H?lp Fight Tfl Buy Christmas Seals UJft (Tlfrnilw ftpuwt 13 SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS VOLUME at MMBEB ? ti Ml'KPHY NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DKX ?, li>A4 TEN PAGES THIS WKEM ? People You Knowj MURPHY Mm Kmntw Bpurne, Sr return ed last wetk from a three-months t visit with her daughter Mrs. Jose phine Giovanonl tn Denver, Colo. Mr and Mrs. Harvey G. Elkins, Jr have returned to Aahevtlle af ( ter a visit here witil Mr and Mrs. J Harve Elkins Mr and Mrs W A Phipps of' Asheville were m Murphy la-stj week Mrs I>on Witherspoon has re turned from Henderson ville where she visited her daughter. Mrs j Mack Patton, Mr Patton and chil- | dren. Mrs Patton and children, < I><>n and Mamie Margaret return ed with her and spent a few days Mr and Mrs Wayne H Gentry and children. Patricia Ann and , Wayne, Jr . left Sunday for their home in Wytheville, Va following a week's visit here with Mrs j Gentry's parents, Mr and Mrs H G Klkins Mrs J. B Gray accompanied ' her daughter, Mr s Cloe Moore to I Ft McPherson. Ga last week to I visit Sl-X" and Mrs. Bud Brown I Mr and Mrs. Sherman Hampton and baby, Gerald, arrived Monday from Norfolk, Va , to spend some time with the former's parents, Vfr and Mrs J H Hampton j Sherman has just be?-in released from the Navy. J. () Tuttle of Claremont, Calif I brother of Mrs J H Hampton has ! arrived to spend a week with the Hamptons He is on his way to | Boston to attend a meeting of Ginn and Co., book publishers with! whom he has been employed for a number of years. ANDREWS Mrs. Ranker of the Berkshire Knitting: Mills of Heading, Pa. spent last week here as guest at the Valleytown Motor Court. Dr. Earl Stack and Dr Wendell Bennett of Columbia, Tenn. were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs Jack Herbert several days of last week While here the party enjoyed hunt- i ing trips to Snowbird Mountains and other places. Rev. E F Baker of Stoneville former pastor of the First Baptist church was the guest of Mr. and Mrs Frank Wilhide last week. Lieut, and Mrs Roy Tatham and two children. Iris and Tommy i will leave Friday for Del Mar, i Calif where they will reside, j Lieut Tatham will be with the U. S Navy in near by Santaigo. Calif for a years period of duty before completing another cruise. Mrs Arthur MouJton and daugh ters of Charleston, W Ya. were house guests of Mrs. Moulton's sister Mrs. Lee Watkins over the week end. Mrs. Moulton was call ed to Andrews due to the death of her brother, Mr Wiil Rogers. Mrs. Helen Orr left Monday for Wavr.esville after a visit here ?>'ith I Mrs T'lyde Jarrett and Ca pt and Mrs Frank Swan i Mr and Mrs Gorge A Rue| ami daughter, Kathy have ' ret unr-! ed to Metropolis, 111. 4 after a vis- } it here with her parent sk Mr ""and J Mis Frank Wilhide.^ Mr and Mrs. Joe Jones o f Fon tana Villiage wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. M .7 Jordan over the week end. Mr Claude Dmsey hes lvV.irned after a visit ir. Orlando. Fl.i with his parents, Mr. and Mrs A T Horsey Mr Horsey was called home due to the illness of his mo ther Architects Working On Hospital Plans Plana for the District Memorial I Hospital of Southwestern North Carolina to be built at Andrews^ are now being worked over by the Six Associates of Asheville, architects and engineers P. B Fere bee, chairman of the general J committee for the project, said I"he hospital was recently ap~ \ proved by the Public Health Ser-( vice in Washington. D C The pro-, ject will cost some $345,000 with j the federal government contribut ing $172,500 The balance of the money wes raised in this section in an out standing fund raising campaign Bill Whitaker of Andrews head ed the financ ial committee that solicited the private donations Murphy Takes 2 From Stecoah In Opener Murphy basketball teams defeat e> I Stecoah with scores of 63-49 for i the boys and a 4I-2S victory for the j girl s Hoys netting t i - ? ? highest num ber of points were Pearl John son with 20 joints and B Coffey with 16 Higti pointers for the girls team were Betty Palmer with 17 and | Kate Gentry with 12 Line-up for the boys was : guards M cCombs. Capt . Van Horn, Elliott Coffey A Zimmerman. Phillips. Amos, Kephart, Odum, Bailey, Hoi der. Jenkins. Bradshaw and Car- [ ringer. Forwards, Stiles and Cof- 1 fey The line-up for the girls in cluded Stiles, Capt , Amos, K , Doekery, N . Allison, Jenkins. B Swanson. Wilson, Doekery. S , and Dons Jenkins, all guards. For wards were Bailey, Palmer, Gen- ' try, Stiles, H , Lov.ngood, Stiles, ' S , Crisp. Pastel). Sawyer and Ix>vin. Special Program j Set For Andrews j PTA Meeting The December meeting of the PTA of the Andrews School unit will be held at 7:30 p. m. Tues day, Dec 14. in the high school auditorium Mrs. Margaret C Watry, presi dent will preside. The Rev James Hornbuckle, pastor of the Methodist Church, will bring the devotional message. The Rt Rev M George Henry, of Asheville, bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, will be | the guest speaker. Christmas carols will be pre sented by the Glee club of the J school ?under the direction of Mrs H A VanGorder. A social hour will follow the mffcev.ng Andrews Meets Hiwassee Dam The ' opening basket ball game ? the season will be plaved on Fri ? I il;iy evening Dc 10 in the And rews Gymnasium when the boys and girls team will play the boys, and girls from Hiwassee Dam Thin tram of ponle* entered by Coble Dalre* was a Hpeolal favor Ite of the hrmdrfvd* of children who tamed out for the parade. Billy Fon^lh. Hon of Mr. mnd Mr*. Frank Fomyth, in the larky kid In the Driver" ? ?e?U (Photo Rmfley* Studio) ? Kannaheeta Club Sets December Meeting The Konnaheeta Club will hold the December meeting Thursday evening, Dec 16, in the Shell Din ing Room. The Music Department of the club i? in charge of the program Hostesses are Mrs Robert Heaion, Mrs. i>oulse Rogers Mrs Charles Delaney. Mrs KJwln Br La tul, Mrs W T Holland and Mrs C H Jarrett. Tickets Given : For Middle Of Street Parkin? 1 Several frn fflr " r ? , u m b i J." ' I given In the R*itooi parking m the raidait main streets Mayor L L Mason said this week He pointed out that aulas have been parking in the middle of the streets because trucks are allow ed to park there. ( He said tne middle o' me street I parking is for loading and unload ing of trurks only Anv vehicle parked there for any other reason I will be summoned to traffic court, j he said Holiday House Tea Be Sunday Here The Murphy Garden Club Hull regular third Sunday after nodii gospel singing will be held this month at Vengeance Creek Baptist Church The sing will start at 2 p r.) Sunday. Dec 19 New County Officials Take Over Duties At Courthouse I-'OI K OF THi: i herokeo <>>mi ty officials who were sworn in Monda\ r? r? , '--f t to ri^ht, Coroner I ( T??v,tison, Clerk of ( ourt kellis \\ Kiwlford, Register of Ifcs'tls J. I liraves ujhI Sheriff ( Jaude Anderson. I'hoto* of the rest of the el?H'ted officials will j run in ne\t uttkS Seout. (Sennit I'hoto). Decorations Contest Be Sponsored By Garden Club | Prizes in thi i.jme.s Christmas decoration conets! were announe ' ed this week by Mrs S C Bur gess. president nf the Murphy Gar den C 1UD Twenty-five ?. ..i;i i *? rash wili be i the first prize in th? best overall I home decoration (either lawn roo' i or house front Kei omi prize in ' j this division v..:: r.e $]'? < ash j The best win-? >w decoration will win $7.50 ar.il *j.t !????;! door, $7 .?>'3. j | The garden < lub is sponsoring | h e contest f?-r v.tu h prizes were made possible by Brumby Te.\- 1 tile Mill, Timber Products Co, (jimmomwealth Lumber Co., Mes ser Lumber and Supply Co . Town son Lumber Co. a: i Smoky Moun- ] tain Fiber Co. Api Ik i'.uin m i ' be filed by j . Dec 21 in order for a borne to be judged Judges will be from out of town Car.ler. Cub members are J not eligible for prizes. An entry blank is printed 'dse- i v.here m the paper, with rules for the con'.' sf ) New faces greeted Cheruk.ee Co unty citizens when they went to offices 1 n the Courthouse thus week after newly elected otfice holders took over Tfio county official.4* elected In November when the Republicans made a clean sweep in this -co unty. took office Monday during swearing" in ceremonies that start ed at 10 a m And appointed officials took over their duties Monday Major changes ::i appointments were : C K Hyde named county at torney to replace Democrat I- L Mason u Ar.Terson apjwunted solic 1 1 1 ? r of Recorders Court replacing Deincrt rut Hobart McKeever. Mc? Keever Is still town attorney for Town of Murphy. R A Dewar took over duties 'is county audit or to replace Pe::i'f Andrews and Charlie White of Murphy as deput ies W H Graham of Murphy was yarned jailer. K'eCed officers who took oaths jf office Monday and immediately began their duties were Sheriff Anderson; Kellis Radford, clerk of court; Fdd Craves, register of deeds: J c Townson, coroner, and W A Hyde E L Townson and W B Dockery as commiss ioners Also Jack McMillian. Murphy constable; V M Russell, Valley town justice of the peace, Morris :\ Luther, Notla constable; Albert Kelby, Bcaverdam constable; Wrel don Simmonds. Hothouse constab le. and W J. Helton, Hothouse justice of the peace Elected members of the An drews District School Board of Trustees who were sworn in in clude Charles O. Van Gorder, L. R Nichols, Oarrol R Bron and William Walker all of Andrews; Breere Lunsford and Grady H. Farmer, both of Mai ble. 1st Plans For I ommunity Planning Board Made The second move toward a three echelon Community Planning' Board for Cherokee County will be i marie December 15 when represen- , i sentatives from civic and service j ( lubs in the area meet. . The meeting follows an organ izational meeting held December 1 in the New Rega! Hotel in Mur phy. Under the county planning com mission system each community will form a commission. The com- J m unity commission will appoint j one member to serve on a county ? commission and 'he county < om- 1 mission will appoint one member j to se:*ve on the regional com mis ?inn. Th.- tv-ional r inm'.issMri will he set up t ?: ? serve 15 counties "t Western North Carolina. During the last meeting guest speakers were Joe Jennings. In dian Service. Cherokee; Alfred J Uray. thief community planner. 1 T V A , luiuxvillo, Tenn , and ? Claudo Manning, division of re- 1 servoir property, TV" A , Knoxviile. . ] H Bueck of Murphy opened the I meeting and turned it over to 1 Perry H Feivbee of Andrews, who 1 presided ; Mr. Ferebee pointed out that the Federal Housing Act passed : by the last Congress appropriated $1 million annually The federal money must be matched by local i planning commissions. To benefit . fi'-m the money. a regional plan- I n 1 2 : k commission must be organ- i szed Mr Fcrehee said He assert- 1 ed that there may be need for spe- . i ; ;t i l^islation on the slate Genera! . Assembly h ve] when the assembly ^ 1 < onvenes .Taruarv A member fin thf count v t . . ? n - the De> ember !?" rnee':r,LT Tho : : ount v pi \ * : t ; i * i l: commission wrl! ' then appoint a member for the regional commission Mr. Ferebee explained that the purpose of the planning board will be to plan for the future of the com murities and the county. The aim will be a more beautiful and more prosperous county, ho said. Persons attending the meeting From Andrews and the ? lubs they represented were R K Heaton. Chamber of Com merce: S J. Gemert Ty Bumette, Teff Brooks. K A Wood. Jr., all ror Rotary Club; Percy B. Ft-rebee Mayor of Andrews. L. L i> v?-. Mark H Flliott. A B. Chan diet*. Tr . both for Li r,s club; Sam Junes. County Commissioners ; L Xichnls. Andrews Si hooi ; \\ Whr.aker iV.izrns Bank & V ( "? .mpany . Mrv \V T Teas. Mrs F A \V ?? d ,li Mrs Gerald * .n-> M ? -- U a i. r.i .id ! Iv man it 4 a ? lub Dickey Chevrolet and Oldsmoblle Co. took flr*t I n the commercial of Mnrphy'? K&nta flans Parade laat week. TTiere were more people bi town for the parade than ha* ever hen recorded in the history of Murphy. (Photo Smllerys Stadio) The so fi"M Muiphy were: * | Mrs. l-Y ini is C. Bourne, Jr., Mrs. H \V. Whitfield, both of Gar den Club; Mrs S. ' ' Burpess, Oar ( :,1!> .in I Am. legion Ailx; Mrs W H. McKeever, Pres. Amer ' ir.m IV.:>o Home Der.ion 's'.i.o < ! .i ! Mrs Herman K; Miss Klixibelti I'm;.: } ' : ? s Jr Woman's club, j M : ? }\ V. Cheney, American I ! .*vj .'i Anvil Dy: \V A 1VII NT- - .1 ?: Nv.r.n . M ? ? 1 \\ |l h i: .jv ? M . c .1 F. w! ? . Mis |Mar\ :?"? Wnik'T. all >n I I Sm .k> M< ,-iti < las < 'o . K S j Willi, iu] ~ . Citizens Bank & Truf.i | Co ; \V V Costello. < "herok.ee Srout: W \V Holland. Wayne's IFo'vl Sroio, Asmori'] Maxwell, jFres.. T??;ist master's club; Glenn (Fatton. Frfs. Murphy Lions Club,, ,H Ru^ck. Supt. City Schools-,; I, ' I- Mason, Mayor of Murphy. ?TMAI wm i !?? mTTi n ' ~ ' Commissioners Use New Plan For Chairman Cherokee County's new board of commissioners installed its own system of selecting a board chair man during the first meeting Mon day. Under the new system all three members of the board will have ? i term of office as chairman E. I. Townson will be chairman the first year, W B. Dockery will serve as chairman the second year and W. A. Hyde will be chairman f< . : '.he las' two years. Farm And Home Outlook Meet Is Scheduled A farm ami homo on: look meet ing is scheduled for Thursday. IVr :it 2 p. m in the Conrt Room Spri inli^'s from North Carolina Sfato College will be on hand to dismiss the things that may effect (Continued on page 10) Marphy's own itrsta ttwdr rtafl 1 _ The Mnrphy Hl*h School Band, show-tag marked ftupilli llin* te the put two year*. ?? tn worxWfirf ahape for the ptnde. Hm got ?tandlnt RobbirarvUlr Hlfh S?*ooJ Bud wtm aJoa hi parartr (Photo KnBeys Stocflo). A