Andrews Personals Mrs. Came Wilson has returned to Andrew, after spending the win ter In Boynton Bench, Fie. / Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Candler and children. Mary Ann. Jane and Jim my of Villa JUca Ga. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. ti. Nichols Miss Betty Heaton of Woman's College in Greensboro spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. R. T. Heaton and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stone of Ashe ville were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rristol. 'Mrs. Bruce Battle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Thompson and son, Garry of West Pea body, Mass. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Battle. Sr., Miss Daisy Battle, and Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Marble. Leslie Glenn has returned to Au gusta. Ga. after spending the week end with ihis wife and children. Mrs. Lois Mallonee and Mrs. Jack McGuire of Murphy visited friends in Andrews Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Christy of Andrews announce the birth of their grandson, Robert Harold, Jr., born May 7th, 1954 at the Camp Hospital in Fort Jackson, S. C., to PFC and Mrs. "Bob" Christy. Mrs. E. L. Brown of Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Claude L. Love of Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stratton of Charlotte are in Andrews due to the illness of Mrs. Bob Piercy. A/lst Class Cecil Mashburn of Willa Run Airport, Bellvie, Mich., is home for a few days visiting family and friends in Andrews and Lucille Hyatt Wins Contest Lucille Hyatt of Kinzua, Oregon won the local contest competed with students from five surround ing counties in THE DALLAS OREGON April 24 where she won first place in both her speech and essay receiving 118 out of 120 pos sible points. A former Murpby High Student. Lucille moved to Oregon in June. 1953. A junior of Wheeler County High School, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Hyatt. She will leave July 9 for a tour of Canada. Chicago, Philadelphia, and a visit to New York end Wash ington. D. C. and will return Au gust 4. She is now the honor student in Oregon. Murphy. Dr. and Mrs- w H. Scruggs of Bryson City have moved into the Dean Home In Andrews. Mrs. B. F. Wright ?f Cedartown. Ga. and Mrs. Sewell Hrtimby and children were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. l)ewar Mrs. | Brumby and her children will join Col. Brumby in Japan in June. Miss Margaret McDowell of Clearwater. Fla., is visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Scruggs. Mrs. Julian Starling and sons, Bruce and Wayne of Ashevllle will ( be the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Baker. I QUALITY ASSURED When Milk is Produced and Processed un der the Health and Sanitary inspection of FOUR different State Health Departments, IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD. The Brasstown Plant of COBLE DAIRIES INC. is constantly inspected and approved by the Health Departments of N. C., S. C., Ga., and Tenn., and the U. S. Health Service This is your assurance of purity and qual ity. The milk is produced by local dairymen. ASK FOR LOCALLY PRODUCED MILK CHEROKEE COUNTY MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION QUALITY COUNTS The food value and im portance of milk in the daily diet are points well known to every housewife But the quality of milk differs. That's the paint every shopper keeps in mind when buying milk. Coble Milk, produced by dairymen in this section and processed under strict supervision aft Brassftown, is as good or better than any milk sold in this i When you buy milk, DE MAND THE BEST. Ai I THE PERSONALS Mr. Bill Brandon left Wednea day to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Ivte and E. D. Grier j at Cornelia, Ga., her uncle and | aunt Mr. and Mrs . John Ivle at | Commerce, Ga., and her cousins, I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ivie at Clay i ton. Ga. i The Rev. and Mrs Prank Brown Ihad as recent guests Mr. Brown's mother. Mrs. Lamar Long and his aunt, Mrs. W. W. Corn of Meridian. Miss. Harry McBrayer of Anderson, S. C. .spent Monday night here with I Mrs. G. W. Candler. Dale Lee was in Charlotte on , business the first of the week. I Jane Sneed returned to Chat tanooga Monday after spending { ! two weeks here with her parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sneed. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kinney rec ently attended the funeral of King Murphy, a friend, at Talmo. Ga. They went from there to Social Circle, Ga. whpre Mrs. Kinney spent 10 days with her mother Mrs W. E. Bryant woo i4 seriously ill. Mr. Kinney returned home leaving Mrs. Kinney there, and her son Wiley went down and brought her home Sun lay. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Kinney, Jr. had as wee'' end quests, the Utters sister. Miss Bettv Tones and her aunt. Miss Geneva of Dalton, Ga. Mrs. Sam Kavr left Sunday for Hot Springs. Ark. where she will spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley C Kinney, Jr., and son Michael visited relativ es in Dalton. Ga. recently. Mr. and Mrs. John vV. Davidson of Murphy and their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard O. Hall and daughters Belinda and Sharon of Charleston, S. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. Davidson's son-in Upper Peachlree Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilson of Canton visited the C. W. Thomas sons Wednesday of this week. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Clair had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis. Paul Baker spent Friday night with Roger and Rickey Thomas son. Miss Edith Breed low spent the past week end at her home here. The friends of Mrs. Susie Moore are glad 10 report that she is im proving. Miss Virdie Griffith of Canton is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Gully of Murphy visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Moore, on Thursday night. Hill Thomasson visited his bro ther in Blairsville Saturday. Miss Shirley Lunsford and Miss Matti? Scarver of Bessemer City spent the week end with the C. W. Thomassons. D. E. Griffith visited his sister in Canton the past week. Ole Jack Frost nipped a few gardens in this section during the past week. Grain sorghum, or Milo is a good drought-resistant summer feed crop and is often used in North Carolina as a catoh crop following failure of early seeded crops. Vote For H. M. MOORE For Senator Democratic Primary May 29 IV law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Fish and children Nancy and William at LewUburg. Tenn, they also visited Mrs. Davidson's broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chandler and family in Memphis, Tenn After having spent two weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. : Mr and Mrs. Hall and children re turned uJc week to their home In Charleston, S. C. I Miss Ann Leatberwootf who has been taking nurse's training at Fort Sanders Hospital la Knox ville, spent the week end here with her father, P. H. Leetherwood and other relatives. She will be grad uated from the hospital May M, and return to Murphy tar ? then after three weefc during which ahe will probably work, she wUl return to Fort San der* to stay until the middle of September to put In the M0, required. SHARE THESE BIG SAVINGS! Every Day it Savings Day at A&P! You don't have to wait for weekends or special days to save money On fine foods ot A&P. For the savings resulting from A&P's policy of low operating expenses and profits are shared with you every day, day in, day out. So shop whenever you like ?you're sure to find the kind of values you like. The kind that help you eat better and spend less. , M Strietman Town House Crackers - l-Lb. PU 35c Burry's Black Walnut Cookies - - Ml. Pkg. 19c Super Fine Lima Grands - - No. 303 Can 15c Westover Brand Blackeye Peas 2n?27c Ann Page Prepared SPAGHETTI .. 2 "S? 25c Sultana Small Stuffed OLIVES lOVi-Oz Jar LIBBY'S CANNED MEATS ? Libby's Corned BEEF HASH ... 16-Oz. - Can 3lc Libby'i Vienna SAUSAGE t-Ox. 19c Ub*y*? CORNED BEEF 12-Ox. Can 47c Ubby's POTTED MEAT 5Vi-Ox. Can 13c ROAST BEEF . 12-Ox. Can 40c Freeh Tender Ear* Yellow FRUITS & VEGETABLES 4 25c LEMONS ??? ? 17c Golden Criep CARROTS - - - 14c Heavy With Juice WINESAP APPLES 17? i POTATOES Red Bliss lb. 5%c A&P Fancy Sliced PINEAPPLE---27' lona Halves or Sliced PEACHES -2^49' Packers Label Green and White Lima Beans 2 25 Scotch Maid?Frozen Chopped or Leaf SPINACH ? -10 Nabisco Tasty RITZ CRACKERS - - 35 White Facial Tissues Angel Soft 45c 400 Sheet Pk?. Colored Facial Tissues Angel Seft 23c 400 Sheet Pkf? Jewel Oil 33c & S3e pt Bot Bug Killer Real Kill Pt &*119 - jaif &Mt &. Ik ?,i ?a *_*? ?iftf vwi & Mc & Sit Broozc tSktMc I Spry z3lt%87e Daah Brand Dog Food ' " 29? 1111 ' dfci arancy trresn PRUNE PLUMS 2 No. 2Vi jfl C? ss- 45c Jane Parker Treat1 PINEAPPLE PIE 39 Jane Parker Caramel PECAN ROLLS &h 29c 8-Inch Pie AjnC Mild And Mellow Coffee t O'clock K *1,s Jane Parker Large Binf ANGEL FOOD 49' Each Cake Flako Pie Crust - tst ?7c Muffin Mix Flakorn - - % ISo Sunshine Hy Drox Cookies - - 25c Del Moote Asparagus - ?&.' 43c SMAMB BIG SAVINGS ON "SUPER-RIGHT" MEATS Heewy WMtom B?i ? Standing 7 Inch Cut RIB ROAST 65c Heavy Weatarn Beef?Booa In SIRLOIN STEM - 85c Heavy Weatarn Beet?Bone In PLATE STERf - - 19c Haavy Weatarn Beef Boned and BaDed CHICK ROAST -65c Choice MBk Fad Veal RIB CHOPS - -09c By The Place?Smoked Dry Cured BACON SQUARES - 45c Sliced Pickle and PUERTO LOAF - 49c "Super-Right" Fresh Dressed k Drawn CHICKEN HENS 43< Per Lb. Wilson's Corn King SLICED BACON l-Lb. Pkg. 69c Prieaa Appearing In Tkit Ad Will Bt Effective Through Saturday May 2tnd ?.?' 7^ ">ir -II ' * ?* . KaXS^XExi *X . * ?? V. - . . I M t . . ^ Ot .?? * Ill ?