01je (SJferakrr itnirt Established July 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphv Cherokee County, N. C WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P. COSTELLO Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V. COSTELLO Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County: One Year, |2.50; Six Months, f 1.50; Outside Cherokee County: One Year, |3.00; Six Months, <1-75 Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. VALLEY VIEWS By Evelyn Baker OPEN HOUSE AT LXBKAKY There will be ?n Open House it She Andrews Carnegie Library on Wednesday Evening, November Mth it 7:30 p. m. Everyone is oor tSially invited to attend. The Library will be open every Saturday afternoon from 2 p. m. to 5 p.m. This is in addition to the regular schedule of the Library Hours. SEE VICE GUILD The Weaken Service Guild held ? meeting Tuesday, November 3rd, of the Methodist Church with Mrs. Ctacy Laughter as hostess. Miss Gladys Christy had the devotion. Mr. Brace Bristol was in change of the program using "Feeding the Modern Multitude" ns her subject Mm. Ty W. Burnette and Mrs. J. P. Hornbuckle were accepted as new members. TWA The Young Woaaen's Auxilary held their meeting Theaday even fc* October 27th at the-Andrews Church. The meeting was by the group singing "Work for the Night fa Coming". June Ctwee. Group Leader, had rturge of the program. Topic of ttte program "In Bus Intra with God." Farts of the program were j\ WITH Why WALK when you can RIDE Jut as CHEAP. Look over these ears at ear lot. Down payment as low as 920. Weekly Payments from $3 to $5. 194S Ford 1941 Pontile, 2 door 1947 Otdsmobile 1941 Plymouth Coupe 1941 Dedye Pickup 1949 CMC Pickup 1935 Chevrolet 1947 Willys Station Wayon 1941 Plymouth Sedan 4f Dodye 2 Dr. 47 Chevrolet Damp Track EVANS AUTO USED CAE LOT On Andrews Ed. Next To Murphy Murphy, N. C. as follows: The application, by Sal-1 ly Buchanan; Going to Work, by Deioris Flowers; At Work in the Office, by Lucille Looting; Be-! hind the Counter, by June Cruse. | Prayer was by Doris Dockery. Sally Buchanan, Presdient, bad charge of the business hour. It wee decided by the group to name their Auxilary after Winnie Rickett. Those present for the meeting were Sally Buchanan, Annie Marie Butler, Doris Dockery, Delorls Flower June Cruse, Lucille Lem-j ing, and Daisy Battle. KNOW YOUR BANK The Citizen's Bank and Trust. Company of Andrews ere expect-1 ing ? 100% turnout at the "Know, Your Bank Week Open House" to be held Thursday November 19, from 3 p. m. to 9 p. m. Refresh- < ments will be served and gifts pre-1 sented to all attending. TURKEY SHOOT The Naotabala Wildlife Club of Andrews will bold their annual Turkey Shoot at the Andrews-iMur phy Air Park November 21, at 9:00 A. M. This will be an all day event Come and bring your 22 rifles and shotguns. Shells will be furnished by the dub. Refresh ment will be eold at a refreshment stand. December 11th is a date you will want to remember, as the Andrews Rotary Club wiH sponsor a "NEG RO MINSTREL". Further details will be announced later. RICHARD AND LUCY PARK ER flew to Greensville, S. C. Tuesday to visit Airman First Class Burt George Love and wife, and their daughter, Trena. I'm sure all the little "TOTS" will ie glad to know that Claude and Gladys Dorsey are moving their ihop to the larger adjoining brick building which will give them more room to pick out all the toys they want Santa Claus to bring to them. For the lates thing in Comfort, that is in Oars, see 1MOGENE MATHESON, I sure did enjoy my ride with her in her new car, stride ly modern and my . . oh . . so pret ty. Maybe we can make a trip to Chattanooga, sometime. . . How a bout it, Imogene? ? ? ? ? MISS DORIS HOLDER was hos tess tor a Pa jama Party Friday Nite in her home after the ball game. After delicious refreshments and a lenghty "chat' the girls all turned in tor a nap. Attendnig the pary were DORCAS McGUIRE, SUE CRAWFORD, PATSY DER REBERRY and DORIS TEAS. Will someone please tell me why they are calling BOBBY CONLEY, ?GOOSE".? ? ? ? Total flue-cured tobacco product ion ^n North Carolina was est 1 ma teed at 806,680,000 pounds M of October I. PERSONALS The Rev. tad Mrs Frank Brown aexl baby, Jane Owen, have return ed from a month'* vacation apent in Decatur, Go. and Pascagoula, Susie Miller, student at Agnes Scott College, Decatur, spent the week end at home. James Smth. student at the Uni vehsity oi Tennessee, Kooxville, is spending several day( this week at home. Mrs. Art Lasthaw and children, John, Eileen, Phillip and David spent the week end with Mr. Lat shaw in Knoxville. Mrs. B. J. Fish and children, Nancy and William, have Joined their husband and father in Louis burg. Tenn., where Mr. Fish is manager, and Mrs. Fish assistant manager of the Darwin Store there Mr. and Mrs. Lnnso Shields are* visiting his son, Cameron and fam ily in Phoenix, Ariz. ?Mrs. Asmond L. Maxwell and son, John have returned from'a visit with 'relatives in Artesia, New Mexico. ? Mrs. A. Popell will leave this week for her home in Miami, Fia. after a three week's visit here with son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamrick end children. ?Mr. and Mrs. Charles Worth en and daughters, Patty and Bobbie Jean, spent last week end in Bi shopviUe, S. C., with Mrs. Wor tben's brother, Ray Makela and family. i ?Mrs. J. B. Gray returned Sunday from Asheville where she visited Mrs. Bill Corn well. ^ Ray Moore and Wanda Cox spent Sunday in Asheville visiting Mrs. Cornwall. Her husband, her moth er, Mrs. E. C. Moore, and her bro ther, Cloe Moore and Mrs. Moore spend most of the time fat Ashe ville with her. i Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fuller and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilkins attend ed the Olemson-Tech football game in Atlanta Saturday. Mrs. Hobart McKeever spent several days last week in Gaines ville, Ga. with her mother, ~Mrs. C. (Continued on page 5) POWER INTERRUPTION 0 A. M. TO 10 A. M. * Sunday, Nov. 15 Power Will Be Interrupted in the Following Sections: Farmers Federation Section LAN Hill Highway 64 Tins interruption is necessary to serve the TOWN OF MURPHY POWER BOARD 2 Performances Of "Don Pasquale" Set "Dob FBsguale". a 1MB Century Itolloa opera, wlM be prasantsd in fcili costume end pageantry, and sung in English be re by the Graoa Boote Opera Company of North Carolina next Thursday. _ Roots Open, a company which gives talented young singers1 training ground, also extendi pri vilege* of the opera to everyone, particularly North Carolina school children. The performance will be at the Murphy School and is sponsored by the Seal aw Class of Murphy High, lite evening performance will be at ? o'dock. At 1 p. m e marine^ performance, will be given for edboet chllOri and anyone wuo would like to eee the open and would not be able to attend the evening performance. The Grew Roota Opera Co. has been featured In the December ia of Hold lay and the Bulck nd la Incorporated' aa en extension oourae at the Unlv LOOK ..."HQ"...LOOK We can't give you 500 gallons of gas, a free trip to Paris, a new T. V. set, nor can we offer free financing. But we can give yofi honest deal, a fair trade and a guarantee that means just what it says! You be the judge&cbeck our cars and compare our prices. One - 1953 Chevrolet-2 door, low mileage One - 1950 Buick special-2 door, fully equipped One - 1950 Buick Super sedan, fully equipped One - 1949 Buick 2 door Sedanette - Clean One-1947 Ford-2 door One -1948 Packard - 4 door sedan One - 1952 Chevrolet Pickup truck 16,000 miles One -1952 Fiord 1% Ton Truck One - 1949 Willys 2wD Pickup extra clean One -11948 Willys 4wD pickup trade Also ten old model cars, 1940-42, cheap! FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. Phone 274 Murphy, N. C. Used ear department 1 mile east of Murphy on U. S. Highway 10 BIRTHS Mr. ?nd MM. Unri H. Brumby oi Murphy onnowo the birth of ? eon. Ed word Hoot Brumby. Jr. oo Nov. H ot i a. *. at Prtrie Hoapi eraity of North Carolina. The company food* a big hit ia Murphy laat aprtnl when it pro tested Mourt'i "School Par L#? on". 'Dan SMequrto* to oloo a < open with intrigue end wit ^ ? MURPHY DRIVE-IN THEATRE 9 Show Starts At t)uik Thurs.-Fri.. N?t. U-1S Dean Martin-Jerry Lewis The Stooge" Sat., Not. IS Junta Crate Tort Vfengeance' Sud.-Mod., Not. 14-15 Bait Lancaater-VlrginJa Mar* (South Sea Woman Toe*.,Wed. N*t. 15-17 Ginger Rogers-Ronald Reagan Deria Day-Steve Cochran ?IN? fStorm Warning" BARGAIN BUY: IN TRUCKS light dollvoi , to hoavy hauling, thuru't a Chovrolot truck to lit your nxdt. ..viivv'vXv'-;-;- BB CHEVROLET MOM CHKVROUT TRUCKS IN USI THAN ANY OTHDt MAKII Bey no troth until you got our deal! ?? at?ad on pdcel Chevrolet truck* are American loweit priced truck line! If* easy to find a track that coats more, but nowhere else will you find all the advanced features, all the thrifty power, all the raggedness and durability you get in a Chevrolet track. en operating co?HI Both the mighty Loadmaster engine on heavy-duty models and the rugged Thriftmaster engine on light- and medium-duty models squeeze more miles out of every gallon of gas. Chevrolet trucks cut upkeep costs, too. It sheod ew Irude In! You're ahead with low first cost... you're ahead with low operating costs... and you're dollars ahead again when it's time to trade! That's because Chevrolet trucks traditionally command a higher trade-In value. Buy now and be ahead all ways! Dickey Chevrolet~01dsmo|>ae Co. r.*- --1 MURPffY, R C. | BY OR KENNETH J FOREMAN | ? i:ll-U; Pmlm M l; ?; BiftWw MU-JO; Lulu .1-4; t Cbrlothkna 11:1 | n I r THESE Is anything the Bible teaches clearly, tt is that man not own this earth. It is given " Mt tO dO as ha not to use bin. to each tor the service at man and to the glory of God. Man Is expected to contribute something at his own toO and thinking; expected to put something to aa well as take something out J being what tt to. we tend to take credit to ourselvea tor all we possess. However, when a agnizes how much at what ho has comes to him aa a gift from God. he can see that his life to a partner ship with God. and that God as an investor in > the hu man enterprise has the rights of a senior partner and owner of most at the stock. To act as if we our selves were the lords at creation to plain dishonesty. ? ? ? The Church, God's Special Agent Let it be said again, though it has been said before: The church to the one community on ear?h which to devoted solely to carry ing out the purposes of God. The church to God's channel at aetion; the church to the body of Ovist through which our Lord Uvea and works. The church to the one' or ganization devoted to the Ideal world"?the kingdom of heaven ?which alms at bringing about that world through the moot fun damental of all methods, trans forming life from wtthin., The church to the one organization on the planet whose aims actually go beyond time, tor Its intention to to prepare men not only tor usefulness here under the sun but for e'ernel life Now you would think that church members would realize this and ' act accordingly. But most at them do not (Query: Is a "church mem ber" who neither knows nor cares what the church to doing, a real member at all?) Look at these facts: Out of the total income of church families throughout the U. S. A.. only 1.1 per cent to be ing given to churches and their work. Only 1.83 per cent of taxable income is deducted for gifts. Only about 45 per cent?less than half? of the present membership give anything of record for local church support; and only about 30 per cent give anything to the outreachlng benevolent activities of the church. You might not be surprised that non-Christians are selfish; but when more than two-thirds of the enrolled church members don't put in one red cent for the unselfish purposes for which the church ex ists, something is rotten in Chris tendom. ? ? ? Four Points In The Christian Program Let us come to some more brass tacks. There is no argument among the leaders of all Christian churches that there are four major emphases in the program of the church. 1. Evangelism?winning new Christiana (If you don't be lieve in that, you are voting tor Christianity's sickness and death.) X Christian education?training batter Christiana learning how to serve Ss Christiana in every walk of Ufa (If you don't believe in that, you are voting for an infan tile kind of Christianity, blind to the problems at life today.) 3. Missions ? spreading Christianity into new territories. (Don't forget that if tt had not been tor mis sionaries, your own race would never have heard the gospel.) 4. Stewardship?the active recogni tion of God as giver at life and life's possibilities, at God as senior partner in our Uvea of the fact that what we have, we bold In trust for him. Now tt must be clear to any one who will take the time to think it over, that if point four to left out, the other three will Just collapse. ? ? ? ? What Is Tour Church Doing? At the grass-roots of this whole problem to the local church. What to yours doing to improve this sit uation of neglect? Does the minis ter preach on stewardship? to stewardship studied in the church school? Do the adult study classes ever look Into this matter seri ously? An new members "briefed" about be^ng stewards of God? Do the young people's programs ever go Into this? * picking hogs causes bloodshot bruises which peckers most trim