OwoUm'i 1993 cotton crop U Mtlmated it 438.000 bate* Some 6.8 million United States farmers are member* of marketing and purchasing cooperatives. Happy And Prosperous New Year! Say. Children, I was ae buy Ikrauk ChrtsUua I foryet to pat to a Christmas Greeting, bat I meant wetL . . to aae aad all whs ftot the Hemry 1 I da appreciate year baatarsa tar the last 2 years. If it 1 i far yon I eoald net atoy at the Henry I to all! THE HENRY HOUSE Liberty Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ledford and family returned borne riced field, Dodge introduces the match ess luxury of stunning Jacquard fabrics! Known for their use on fine furniture, Jacquard fabrics retain their lustrous beauty through the years. They are strong, dur able, long wearing and easy to clean. The tasteful elegance of Jacquard fabrics is one of many exciting discoveries waiting for you in the new '54 Dodge. You'll find, too, color-harmonized interiors, and new glare-reducing Satin-Tone instrument panel. Here, truly, is the most luxuriously appointed car you have ever seen ... ...matched by more massive length Htm Dodo* toy at V-t 4doer Mm 1JQ k#. tod Kom V-d ??viM > Elegance in Action DODGE 1 WHAT UUH . ROYAL V-R ? OOROMT V-R AND ?X ? MRADOMDOOK V-C AND HX - EC Moore 10 WfHey Rw? Ave N.C INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Individual, Proprietorships, Farm, Partnerships, Corporations C. L. JOHNSON & SON LICENSED ACCOUNTANTS Murphy, N. C. Phone <91 (Across street from Henry House) * Auditing Bookkeeping Services Prompt Service Guaranteed MOVING^ AMtMKAU * ' RED BALL TIANHT ObMTANV.MC SAFE ? DEPENDABLE ? ECONOMICAL NATION-WIDE MOVINO SERVICE * AUTHORIZED A01 NT Palmer Bros. Phone 202 Trucking Co. Inc. Murphy, N. C. THE LONE RANGER =C NOW "THAT WEVE WE come back here 1 CTTCO -Tin Oil* HDTTU W -mHlCUT kki' CTTU k CPVJL/ MAILED THE LETTER TO etc BARTOKMLTOMICHT am" steal * few WHAT'S OUR ?? M|| |i||M L move? ?=a m-/ ^ m i ??JSsr-5a?l -r wcnonu ">|jj WELL CAMP ON ROCK 1 TWO DAYS I MOUNTAIN UNTIL BARTON SETTS * THE LETTER THATLL BC1NS HIM TO f PAD, HERE'S THE HAIL.] HIS DEATH. T pi ir Witif ACCOCPIN'TO THIS LETTER-THERESA COUPLE OF^ STAGE. BOB&ERS IN "THE MEDICINE T?j ? ? ? ? ?? ? i ? ???? BBNDOWL. ji-v r?7 TagM I VAIAT HAS THAT* TP PO wrrHvtXinAD? IBMrs KV WOUNP IS HEMEP, g2gT BUT NOT BEFORE. 3gj f 0N3TON. TDKTD AND I ARE LEAWHoTt 0REWK*a?BW?raN. rr^ - . I I -7-.