0lff dlfrrnkff ftuwt b Established July 1889 k, Published every Thursday at Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P. C05TELL0 Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V. COSTELL0 Editor i SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; In Ciierokee County! One Year, |2.50; Six Months, $1.50; Outside Cherokee County: One Year, |3.00; Six Months, fl.75 c?wtoo ^ Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, North Carolina. as second daa? matter under the Act of March 3, 1879- .. Football Champs . The Andrews football team this week will meet Hendersonville ( in Canton to decide which school carries off the Western District title. . i I Even though the HendersonviUe team is a heavier squad, we've got our money on Andrews. The Andrews team is a smooth running, hard fighting group of boys. And they proved their worth by earning the Smoky Mountain Conference title. If they lose the game Fri day. mind you we don't believe they will lose It; but If they do, it ' ' will l^e because they are out-weighed. They can't be out fought. Andrews won the top spot for Cherokee County and Murphy took second place. Now it is up to all of us to give the Andrews boys all I the support we can. Wild Hog Leads Marble Citizens On Wild Chase EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow lag Is Mr. Prank Watfciiu' amus ing account of a wild boar rhato in the Marble community last WW*. Tuesday, Oct. 26, a pack of dogsj got after a wild Russian hog in the ! Snowbird Mountains. ' The dogs chased the hog out of the mountains and he headed down Hyatt's Creek. When the hog passed the mouth ?I Slick Rock and went into the valley he ran in the yard of James Watson and ran Mrs. Watson in the house. Mrs. Watson ran out on the porch and called to her mother, Mrs. Sheridan James, "Get into the house, for there comes a wild hog." Mrs. ames ran into the house, and got her rifle, went out and poured bullets into the hog. The hog ran on down the creek and passed Henry Moss in the corn field. Th? boar began to holler and Hquall and Frank Waiklaa ran out in the yard to see what was wrong. Mow railed, "There go?? a wild rog." Watkins ran into the house and got his high powered rifle and took off down Hyatt's Creek with his dogs after the wild hog. After running about a quarter of a mile, the hog ran across a bridge at Jeff Trull's. Mrs. Trull saw the hog coming across the bridge and ran in the house to get her shot gun. Mrs. Trull opened fire on the hog, and by that time, the women were lined up and down Hyatt's Creek for a half a mile with their j shotguns and rifles and bow knives. Frank Watkins took up the chase on down Hyatt's Creek and met up with Larry Trull who got his dogs and joined the race. WatkinH and Troll ran the hog on around the Caserville Road PERSONALS ' Mrs. Frahcis Bourne, Sr. is vis iting her daughter in Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Zittrour and Mrs. Etta Zittrour, mother of Mr. Zittrour, of Atlanta were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ham pton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dyer and son, Jory of Fontana spent the week end with Mr. Dyer's mother, Mrs. J. W. Dyer. Mrs. J. Willard Moore and son, Bill of Bandon, Ore., are guests of Mrs. J. W. Dyer and Dr. and Mrs. George Dyer for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Gates left Tuesday for their home in Artesia, New Mexico, after a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, the Rev. Asmond L. Maxwell and family. Mrs. Cordell Russell of Robbins- 1 ville was in Murphy Monday. Mrs. R. C. Fuller spent several and turned off at Fred Palmer's running through his yard and down through the fields. The hog crooned the highway in front of Vick Baxter's, turned back and ran out in the highway. Here, Watkins said, the hog lunged at passing cars, possibly "trying to thumb its way back to Russia. Mrs. Vinson West saw the hog and ran into the house, got her shotgun and a sack of cartridges, came out and saw Ralph Lovin good in a nearby field. She called to him to come and "kill this wild hog." Lovingood ran out to the highway and the hog made a dive for him. Lovingood opened fire and kill ed the boar. Audrews Lions Club Fetes Wildcats At Banquet Thus. The Andrews High School foot ball team, cheerleaders and t coaches were honored at the an nual banquet given by the And rews Lions Club, Thursday, Nov. 11, at the Shell Dining Room. A. B. Chandler, president* of the Lions Club, was master of cere monies. The following guests were welcomed; Dan Hawk, Loster Bill Teas, P. B. Fere bee I | Mr. Fere bee. Mayor of Andrews, spoke briefly on the assets of the Andrews Football team and point ed out the value of cooperation for a winning team. He concluded by making possible to a member of the Andrews Football team a $290 scholarship to a North Carolina College. ? Dr. C. O. Van uorder, program chairman of the Lions Club, pre-, sented Supt. J. E. Rufty who in turn introduced the speaker of the evening, Supt. H. Bueck, of the Murphy City Schools. Mr. Bueck pointed out in his 'talk some of the valuable qualities essential in days last week in Macon, Ga. with her sister, Mrs. E. H. Martin and family. A reunion of seven of seven members of the family was held during the week end. John Wrinn of Franklin, one of three county agents of Macon County, and Dick Ketner of Clem son College spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Quay Ketner. Mr. and Mrs. Zark Carringer and daughters of Oak Ridge, Tenn. have returned home after a few days spent with Mr. Carrlnger's parents at Brasstown. Mrs. Tom Evans spent Friday in Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Merck spent a faw days in Atlanta this week. Miss Addie Mae Cook spent sev eral days here last week. She re turned to her home in Murfrees boro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hemphill and daughter. Carol Ann, of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mrs. John Henson and daughter, Sherry Lynn of Macon. Ga., visited their moth er, Mrs. A. G. Ledford and Mr. iLedford over the week end. developing All-Am erl can at lien*. Coach Hugh Hamilton *u recog ntsed by Supt. Rufty. who spoke of the tine cooperation by the member* of the football aquad and the people of Andrews In helping to make his tearil a conference winner. He awarded a trophy to Willis Anderson, who was voted the most valuable player of the year by his team on a point sys tem. Nineteen members of the squad received letters and Certi ficates of award. Coach Hamilton recognised Fred King, Assistant Ooach, and pre sented him with a gift in apprecia tion of his service. The cheerleaders were awarded letters by Miss Ruth Hamilton, their sponsor. Capt. Jerry Gibert gave a response to the coach on behalf ot the squad and Co-Capt. Walter Raxter presented gifts to the coaches. Ooach Hamilton was also given a 31 Jewel Hamilton watch by Mayor P. B. Ferebee The arrangements for the ban quet were made oy Dr. C. O. Van Gorder, chairman of the commit tee, Mark Elliott, Harold Gee, Burke Wood. The Lions Club colors were used in the color scheme of decorations. Mrs. Mary Willie Gentry, mother of Hugh Ray bum, a member of the team, honored the Wildcats with a boquet of Mums. Wilt} J .if* Club To Have Turkey Shoot Wildlife Protectors Wooten and Dalrymple discussed hunting regu lations at the meeting of the Nan tahala Wild Life Club last week in Andrews. The group voted to sponsor a Turkey shoot Saturday, Nov. 20 af the Andrews Air Park at 10 a. m. Everyone Is Invited to attend the shoot and try to win a Thanksgiv ing Turkey. Some 12 members were present an dvoted to attend the next meet ing and bring someone else. Luke Ellis, president, presided. Mrs. Davis Dies At Rt 3 Sat Mrs. Ella Wilson Davis, M, died at S a. m. Saturday, Nov. II, In her home, Murphy Route S, after a brief Ulneaa. Funeral service* were conducted at 2:80 p. m. in White Church, with the Rev. Weldon Weat and the Rev. Fred Stiles officiating. Bur ial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are the husband, Fess Davis; five daughters, Mrs. Cor dia Conors of Lemore. Calif., Mrs. Callie Gentry, Mrs. Zelda Gentry and Mrs. Wanda Kephart of Mur phy Route 3., and Mrs. Wilda IFarner of Marble. Also seven sons, Wiley, James and Paul Davis of Akron, Ohio, Vernon of Struthers, Ohio, Verl, Loran and Howard of Murphy, Rt. , a. and one sister, Mrs. Eliza Grav WHAT'LL YOU GET FOR YOUR CAR On A Trade-In For A 1954 WILLYS ? Why Wonder ? ? ? You Come In And Tell Us ! No Reasonable Offer Refused I .Franklin Motors, Murphy, N. C. LEOn* ADSUOT The MUrpky Unit at 0m Amart cm L?|tai Auxiliary will mut IW day at the club room at tha library at S p. )n. Mrs. Herman Edwarda and Mrs. L. L. Mason wUl be hoe teases. Mrs W. H. McKeever, preai dent, will preside and Mrs. 8. C. Burgess, vice president and pro gram chairman will preaent a pro Cram on Americanism, showing a patriotic film. Wage rates paid by North Caro lina farmers on October 1964, ware somewhat higher than a year ear lier. ' | as of Murphy, Route S, two broth ers, Vance Und Wiley Wilson of Murphy; 39 grandchildren; and 'nine great-grandchlldran. | Townson r une ml Home was in charge. We Don't Argue You Tell Us What You Want For Your Old Car On A Trade ? In For A 1954 AERO WILLYS No Reasonable Offer Refuted franklin Moto Murphy, Jf. C. 2 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OUR CHRISTMAS DISPLAY IN OUR 5 & 10 DEPT. TOYS. GIFTS HOUSEHOLD GOODS. DECORATNMS. Doll* Holster Sets Cap Pistols Trucks Tractors Airplanes Models JKGuns Doll Beds Doll Strollers Tea Sets Picture Puzzles : Bingo Chedcers Chinese Chedurs CMd Maid Footballs Water Pistols Toy from Coloring Books Cut-out Books Story Books - - P? , , ,, , toy otoves W> f a _ u Kemgerators Tool Sets uocror o?ii None Sets Cosmet'c Gifts Sets For Men . Sets For Women Roping Tinsel Santas, Angels, and Choir Boys For Beneath ?he Tree Party Trees p? Electric Window or Table Decorations Lights BaOs Wreathes * , >. V- t. Y ? '? b ; fAItt Chrisb Seals and Ribbon * MR , A . V fcuvej ?" " ' <* VII . > \ n . V'' *?