TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS KEEP YOUR MONEY IN YOUR COMMUNITY PROMOTING MU PHY AND ANDRFWS '?i. VOLUME ?3?NUMBER 18 PHV NORTH CARiM ?x THURSDAY, APRIL 1. ltM U. EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK REPUBLICANS of Cherokee County earlier this week met to nominate their ticket in the county elections. Pictured above, first row, left to right, are Virgil O'Dell, candidate for Sta^. House of Rep resentative; Quenton Loving ood, candidate for county surveyor; Kellis W. Rad.'ord, candidate for clerk of court, and Claude Anderson, candidate fo,- sheriff. Second row, left to right, J. C. Townson, candidate for coroner, and J, E. Graves, candidate for register of deeds. (Scout Photo) Republicans Announce Co. Slate; 18 Get Nominations Cherokee County Republicans in convention here Saturdoy Mar. 27.1 made some 18 nominations for J county officers to run in the ap proaching election. The Republican slate includes the following declared nominees: 1 Kellis Radford, clerk of court;' Claude Anderson, sheriff; J. Ed Graves, register of deeds; Quinton' Lovingood, county surveyor; J. C.1 Townson, coroner; Will Hyde, com-' missioner District One; E. L. J Townson, commissioner District Two; Walter Dockery, commission-1 er District Three; Virgil Odeli,1 representative from Cherokee' County to the 1955 N. C. Legisla-' ture. Also nomniated were: Charles White Justice of the peace, Mur-! phy Township; Charles Rose, John L. Taylor, J. P., Beaverdam Town-1 ship; Wes Helton, J. P. Hothouse Township; Carl Anderson. J. P.1 Notla Township; Jack McMillan,' constable, Murphy Township; Morris Luther, constable. Notla Township; Dude Radford . con stable, Beaverdam Township; and Weldon Simmons, constable, Hot louse Township. KELLIS RADFORD Kellis Radford, of Andrews, Republican choice for the clerk of the court, is a native of Cherokee J County and Is the son of the late R. P. Radford and Mr*. CordeU Burgess. The 41 year old candidate is mar ried to the former Venoah Robin son of Andrews, and they hade two children, a son, Ray, serving with the U. S. Air Forces in Japan; and a daughter. Radford is a member of Valleytown Baptist Church. CLAUDE ANDERSON Claude Anderson, declared notni nee for sheriff, was born at Culber son. where he still makes his home. He is the son of W. M. and Grov ie Silver Anderson, also of Culber son, and Is employed by the Ten nessee Copper Co., where be has been employed for the past 14 years. He U married to the former Paul ine Kil patrick of Suit and they have one daughter. Anderson is a member of Shady Grove Baptist Church, and a mem ber of the Masonic Order, McCay Chapter No. 114 R. A. M , Summit Council No. 19 R. A S. M. He is si so a member of the Eastern Star. ED GRAVES J. Ed Graves of Rt. 3, Murphy, nominee for register of deeds, is 55 years old and the father of six children. He is married to the for mer Asalee Dockery. also of Rt. 3. Their children are Ralph. Burton, Albert, Velma and twins, Jim and Sue. For the P38* 20 years he has been engaged in the merchandise business, operating rolling stores in Cherokee County. He is also a partner in Graves Tire Co. He served as county com missioner in 1946 and is a member and deacon at Ebenezer Baptist Church. QUINTON LOVINGOOD The Republican nominee for county surveyor is Quinton Lovin good, 49, of Murphy, Rt. 3. He is the son, of John and Vina Palmer Lovingood and served with the U. S. Army during World War II. He is a member of the Hanging Dog Baptist Church. J. C. TOWNSON J. C. Townson. candidate for coroner, is a native of Cherokee County, the son of the late Carl Townson. He is married to the former Carmen Stiles and they have one son, Carl. Townson is a graduate of Mur phy High School and Cincinnati College of embalming. He holds both the etnbalmers' and funeral directors' license, and is now in business with his uncle at Townson Funeral Home here. He is a veteran of World War H, having served in the Coast Guard, and has a reond of 21 months over He is an Episcopalian and a member of the Cherokee Masonic Lodge 146. W. A. HYDE W. A. Hyde of Andrews, is the nomnee for the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners from the first district. A native of Swain County, Hyde moved to Andrews as a young man. He is a member of the First Bap tist Churh in which he serves as a deaon. He is also a Mason. The Hydes have three children, Edwin, Murphy attorney; Ernest, an engineer with Nantahala Power and Light Co.. Franklin; and Mrs. Hazel Wood, Jackson, Miss. Hyde owns and operates the Western Auto Store in Andrews. E. L. TOWNSON The declared candidate for the Cherokee County Board of Commis soners from District Two is E. L. Townson of Murphy, owner of Townson has served one previous term on the board, and has also served on the Murphy Town Coun cil. Mr. Townson has lived in Mur phy since "HMtt. His wife is the former Dovie Bright Cook, daugh ter, of F. H. Cook. They have one daughter, Mrs. Alden Coward; and three grandchildren. Suzan, and twins. Bruce and Brian. He is a member of Macedonia Baptist Church. WALTER DOCKERY , Walter Dockery of Hiwassee Dam is the nominee of the Repub | lican Convention for commission er from the third district. He is 54 and is married to the former Tom mie McDonald and they have five children, one son in the U. S. Navy and four daughters. ( Dockery is the son of the late , J. S. and Olive Van Lovingood Dockery. The nominee taught school for eight years and is at ! present a merchant at Hiwassee I Dam where he has operated a store for the past 12 years. He is a mem ber of the Hanging Dog Baptist Church. Gay Hawkins, incumbent, who last week announced his candidacy for commissioner from the district this week announced that h? has withdrawn his name for the post in favor of Dockery. VIRGIL 0*DKLL Virgil O'Dell of Murphy is the Republican candidate for represen tative to the N. C. Legislative As sembly in 1055. O'DeU is a life long Republican and native of Cherokee County. He owns and op erates the Smoky Mountain Grill and Bus station. He Is a veteran of World II hav ing served in the Navy. He worked for 10 years in the experimental laboratory of B. F. Goodrich In Akron, O. He is married to the former Nor v? Barnes of Unaka and they have three children. He is amember of the First Baptat Church, Murphy. Pfife-School Clinic Set Next Week It* annual pre-ecbool clinic for Murphy Schools wUl be held at the , 1- *d ApHl Ml Mrs. Hilda Olaoo, supervisor aaid today. All children who will school in the fall are expected to attend. The elhric will be conducted by First Court Week Ends; S* ; Traffic Cases Dominate The drat week. of the epring term of Cherokee County Super ior Court eeme to en end here yesterday afternoon after three day* of handling a docket contain ing moody traffic violations. The eecond meek of court wfll begin Monday, with Judge H. Maple On the tar TOmHnoon'a m ?ae of Korcfble out of oourt. L. Lawrence received a 10 day Jail sentence and $100 fine tor charges of speeding and driv ing after his license was revoked. Bobby Baker was sentenced to one to Wo years hi the State Peniten tiary end Kenneth Roger* tot flee years, while Mar starred to the Jo el! on charges of en Tom t> NEW SHERIFF Lake Career of Andrews to day became Cherokee Coun ty's sheriff after beta# ay pointed last week to fill oat the unexpired term of M. G. Crawford. Career baa screed as a deputy for four years, lie has already announced and filed for t h e nominat ion as sheriff for the com ln( term and will run in the Democratic primary May 29. M. G. Crawford will be sworn into his new position Mon day with the State Bureau of Investigation. "Granny" Hyatt Passes At Home Here Last Week ?Mrs. Ida May 'Granny" Hyatt. 94 died .Saturday, March 27. at 10:35 p. m. at her home here after three years of declining health. Funeral services were held Mon day at 2 p. m. in the chapel of Ivie Funeral Home. The Rev. Frank Brown, the Rev. J. Alton Morris and the Rev. Asmond Maxwell of ficiated and burial was in Sunset Cemetery. Pallbearers were Frank and Ed ward Herbert. Dale Lee. Benny and Wiley McGlamery and John Gill. Mrs. Hyatt, who was affection ately called "Granny Hyatt" by all her friends, was born Feb. 29. 1860, in Tello Plains. Tcnn., her parents James D and Marah Hilton Abbott having moved there from j Baldwinsville. New York on ac count of Mr. Abbott's health. She came at the age of eight, to Mur phy with .her parents., who oper ated the former Cottage Park Ho tel, a landmark of Murphy which is now the family home. She wae married to Robert H. Hyatt October 2, 1S78. His mother Mrs. Nancy Aveline Coleman Hy att was said to be the first white woman settleT in Murphy. As a brde she rode horseback from Swain County to Murphy and started housekeeping in a two room log cabin located where the R. G. Alexander home now stands. Her father organized the Pres byterian Church here, of which she was a charter member for 80 years. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Charles A. Brown of Andrews two sons, Paul C. and Henry Hyatt of Murphy; one sister, Mrs. G. W. Candler of Murphy; 10 grandchil dren and 10 great-grandchildren. Area Milk 1 Price Is Set A group of Cherokee County dairymen last Thursday asked the N. C. State Milk Control Commis sion to include Cherokee County In Control Area VIII during (he commission's meeting in Waynes vilie, Noland H. Wells, president of the Cherokee County Dairy men's association, said. Those attending the meeting from Cherokee County were Mr. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Lochaby, Wesley Penland, Mrs. Kate Shields Randolph Shields, Mrs. MoClure, Waldo Mull, Edgar Woods, Jr., C. H. Townson, Bill Russell, J. Prank lln Smith and G. H. Parley, Coun ty agent. Regulations of the Milk Control Commission beame effective in this area today (Thursday) with the wholesale price of class 1, Grade A milk set at $6.25 per 100 pounds delivered to local plants, Mr. Wells said. Mr. Wells asserted that 'Dairy men in this area were hard hit and many reported losing money at} $4.85 per 100 pounds which Coble j Dairy Products Inc. paid for all Grade A, four per cent butterfnt! milk delivered to bhetr Brasstowa] Plant during February by local' producers." ( "Alter producers paid 80 ends' per 100 pounds for local delivery i of their milk they received only, $4.55 per 100 pounds, which is lees than 10 cents per quart," Mr. Wells ( The regulated price nf |dJB should nat affect the retail prion ! i?ity atuoe the Ctou 1, Grade A is ns* DEMOCRATS of the Town of Murphy met this week to nominate their ticket for the town election. Mayor L. L. Mason, center, first row, was nominated for reelection. Others shown are Bob White, left, first row, candidate for reelection as alderman, and W. A. Singleton, right, first row, candidate for alderman. Other candidates for alderman are, second row,' left to right. Dr. G. L. Dyer, H. E. Bishop, for reelection, Cloe Moore, for reelection, and John Jordan. Mason And 3 Councilmen Run For Town Re-EIection Mayor L. L. Mason, Jr., and three incumbent Murphy Town Council members, along with three new candidates, compose the Dem ocratic slate icr town officials to be elected in May. The nominat ions were made at the meeting of the Murphy Democratic Party Mon day right here. Bob White, Harry Bishop and Cloe Moore are the current coun cilmer; up ior re-election and W. A Singleton, Dr. George L. Dyer and John Jordan join them on the slate. L. L. MASON Mason is a practicing attorney here. He is a native of Murphy, a graduate o: Murphy High School, Mars Hill Junior College and at tended Wake Fore t College and Law School rr. l attended Claude Love's Law School in Asheville. He received his law license in 1950 after passing t.ue North Carolina Ba: He is the ton 1 Mrs. L. L Mas on and the late Cherokee County Sheriff Mason. Hc is a member of the Methodist Church where he is member of the board of stewards of which he v. as chairman last year He is also a neriber of Cherokee Masonic Lodge 145 and the Civitan Club. He is secretary of the Cher okee County Bar Association. He is completing th^ term as mayor to which he was elected two years ago in his first race for pub- j lie office. He is married to the for mer Dot Nix Snow and they have one son, Johnny, CLOE MOORE Cloe Moore this year completes >bis fifth year on the Murphy Town Council, after serving two elected terms and one year as appointive. A native of Murphy, Moore is the. son of Mr. and -Mrs. E. C. Moore' of Murphy. He is in business with bis father here. He is married to the former Miriam Gray, daughter of Mrs. J. B. Gray, and the late Mr, Gray, rhey have three children, Mrs. Bud L. Brown (Betty), Tommy and Burke. Cheryl and Diane Cornwell nieces of Mr. Moore are making their home with the Moores. Moore is a member of the Lions Club and the First Baptist Church. HARRY BISHOP Now completing his second term on die Murphy Town Council, Har ry Bishop is up for he-eletcion. Bishop has made his home 'here for the past 25 years and is in busi ness with House-Hassan Hardware Co., of which he is a director. He is a member and director of the Lions Club, the Methodist Church, and is married to the form er Kathryn Thompson of Murphy. I hey have one son. Bishop is head of the finance committee of the Boy Scout, dis trict committee and is on the board of the Murphy Carnegie Library. BOB WHITE Bob White, the other veteran of the Democratic slate, is now com pleting his first term on council. He operates Dickey and Davis Co. here. White came to Murphy from Charlotte in 1946 as an engineer with Nello L. Teer Construction Co. Ho is married to the former Jean Dickey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Dickey of Murphy and they have one daughter. White attended Charlotte Schools and N. C. State College, Raleigh. He is a deacon at the (Presbyter ian Church, is a member and im mediate past president of theLions Club and is on the Boy Scout Troop Committee. GEORGB DYER A Murphy native. Dr. George L Dyer is a practicing chiropractor here. Up for his second time to run for public office, Dyer ran for Mayor in 1950, and was defeated. Dyer is a graduate of Murphy High School, Brevard Junior Col lege and Lincoln Ohriropractic Col lege, Indianapolis, Ind. He has been in business here for four years. He is married to the former Pat Pittillo of Asheville and they have one son. He is a member of the Ci vitan Club and is on the CivRan Board of Directors. He is also a member of the First Methodist Church and is a mason. JOHN JODRAN Making his first attempt for public office, John Jordan, another Murphy native is a teacher in the Murphy School. He is a graduate of Murphy High School, Western Car olina College and received his mas ter's Degree from Columbia Uni versity, N. Y. He is assistant Scoutmaster of Murphy Troop Two, is vice-presi dent of the Civitan Club and a member of the American Legion. He is president-elect of the Mur phy Unit NCEA. He is also secre tary of the junior department at the First Baptist Church. He served three and a half years in the Navy during which time he met Mrs, Jordan?also in the Navy at that time. They have three sons. W. A. SINGLETON W. A. Singleton, who owns and operates the Western Auto Asso ciated Store here, has lived hi Murphy some three years and is an active member of the Presbyter ian Church, where he is an elder, and teacher of the adult class. Singleton is running for public office for the first time. He is a member of the Lions Club and Ma sonic Lodge. He is a graduate of Westminster, S. C. High School and of Berea College, Berea, Ky_ Before coming to Murphy he was associated with Travelers Insur ance Co for 10 years. He is marri ed and has two hiidren. EASTERN STAR new attleen fcrti Mirtkn Mm Fteta 1 Can DnH i