19 Shopping Days TV -Christmas Trade Week SffHHpnfee #r?mt PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS CorHe To MbRPh 1 For ? Trade Week tolvmi u?ircwm si mwit, nobth caaouna thubsdat. dcc. a. ltss \ tin pagss this awing Hv re Sat State Education Leaders VisitHere This Week Survey Group Also In County Dr. A. S. Hurlburt, new bead of tee Division of Instructional Ser vice of tee State Department of Education yesterday addressed Cherokee County school teachers and Wdmjnistratora at Murphy School. ' Dr. Hurlburt was accompanied to Cherokee County by Miss Made line Tripp State Supervisor of Elementary Education. All teachers in Murphy, And rews and the county school units ware present to bear the address and attend a tea proceeding the talk. The tea was.held in the hall of the new Murphy High School building and the address was in the primary school auditorium. BIG WEEK The local schools are having a big week, wlth'Dr. Hurl hurt's visit falling in the same week with the visit of the survey committee ahich is this week looking over Andrews, Murphy and Cherokee County schools. The surrey committee , headed by W. L. La than, educational supervisor; along with Boyee Morrison, also an educational supervisor; Floyd F. Barnes, en gineer; and W. F. Cradle of the division of school house pluming of the State Department of Pub lie Instruction, was in Andrews The committee visited Cherokee County unit schools yesterday and today at 9 a. m. were to meat mem bers of the Board of Trustees of tee Murphy Schools to discuss building needs and then to survey the school buildings. The survey committee is in tea county to determine the needs and recommend procedures and asser tain the proportion of funds from the recently voted bond issue tee county will receive. Dr. Davis Mores To Waynesville Medical Practice Dr. and Mrs. Jack Davis this week left for Waynesville where Dr. Davis will be associated with Dr. Newton Lancaster. Dr. Davlg has been cm the staff of Petrle Hospital sine* he arrived in Murphy in July, 1952. He rec eived his medical degree at Har vard in 1948 and interned in Phil adelphia for two years. He came to Murphy after vhtg two years in the Navy. Dr. Davis is the son of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis of Andrews. Dr. Davis was called to fill his position in Waynesville after Dr. Lancaster suffered a heart attack recently. Deer Season In Full Swing The revised deer hunting season ?with more days added?contin ues in this section until December 10, Arnold Dalrymple, came prot ector, said. The season, change because of fire dangers in the woods, started Nov. 23. The first period ran until Nov. 27. The second period is Nov. 30 through Saturday, and the third is Dec. 7 through Dee. 10. Be Clntfid Delinquent Jack Edward Johnson, formerly of Suit, is subject to be rlsmsd < deliquent by the Local Draft Board 20 here, It was announced this week. Anyone knowing his address is asked to contact the local board or have Johnson to do so. Bloodmobile Visits Murphy, Andrews The R^d Cross Blood mobile will make stop* in both Murphy and Andrews next week coming to Murphy Monday and Andrews on Thurs day. The mobile unit will be in both towns from noon until 6 p. m. to accept donations. Mayor L .L. Mason has proclaimed the day .Bloodmobile Day in Murphy, and Dr. C. O. Van Gorder of Andrews has congratulated Andrews end Valleytown on keeping their quota up. Mason's procla mation and Dr. Van Gorder's letter follow. MAYOR'S .PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: The Cherokee Coun ty Chapter of Murphy has set a goal of 400 plot* of blood for Red Cross donations and WHEREAS: the Red Cross is badly in need of replenishing its supply of blood for the benefit of our local hospitals and for pre paring gamma globulin for fight ing polio. NOW THEREFORE, I. L. L. Mason. Mayor of the Town of Mur phy, do hereby proclaim and de clare Monday, Dec. 7. 1953, Blood mobile Day and do hereby urge, request and implore each and everyone of our citizens who are physically able to give and donate a pint of blood for the use of our hospitals and for preparing gamma Globulin in our fight against polio as well as for the protection of our boys and girls now serving to oar armed forces. This the first day of December, I MR " ' I L. L. MASON, Mayor TO THE PEOPLE OF ANDREWS AND VALLEYTOWN TOWNSHIP The bloodmoblle will be at the City Hall in Andrews at 12 noon December 10th for the purpose of collecting the most vitally needed product used in medicine and sur gery. The results of the treatment of Polio with gamma globulin have been most encouraging and it is hoped ami planned that this pro phylactic treatment will he avail able this spring and summer to all who have been exposed to the most dreaded and crippling of the diseases known to man only. It is very gratifying to us as a small Isolated community to real ize that we have been able to hold up our pro-rated allotment, in pro ducing our quota, each time that our local needs and the needs of our armed forces have called on us. It must also be very gratifying to .those who are aliw* today because of the bloOd our community has (Continued am page 4) Teen-Agers Are Injured In Auto Three teen-agers were seriously injured Sunday afternoon when the car in which they were riding overturned several times. Oharles M. Messer, 15 driver of the auto, Estelle Waldroup, 13 and Winona Mauck, 14 all of Graham County were admitted to the local hospital in Andrews. All three suf fered injuries. The car was headed south from Robbinsville on US 129. The dri ver apparently lost control of the car in a sharp curve at Anderson Creek Bridge and left the highway turning over several times in a meadow. The vehicle was demolished. Patrolman L. H. Baker stated investigation is incomplete. Junior Woman's Qub i akes Top Float Prize; Children's Division Outstanding Santa Ciaus made hla official en try to (Murphy Monday afternoon In what has been termed "the beat parade Murphy has ever had." The Santa Claus parade kicked off the local merchants' second an nual Christmas Trade Week which will last through Saturday, Dec. S when a $500 Savings Bond will be given the lucky ticket holder. 'Meanwhile drawings for prize: are being held daily on the square A $100 Savings Bond and severs! valuable prizes donated by local merchants are given daily at 4 p. m. On Saturday a $500 Savings Bond will be given. Crowds ait the drawings thus far Mr. Forsyth said, do not seem quite es large as last year's, but, he said, it is expected that the crowds will increase daily especially to ward the end of the week. The ?1?? bond was won Monday by Miss Jo Garrett, a student at Murphy High School and the bond Tuesday was won by George Leath erwood. The Murphy Junior Club took top honors and 925 in the float division of the parade anion* some eight participants. The prise winning float i church scene with windows and a Cherub Chotr singing carols. The theme of the float was "Let's Hare a Baal Christmas." Second prize of $10 went to Murphy Furniture Go's "Merry Christmas" float with a home scene with a mother and two children and a Christmas tree. Third prize of five dollars in the float division was won by Mrs. Margaret Aktn's group of 10 chil dren?Santa, his sleigh his eight reindeer and led by Rudolph with the red nose. CHILDREN OUTSTANDING Frank Forsyth, trade week Chairman, called the parade a great success and said plana sue already being talked for a "bigger and bet ter* parade In 1954. Mr. Forsyth said the children's division, under the direction of Mrs. H. Bueck, was. particularly outstanding. Prizes were given in the child ren's group division and five in dividual prizes were also awarded. Group prizes were won, first 910 by the "Storyland Parade" of two fourth grade sections, taught by Mrs. Frank Forsyth and Miss Emily Sword; and second prize of five dollars was won by Miss Clara Mc Combs' first grade of nursery thymes, including the Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe. The five individual prises of CMbha'and ,w "couple from t set", a wheeling a ha by carriage; Bobby Weaver, dressed as a Hug master leading a greyhound In in outfit matching the ringmas ter; Jack Sutton, Santo on a bi eycle with Ma helper Bobby Hughes; Mickey BirchfMd and Ms pap dressed in a nightshirt ind spectacles, "Meet My Dog Gramp'; and by Hilda Decker ind Geraldlne Forrester dressed ?s Bed Cross nurses. Float judges were Mrs. Myra Talker, w. W. Ashe and Mrs. ouise Rogers of Andrews. Judges >r the children's division were ran Young Harris, Ge. end in hided Mrs. C. R. Clegg, -Mrs. ohn Banner and Dr. Tom Smith. OTHER FLOATS Other floats in the parade in luded a Ctvitan float with the heme, "Builders of Citizenship"; loble Dairy's giant animated nilk cartons; Lions Club dime toard; Boy Scouts camping scene; Jickey Chevrolet's Santa Clans brewing balloons and pencils and lankde by two beauties?Misses ilenda I vie and Judy Cook in new ^hevrolets. ? Murphy School's junior and sen or bands and the Blue Ridge, Ga. Sand accompanied the parade jlaying and marching. The parade was led by Mr. For ryth driving Mayor L. L. Mason of iiurpfay. The children's division was rounded up by Virginia Wells on aer pony. Junior Class Sponsors Talent Show Tomorrow Mrs. McKeever's Father Passes Dr. Clarence J. Butler of 459 Boulevard, Gainesville, Go., died suddenly Monday morning of a heart attack suffered at bis home. He was the stepfather of Mrs. Hob art L. McKeever of Murphy. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. But ler; and daughter, Mrs. McKeever; and three brothers, Dr. Frank But ler of Sylvester, Ga.; Dr. Robert Butler of Jeflersonville, Ga.. and Quinton Butler of Danville, Ga. Funeral services were held Tue sday afternoon at the residence with the Rev. Harold F. Baebe of ficiating. Interment wag at Alta Vista Cemetery. It was requested that no flowers be sent, but that persons desiring to do so make co ntributions to a memorial fund at Grace Episcopal Church. Ward's Funeral Home of Gaines ville was In charge. Dr. Butler was ear, eye, nose, and throat specialist. He and Mrs. Butler, who is a cousin of Mrs, H. A. Mattox, had often visited In Murphy. Dr. Butler wa8 a senior warden of Grace Episcopal Church?the highest honor a Merman can receive in the Episcopal Church?and was a member of the Grace Church 25 years. He served that amount of thn? on the finance committee. He was an active sportsman, be ing an enthusiastic golfer and fish erman and was a member of the Heyward Pierce Fishing Club. He served on the board of di rectoris of the First Federal Loan Company and was a member of the Gainesville Housing Authority. Other activities included member Ship in the Gainesville Rotary Club, the Capital CKy Club of At lanta and the Gainesville Lodge of The Junior Class of Murphy school will sponsor a talent show at the school auditorium tomor row, Friday at 8 p. m. Benefits will be used on the an nual spring Junior-Senior party. Admission is 25c for students and 50 cents for adults. Auditions will be held to de termine the best acts. Included in the program will be vocal and in strumental musical numbers, black face acts, baton twirling and other stunts. Junior Class sponsors are Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. John Smart, Harry Rogers and Mrs. H. Bueck. Junior Class president is Sammy White. E. G. Gaddis will be master of ceremonies for the show. Winners in the children's divi sion of the Santa Claus parade will also be shown. Everyone is invited to attend. Polls Listed For Soil Conservation Election Mrs. Brown's Father To Speak For Presbyterians The Rev. W. t. McElroy, Sr., veteran Presbyterian missionary to th? Randan Congo and father of Mrs. Frank Brown of Murphy will speak at the 11 a. m. worship ser vice Sunday at the Murphy Pres byterian Church. Mr. McElroy will be accompan ied to Murphy by Mrs. McElroy. The couple are expected to arrive In Murphy today and will be here through Tuesday visiting his daughter and 9on-ln-law, the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Brown and grand daughter, Jane Owen Brown. The McElxoys arrived in the United States in September on fur lough from the mission field. Mr. McElroy has served for 40 years as a missionary to the Belgian Congo. Everyone i$ invited to attend the service and hear Mr. McElroy. ? I Polling places lor the 5011 Con servation supervisors election have been announced as follows for the Dec. 7-12 balloting: Andrews. Luke Ellis Cleaners; Culberson, Frank Byers Store; Hanging Dog, Clyde Dockery's Store and Lovingood's Store; Hot House, McGill's Store; Martin's Creek, Martin's Store; iMurphy, County Agent's Office; Marble, F. L. Abamathy's Store; Peachtree, Farm and Home Store and Frank lin's Store; Suit, Wood's Store; Unaka, John Morley*s Store; We hutty, Allen Brendle Store; and Topton, Post Office. The following men have been nominated by regular petition and three will be elected: Rev. W. P. Elloitt, Lawson Lunsford, Bill Rus sell, Emory Shields, Judd Stiles Stanley Wood. Every eligible voter may vote in the election. Rotary Minstrel Planned Next Week In Andrews Texana Boys Take Season Opener The Texana Bearcats under the direction of Ooach C. H. Pearson, defeated Cleveland Georgia's bas ketball team by the' score of 52 41 in their opener last week here. The bearcats with their 6 ft Sin. center, Charles Sutton leading cover, began to pull away from the Georgia team at the end of first quarter. The starting team consisted of Neil Colber and John Fair, for ward, Charles Sutton, Center and Wade Powell and Tommy Jackson, guards. The girls under the coaching of Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Ragsdale were defeated by only five points, 32-27. The line-up consisted of Betty Allen, Patricia Moore and Virginia Powell, forwards and Shi rley Gibson, Betty Nicely and Car olyn Colbert, Guards. The Bearcats will meet the cha rges of Chapel High School, Fra nklin, next week. Christmas Band Program Is Set A Christmas band and chorus concert will be given Friday, Dec. 11, at Murphy School under the direction of Edward Reynolds. The public is invited to attend the program which will be held In the evening. ' The annual black face Minstrel Show of the Andrews Rotrary Club Is set for next Friday, Dec. 11 at 7.-30 p. m? with admission prices scaled at 50 cents and 23 cents. The cast for the show Includes all members of the Rotary Club as sisted by Mrs. Starr Pullium. Mrs. Louise Enloe and Miss Hildred 1 intermission the drawing for the 1053 Zenith television will be held. All proceeds from admission and the drawing will go to aid cripple children and other civic projects. Training Union Program Be Mon. At Shady Grove Training Union "M" night will be held Monday, Dec. 7 at Shady Grove Baptist Church for the West ern North Carolina Baptist Assoc iation. With the theme "Keeping the Faith'., Mrs. Vehna Bureh will open the program with the hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers". Marvin Hampton will make an nouncements and recognitions, and 1 Miss Sarah Perry will be in charge of a junior playlet. Associational missionary G. E. Scruggs will make special recogni tion of pastors and will present [ goals. Mrs. Carl West will lead the intermediate sword drill and a film strip, "Keeping the Faith" will be shown. The evening's message will be j given by the Rev. A. B. Lovell. , PEACHTREE GRANGE The Peachtree Grange will meet at the Peachtree School tonight at 7:30. All members are invited to be present as new officers will be in stalled. New Business Launched In Cherokee County 91 Per Cent Are Small Business Special to the Cherokee Scoot NEW YORK,?The number of business establishments in Chero kee County is on the increase. Lo cal residents with the urge to be on their own are venturing into nearly every type of business In the traditional quest f<* economic independence. The findings, being issued Joint ly by the U. S. Department of Health Education and Welfare and the Department 6f Commerce, are baaed on tax reports submitted by employer* for the first quarter of 1081 under the Old Age and Sur vivor* Insurance | They i ?T. a total af 1M prlaea la such count waa made, at which time there were 170 such eatab Small business Is well establish ed in Cherokee County, the figur es indicate. There are 181 firms, o, 92 percent of the total, with less than 20 employees each. This is a ip-eater concentration than is found elsewhere .in the county, where smhall business represents 91 per cent of the number of going enter prises. In the South Atlantic States businesses of such size comprise 90 per cent of the total. Gainful employment is provid ed by the county', business plac es Wor 1,810 people. The figures represent only those engaged in non-public employment and sub ject st the time to the social secur ity tax program. hi addition to public are the aelf employed, show that there are now some 4. 000,000 businesses in the nation i and that about 40 per cent oI them ! are retail places. The service in dustries, with 2 2 per cent, are tt?e next largest Mrs. Cobb's Grades ToGive PTA Program The PTA of Murphy School will meet 'Monday, Dec. 7 at 7:30 p. m. in the primary auditorium. Mrs. Ruth Cheney, president, will pre side. A Christmas program will he given .by Mrs. Cobb's fifth and sixth grades. Graveside Rites Held For Smith Infant Graveside rites for Joe Smith, infant son of Mr. and MTs. Ivan Smith of Andrew, who died The Brown Get Direct Promotion To Li Sgt. First Class Bud L. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Brawn of Murphy, was recently given a direct commission to the rank of Second Lieutenant, Inf. O. R. S. Brawn Is stationed at Fort Mc Pherson, 0?., as assMant First Sgt at Headquarters Unit Det 1, A. S. U. 3442. His prior service includes ser vice In the Pacific wKh the Fifth Air Force during World War II and In Austria with the 390th Inf. R?* Sgt Brown to the husband of the former Mies Betty Jean of New License Plates * ? On Sale Here Now ' The new 1954 license plates went on sal? December 1 at the Carolina Motor Club off ice,'Weat ern Auto Store in Murphy, W. A. Singleton, office manager, said to day. Motorists were urged by Mr. Singleton to buy their licenses well in advance of the January 31 deadline and avoid the perennial* last minute rush, which always hundred* of persons In long queues throughout the state. This year, the license* *r? Mack on orange, reversing the IMS col or scheme. of bis vehicle. Mr, Singleton recently returned from ? Carolina Motor Club be ense school at Aahevllle. During the ell-day meeting, Club i Club manager* were State officials in the application i new licensing regulations During the Carolina Motor (Sob's hours wot ha from ? a. aa. to 8 9, gh Satur* The tag affiea win be closed all day every We*

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