36 Shopping Days *TU Christmas Come To MbRPh I For m Trade W eek PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS voumi u?jruausx u 1 wjipit, north caiouna Thursday, nov. is. ims bight pages this week Fires Take Toll Here; Cherokee Cafe Total Loss The local fire department has had practically a Are a day week with a blaze laat Friday making a total loae<rf the Cherokee Cafe on! VaMey Blear. Ave. The cafe fire occured about 7:30 starting with a grease fire In the kitchen, with the draft carrying Che flames (hrou^Mut the front of' the building. Smoke damages were extenatee aim on Che oeoond floor of Che building, owned by Dr. R. S. The entire bulldfeig will have Co be redaeorated. Including Che of fices of the Western Carolina Tel ephone CO., <he County Health De partment and off iocs of O. L. An derson, attorney. The eafe In which was the property of Everett ] lish. wfll be eomplei a ted and re-equlpped. Mr. Eng , The kitchen equipment pair, he Rebuilding of the oafe bag been started by Robert S. Bauit, Mur phy contractor, and Mr. English oaid he expects Co reopen by Dec.l. Mr. English said he hope* Che newly decorated and equipped cafe which will Include also a new llg htlng system, will be one of the most modem restaurants in West ern North OecoUna. The metal ceiling, Mr. English said, was probably the main saving. factor which kept the fire from ravaging the entire building. Meanwhile, other fires in the town, although not a? serious as the cafe blaze, kept firemen on the run. About 3 a. m. Sunday a ' fire, caught from leaves, destroy ed about IN yards of growth en the bank between the Southern and L and N depots. There was no leas of equipment nor mat erials fat this fire. It was said. Another week end fire called firemen to a Tennesee St Pool Room. Yesterday morning a slight flu fire occured at Mrs. Mae Johnson's borne on the hospital hill, in the apartment occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Ted Johnson. Only a few minor repairs will be needed, Mrs. Johnson said. With the fire scare and damages, Town Clerk Charlie Johnson is urging all cltjzens to take special care of their heating and electrical systems to be sure they are not hazardous. Last Call issued In Phone Survey Mrs. Dallas McKown, co-chair man of the rural telephone com mittee, has announced the last call for those ?who want to make ap plication for telephones. J Those interested in signing up are asked to see the representat ives of their community and fill out the application form, or to go to the County Agent's Office in the Courthotise before Nov. 16. It is necessary for all the com cunlty representatives to spot the map in the county agents office I showing where people live who want phone service. If you are unable to go, Mrs. 1 McKnown said send someone in your place. The map will (have to go the telephone company without the applications. Bank Celebration Will Feature Orchids, Gifts The Citizens Bank and Trust Co., will hold ? open house next week at j its banks, featuring orchids to lad- > ies, mecbanioal pencils to men,' ?| comic books to children and xr freshments, frank Forsyth, vice president, said today. lite (Murphy bank will hold open house Tuesday, Nov. 17, from 3 p. m. to B p. m. The Andrews bank wiH receive visitors Thursday, Nov. IB, from 3 p. m. to 9 p. m. The HayesvlUe bank will hold open bouse Monday and Robbinsville, Friday. The special open bouse programs are in connection with the cele bration of North Carolina Know Your Bank Week Nov. 16 through 21, Mr. Forsyth pointed out. He said the program set up by the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. will include tours through the banks so that people can better under stand 'how banks operate. Another feature of the celebrat ion is to make it possible for peop le in the area to get better ac quainted with the bank's person nel. Air. Forsyth Mid. THREE INDUCTED The following three county men were forwarded for induction into the armed services Monday: H3 dridge Loudermilk; Richard Har old Plemmons and Bill Buster Graves. Ledford St Be Extended By City Ledford St ?will be extended to the city limits to permit the school bus to so through end pick up chil dren in the area, it was voted by Town Council. It ie expected that the State-will complete the rood on the other end after it reaches toe city limits. Ledford St runs off Cross St., which adjoins Cherry St. Martin's Baby's Rites Are Held Funeral services for Sharon Lo re ne Martin, eight-months-old dautoter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, who died in toe home on Route 2 Bayesville Wednesday morning, November 5 after a long illneaa, were held at 10 a. m. Thurs day in the Hayeevdlle Church of God. > The Rev. Marion McCowen of ficiated and burial was in toe church cemetery. Surviving, in addition to toe pa rents, are a brother, Leon, three sisters Louise, Linda, and Shirley all of the home. 'Also ihs paternal grandmother, Mm Mary Merlin of HeyesviUe; ? peg* ?) ^ Selection Of Jury Slows Dockevv Trial Here Gold Days Bring Low Temperatures jack Troat ha* streched hi* icy {laser* over Cherokee County dur ing the peet eeveral day*, giving chilling t*mper?tar? *om* 7 tol * degree* below the normal for tola iim. of year here. , TV A Hydraulic Data Division i John Manthey today announced the coldeet temperature* of the sea eon so far with a reading of 15 de gree* Nov. ? and 10 and M de?ree? Nov. 8 and 17 degree* Saturday^ | The coldest single day, he aald vm? Saturday when the high w?* 53 degree*. The average temperature* during ( the cold snap are running from 35 to 40 degrees, when the normal for Nov. here is about 47 degrees. The coldeet reading last year was 10 degrees. On the rain front, Mr. Manthey | said the county is some 4.18 Inches behind for the year. During Oct ober .85 Inches of rain fell here some 72 per cent below normal There has been no rainfall in November so far, he said. Mills Dies In Miss. Recently Airman 2/C Clyde C. Mills. 35 died November 6 In Marrlson Coun tv Miss., near Biloxi. -Funeral services were held Wed nesday at 2 p. m. * Hangingdog Baptist Church. The Rev. Thomas Truett officiated and burial was in the church cemetery with full mil itary rites by the Dobbins Afr Forces Base in Marietta, Ga. He had been in aervioe 20 mon ths and had spent four yearn in toe Navy in World n. three and a half years in the Pacific. He was a graduate of Murphy High School. Surviving are five childremVir gil and Obarlie of Murph^J^?" Vas, Chris and Pamla of Water" proof. La-: the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard E. Mills of Murp y^ Also two brothers. Jack of Fort Story. Va., and Edward of K?trier Air Force Base. Miss.; four sisters. Miss Jean Mills of Murphy. Mrs Tommie Revis of Marble. Mrs Myrtle Cousins of Moses Lak , Wash., and Mrs. Lou Belle Ladlg of Ft. Wayne. Ind. Ivie Funeral Home was In charge. Book Week Plans Told By Library With toe theme "Reading^ Is With ene ? r~~? h fun," National Book Week will be jbserved In Murphy at the Carn egie Library Nov. 15-21. Old and new books wUl be: di* played and everyone ts visit the library during toe special week. On Saturday morning. Nov^ 21. the giria and boys are lnvkedto ? story hour, with Mrs. Bar Wells telling Stories. X ^ Senator Lennon Be SpealT r At Robbinsville Lumber Meet ROBBINSVILLE-Western North Carol In lam will get their first look at junior U. S. Senator Alton A. Lennon in RobbinevlHe Satur day, Nov. 14, when he delivers the main address at ceremonies dedi cating 14,349 acres ot woodlands in Graham in Swain counties as Tree Farms. During the dedication, Roger W. Wolcott of Raleigh, president of the North Carolina Forestry Asso ciation, will present Tree Farm cer tiflcates to Bemis Hardwood Lum ber Co. Robbinsville and Edward J. DeWttt of Chicago, 111., and Swain County. John B. Veach of Asheville, president, and L. W. Wilson, general manager, will ac cept the certificates far the com P*ny. Stanley F. Horn of Nashville, Term., editor of the Southern Lum berman, will be master of cere monies. Also on the program will be Sidney Ferguson of New York City, chairman of the board of the Mead Corporation, and Percy B. Fere bee of Andrews, president of the Citizens Bank and Trust Co., who will discuss tree farming from the financial standpoint. The ceremonies will begin at 1 p. m. in the Robbinsville High School auditorium. Following the formal dedication of the Tree Farms, there will be a parly in the school gymnasium from 3 to 8 p. m. to which the public is invited. Refreshments will be provided by Bemis Hardwood Lumber Co. An exhibition of product* made from trees grown in Graham Co unty by Western North Carolina industries will be set up in the gymnasium Talcing part in this ex hibit will be Champion Paper and Fibre Co. of Canton; the Mead Corporation of Sylva; Carolina Wood-Turning Co. of Bryson CKy; Veach-May-Wllson Alcoa, Tenn.; Wllliams-Browivell, Inc.; and the Hardwood Corporation of Amer ica, both of AsheviUe; Tea* Extract Co. of Andrews; and the Bemis Company. In addition to the ceremonies and party, tours will be conducted through the Bemis plant and to and to some of the lands which are being dedicated a* Tree Farms. Mrs. Greer's Andrews Lecture To Feature Christmas Decorations Formal Opening Of New Lay Store Here Lay and company of 'Murphy thi3 evening will entertain at the formal opening of their new build-! ing and tomorrow,. w#l ^be open J for business, it was announced .to day by the company. The store opened here in 1935 and 'has been in the same build nig on Peachtree St. since that time. Their new store is also loat ed on Peachtree St., between the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. and Waiter Coleman's Appliance Store., The new building occupies 50 by1 150 feet and is modern in every way, with a glass and tile "see through" front and having master craft fixtures. The store was designed by Store-1 craft Manufacturing Co. of Beat rice Nebraska and was constructed by Robert S. Bault, Murphy con tractor. Mr, Lay said the new building had been planned tor some time, but due ito wartime shortage of material, and more recently, other building interests, the new store has only now been completed. This evening from 6 until 8 o'clock the store will be open and the public is invited to come in and look around. No merchandise will be solid tonight, however, Mr. Lay said. Sovenirs will be given children attending the formal op ening. The new store will be open for business tomorrow, Friday. Nov. 13. ? 'Mrs. C. T. Greer of Atlanta, Ga? National Council Instructor of Flower Arrangement and a nation ally accredited flower judge, will speak in Andrews next Thursday, Nov. 19, on Christmas decorations. By request, Mrs. Greer will also make an arrangement for a Thanks giving table. Mrs. Greer's local appearance is sponsored by the Kormabeetah CUub of Andrews, being assisted in ticket sale by the Junior Women's Clubs of Andrews and Murphy. Anyone is invited to attend the lec ture and tickets are 50 cents each. Mrs. Greer is also a member of three garden clubs and The Flower Arrangers Club of Geor gia. She is also a member of the North Georgia Association of Accredited Flower Show judges. She teaches flower arrangement lessons to garden clubs in and around Atlanta. If time permits, Mrs. Greer will also show colored slides of a recent Atlanta flower show. Fire Takes 700 Acres On Snowbird Some 700 acres of Cherokee County forest land were blazing when Gov. Umstead ordered forest lands closed in 29 Western North Carolina Counties Including Cher okee. The blaze was expected to be brought under control yesterday where It was raging on Snowbird Mountain, in the northeast section of the county. Gov. Umstead's order, effective yesterday, bans fishing, hunting and trapping; and the building of I camp fires, or burning of tra4h ; within 500 feet of woodland in state-owned or private forests. The order was caused by the cri tical fire danger, brought on by dry weather. Similar orders have also been is sued in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. A small fire also started on Shoal Creek in the southwest sec- ( tion of Cherokee County, but was I said to be under control within a! few hours. Andrews C Of C Re-Elects Officers The Andrews Chamber of Co mmerce held their annual meeting Thursday Night, November 5, at the City Hall. Re-election of all the present of ficers was held President, R. E. Heaton; Vice President, W. D. Whl taker; Secretary, Sam W. Jones; Tress. Ty W. Burnette; Board of Directors; Mrs. Joe Sursavage, Ha rold Gee. Mrs. Luke Ellis. William Walker, Jeff Brooks, and Gordon Butler. Plans were discussed for the An nual Christmas Party to be held on the Berkshire Lawn. The 1954 Me mbership Drive will get under way this week. Murphy , Andrews Battle To Scoreless Tie Game Ends Season For Bulldogs WM BY ADIR ABONSON Friday night in their last ball bame of the season the Murphy Bulldogs beat the Andrews Wlld w?e on nearly every statlrtic, but as all football players will tell you statistics doo't-win a football game In the opener of the season the teams scored a 0-6 tie. In the first quarter the Bull dogs were given a break when An drews fumbled on a fourth down Murphy^punt putting them on their own two yard line. Andtows ran out their alloted downs and a poor fourth down punt gave Murphy the baU on the Wildcats 90. However Murphy was penalized several plays later bade to their own 48. Then Murphy's dormant attack awoke and quarterback White paaead to halfback Eddie Moody1 Elliott for 22 yards. But the drive was cut short when Andrews recovered * Murphy fum ble on the Wildcats 20. Andrews offensive attack couldn't get anywhere and Murphy again was on the march. Elliott drove for 19 yards to Murphy's 49 yard line. White then passed to Eugene Dockery for five yards and a first down. A few plays later White again tossed to Dockery for six yards. The half ended 0-0 with Mar shy in possession of the pigskin. At the beginning sf the freeing second half Murphy kicked off to Andrews but the Wildcats apaln failed t# capitalize. Murphy then drove to the An drews 40, hut a fumble broke the drive up. Andrews pnassslnn of the ball was only a clock runner feWtth the Bulldogs again In pos ession of the Palmer drove for six yards. Elliott then ran for 10 yards and a first down. again toted the mall for six yards. White sneaked for a first down on the Msrphy 43 yard line. Pal mer then bulled his way for three yards. White then kept the ball and managed to fain .1* yards and a first before he was hauled down. Elliott drove for five yards. White passed to Dockery again for five yards and another flrwt down to the Andrews 20 yard line but Murphy was penalized IS yards and Andrews took over on their own 39. ? This penalty proved to be the clincher for a tie. A Murphy guard waa accused of unsportsmanlike conduct against an Andrews play er_The Andewrs boys however ad mitted that he was not slugged but the penalty was enforced. fat the waning minutes Murphy waa again ha striking distance of paydirt. White pitched to "Sticky ringers" Dockery. who played a whale of a ball game, tor fhw yards. Palmer then arove ioc three i yards and Elliott made ? first down on the Wildcat 20 yard line. On the next play Palmer bulled his way 19 yards to the Wildcat one but before Palmer could get up and another play be executed the whistle blew signifying the end of the ball game. Ti}e Murphy defense held the Wildcats to only 58 yards rushing while the Andrews defense platoon was only mediocre. Playing in their last ball game for Murphy were Ralph Swanaon, Hobart Mash burn, Jimmy Mulkey, Eugene Dockery, Tommy Gentry. Ed Lovlngood, James Carroll, and Holt Palmer. Statistics Murphy Andrews First downs 12 S Yds gained rushing 226 58 Passes attempted 9 4 Passes completed 4 1 Yds gained passing 28 8 Passes intercepted by 0 0 Yds gained interception 0 0 ?li Presbyterians Issue invitation ? The Murphy Presbyterian Church has issued a community invitation, for ?H interested persons to wor ship by recording at the IPresbyt-j erfam Church Sunday evening at 7:30. At this time a 35 minute record-' ing of the life of Dr. Peter Mw*-| hall will be played.. Dr. Marshall, a native of Scot-. land, wag a widely known Prestoy-' tertan minister and man of God.' He served for a number of years as pastor of the Westminister Pre sbyterian Church, Atlanta and Arts Punting average S7tt 19 Yds kicks returned 2 rec. 0 Six Jurors Chosen From Special Venire A half filled jury box, a half fil ed courtroom and an' order far summons of 123 flwmlw County ekisene for a special venire yester day further slowed progress in the trial of Noah Doefcery here. Six jurors were selected of tt* 103 men examined Tuesday and Wednesday from the first sum mons for s special venire of 125 Cherokee County cMxens. The jurors chosen so far are Aud Garland, a farmer of Letttta; W. E. Oonley, retired businessman of Andrews; Oliver Taylor, farmer of Suit; Ivan Hicks, farmer of And rews; Bobby Moohburn, fanner of Unaka; and Sidney Piercy of And rews. It is expected that the comple tion of selection of the jury Win extend through Thursday. Presen tation of evidence will probably begin Friday, it was said. Dock cry, 45, a resident of Hanging Dog, b mi trial far the alledged shotgun staying of former Cherokee County Sheriff Frank C. Crawford on March 3. Dockery was sentenced to death April 18 for the slaying, but the State Supreme Court granted the new trial after ruling that improp er remarkg were made. Judge K. Lee Whitmire of Hen dersonville is presiding. Dockery pleaded not gully to the murder charge when arraigned Monday Defense council is composed of O. L. Anderson of Murphy and Guy L. Houk of Franklin. Assist ing Solicitor Thad Bryson in the state's prosecution are Jotm M. Queen and Frank Ferguson of WaynesviUe. BISHOPS CASE Meanwhile other court proceed ings were expedited early in the week after the Grand Jury re turned 43 true bills. Bishop Homer Tamltnson's charges of destroying personal poperty and forcible trespass at Fields of the Wood were contin ued, on his request. The Bishop appeared early and left early, dressed in white panjp, loose fitting shirt and a striped vest An earlier news release from his office in New York, the ChuriSk of God, World Headquarters, said Tomlinson would appear at const here wearing a Mahatma Ghandl suit in prayer for the "end 44 poverty in India". He wa? also said to be fasting on bread and water in a fast dedicat ed to his brother, Bishop Milton ? A. Tomlinson, General Overseer Of the Church of God of Prophecy At Cleveland, Tenn.; to the intent, he said, that his brother would be de livered from the "idolatry of wor shipping" Fields of the Wood, on which he had erected monuments at a cost of some two million dol lars. OTHER CASES \ Some 84 criminal caaea were din- ? posed of, including the following: Driving Drunk, SB; reckless driv ing two; violation of the prohibit- . ion law, 5; Crime against nature,1; Driving after license revoked, one larceny of gasoline, one; speeding and reckless driving, one, larceny of car one; assault with a deadly weapon (an automobile), one; sp eeding, 25.. Alao purchasing auto tires know ing them to be moctaged sales eon tract, one; public drunkenesg and disorderly conduct, one; obstruct ing justice, one; driving drunk and reckJea, driving, one; non support one. , Mary Solan Brumby In Dramatic Club Decntar, Oa.,?Mlaa Mary Bo ten Brumby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumby of Murphy, bean recently Initiated teto Mara, campus dramatic club d Apnea Scott College. Mtea Brumby lg now 1 sophomore at Apnea Scott whs at Bw New Yort Are. Preebyterteu Church. Waab IX C- While hi wmU.a. at Or. "A ?

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