A TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS ?v PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS KEEP YOUR MONEY IN VOUR COMMUNITY VOLUME M?NUMBER it MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 1254 ?- PAGES THIS WEEK Work Begun On Pump-Turbine At Hiwassee Dam Filings Closed; 27 Names On Democratic Primary Some 27 names will appear on ?the Democratic primary ballots In Cherokee County May 29, after fil_ inga for nomination were closed here Saturday. Meanwhile, 13 Republicans, de clared nominees by convention, i have also filed with the County Board of Elections. And the Town of Murphy Elec tion?drawing near with voting May 4?has a full slate filed by both Democrats and Republicans. Candidates for the Democratic County Primary, as announced to-! day by Pete Stalcup, chairman of the board of elections are: Sheriff, H. Luke Carver, incum bent. Glenn Hembree, J. L. Hall and Jake Brown. Clerk of Superior Court, Arnold Derreberry, P. Hayes Leatherwood Jerry O. Hatchett and Nell Sneed. Earl Van Horn Files For Surveyor Earl C. Van Horn, of Martins Creek Road has filed as candidate for the office of County Surveyor in the forthcoming Democratic Primary elections. Mr. Van Horn is a native North Carolinian and a graduate of the University of North Carolina. He was employed for 13 years by the TV A In Engineering Geology and Mineral Resource, Mapping, com ing to Murphy in 1937. He is a member of the American ] Institute of Mining Engineers and the North Carolina Society of En-, gineers, a member of the Murphy | Episcopal Church, and Master of Cherokee Masonic Lodge. Mars Hill Group To Have Service Six Mars Hill College students. will be in charge of the service at the First Baptist Church here Sun day in ohservance of Christian Ed ucation Sunday of the Southern ?Baptist Convention. The young people will provide special music, the message and tes timonies. They will also be in charge of the general assembly at Sunday School The .group will arrive hi Murphy Saturday afternoon and will be en tertained in private home* here. They will be special guest* at the wedding and reception of Mia Bar bare Arnold to Frank Alexander. The students ware in Andrews week before last Mattox Named Head Of DUt. School Com. Supt H. Bueck. and members of the Murphy school board, Sheridan 'Dickey, Ben Palmer, E. H. Brumby H. A. Mattox and Dr. B. W. Whit field attended the District School Board meeting at Bryson City Thursday night Mattox was elect ed chairman of the Western Dis trict School Board Association, succeeding Willis Kilpatrick of Canton. Murphy Scout* On A IHW) of Boy Scout* of TVoop Mo. X tpOl, Scout Muter. C. K. for ? week's Crip *t Ofcefenol tbo group wore. Register of Deeds, Kate Padgett, incumbent and Edwin C. Winches- j ter. Representative to the N. C. 1955 Legislature, Richard P. Oiauncy, incumbent, and Ed H. Brumby. County Commissioners, District One. Sam W. Jones, incumbent, and Clarence Hogan. District Two Ed Barnett, Roy H. Wells, W. H. (Bill) Brandon, Frank E. Dickey and James Clayton. Coroner, Harry Miller, incum bent. County Surveyor, Etrl C. Van Horn sad J. H. Croft. Constables: Murphy Township, Glenn Bates; Notla Township, H. H. Davidson; Beaverdam, Albert Kllby; Valleytown Town ship, Wayne Curtis. Justice of the Peace, Valleytown. Township, V. W. Russell. Declared Republican nominee* are: Sheriff, Claude Anderson; clerk of superior court, Kellis W. Radford; Register of Deeds, J. Ed Graves; and representative to N. C. Legislature. Virgil O'Dell. County- Commissioners, District One, W. A. Hyde; District Two, E. L. Townson; District Three, W. B. 'Dockery; coroner J. C. Townson. Meanwhile the Town of Mur phy Election will be run off be tween the following slates: Demo crat.L. L. Mason, mayor, incum_ bent and commissioners, Cloe Moore, Harry Bishop, Bob White, incumbents. W. A. Singleton, Geor ge L. Dyer and John Jordan. Republicans, Merle Davis, mayor and commissioners, Marvin Hamp ton, Edward Townson, Clifford El liott, Roy Lovingood, H. E. Dickey and J. W. Franklin. Eichelberger Speaks Today In Andrews IX. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger, retired Army officer will speak in Andrews today at a noon luncheon ' joint meeting of the Lions and Ro-1 tary Clubs at the Shell Dining Room. Eichelberger, an expert consul; Cant on' Fir Eastern affairs to the secretary of the army since 1949, was commander of the Eighth Army in the Pacific and Ja pan in World War II. He is author | of "Our Jungle Road To Tokyo", | which was published in 1950 by the . Viking Press. The general retired from active duty in 1948, and now lives in Ashe ville. his wife's home town. I Eichelberger was born in Ur-' bana, Ohio, and attended Ohio| State University for a year, but af ter receiving his appointment to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, transferred to the lat ter institution and was graduated and commissioned as second lieu tenant .He advanced through the grades to rank ot lieutenant general and became one of the youngest men to hold that rank. < He commanded allied and U. S. ground forces in Japan Jan. 1 Atfg? 1948. He retired in Dec.. Eichelberger was decorated 1948. numerous times by the United States, as well as receiving decor ations from the Philippine Govern mere1., Great Brittain, the Nether i lands, Ecuador, France and Bel gium. I He is a member of Phi Gamma 1 I Delia, the Episcopal ..Church, and, thc masons. Clubs in which he holds member bership include Army and Navy (Washington), Metropolitan (New j York). Chevy Chase Five young men were injured? one seriously?last week in an au tomobile accident in front of the Tom Hay residence on Junaluska Rd. near Andrews. Carl Hardin,-la, of Toproiv, was driving his 1943 Ford, four door sedan, on Junaluska Rd., last Thursday, heading East when he came to a slight curve, ran off the pavement on the right side of the highway and into a rock wall along side of the road, investigating of ficer Charles H Long reported. Hie car then carreenod over to the left side of the road a distance of some 178 feet and hit an oak tree head on. Hardin received a fractured leg and fractured ribs. Other passen ger were injured as follows: Wade Dockery, 21, of Rt. 1 And rews, skull facture, fractured left leg and seriuos lacerations of the head. Fred Cothrcn, 17, of Topton' frac turcd arm, J. D. Dockery, 18, Rt. 1 Andrews lacerations and possible arm frac ture. Joe Cameron Sims, 19, Rt 1, An drews, fracture left jaw. AH were taken to Rodda Van Gorder Hospital. Estimated speed at the moment of the accident was 60 miles per hour, according to Long's report. Hardin has been charged with driving under the influence. Murphy Needs $900 To Keep Blood Pro. (Murphy will lose Its blood pro_1 gram unless $900 is raised by next! Monday. These e?W facts were pre sented to the Murphy Red Cross Chapter Tuesday night, handed down from the office In Asheville. Some $638 has been raised thus far In the Red Cross Drive, drive nhjirnun .Tim KH TTncSiec ulfi Miss Ruth Lockman, Red Cross field worker said Murphy must have a minimum of $1,300 to re tain the blood program. Mr. Hughes asked drive workers to make their reports not later than Saturday Persons who bave not 1 ttcted, Bat who wish to donate, are Mr.-Hughes or to the District HD Meet Be In Httyesrifle the animal meeting of District 1. Federation of Heme -Demonstra tion Clnhe will be held Tfcirshay; April 38^ to 1 Machine Will Be Largest 0! Kind Fn World, TV A Says Work 1ms started on the pump turbine which is to be installed la' the Hfoyassee Dam George K. Leonard, TVA's Chief Construct ion Engineer, said today. TKis unique machine, which wilt be the largest of its kind in the world, will operate as a conven tional turbine for the generation of power during'peak load hours, and as a pump to return water to the lake behind the dam, during off-peak hours, Mr. Leonard said. Such a cycle is economical, he add ed, only under conditions where generating'capacity and energy have appreciably greater value during peak load than off-peak load periods. Production of power has been temporarily discontinued at Hi was see, and the flow of water from the lake has been stopped, Mr. Leonard said. This will have the natural effect of lowering the Ap alachia Lake, immediately down stream. In addition, TV A engineers are taking advantage of the situation and will tower Apalachia Lake still farther fo permit necessary main tenance work on the Apalachia 1 powerhouse tunnel. The ?m? Immediately below i the Htwassee Dam will be ponp. ! ed out and a cofferdam will be eonsfcmcted. Fellewing complet ion of the cofferdam, the enclos ed area will be pumped dry so that excavation work can begin, to be followed by concrete plae taf. It Is estimated that produc tion of power from Htwassee's present sinrle generator will be resumed about 10 days from now. Work has been completed on the concrete-making plant, the car penter shop, machine shop, ware house, gas and oil tanks, and ad ministration building. The pump-turbine itself is un der construction at the Allis_ChaI mers Mfg. Co., in Milwaukee. Mod el tests have been successfully passed, and design and construc tion work is going forward. The pomp-turbine will be more than 22 feet in diameter. It will be capable of generating 59,509 kilowatts, or 80,000 horsepower at 190-foot head (the bead is the difference elevation between the lake level behind the dam, and the river bed below the dam). It will be able to pump 3900 cubic feet of water a sec ond against a bead of 205 feet. The pumping capacity will be equivalent to 1,150,000 gallon# a minute. It is expected that the unit wfl> go into operation in October, 1939 Mr. Leonard said. H. L. Broadfoot will be projet* manager in Charge of construction. Mr. Broadfoot was in charge of in stallation of a third unit at the Fontana Dam, work on vrfiftfa was completed recently, and is direct ing, work on installation of units in TVA's Chatuge and Nottely Dams. Mr. and Mrs. Broadfoot ore mak ing their home tn Murphy at the P. J. Herni residence. Bible School Clinic Be Sat A Bible School Clinic for West era North Carolina and Weat Lib erty Associations win be held at the First Baptist Cbarch. Andrew* Saturday, Ap. 24, at 10 o. m. Persona taking gar* on the gener al program are th? Rev. John C. cnrfaat acts* Doootby Bdaarda. las Abna Jblley and the Re*. t. A. MCrtitt - be tad aa < *5 ?B. Bcruggfe piliaili., Mm | ma