. JOYCE KILMER FOREST I THURSDAY, MOV. 11, ISM ?? ,r ? *f. - -v ? ? '? X. NEWS OF GRAHAM COUN1 Y THE LAKES ' LAND OK PAGE MM 9 Graham County 4-H Project Winners Told Graham County winner, in the* Four-H projects have been .elect ed and record books sent to Ral eigh to compete for state and dis trict awards. One of the requirement, tor a county winner is that , r*cor4 book be turned In to the Farm and Home Agent's Office on the project. Field crops which include Corn and Tobacco will not be judged until November after the crop, have been harvested and winners will be announced then. The winners are as follows: Beautlflcatlon of Home Grounds tot. place, Cam lie Childers; 2nd' place. Jerry Stone. CamUn*: lst Place. Nancy Bridg es In the Senior Division, 1st place In the Junior Divl sion is Janet Crisp. Citizenship: 1st place, Curtis Griggs, 2nd place. Vivian Rolen. Dairy Poods and Demhonstra ' Individual .Ann Wiggins. Team: Jo Ford and Joan Wilkey Dress Revue: lst place. Frieda Rattler, 2nd place, Esteile Wal droup Entomology: Verlon Corbln, 1st place 1 Farm and Home Electric: 1st (Girl) Ann Wiggins; ist. (Boy) I lerry Stone; 2nd (Girl), Beverly Cwper; 2nd. (Boy) Gary Rodgers Farm and Home Safety: 1st Maxine James. Food Preparation: 1st. place Barbara Sylvester. Senior. 1st Place. Junior, Camille Childers Forestry: 1. Marvin Wiggins 2. Vivian Roien FVoren Foods: 1. CanHlle Child ers' 2- Christine Crisp Gardens: 1st. place, (Boy) Nor "an Hyde; 1st place (Girt) Ann Wiggins, 2nd place (Boy) Jerry Stone; 2nd. place (Girl) Loretta % Corbin. | ? *?? izzvzzr"'? " Leadership: Ann Coetner, 1st Place; Johnny Colvard, and place" Meat Animal: 1st place, Atwell. Poultry: Roy Davis, Ann Wig tfns. Johnny Colvard, Ray Corbin and Billy Jack Carpenter. . Recreation and Rural Arts* 1st' Place. Joe D. Allen; 2nd place, Johnny Colvard Tractor Maintenance: 1st place Hugh Colvard P^ '( Public setting: 1st place. Ter ry Clem; 2nd place. Maxine Jama.,' Farm Reports Hie ABC Office personnel re-| quests that every fanner, who has not made a report of the use ot the materials he has received through the program, do so tome- { dlately. | Every pound of seed, bag of fer- ( tilizer, and ton of lime must be used and reported before the end of the year. That is not very far ( away now, and it should not be pot off until the last moment. > . Rabies Clinics Set For Graham Rabiea has Increased in Graham County during the recent months, according to health officials. There are now some five persons in Gra ham who are taking rabies treat ment. A series of clinics for the Inocu lation of dogs has been set up in the county as follows, tor next week. GRAHAM COUNTY BABIES CLINICS WEDNESDAY-NOVEMBER 17 Walt West Store, Tallulah, 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. Sweegum Church, Tallulah, 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. Moose Branch Church, Mosse Branch 11 a. m. to 12 Noon. Robbinsville Court House, Rob binsville, 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18 Long Creek Church, Long Creek 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. Stepp's Store, Atoah.lla. m. to 12 Noon Mount Nebo Church, Dick Bran oh, 12:30 p. m. to 1 p. m. Snowbird Indian School, Snow bird, 1 :00 p. m. to 1 :30 p. m. Adams Mill West Buffalo, 1 :30 p. m. to 2 :30 p. m. Mountan Creek Church, Moun tain Creek, 3:00 p. m. to ?:30 p. m. Cheoah Postoffice, Sweetwater j Road, 3 :30 p. m. to 4 :30 p. m. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19 I Store, Ground Squirrel Branch, 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. J. R. Orr's Store, East Buffalo, 11 a. m. to 12 No?n. Arhur Millsaps Sore 12 Noon to 1. p. m. Odom's Sore, Cochran's Creek, 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. Jenkins Sore, Meadow Branch, 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. Drug Store, Fontana Village, 3:30 p. m. to 4:10 p. m. Boy Scout Honor OwrtHeHIn R'ville Nov. 4 The Nantahala District Court of Honor for the Boy Scouts of Amer ica met in Robbinsville on Thurs day, November 4. Hie meeting was conducted by Mr. Tom Speed, , who is field executive of the dis trict. The Murphy Troop 3, Murphy Troop IS, Andrews Troop, and Robbinsville Troop 24 attended this meeting. | Every month there is a contest between all troops for achieve- ( ments and attendance to the Court i of Honor. The local Troop, which ! Is under the direction of Mr. Huel j Patterson,- won . the attendance] trophy with approximately 35-40, present. Mr. Tom Speed gave out awards j WANTED RICKORY LOOS SPECIFICATIONS LENGTHS: 2* inche*-56 inches-7 feet 9 ft. 4 indies ? 11 ft 8 inches and 14 feet DIAMETER: 8 inches through 20 inches MOUNTAIN FIBER GOl ;ir. a Official Totals ! Listed From Nov. 2 Election | Official results on the General Election In Graham County Nov. 2 wqre released this week. I A complete Republican slate will go, into office the first of December . Official totals follow. ^ For clerk of superior court : Jack H. Tatham (D), 1,329; W. M. Sher- ' rill. Republican, 1,838. ' For Register of Deeds. Edna J. Scroggs, (D), 1,816; Arnold Jen- ! kins (R), 1.801. , For Sheriff: Roy Klrkland. (D), I,809; Jack F. Shuler (R), 1,812. For Sate Senate ; H. M. Moore ' (D), 1,359; Ray Wright (R) 1,731. For representative: Laverne Ge orge (R) 1,238; T. M. Jenkins (R) 1,888. For surveyor: Thomas Hill (R) 1,761. For coroner: Sam Sharpe (D) 1,382; J. D. Evans (R) 1,729. For board of Commissioners: Tony T. Ayers (D) 1,347; Von Mas sey (D) 1,335; W. N. George (D) 1,414; Tommy Crisp (R) 1,801; Carmel Crisp (R) 1,782; Dennis Sawyer (R) 1,789. GRAHAM PERSONALS Miss Nellie Mae Stewart, who Is going to school at Blantons in Ashe ville, spent last week end with re latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson of Kingston were the week end guests of Mrs. J. K. Patterson and Mild red.. | Clifton EUer, who is employed in Charlotte spent last week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hob&rt EUer. Miss O'Neil Garland was the Sunday guest of Mri Mildred P. Owens. Mrs. Howard Wilkey and child ren were the Sunday guests of , Mr. and Mrs. Buck Bryson. Miss Ann Colvard, who is attend ing WCUNC at Greensboro, spent last week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colvard. Miss Ruth- Wilkey, who Is em ployed in Charlotte, spent last week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilkey. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spoone of Knoxville visited Mrs. Spoone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Grif fin last Week. end. ^Miss Louise Shuler, who has been spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joh nny Sbuler, left Friday for Detroit where the is employed. lOsses Bessie Rose, Mary and Beralee Stewart, all who are em ployed in Charlotte, spent last week end with their families. Bobby Joe Cable left Friday for Detroit where he will be employ ed. Donald Gregory and Gene On left Sunday for Agheville where they will enter Blantons Business School. Clyde J. Cable of the U. S. Navy received his inactive duty order, Oct. -32. 1954. Shirley Stewart, Tom Carpenter, andJoe Wiggins attended the Wes tern Carolina-Eton homecoming football game at Cullowhee on Sat urday, Oct. 90. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Legerwood and three children with Mr. Leg erwood '? mother were the Satur day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bales. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kernodle attended the Western Carolina- El - mi homecoming football game at ^ullowhM on Saturday, Oct SO. Mr arid Mrs. Verne Swan and R. 7. Swan of Greenville, 8. C. were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bales. and promotions at a candlelight eeremony. Roy Davis was promot id to tenderfoot rank; Jerry Stone and Roger Shuler to second class; Merit badges were awarded to: Jerry &ne. masonary, home re Marketing Cards Ready For Delivery Tobacco Marketing Cards are waiting at the AflC Office to be picked up by the tobacco grower*, [t is requested that marketing :ards be called for only during of Hce hours. Office hours of the A8C Dfflce are ? a. m. through 5 p. m. Monday through Friday except hoi Idays. The holidays this month the jffice will be closed are November LI and 28. Any producer who sends [ lis card by someone else should write a request to be brought in at the time the other person calls for | the card. I The State Federation of Wo men's Clubs conducts a "Help-A Home" project in co-operation with the State Board of Public Welfare and county welfare depart ments to meet special needs In needs in -household items. House- j hold items are supplied to fami lies in need. Mrs. Gregory Visits Fourth Graders Doris Orr, secretary of Mrs. Wilson Blankenship's fourth grade, reported that their class was vis ited by Mrs. Alex Gregory on Fri day, October 29. She surprised the children with a beautiful cake. After the children had eaten their lunch in the cafeteria, soft drinks ? orange, chocolate milk, and etc.? were served. , Mrs. Emma Enloe, Mrs. John1 Cook and Mrs. Helen Hardin ser ved cookies. Everyone was enjoying the good eats when the class room door was opened by the grade mother, Mrs. Mildred Wilson who surprised them with a big treat? she pre sented each child with a nice pack age containing candy, gum, and a small souvenir. I Halloween stories were told, poems read, songs sung, and thank ' you notes written. The Passing Scene By Jackie Brysoo ; It seems that Old Man i Winter ha? moved In on us and is staying. It has snowed severe times al ready. The Bemis Lumber Comp- ' any logging camp on Santeetlah I had to close down on Tuesday J morning, N0v. 2 and stayed closed | County taxes consitute about one ninth of the public assistance pay | ments, according to figures of the ltate Board of Public Welfare. State and FederaJ funds account | for the remainder. the rest of the week, due to a rec ord snowfall (for this time of the year) of 10 to 12 inches. In spite of the cold the tobacco , farmers are getting along fine with grading tobacco. KTI1X PROUD Even though Graham County has had some derogatory publicity we still have lots o* things to be proud of. We have some of the most beautiful scenery in he cotm try, good hunting and fishing, good new schools, pretty homes, and good roads. t I THE LONE RANGER By Fran Striker Meanwhile the uone ran&er and tokto CONTINUE THEIR SEARCH FOB BtG BALDY. TOKTO, NO MATTER HOW UONG IT "TXKESj WERE GQN0 "TO r CAPTURE THE MISSIN6 x UADEROFTHE < ? RED RIVER ? ? J W^nw;