hi the >? Hie immediate establishment of a Recorder's Court for Cherokee County was recommended here this week by the Grand Jury, C A Kilpntrirk, foreman, amnounred. (Mr. Kilpetrkk said the recom mendation was made otto it was known that some 80 per cent of oaaea on the Criminal Docket of the Cherokee County Superior Court for itds term and for all during the of of a op the docfcr at of the Superior Court

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