VALLEY VIEWS By Evelyn Baker THE SENIOR PLAT Miss Jean Christy and Jim Wood hav? selected the Cast (or the sen ior play entitled "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE" The cast Is a, follows: Elijah Quimby-Pred Cothern; Mrs. Quim by-Lillian West; Magee-Zeb ConVey Mary Norton-Virginia Huffman; Hayden-Donald Dills; Mrs. Rhodes Wanda Hardin; Cargan-Lyle Bry son; Bland-Ronald Phillips; Peters -Marlin West; Max-Charles Thora asson; Myra Thornhill-Bobbie Jean Dea&on; Kennedy-Joel Roper; Cops Douglas Con ley and John Gregory. After many nights of practice and work the Senior Class hopes to be ready to present the play j March 26, remember this date for , good entertainment. P. T. A. The regular Andrewa P. T. A meeting will be held Tuesday March 9 at 7:30 p. m. Mias Phylli Snyder with the Nantahala Regior al Library, will be the gueat spesal e.'. PHOTO NEWS CABINET Mark Elliott of Elliott Hardwar in Andrewi announces that a Phot News Cabinet has been installed i '.he store window. Photos will b changed three times a week, wihic will include the latest news plctui es of current events with a short e planation at the bottom of eacl picture. ANDREWS LIONS CLUB The Andrews Lions Club hel USED CARS GOOD DUYS 1-1950 Chevrolet power glide 2 dr. $995.00 Extra Clean 1-1950 Buick Super 4 dr. sedan $1095.00 Dyna/low-Radio-Heater-Extra Clean 1-1950 Buick Riviera 2 dr. $1195.00 Fully Equipped 1954 License plates 1-1950 Willys Jeepster Extra Clean $795 Six cylinder - new top-white wall tires 1-1949 Buick Super 4 dr. sedan $745.00 Extra clean 1-1946 Buick 4dr. sedan $595.00 Straicht drive transmltion 1-1947 Oldsmobile 2 dr. clean $595.00 Hydramatie transmltion 1-1948 Oldsmobile 2 dr. $595.00 One owner 1-1946 Oldsmobile 2dr. clean $495.00 1-1947 Ford sedan Extra clean $495.00 Good Tires. Clean Body. 1-1946 Chevrolet 4 dr. nice car $475.00 1-1950 Ford pickup-first class $845.00 1954 License tars 1-1951 Willys 4WD pickup truck $995.00 1-1947 Willys Jeep - Clean $554.00 1-1946 Jeep 1954 License tags $475 Lots of other cars from 550.00 to $150.00 One 4 Wheel farm waron - One Hammermill One Wood Saw Complete It will pay yon to see and drive these cars before you buy. WE CAN SAVE YOU MQNEY Located on the Andrews Road, one mile east of town I FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. Phone 274 , Mnrphy, W. C. "Look at the Books?"z Somatome during the coming year, a raprvi?miiiT? the income tax division may pay you a visit You're wise to Kara your records in such shape that you can explain at deductions. You're wise, too, if you can show a cancelled check for aN items of expense. And if you don't pay by check it might be a good idea to do so before another week goes by. We invite your account Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Murphy?Andrew*?Robbinsville Hayeaviile Serving Southwestern North Carolina a Member Federal Depoett Union World Day Of Prayer Service Set At Pres. Church A Union World Day of Prayer ? service will be held ?t 3:19 p. m. Friday In the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. J. H. Hampton la chairman of the program committee, with Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. Francis Bourne, Sr., Mrs. Clyde PaUon, Mrs. R. H. Foard and Mrs. Beryl Witt serving with her. A special offering for mission projects will be taken. The church will be open all day for those who wish to go in at any hour for prayer. World Prayer Observance Day was proclaimed for Friday by May or L. L. Mason as follows: PROCLAMATION "WHEREAS, There are condi tions of tension and uncertainty in j the world today and it b recog-, rgzed that many problems confront | ing us can be solved only with the help of Almighty God; and ' WHEREAS. March 5 .the first day of the Lenten Season has been declared world wide day of Prayer in 118 countries; "NOW, therefore, I, L. L. Mason, Mayor of the Town of Murphy,1 North Carolina, do hereby pro claim Friday, March 5, as a day of prayer for a better world for all people to remember the needs of our nations and all other nations as we bow our heads in reverent acknowledgment of our depend ence and reliance upon Almighty God and I urge everyon^ to pause ' in their work for one minute to ask that God give us that hope that is in Jesus Christ, light to guide us, courage to support us, and love to unite us." I their semi-monthly meeting Thurs day. February 25 in the Shell Din ning Room. A delicious dinner was served and enjoyed by all, other than the more unfortunate ones, who were disturbed by Lion Craw ford, the club Tail twister, wh<4 collected petty fines for almost anything they might do. Following the dinner guests were Introduced by Pres. Herman Braurer as fol 'ows: Rev. J. P. Hornbuckle,1 Richard Ramsey, Dr. and Mrs. John S. Rodda, Paul Nichols and the fol lowing Lionesses, Van Gorder, Munger, Gobins Reiehman, Brau er and Baker. I Lion Van Gorder introduced the Andrews Day Of Prayer Service Be At Free Meth. A World Day of Prayer service vill be held at the Fhee Methodist Church, Andrews Friday^ Mar 3. at 1:13 p. m. with all churches of the community participating. Last week Andrews Mayor Percy 3. Fere bee proclaimed Friday a 5ay of Prayer, in cooperation with >ther points the world over who 1 i ire setting the day aside for prayer < It U expected that some 20,000 communities in more than 100 countries around the world will participate. The World Day of Prayer i* held on the first Friday in Lent each year and is an ob servance dating back to 1887 when i 'Presbyterian woman in Boston railed for a nationwide day of pray ar for home missions. >ecial guest and speaker of the 'ening, Dir. E. E. Moore of Ashe lle, the regional director of the ye Bank for Restoring Sight, Inc. North Carolina. Dr. Moore stated that the first iccessful operation of cornea ansplanting which is taking the >rnea of an eye from ap Eye Bank id transplanting it to the eye of person with an injured cornea, as in 1907. But not until 1930 did become more frequent. It was during World War II at Cornea transplanting became lblically known. In 1945 an Eye ank was established In New York id in 1951 the first Eye Bank in orth Carolina was formed in Win on-Salem. There are 10 doctors in ir state who now perform the irnea Transplanting. A film show g full details of Cornea trans anting was 'shown to the group, Ith Dr. Moore explaining each de il and answering questions. Dr. Moore stated that one out of i persons who are blind and par illy blind can be benefitted by \ Is operation. It is estimated that { 1,000 persons in the United States e in need of the operation. CUB SCOUT CLUB The Andrews P. T. A. will spon Cub Scout Club, with the first ganlzatlon meeting March 8th, at' 30 p. m. in the High School [ sliding. We wish to urge all par its to attend this meeting with eir sons who are eligible for the lub. Boys between the ages of 8 rough 10 will be eligible to join is club. Trained members of the cal Boy Scouts Council will give INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Individual, Proprietorships, Farm, Partnerships, Corporations C.L. JOHNSON & SON ACCOUNTANTS Murphy, N. C. ah one 691 (Across street from Henry House) Auditing Bookkeeping Services Prompt Service Guaranteed Church Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. Alton Morris, Pastor Sunday School, 9:4s a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Sermon Topic: "Christ Launches First Give God A Chance Program" Baptist Training Union, 6:30 p.m Sermon Topic "Give God A Chance Through Faith In His Word" CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH EPISCOPAL Rhett Y. Winters, Jr., Minister Church School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Sermon Topic: "Make In Us New And Contrite Hearts" ST. BARNABAS CHAPEL Family Supper, 6:30 p. m. Worship Service, 7:30 p. m. During the six weeks of the Cru sade, the minister will conduct a confirmation class each Friday at 3: 30 p. m. for all persons in terested in the Episcopal Churh. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Russell M. Elder, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Warship, 11 a. m. Sermon Topic. "Christian Liber ty." Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. Midweek prayer service, 7:30 p. nt. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Asmond Maxwell, Pastor Church School Classes. 9:45 a. m Morning Worship. 11:00 a. m. Sermon Topic: "Back To His Alter Now" MYF Choir and Program 5:00 p. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. Sermon Topic: "How Man Can Know God" MURPHY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Frank Brown, Pastor March 24: Special Missions pro gram Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Sermon Topic: "God's Mission For the Church Now" Young People's Fellowship, 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship. 7:30 p. m. a bird's eye view of Cub Scouting. This club will provide the much needed entertainment for boys of the Cub Scout age. POULTRY PROFITS There's big pay-off to you in our health hatched chicks, bred for production, tested for livability and hatched for health! Our chicks are N. C. & U. S. Approved Pullorum Clean Thompson White Rocks, hatched, sexed and graded in our Murphy Hatchery. As further guard against .diseases, each pullet chick receives two tenths C. C. of Terramycin m Oil before leaving the Hatch ery- . ' 'v QUINN EGG SERVICE ?Mtoinc m-w PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs E. L. Townson are ;pending a two-weeks vacation In St. Petersburg. Fla. Mr and Mrs. Harry Ferguson of Sylva are visiting Mrs. Ferguson's nother and brother. Mrs. T. S. Jvans and Tom Evans. I Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hampton of Etowah. Tenn. spent last week lere with relatives. Mrs. Clarence Eich and children, tary Munsey and Robert of Signal bjounUin. Tenn , spent Last week here with Mrs. Eich's parents, Mr. tnd Mrs. WilMrd Ajdey. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Simpson sod Family of Fnanklin, spent the week ?nd with Mrs. Simpson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. E C. Moore, Miss Marie Price and Wallace Moore re turned last week from a ten day .a cat ion at Daytona Beach, Fla. Mrs. A. M. Myers and children, Mac and Agnew of Trion, Ga. were reek end guets of Mr. and Mrs. W. L Singleton. DOLLAR VALUE SALE Hope Reed Wash Dresses 8.95 two for 17.00 Spring Coats 14.95 54.95 assorted Sizes and Colors 8 Winter Coats $55.00 Values reduced to 34.9S rack crepes & woolen Dresses Values up to 19.95 8.95 Two for $17.00 New Spring Hats 1.95 to 5.95 All the Wanted Colors Skirts & Blouses 2.95 5.95 All Sixes & Many Colors Candler*s V'tmk We've Invested in Year-Round Leisure with NEW for '54 ? SIMPLICITY Th H. P. MODEL F with Lover Gear Shift ... 6 Forward Speeds and Reverse ONLY $199.50 attachments extra "VVe found Simplicity the biggest garden tracioj t... >. ?in ail! Our Model F, for example, provides gear transmission at a price you'd expect to pay for a machine without it. Its simple lever gear shift gives us 6 forward speeds and reverse at the flick of a finger. Simplicity's an investment in better living that navs nc ijvidend* all year long ? the easiest-to-own. easiest-to e ? tor ol them all!" Simplicity 5 h. p. Simplicity .. n. p. del V ? $298.50 Model L-l - $105.00 FARMERS FEDERATION America's NO. 1 Line of Gcvden Tractors and Implements A NEW KINDOF REFRIGERATOR 54 - * ? > Hh m Wmm The ONLY RafrigtratM' with A SPECIAL PLACE A SPECIAL COLD hr todi asd wary iM W feed/ Just name the food! There'* a special place, with special cold, to keep it safely in this superb new 1964 Westinghouae. All foods keep safer, longer! TYiymanh as few as $4.00 A WEEK cAif ana// dawn pajeNflt Othor WtstinghouM Rcfripratoa ss low SS J 199.95 . . . only (1.97 S wstk r. MoM0rai2S-?4M.M vou CAM ? SUWl...ffirtWeSQl^P0U8C I VIE FURNITURE CO. 41