?tract N. 1Z degrees 34 minutes W., 123.8 feet to ? point la Che north line of the land of the Town of Murphy, N. C.. which U the south line of the land of Samuel Key*; thence, leaving th? street line with the south line of the land of Sam uel itaye N. 71 aegrees 1Z min ute, Z, Z7.5 feet to a corner of the haft of the Town of Murphy, N. C., and Samuel Kaye, and the present aubetaUon tract; thence ?tth the weat line of the preeent substation tract S. 18 degrees 84 minute, E., 128.0 feet to the point of beginning, and containing ((.IS acre, more or leas. Including mineral rights but sub Ject to such mineral rltftta as may be outstanding in third parties. Subject to such rights as may be vested in third parties to rights of i way for oower lines This sale will be reported to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carol Ins, and will remain open for ten days after such report for an Increased bid or hearing any objections to said sale. This 16th day of April. 195A. S/C. E. JOHNSON. NOTICE OF SALE OF EEAL ESTATE In The Superior Court Summons Docket No. 4141 North Carolina Cherokee County Cherokee County. Plaintiff VS. Elmer Brown and wife, Virginia Brown, Defendants. By virtue of authority vested in me by a judgment of the Cherokee Superior Court dated the ? day of May, 1954, in the above entitled action, I will, on Thursday, the 10th day of June, 1954, at 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in Murphy. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands in Shoal Creek Township, Cherokee County N. C.: In District Wo. 8 J- Shoal Creek Township, Cherokee County, North Carolina BEGINNING on a stone on T. V. A. line demons cor ner; runs South 19 Bast 13 poles A 6 ft to a small Black Oak; on Mack Plemons corner, then South 42 W 18 P. to a stone Mack Plem ons corner or on his Una; then N 70 East 11 poles A 11 ft to a pine on top of the Ridge; then runs N 42 East 18 P to a stone; then N 70 W 50 ft to a stone; then N 19 west 13 poles A 8 ft.; to T. V. A. Hlght of way corner containing 2 acres more or less. Th? following Road Way Is ex cepted along the TV A Right of Way: Ten feet wide for Mack Piemen, ARB. Cole or any one that may want to travel it 5. B. Cole and wife LiUa Cole gives Elmer Brown and Virginia Brown a Ten Feet right of way out of his land, along the TV A Right of Way to the TV A Road way. Being ti>* same lands described <~_ aiuuu decreased two point* (less than 1 per cent) during the month March 15, 19M. HOW .Amazing NEW MILD Snuff! sum k 15 .TOPSi " in Quality in Flavor in Mildness Top* MILD Scotch Snuff i* the result of years of Mend ing know-how ptu* extensive research to give you a better ... a more flavorful... a flner... and a wilder snuff. Tops MILD Scotch Snuff ie so mild that it is fast be coming a favorite among all users of strong snuff. You owe it to yourself to try Top* ... the snuff to truly mild... truly flavorful... truly rmtiifyiug. On Sale in All Storm in Your County ANOTHBt OVTtTANOMO MUM TOPS MILD SCOTCH SNUFF NATURAL TOBACCO FLAVOR THERE ISU&O SUBSTITUTE fOr(U GOOD CUP OF COFFEE c ft A Hydra-Matic GMC pays you back , O ways SURE, GMC's Truck Hydra-Matic Drive costs extra on some light duty models. But man?how it pays you back! You save gasoline ?because GMC Hydra-Matic cuts thehighconsump tion of fuel in stop-go use. Yew saveHres?because GMC Hydra Matic's velvet-smooth getaways prolong tire life?Ay as much as Arts Hmts in stmt tptratious. Yea save maintenance?beoanse GMC Hydra-Matio ends all clutch costs?prevents shock-loading damage. You save time?because atevery start, GMC Hydra-Matic ends shifting lags, gets up to road speed quicker. You save yoursolf ? because GMC Hydra-Matic frees you of all clutch ing and shifting chores. And being fresher, more alert, you're quicker to avoid hazards that could be costly. You save at Irode In time?because a Hydra-Matic GMC will rate a higher price than old-type hand shifted tracks. Are yon a shrewd buyer ? Then drop in at our showroom. We'll pnv* that a Hydra-Matic GMC is your best track investment. CMC D. & L. PONTIAC CO. _ la.. Murphy, N. C ?yam CMC daoUr for Tripl+CMcktd mod J 1PXL1 ' ^ America s No. 1 Work Clothes Washer f ? *?? A wmkm l? A. (?>??? blw-M $99.50 SPEED SOSSAMON FURNITURE GO. With US Cestwer Satlafaetioa i. a MUST N. C. THE LONE RANGER K By Fran Striker IJCHM, CONOU MMJLV now * mquthv uctxBoema? Y?W HV m MBHTY mrnmrnm VfiU_,TONT& I FINALLY CAUGHT UP WTO VDU. COULD "YOU FOLLOW -the two? of | THE HOODED TUBMSPin UP. MB r FOUOW *? TRACK OF ONE MAN , HIS HOwSE IOS6 SHOE. THEN \MCU STAY ON TVE TBML OF -THE HORSE MTU k MISSMS SHOE.' i ' TONTO- THEWS TME MAN WHOSE TRAIL 1 WE POUOWED/ HIM PUT NEW SHOE ON THAT PLACE tS A LINE I A RANCH. PLACE 13 A CAMP ON j-( kNCH. T?1 W4D THAT MAN ONE OF CROOKS WUO WEAR HOOPS/ WE'LL PCOVC rr BY SEEING IF THIS SHOE FITS HI9 HOPSE/ J" IMU WE WANT TO TAJJCTO MXJ/ j-k W'i MASKED' V OWf MY ?T HAND' YUM SMA6HKPMY (SUN AM* NEAR BROKE MY me ouNPUkV wks ypuq <{**1 WWO-OY* VyfcNT wcpe? WK FOUND k SH06. WB WANTTOSSB FITfTTBl V0URH06SB. V2?y WEIL TAUC ABOUT "THE HOOPED GAM' ) CUA?tF< tBi ?% ' ? 1 HOOO?DQ*M??I DON'T KSOW WH*X , YtlHMMN! VTfcTOU pa WS POUOWCD VTXJP FVOM -rve FfcRM- T wrttwtuw. HgppLaafj I'LL TAKE CASE OP . ?^4