None* or sal* or bi&l IN TH* 'strKjilO* COUNT SUMMONS DOCUT NO. SM7 NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY CHEROKEE COUNTY. Plaintiff. VS. W. O. WEBB, nd wife. MAE WEBB. Defendant*. By virtue of authority verted In ne by* Judgment of the Cherokee Superior Court dated the IT day of Ju6r. 1951, In the above entitled action. I will, on Wednesday, the 13th day of January, 1954. at 13 o' clock noon at the Courthouse door h Murphy. North Carolina, offer tor eale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands In Valleytown Township, Cherokee County N. C.: FIRST TRACT: Par* of Tracts Nos. 22 and 23 in District No. 7. BEGINNING on a Maple on the South bank of Valley River, and on the corner of the Mark Pullium Lot and runs S 40 E with said line 850 feet to the Railroad; thence up said Southern Railroad N 78 E 924 feet to the said J. W. Porter line; thence with said line N 40 W 1500 feet to a bunch of Laurel on the South bank of Valley river, a corn er of the said J. W. Porter lot; Thence down said River with its o the taming 29 mm, i n? the sane lands rtiai IhsJ hi a Dead from John P. Wtuutor, Mary R Whi taker. Margaret C Whsuk ar. and Abbie E. WhMaker to B. O. Webb, dated October 27, 1914. and recorded in Records of Cherokee County In Book 93 at page 969. SECOND TRACT: A part of Tract No. 96 hi District No. 6. BEGINNING oc a Maple (Jellen) on the bank of Valley River (the original corner of Tracts Nob. 94 and 96), and runs with the line of Nos. 94 and 96 N 39 W 79 poles to a Sourwood (fallen), the S. W. cor ner of No. 97; then with toe line of Noe. 97 96 N 99 E 38 poles to the top of a Ridge, then with the me aoders of said Ridge S 39 E II poles to a stake; then S 11 E 30 poles to a stake; then S 4 E 20 poles to a stake, then S 16 poles to s stake; then S 12 E 14 poles to the Beginning corner, containing 9 acres more or less. Being toe same lands described in Deed from E. A. Holland, and wife Abbie Hol land to B. G. Webb, dated March 3, 1915 and recorded in Deed Book 65 at page 354. THIRD TRACT: Part of Tracts Nos. 94 & 95 on Valley River, Dis trict No. 6. BEGINNING on a Maple on the North Bank of Val ley River, the upper corner of No. 94. and runs (town the river with its meanders S 50 W 28 poles; then S 39 W 43 poles to a Persimmon on the Bank of the River; then S 26V4 MURPHY DRIVE-IN THEATRE Show Starts At Dusk Thurs.-Fri., Dec. 31-Jan 1 Aud^ Murray-Bill Mauldin ?IN? "Red Badge Of Courage" Sat.-Sun., Jan. 2-S Stewart Granrer "Caravan' WE WILL BE CLOSED MON.-TUES. & WED. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mpr i v. FARM BUREAU CAN KEEP ?' YOU DRIVING Hm'i ? Mp Roller mm intwtonco policy which moots every isyiit mont of now Sofoty-iosponslhllity low. ? low rofot may mvo you up to 25% ? Claim torvtcp it prompt and loir ? Policies standard, nonassess able Clif Huls Box 394 - Andrews, N. C. Phone 121-W FARM BUREAU MUTUAL automobue INSURANCE CO. CO.OVBI.S OHIO HENN THEATRE' MURPHY, N C. I Thurs.-FrL, Dee. 31, Ju. 1 TECHNICOLOR GARY COOPER ^ Return/ Paradise! Sat., Jan. 2 HIGH-POWERED and DEADLY! THII Marksman WAYNE MORRIS LATE SHOW Sal, Jan. t GAU>! GAGS! DOLLAR BILLS! "Bad To God's "Pickup Ob Sooth Sfortf 1 RAT ADAMS A 2e Ray Adams, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams of Andr ews has been re-assigned to the States after serving for several months In Goose Bay Labrador. He is expected to arrive home on leave around the first of January after which he will report to the 2049th AACS Sqdrn. at MeCellan Air Force Bait in Sacramento, Calif. He will be assigned as a communications specialist W 11V& poles to Two Maples on the North Bank of the river and just above the Mouth of the Creek; then N 44 W crossing the Turn pike Road at 50 pole6 to a small Black Oak; then N 2^4 W crossing the Creek 52 poles to a Pine near the head of a Hollow; then N 43 W 17 poles to a Pine near the top of a ridge; then N 12M2 W 32 poles to a Black Jack and Chestnut Oak on top of the Ridge; then N 50 W 28 poles to a Small Spanish Oak; then N 10 W 56 poles to a small Qhestnut on the North Boundary line on No. 95; then with said line East 20 poles to a large Black Oak, the NE corner of said No. 95; then with the original lines of said Nos. 95 and 94 S 39 E passing a Black Gum corner of said Nos. at 260 poles, 200 poles to the beginning, containing 103 acres, more or leas. Being the same lands described in Deed from Charles N. Hickerson, and wife Fannie L. Hiekenson to B. G. Webb, dated February 1, 1899 and recorded in Book 31 at page 113. ALL OF THE ABOVE THREE TRACTS BEING THE LANDS WILLED TO W. G. WEBB BY HIS FATHER B. G. WEBB SAID WILL BEING RECORDED IN OFFICE OF THE CLEKrL SUPERIOR STILES Ernest L. Stiles, son of Mr. sod Mrs. Ernest C. Stiles, Et. 1, Murphy, arrived in San Diego, California, on Dee. S after ser ving overseas in Korean waters for seven months aboard the CSS Stembel. He will be home on a 30 day leave January 15. COURT WILLS BOOK C AT [ PAGE 145. FOURTH TRACT: Adjoining the lands of B. G. Webb. U. S. Indian Reservation. Calhoun Heirs Frank lin and others and bounded as fol lows: BEGINNING on a Hickory near the top of a Ridge, the N. W. oorner of Tract No. 95. and runs South with the line of No. 95 10.25 chains corner a double Lynn on the North Bank of Webb's Mill Creek; thence running down with the meanders of Webb's Mill Creek 69.50 chains corner a stake at the intersection of Webb's Mill Creek with the second line of the Cal houn-Hickerson tract; thence North 2West 11.50 chains corner j a Pine near the bead of a Hollow; thence N 43 W 4.25 chains corner a Pine near the top of a Ridge; thence N 12V4 W 8 chains corner a small crooked Black Jack on top of a Ridge; thence N 43 W 7.87 chains corner a Black Jack; thence North 23 West 8 chains corner a Black Jack and Chestnut Oak on top of a Ridge; thence N 50 W 7 chains corner a Spanish Oak; thence N 10 W 14 chains corner a Chestnut in the North Line of Tract No. 95. thence West with the North line of Tract No. 95 13.50 chains crossing a Branch, crossing another Branch at 16.25 chains, whole distance 27 chains, to the place of Beginning, containing 70 acres more or less. And being tne same lands de Choice Baled Timothy Hay $55 PER TON Baled Shocks $35 PER TON FARMER'S FEDERATION DICKEY THEATRE MURPHY, N. C Thurs.-Fri., Dec. 31-Jan.l Richard Traria-CaUierlne Oral* ?IN? "Spy Train' Sat., Jan. t Joel McCrea-Francea Dee "Four Faces West" Jan. M Fred "Follow The A Fleet" ?d, Jan. K? HENN THEATRE ANDREWS. N. C. FrL-Sat, Jan. 1-2 Robert Taylor-Ar* Gardner Howard Keel "Ride, Vaquero' LATE SHOW Sat. Jan. 2 G in*er Rocera Katharine Lucille Ball "Stage Door" Sun.-Mo*., Jan 2-4 Jamea Cafney-lUrbara Hale "Lion Is In The Streets" Turn, Jan ? "Private Eyes' iM Church School Honor Roll Announced Tile Fttst Method tat Church this wee* announced the Sunday School honor roll for feet att end anoe during the Lnoluded are: nursery and kin dergarten. none; primary, ASane Latdhahaw, Peter Maxwell; Junior, Phil Mattox Kay Duvidaon. Lynn Whlttley, Suaan Maxwell, Mis. M. G. Crawford, teacher; in term ed lttes, none; young people, Hobart Meshburn, Harry Mattox. Rose Ax ley; young adults, Merle Davis; John Wealey das*, Mrs. R M Ad kins; Hyatt Bible Class. Mrs. B L. Padgett. Mrs. W. F. EUiott, Mrs. NeU Davidson. Mrs. J. H. Hampton teacher; Men's Bible Claas, E. E. Stiles, Rev. Asmond Maxwell Paul Hyatt, J. H. Hampton, W. F. Elli ott, Nell Davidson, Gay Davidson. Sick In Andrews LAST WEEK Patients at Rodda Van Gorder Hospital J. H. Baker, of Marble; Deiraer Wiles of Robbinsville; Rube Rogers of Robbinsville; Mrs. Andrew Cathey; Mils. Joe Conley: Mrs. Dennos Younce; Janice Bur nette; Olen Barton; and V. L. Cof fey of Marble. Andrews Births RODDA VAN GORDER HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dockery an nounce the birth of a daughter Friday, December 18th. scribed In Deed from Mary Hughes widow to W. G. Webb, and wife Mae Webb, dated November 27, 1939 and recorded in Records of Cherokee County in Deed Book 134 at page 282. This the Mb day of December, 1953. S/H. L. McKeever, H. L. McKeever, Commissioner 23-4itc CAJLD or THANKS W? wiah to thank our frtaafe rdaUvoi and neiflnoora lor the of nnrtnwaa. sympathy and floral cfferingt during the 111 ne% and death at our loved oae. Hie Barton Family 25-ltv FREE ORCHIDS To be given away January 6,1954, at ""FIRSTSHOWING of 1954 FORD Passenger Cars and Trucks. BURCH MOTORS "Ybur Frienfcfly Ford Dealer" Murphy, N. C. Phone 95 TRACY'S RESTAURANT w OFFERS FREE $50 SAVINGS BOND To the First Child Bom In Cherokee County in 1954 NOTIFY TRACY'S RESTAURANT (Formerly Murphy Cafe) Murphy, N. C. Andrews, N. C. Hiyeirllle, N. C. Murphy, N. C. Rebblnrrflle, N. C. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. Serving Southwestern (North Carolina W. Frank Fourth Vlee-Freatdent Murphy, N. C. December ji, nu Dear Folks: t \ The minutes are ticking away, Father Tune is just about to close his books for another year. Before die last page is written, we want to include in it our sincere thanks and appreciation for the business you hare given us. We will always strive to get your continued May 1954 hold for you only things which will bring