SAW WITH MP's LOW, LOW PRICES*. AVOID IK LAST TIMIStHlllt & Com* Se?! Com* Save! I Oc*n bproy Cranberry SAUCE I A&P Cream Style? White Or LDNCHEON MEAT = % 39c 9 No. 303 9C* 4* Cans feVV A&P CORNs^- 2 ".r25c Economical Dried , PINTO BEANS * * s 23c A&P Fancy FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 ? 43c Ann Page Creamy Rich MAYONNAISE - - - a 47c Ann Page Peach? Plum or Pineapple PRESERVES n 25c ^ 45c Ann Page Fancy TOMATO KETCHUP 2 35c Ann Page Fancy TOMATO SOUP - 4 ?*? 37c Angel us Recipe MARSHMALLOWS - sj 19c Mrm. Filbert's MARGARINE --- ? 29c 15c Golden Super Fine I6-O1. Can DELICIOUS APPLES ... 2 i*. 26c SWEET BOSC PEARS .... u> 16c FRESH CRANBERRIES ... ^ 23c GOLDEN CARROTS .... 2 ?? 25b FLORIDA ORANOES ... 8 & 36c | JUICY GRAPEFRUIT ... 6 ?g 3gc RUTABAGAS Meaty 2 Lbs. 9c EMPEROR GRAPES .... 2 u>, 23c FRESH COCOANUTS .... u> 7c, FRESH CHESTNUTS ..... u, 23c REGALP SLAW MIX rPt 16c REGALO SALAD MIX CC 19c ? English Walnuts - 43c Mixed Nuts - - - pi5: 49c Lge. Brazil Nuts - p5? 49c Pitted Dates VS. 37c C&B Fig Pudding Gluii 49c Cluster Raisins - ^ 30c Dried Figs *2? - ??? 29c FAMOUS JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE $"129 # $2*9 , $369 1 Vi-lb. Cake 3-Lb. Cake 5-Lb. Cake Sultana Light Heat I TUNA - - 25c Sultana Flaked TUNA - 2 43c Jane Parker Large Angel Food BAR - - - 39c A&P Afptt Sauce 2 No. 303 cans 25c Jane Parker Tuty Delicious CHERRY PIES Facial Tlama KLEENEX ??u 21c Crackcr Jacks 3 13c Strletmaa Town Boom 1 CRACKERS... 35c Armour's POTTED MEAT ^ 12c COINED BEEF ^ 47c Armour** L?dwoa .Moat TREET ^ 39c Vwdm Boa's OwmlH RICE. ??? 23c fSt 45c CUTOKRA "SJ" 14c OREOS^- ~ 35c iEwtr^ 27c at: 79c SAUSAGE 19c Ai nn*i OtfUJ BEEF HASH ^ 29c TURKEYS Grade A Dressed and Drawn YOUNG HENS 8 to 14 Lb. Avg. M Pn Lb. 49C Grade A Dreiaad And Drawn 11/9 Lb. Avg. ? Super-Right Meats ? > Fresh Dressed and Drawn Chicken Hens 37c Fully Eviscerated ? Mass. Ducklings - - - - - 53c 10 To 14 Lb. Avg. Fresh | Pork Hans $!& - - - - ? 55c Morrell Pride-Smoked Short Shank Pork Shoulder Picnics Lb. * Avg. - - U>- 39c 9 To 11 Lb. Avg Pear Shaped Canned Hams Whole - - - Lb. 79c Armour's Star? 4 Pound CaiJWfL Han* H25 PICNIC 4^6" $3.25 K~Kr~~r. .? M. I New Mil# Program ShouljU Mean Hgglthier Children :4 Andrews Pei Mrs. R. A. Dewar, bad as guests last week har *wo ?J"**?' Mrs. Ben Wright and Mrs. Feath eratone Bunn. and brother, Wallace Brumby *^?t/Mr?. Brum Vi*???. *?. and Jamea Ibberson motored to, Atlanta Saturday, Nov. ?, to at tend the Georgia Tech va Tenner see Football game. They were Joined In Atlanta by Mrs. Ibber son. Rev. and Mrs. Vltolds Gobins at- ( tended the meeting of the Western Conference of the North Carolina Synod of The United Lutheran Church of America which conven ed at St. Mark's Luthertn Cfcurch, Asheville, last week. 1 Rev. Goblna this week is conduct ing a preaching and teaching Mission at Erhardt, S. C.. at Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Church. He was accompanied by Mrs. Gobins. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Luther of Asheville spent the week end here with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. George Culbreth and daughters. Vera Starr and Sara Lee. of Asheville were guests ( of Mrs. Culbreth's mother. Mrs. ^ W. L. Moore, over the week end. | Other guests last week at the Moore's home were Mrs. Moore's ^ son, Wood row Moore and Mrs. ( Moore and their three sons, Tom my. Qregg and Mike. Mrs. Edwin Bristol is spending ] this week in Charlotte with her mother. Mrs. I. B. Faires. ' Mr. and Mrs. Horace Palmer of Atlanta, Ga.. spent the week end i here with Mrs. Palmer's mother. |l Mrs. J. L. Rowland and Mr. Pal- j 1 mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Sidney Palmer. Mrs. Ruth Starr Pullium had as ' her guest over the week end Mrs. .1 Ellen TJersland a native of Oslo, | Norway who is now living at Fon tana Village. ' Mrs. P. M. Reagan has returned . after a three weeks stay in Ashe- j ville with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Reagan. Mrs. Rtogan accompanied her to Andrews Bun day. The Rev. John Neville, pastor of the Presbyterian Church spent Tuesday In Asheville where he at tended a meeting of the Home Mis- , ?ion Committee of the Asheville Presbytery. Re*. Neville gave a report of the work of the local church for this year and plans were made for the coming church yea?. LEDFORD8 IN ANDREWS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ledford and children, David, Lamar, Howard and Elizabeth, moved to Andrews recently and are occupying the home known as .the late Dr. Tid well home on Main St. I Mr. Ledford operates the build ing used by the Lions Club adja-j cent to the Andrews Cafe, as a grocery and concession shop. Mr. Ledford Is bind. He formerly [lived at Marble. SICK IN ANDREWS Jackie Herbert, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herbert and Jerry Garren, young son of Mr. and ^frs. James Garren are report ed convalescing nicely following tonsil ectomles last Thursday at A new program for provldtaff ^ milk to school children ?u launch I ed Ln the Murphy City Beboolg lunchroom Monday, Nov. 1. ' Milk In half pint bottlM vu mad* available at ? a. m., noon and at X p. m. Milk la aold at four oents per bottle or ln lots of SO bottle* (or to cents. This is a reduction from the six cents wtoioh they had bam paying previously. Regular school lunches provide a half pint with the price of the lunch, but children may pur chase an additional bottle for four cents If they want to get just one bottle. Children bringing their lunches should take advantage of this bargain school officials said. If they purchase a milk ticket for 20 bottles at 80 cents, they will save one cent on each bottle. They may drink those bottles whenever they wish. This new plan provides oppor tunity for the children to drink more milk, generally considered the "MOST NEARLY PERFECT FOOD." The half pint bottles retail at 10 cents per bottle commercially. The milk is available at this low cost by the federal government, in which the federal government makes surplus milk available at a reduced price. Funds have been appropriated for the program for a two year period. This means that the pres ent price will be maintained for a period of at least two years, with the possibility of future appropria tions extending it still longer. The milk program will not result in incretsed milk consumption, but in improvement of the general health of the children, it was said. Parents are asked to take ad vantage of this program, and use it for the benefit of their children. the Rodda-Van Gorder hospital. The boys who are chums are each ?ive years old. AERO WILLYS Is Offering Trade-In Values That Will Knock Out Your Eye Come In And See These Terrific CAR VALUES .Franklin Motors, Murphy, N. C. Hi# t? adopt < SB l ? yw. WW? *??! will M at th* PresfcjrterUn to adopt a budgot (or th* jrwr. ?01 MURPHY DRIVE-IN THEATRE im, *. a >?L, Wav. ishj In the riot of J the 5 yea r/^ I EDMUND GEORGE T?n' GWENN ? WINSLOW ? kit una sura tak-Moa., Not. U-tt Sat., Nov. M MAVIIEN O'HARA Jfff CHANDLER ?on mx NOU MEL i^RCKMe' n <1 tmti