TRADE AT ??"i ?foe Cifotritkee J PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS \ ? VOLUME M?NUMBER M MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 27. 1M4 KEEP YOUR MONEY IN 'OUR COMMUNITY '?VE PAGES THIS WEEK (V Jordan Announces Summer Recreation Opening June 7 The cummer recreation will get* off to a big start Monday, June 7, at 1 p. m. in the Murphy gym., ac aording to John Jodran, director. | The program will open at 8 o' clock each morning until 11 o'clock and from 1 o'clock until 4 o'clock, Monday through Friday. Mr. Jordan said it is his and the committee', desire to furnish the best possible recreation to the community this summer and with every one helping the program' should be a big success. He says that any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated. A wilder range of age will try to , be reached this year. Some of the activities already planned include games and contests, soft-ball lea- j gues. recreational swimming, j square and social dancing, hikes, :amping and other outdoor activi ties, hobby show, talent show, field day for athletic contests, min strel show, free movies once a month and a three act play. Members of the Recreational Committee are Hobart McKever, chairman, Arnold Beerkens, Joe K. Ray, Jim Ed Hughes, and the! Rev. Frank O. Brown. Floyd Dies Of Accident Injuries John W. Floyd, 00, a farmer of Hiwassee Dam, died at 8:45 a. m. Wednesday, May 26, in a Murphy hospital of injuries received in a truck accident Tuesday at Ed King's stockyard in West Murphy. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Cora Crain Floyd; five sons, Paul of Lincolnton. George W. of Chattanooga, Clyde of New Ellen ton., S. C., Ernest of Hiwasse Dam Castile with the U. S. Air Corps i stationed in York, England. Also two daughters. Mrs. Mae McKenzie of Hiwassee Dam and Mrs. Glady, Walla of Oak Park; three brothers, Charlie of Suit, Willis an<] Tom ?' Blalrsville, Ga. and 10. grandchildren. He had been a member of Union Baptist Church of Hiwassee Dam for a number of years. ' Funeral arrangement under the direction of Townson Funeral Home are Incomplete, pending the arrival of the son from England. Smith Fills Vacancy In Breeding Coop. The Murphy AtrificUl Breeding! Cooperative hat employed Fred G. Smith of Brasttown to work as tech nician. Harold Hatchett. the forme inseminaior; resigned March 15. i Prior to this Mr. Smith took special training to do this work and has been answering calls since. To increase the efficiency of this service to the farmers, the direc tors have announced the follow ing changes in schedule for calls to come in. All service calls for the after noon must by 12:00 noon each day. Service calls for the morning must be in by 7:30 p. m. fhe night before. All farmers are requested to have cows in a stall or tied up when Mr. Smith gets to the farm. For service call Fred Smith at 358-R-4 or the County Agent's Office at 180. t ' ?- ?r?r HiwasseetamPTA Continue Meets j Through Sununer The Legislative Committee of the Hiwassee Dam P. T. A. met Friday, May 21 at 7:30 in the Home Economics rooms of the school. There were 17 memberg present W. B. Dockery. Mrs. Clay Hop wood, and Mrs. Clara Walsh led a i discussion on the county bond Is ' sue. It was voted to continue P. T. 'A. meetings through the summer. The next meeting will be ait Lib erty. June 15. at 7:30. The subject will be "A New School for Shoal Creek Township an " I Stalcup said a run-off will prob ably be necewary for the nomi ! nations for Sheriff, clerk of court I district two commissioner anA I slat* senator. If a run-off is held it will be on June 26, Mr. Stafcop said. Op the state ballot the following I names will appear: for United Siat , es Senator (regular term), A. K. Turner, Alvin Wingfteld, Jr., OUa Ray Boyd, W. M. Bostick, Henry L. Sprinkle, W. Kerr Scott and Al | ton Lennon, Incumbent. j For United States Senator (short term), Alvln Wlngfield, Jr., Henry L. -Sprinkle, W. Kerr Scott and Al ton Lennon, incumbent. For State Treasurer, Edwin Gill, incumbent and Joshua S. James. For Commissioner of Insurance, | Charles F. Gold and John F. Fletch ef. On the local ballot the following offices awgf-MMaae appear: For Solicitor, 30th Judicial Dis trict. T. D. Bryson, incumbent, Fe lix Alley, Jr. end Grover C. Davis. For State Senator, 33rd senator ial district, H. M. Moore and T. J. Herbert For Cherokee County represen tative to the State House of Rep resentative*. Richard Mauney, in cumbent and Edward H. Brumby. ' For Clerk Superior Court, Ar nold Derreberry, Jerry O. Hatchett P. H. Leetherwood andNeil Sneed. For Register of Deeds, Kate Pad gett Hen'ley incumbent, and Ed win C Winchester. ?? For sheriff. Luke Carver, tneum bent Jake Brown, Jasper-L. Hell and Glenn Hembree. commissioner, first district, Oar ernce Hogan and Sen W. Jones, incumbent. Second district, W. fc. Brandon, James Clajdon, Frank t Dickey and Roy H. Wells. Miss Kilpatritk In Honor Group - cmm iKPAiuct Milt Carleno Kllp?trick. daugh ter of Mr. and Mn. J. C. Kilpetrick of PeacMree, recently was Initiat ed into the honorary accounting fraternity. Beta Alpha Pal ait the Untveraity. Mies KJIpatrick. Just competing her second pear at ITt wag also elected secretary of lk( Alpha Lambda Chapter of Bote Alpha Pal. She is also a member of the 1 accounting society.