TRADE AT HOME; V KEEP YOUR MONEY IN IT PAYS w ^ " % YOUR COMMUNITY i PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS V VOLUME ?J?NUMBER M MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAR. 4. 1?S4 ^ DGHi CAGES THIS WEEK ??? ???????????? ?? ? March - April Jury List For Cherokee County Court Told Jurors for die March-April term < yf Superior Court in Cherokee County were released this week. I The two weeks term will open ] Here March 20, with Judge H.. ttoyle Sink presiding. First week Jurors include: Ed Carland, Letitia; J. C. Hembree, Murphy, ftt. I; Victor Raxter, Mar lie; Austin Parker, Marble Rt. 1; J. W. Adams and Robert Bristol, Andrews; Jason Baine, Patrick; Pink S. Evans. Unaka; C. W. Hor :on. Oak Park; Boyd Chastain. Murphy, Rt. 2; and B. D. Shearer, Hiyrassee Dam. | Also Bruce Lunsford, Murphy, Rt. 1; Albert Brown, Andrews; fi. C. Hawkins, Culberson, Rt 2; den Hamby, Oak Park; Ralph Wilcox, Murphy, Rt. 2; A. R. Stal :up, Brass town, Rt. 1; Charlie Cole 1 nan. Murphy, Rt. 2; Clyde A. , Dockery Murphy, Rt. 3; D. G. Jon 's, Culberson; Arthur Nichols. Cul berson, and Floyd Evans, Culber son, Rt. 2. Others are M. B. Montgomery, I Culberson. Thomas E. Ladd, Mar ile; A V. West, Andrews; W. C. Cinney, Murphy; C. H. Townson, j ,larble; Gay Davidson, Murphy; ?inkey Sneed, Culberson, Rt. 2; j L. Abernathy, Marble; Verlon lephart Murphy; Sam Best, And-1 ews; Venson Hardin, Andrews; Jeorge Patterson. Unaka; Jess | tich, Letitia; Gudger Kirkland, tarble; and Whitt Barton, Murphy j tt. 1. Also W. E. Coffey, Marble: C. C. Forrister, Culberson; M. H. Fox, Ranger; James Mosteller, Andrews Ed Buckner, Murphy Rt. 3; P. H. Stiles, Suit; Lawson West, And- { ?ews; H. L. Hughes, Murphy, Rt. I; Noland Wells, Murphy; Otts Shields. Culberson. Rt. 2r and Guy Crisp, Brasstown, Rt 1. Second week jury list drawn in ?ludes: R. V. Garrett, Unaka; J. M. Hughes Mhrphy; W. R. Clore, Copperhill, Tenn., Rt. 1; Albert Bedford, Culberson; Clyde Glad ion, Murphy; Guy Suit, Suit; Clif on Raper, Oak Park; J. C. Swan- i ion, Turtletown, Tenn., Rt. 1; C. E. Warding Culberson; and H. S. Til ion. Culberson. Also Phyllis Snyder, Murphy; W. . Clonts, Letitia; R. L. Wallace, ulberon L. J. Graham, Unaka; elvin Thorton, Andrews; F. E. ' parks. Suit; N. B. Graham, Leti-' i; Gudger Garrett, Unaka; Fred '. Davis, Murphy; and C. G. Rose, naka. Others are: Zeb West, Marble; ither Carringer, Brasstown, Rt 1 O. Winkler. Murphy, Rt. 8; John iblnson, Culberson: Alden Cow- j d. Murphy; C. D. McAfee, Cul rson; P. H. Ohastain, Culberson; -erett English Murphy; B. C. ilmer, Tomotla; Carl Zimmer ?n. Murphy. Rt. 1; and J. B. Bren t. Suit PEACHTREE GRANGE The Peaohtree Grange will meet rhursday night. Mar. 4, at the icbool. G. H. Farley will be the rpeaker grid Joe Myers, Grange ln iurance agent wilt explain benefits mrfkble. STILL LIFE THIS BIG STILL (on the left- ?' course. That's Jailer Leon ard Jones on the right) was brought in last week by Deputy Sher iff Guy Roberts after he captured It on Hiwassee Lake near the dam. The still has a capacity of some 100 gallons, It was said. Rob erts poured out seven wooden boxes of mash. No arrests were made. * ((Scout Photo) Jake Brown Enters SherifFs Race Here JAKE R. BROWN Mrs. Cover Speaks For Circle Here Mr*. G. W. Cover of Anf Christian Service of the Metho Jist Church, at the home of Mrs.' W11 lard Axiey, Tuesday. Mrs. Cover told of the churches she visited on her recent trip to Europe. Other visitors were Mrs. Asmond Maxwell and Miss Adella Meroney I president of the WSCS. I Jake A. Brown of Andrews this week made his announcement of. candidacy for Sheriff of Cherokee 1 County and will run in the Demo cratic Primary May 29. I Mr. Brown is engaged in farm-, :ng near Andrews and is seeking public office for the first time this pea t. Born in Macon County. Brown.! aho is 36 has lived in Cherokee County since he was three years jld. He is married to the former Faye G. Hogan of Andrews and they have six children. He is a 1935 graduate of Andrew High School. He spent 38 months and 17 days In the Army Air Force during World War H. He is teacher of the young peo ple's Sunday School Class and is a deacon at Valleytown Missionary Baptist Church. Lodge Meet trailed | Sat. By Van Horn A meeting of Cherokee Lodge. No. 146, AF end AM has been calL ed for 7:30 p. m. Saturday in the Lodge Hall, for second Degree | work it has been announced by Worshipful Master, E. C. Van Horn Herbert Is Candidate For State. Senator Tom J. Herbert of Hayeaville has innounced that be nwlll be a cendl Late for the State Senate from the Srd Senatorial District. ?If wcceaeful in both the Demo xeiie Mmary on May 99 end to he November election, be will re ?ountiee et Clay, Cherokee, Ora te m, Macon end Swain. I An oet of the 1951 General Am embty pieced th* SSrd dlatrict on i rotation ayatem whereby the democratic Nominee aaoet be id from Clejr oonntjr this Herbert te a Kmon end ? tar af TtmH Memerty Jet Church in ^pyeevtlle. He to rtnc 9i * ? I et the thee Jer the leet M t tr Final Polio Totals Told Final March at Dlmea total* were announced this week by County Drive Chairman Frank For syth, with a grand total at $0 437.30 The totals are: Andrews, $901,88 Topton, $22 Violet, $29 85, Peach tree, $197.46; Pea oh tree School, $128.12; HWwassee Dam, $218.95; Folk School. $36.12; Texana, $15; Suit. $11.80; Murphy School. $521. 20. and Murphy Community, $3, 19o.9C. \ Also Marble. $140.99; Beaver dam Baptist Church, $59.64; Boil ing Springs, $25; Ranger, $59; Ranger School. $128.64; Martin's Creek, $243.28; White Church School $185.00; Unaka School $64.83; and other turned in with out being signed to proper com munity. $126.73. Mr. Forsyth asked chairmen who note error in the above totals to see that corrections Me made. Asa Young Dies At Home Here Asa Young, 67, a farmer, died at his home here at 3 p. m. Wednes day after a long illness. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Friday in Unaka Baptist Church, with the Rev. J. O. Wink ler officiating. Burial was in the cemetery. Surviving are three sons, Ernest and Julius of Murphy, and Elmer of Roswell, Ga., two daughters, Mrs. Lillie Weeks of Englewood, Tenn. and Mrs. Vienna Willix of Hickory; and one brother, Billy Young of Mit. Vernon, Tenn. Townson Funeral Hom^ was in charge. Mrs. Sarah Long Dies At Unaka ?Mrs. Sarah Long. 77, died at 8 a. m. Thursday, Feb. 25, in the home of a daughter. Mrs. Susie Bates of Unaka, after a long illness Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Saturday in Unaka Bap list Church, with the Rev. Nor vell Peak officiating. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cem etery. Survivors include two daughters, Mr.s Bates of Unaka, and Mrs. Bet ty Cole of Farner, Tenn.; one son, Billy Long of Farner; 21 grand children and eight great-grandchil dren. Townson Funeral Home was in Charge. Burch Motors Gets "4 Letter" Award Ford Motor Co. this week cited Burch Motors here with the comp any's "Four Letter Award," accord ing to R. H. East, Ford's district sales-manager. Burch Motors got the award for sound finances efficient manage ment, competitive spirit and com pletely modern facilities, Mr. Sast said. Schools, Clubs, Chui jhes Aid Attend Church Campaign FINAL ARRANGEMENTS for the "Give God A Chance Now!" crusade in Murphy were made last week when Murphy ministers got together. Pictured above, left to right, are the Rev. Asmond Maxwell, First Methodist pastor; Frank Brown, Murphy Presby terian; Rhett Y. Winters, Jr., Episcopal; and J. Alton Morris, First Baptist The Rev. Russell M. Elder, pastor of the Free Meth odist Church, was absent when the picture was made. The crusade will be a concentrated effort for church attendance and will be held Mar. 7 through April 18, Easter Day. (Scout Photo) Leather wood Runs, For Clerk Of Court P. Hayes Leatherwood this week announced his candidacy for Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County and will run for the nomin ation in the Democratic Primary May 29. Mr. Leatherwood is a native of j Cherokee County having been j born and reared in Murphy. He has been active in noli tics for a num ber of years. For several years hg was employ ed by TVA and later was an in structor with the Veterans Train ing program at Murphy Schools. He has served as Justice of the Peace for 12 years and has been on the board of elections for four years?two of which he was chair man. Mr. Leatherwood resigned his position as chairman of the county board of elections in order to file i for .the post as clerk. Pete Sfalcup has been appointed temporary: < chairman to fill out Mr. Leather- i wood's unexpired term. Leatherwood was married to the late Mrs. Mattie B. Leatherwood who died several weeks ago after P. H. LEATHERYVOOD a long illness. He has two sons, R. H. of Knoxville, Tenn., and W. A. Df the U. S. Air Force stationed in Omaha, Neb.; and two daughters. Mrs. Louise Talley of Knoxville, renn. and Ann, who is in nurses training at Fort Sanders Hospital, Knoxville. Tenn. Titt six weeks campaign to "Give God A Chance Now" will begin her? tomorrow with the World Day of Prayer observance at the Presbyterian Church at 3:15 p. m. The concentrated program to pro mote church attendance is spon sored by five Murphy Churches, with the schools and civic clubs co operating. In preparation for the effort a townwide census was made last Sunday by some 65 workers from the five churches taking the data. Also last Sunday a layman from each hurch was visiting speaker In another of the churches. W. A. Singleton of the Presby terian Church spoke in the First Baptist Church; W. E. Craig of the Baptist Church spoke in the Epis copal Church; Hal Hale of the Episcopal Church spoke in the First Methodist Church; and Merfe Davis of the Methodist Church spoke In the Presbyterian Church. The Boy Scouts are assisting with the distribution of window cards and the civic organizations will gtve their support to the cru sade by showing a film, provided by the churches. The film, "And Now, Tomorrow" will be Aown Monday evening to the Boy Scouts; Tuesday to the Lions Club, the following Monday, Mar. 15, to the Civit3ns; and Mar. 18 at th? Junior Woman's Club. The Murphy school will partici pate in the program to encourage ohurah attendance, Supt. H. Bueck has said, and the ministers of Mur phy have been invited to provide the program for four school as sembly programs in March and April. AAUW Branch Be Organized Here An organizational meeting of a Cherokee County Branch of the American Association of Univer sity Women will be held tonight at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Tom Case in Murphy. Miss Juliet Pegues will be co-hostess. Some 20 women are expected to attend. Mrs. Harold Bacon of Brysoa City, vice president of the state AAUW organization, will attend and assist in the organization of the branch. She will bring a group of Bryson City AAUW members as guests. Persons interested in joining are asked to contact Mrs. Ottilie De Calogne, membership chairman. Burch New Republican Ex. Head; County CandidatesTo Be Named Cherokee County Republicans March 2, and to the state conven- r et in the County courthouse here Uon in Charlotte March 6. 2 p. m. Saturday and named del i ates to the 12th Congressional c- E ws elected tempor- , strict Convention in Waynesville ary chairman and presided at the neeting. Doyle Burch was elected chair nan of the Cherokee County Re nt blioan Executive Committee. Mrs. F. V. Taylor was elected ?ice-chairman and Richard Howell vas elected secretary. O. L. Anderson, Doyle Burch, fohn O'Dell, Richard Howell and 2. E. Hyde were elected delegates 0 the state convention in Char otte. R. A. Dewar of Andrews, Doyle Burch, Virgil O'DeU, C. E. Hyde 'nd O. L. Anderson were named lelegates to the district convention Nomination of candidates for :ounty of'lces was postponed until 1 p. m. March 27. February Birthdays Featured At Library February has been a month of irthdays and anniversaries in the 'urphy School Library. Bulletin Boards and Book dls )Uyt commemorate National Book School Week, Negro History Week, Llacota'e Birthday and Wash Log on's Birthday. Mia Wilms Tate's fourth grade sad a valentine display with i nllee of the oldest known The following pupils Mks: Bill Geddis, The It ValenthMli Day; m. Old Valentine LJCs as Presideut of the Uafts* Red Cross Drive Begins In County James A. Wood Heads Andrews Red Cross Drive A. Wood, Andrews Actor and teacher will head the 1054 Red frose membership and Fund rais ing drive in his home town. While attending Western Caro lina Teacher's College in 1000, Mr. Wood received wide acclaim lor lis portrays) of "Sam Houston" in he original production of the Cher ikee Indian Drama "Unto These Bib." Hie stage career and student ae ivtties were both curtailed by his ecall into the Armed Forces. Mr. Wood previously served during World War H la the Pacific Tbaat eof Operations. is ha* net mads a trad o Che Wtaatn ire utilised in JAMES A. WOOD and religious programs. In connection with the drive, Joe Varner will be in Andrews (or several days during Mils week when; i he will speak on the world wide ' good that Red Croat la doing. I He will address a community gathering Sunday March 7 at 7:90 I p. m. in the Andrews Methodist Church. "th? palgn which Mr. Wood will hoed. v>?ee tn ra'se their gotta eg 9900 v, that thia oath* aaetlan w*t aao gnUbsneflta <* Murphy Group Has Kickoff Supper Tonight The Murphy R?d Cross Drive will be kicked off here tonight with a supper *t the Henry House for district chairmen and ? number of other active Red Cross workers, Jim Ed Hughes, fund drive chair men, announced. Joe Varner of Atlanta, Red Cross field worker, will be guest speaker at the supper. Some 25 pereons era expected to be present District Chairmen will pe an nounced next week. Merle Davis is dvance gifts chairman and Joe Ray U chairmen of publicity. Mr. Hughes ie angagad in boat neas with his father ase eoutiactor hare. Ha Is en the board of dtract ?s of the Clvttan Club; on ?M board of (Braetars ef the summer la eeuscil com ?? . . . of the World and ig JIM ED HUGHES the Boy Scout trtfop. A native of Jackson County,, Mr. Hughes has lived la Murphy for II yean. He la married to the former Ravenna Queen at Jackson Oouft ts Th^ chairman said he feels 'Red Cross, which Is for first aid courses, swimming and 'He saving courses, the 1 and a number at <