KEEP YO UK MONEY IN YOUR COMMUNITY VOI. I MK 64 M MBhK ? Sit PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS Murphy Ubr'ry Ml Kl'HV \OKTH CAKOIJN A mi i:mhv \i'i(ii 7. ia.. TRADE AT HOME; IT PAYS \ I < ? >1 I I' \i.t N I'll I N \\ t f K PeQple You Know Ml lii'll Y Mi.w- \ i-. k: I .v fin a;. 1 Ann. Hui'^fss >'[ < 'h e r \a wid be guev.s H H k* th Ka>ter i i' ? J : ? 1 ; i > > V: ki Mr 1 *> u e i k s i u t* I t Mrs Frank Allen Alexander left Tuesday by tram from Ashevilie for ew York from where she will leave Friday fur l'ans, Fra.m e She will be iue" there by Lt Alex ander and thye will go to La Hoc helle. Frunce where he i.s statlone i with the \ ' S Army to make then home Mr and Mis. I- I' Harding will leave next Tuesday for a 10-days" vacation in Orlando. Fla Mrs Harold Davidson of Mar ietta Ga , visited friends and rela tives here last week She will leave next Saturday to join her husband, Pvt Harold Davidson in Yancenberg, Germany where they will make their home for the next 18 months. Mr and Mrs Jack Harrison of Knoxville and Mrs Coy Seal of Sneedviile. Tenn were end g-uests of Mr and Mrs C. W Arnold and Mrs Frank Alexander Mrs Har rison and Mrs Sea! are sisters of Mrs. Arnold. Miss Ann Leatherwood of Knox ville is hert? with her father. Hayes Leatherwood, who is a pa tient at Petrie Hospital Mrs. Glenn Bates was a week end guest of her sister, Mrs. Gar rison Maneval, Mr Maneval and David, at Enka. Mrs Charles Worthen took t her daughter. Patty to Asheville this week to have her eye treated She was struck in the eye recently with a ball, which caused a hemor rhage V ANDREWS Mrs. Cora Watkins is spending' several weeks visiting her son, Howard Watkins. and his family in California. Maryland, and with her borther. Edgar Howard m Wash- j ington. D C. Mrs John C. Neville attended the Retreat sponsored by the Wo men of the church of the Presby tery held at the First Presbyterian Church in Asheville Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Oalusha Pullium and children. Jerry and Ann spent 1 the week end in Flowery Branch. Ga . with Mrs. Pullium's parents. Mr and Mrs. Clark Mrs Pullium I was called due to the serious illness of her father Miss Elizabeth Troxler of Haley, i Tenn . was the gruest of Mrs Ruth j Starr Pullium over the week end. George Handura and son. George Jr . have returned to Clearwater. Fla . after spending the week end at ttieir summer home here Mr and Mrs K E Messer and son. Phillip Michael, of Thomas vilify spent the latter part of the week here with relatives Roy D Weson of Newton spent the week end here with friends. i Mrs. Donald Wilson left Thurs day for Atlanta where she will spend several weeks with relat ive" "\f Crrt T T Ua r?-i i 1 f )i n c rn. turned to Camp Gordon, da., after spending the week end here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Hamilton. Mrs. Charles Huffman spent the week end in Brevard with her daughter. Virginia, who is a fresh man at Brevard College t Mrs. C L Johnson is spending this week in Davtona Beach . Fla . with relatives. Boyd Cooper has returned after spending several weeks with his family in Florida Miss Catherine Bleckley of At lanta spent several days of last ^ week nere with Misses Frances and Helen MoPherson. Mr. and Mrs .Tames Bowers spent the week end in Atlanta, da Miss Ellen Hyde has returned after spending several weeks in Asheville with her sister, Mrs I Laura Constant I Mrs. Norma Fair Cearley of Charlotte spent several days of last week here with relatives Mrs Susie Batchelor and daugh- , ter Margery spent the week end in 'Union Point. Ga , as gwsts of the Rev and Mrs. Wood. Rev. Wood ( is a former pastor of the Andrews Free Methodist church. 75 Cases Disposed Of In Opening Court Days during the tl.' l\S>> 1 1 a y s >?*. Uii ? : : r i . i r ; 1 1 ? ,\j i .1 in ' ? ? u r I helr )udg?- I '.t:. K M j. r 1 The ' i \ ; 1 >es>ioi: ? >: :!.i.da> t * . ? i Tues day with defendant s ? harges art'! sen'.er.i es wei e J 1. Turner, pleade 1 guilty driving while i r 1 1 ? j \ i < ? a r. e d . $ 1 ?: >?. and i dnveis heense sus perided for 11! 111 >r:ths a 1 1 ? l thre? years pro bat ion Thomas W numbers here 1- ; nitty at s p in in 1 tlit- school auditorium The pro : gram is being sponsored by the ' new Band Boosters ('lub The program. under the direc tion of Edward Reynolds, will in clude two contest numbers. "I'ac ! ific < I randeur ' and "Avalon Nights" as well as "American l'a trol" and "Slow March". ' There will also be two accordion I solos and a clarinet quartet, "Three Blind Mice" The popular' I portion of the program will include i "Hearts of Stone". "Let Me Go, ' Ixjver". and "Naughty Lady From Shady Lane". j They will also play the marches ? "Headway" and "Under the Doub le Fable" Tickets for the performance are now on sale by Booster Club mem bers or may be purchased at the | door I Miss Rates Dies At Florida Home Funeral services for Miss Mattie Hates 88-year-old well known ! summer resident of Andrews, were ; held at 2 30 p m :n Columbus Ga. i Miss Bates died M'>ni!ay. March l'M at her1 v,>nt er h < ? m e in Del ray Beach, Fla. The Rev John Wilson. 1 pastor of St. Pauls Methodist ? < 'hun h I >f : ;? .a' e. 3 Buna! was in j r.inwfwi'1 ( rr.etery P.illbt-a! ; w?-:e . T ? > s < ? f > f i Spano.* j\V O Russell. Hr::i\ La-^iun I P .ul Crimes .I.m:.-, P p.- an I \\ . :,,T? I! K, : Miss Ba 'es was a rat: ve .if f *. ?,) iimhus. Ca and taugh* =?? h 1 1 there f ? ^ r a number of years Sh 1 | also was a life long member of the' Methodist church at Columbus For the past 4f> years she has re ! sided in Andrews and Aquone spending; her winters in Florida; and Columbus Mrs. Tom Hay and son. Robert, attended the funeral services Mr and Mrs Neal Hay of Delrav. Fla . and Andrews. accompanied the body to Columbus. Job Openings Listed By Employment Office Employment for experienced tuft machine operators in Cherokee County is offered by the State Em ployment Office, Jack Burrus, of | fice manager said this week Jobs are open for operators at High Point, he said. The office also has openings for .bulldozer operators, motor grader I I .operators and caterpillar crane i operators. Mr Burrus said ' ? ? Andrews, Marble Are X-Raved The mass cht's! X ray sur wv br ing c" >ndu< ted by \i te 1 >:s' i :? ' Health I >epar". merit will be m An drews today Friday and Satunlav I from 1 1> 30 a rii. through 4 :30 p. :n. , The unit was at Marble yester day. The mobile X ray unit will be on Main St. m Andrews this week end and next Wednesday. April 13. it | will be at Berkshire Mill fur em ployees of the mill. The X-Ray unit will be in Mur phy Friday and Saturday this week and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week The unit will not be in Murphy on April 15 and 16 as previously scheduled, it was announced A technician accompanies the unit and local hostesses assist . Mrs. John Rodda is chairman of clerks and hostesses in Andrews She is assisted by Mrs Robert Heat on, Mrs Cerald Almond. Mrs. Edgar Wood, Mrs Arthur Watkins. Mrs. C O. Van C order. Miss Frances Cover. Mrs James Baer Mrs S J t Jernert . Miss Sallle Buchanan, Mrs Charles Delaney a J so Mrs ( ' c Johnson. Mrs] I?iniise ZinmiiTman. Mrs. Starr j I'uihum. Mrs Margaret Ann Wat-j ry. Mrs H. A. Van (.order, Mrs. Bill Mrs Birdie Reece. Mrs. Mavis Mains Mrs Kate Conlev. Mrs Virginia C.?\ Mrs oienStrat M: IVr.I J r ?! m Mrs Carl UVv M : s Kin Childers. M ? s K A Mar. ;*er \: \ Mi s Arno! 1 K?-..h:nan Mos'.-s.-rs at Mi: Me were Mrs He; man West Mis James Bryson Mrs < Jr tdy Fanner. Mrs Frank Walsh. Mrs Fi ed Bar', on anil Mrs. Ivlwm Barnett. The i hest X-ray :s a free ser vire and will detect tuberculosis as, well as lung tun:?ir< and abnormal heart conditions F.veryone ovei l."> years of age and voun^ people referred by doc tors nr the public health depart ment need to be X-rayed it was said. A written report on findings will be sen' to each person getting an X-ray. ? Easter Egg Hunt Set At M. Creek The new Martin's Creek Orange | X" 1159 will sponsor an Easter j Egg Hunt Saturday, April 10, at the Martin's Creek School at 2 p m. F\ erynne is invited to attend and bring the children and the eggs Dog T ax Law Revision Asked To Finance Control System <: ? ' M I ? . i>k. ! ?i H v.'-vr- M I. r ? ? t! .1 K. {. \ ??? 1 ? 1 I ? ' r .-?? 'tie .! ?; ' w I . flirts t-ning : .! ! ; . r .? i . : . tn- i -r.'.r, rn irit-y i dug r in* r ? J s\st?*::: ' "ii.'i Hi/, be * j i : . t r i ? r : :;n < mints sinners pointed ? rjr The $1 t:i.\ for male dogs and $?_> tax for female dogs vvJl help tn wat 'l Imam ing the ? > ?ri t rol . r. was asserted The petriur vv.?.? presented to the' board by Dr Ceorge Size of the | Murphy Kiwanis Club. Tuesday Dr Size reported that other copies of the petition turned in after the meeting M mday brought the total tn 1.110 signatures The physician said an official I letter from the Cherokee County t Medical Society to the Board of ' Commissioners asserted that the ?' -?J - -FT ! ' n n i i; - t. i ::: j./u : U , i ? - i- .? ?. ; K.g: .? i \n- ir::i Vd fvr tin Mis. I li < . ra \ appeared In fun- tin* Hoard advocating em plo\ inent ? more funds ami sent a re quest to the Ceneral Assembly. The Commissioners have now asked Sen M?>oie and Rep O Del! 1 to repeal the provision in the dog * tax law exempting Cherokee ( County r KKSOLITION The Commissioners' resolution t passed at the meeting pointed out t that Cherokee County had next to t the highest number of rabid dogs a . .irii J * he r:<-. csm! v merit. Tf,? ?? .... HH1 lih \S it is made to ap pear lluit a large segment ot tile < onntv jn in favor of tin- emplov riH-iit ni siieh a warden iuul tint enforcement of Uk* anti rabies laws 1 1 1 ii \ well save lives of the jm'o|>1?* ot the ( Oiint v who other wise might Ik- bitten or suffer ill efleets fn?m the and rabies treatment ; "U HKP.P'AS it is the consensus >f opinion of '.he Board that at ea.-' snine of the expense of such 1 war-Jen should fall upon the own ers uf the dogs which create the abies problem; The Commissioners asued boih he senator and the representative o introduce a bill putting Chero cee County under the dog tax bill is soon as possible Crippled Children Drive Lags Behind Goal; In Last Week I )K ATKINS MIKE HINTON MISS LOVINGOOD Dr.'S S. Xtkins of Ashevllle and public Health nurve Miss Willie l>o\ingood check on Mike H in ton's progress at the monthly crippled children's clinic. Mike is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pug Hinton of Mur phy. This clinic is in danger of being cut off if the current drive for funds, the Easter seal sale, doesn't pick up. (Photo by Smiley 's Studio) No Foik Games Set Friday Night The Folk Srhool has announrel that. ' t.i (J.iii'l Friday and ( hur< h services, tne regular rom munity night with folk games will tint he held tors:- ^rrow. Friday, Ap - at the srhoi>J. Easter Services Set In Andrews, Murphy Good Friday Service Set By Lutherans A special Good Friday service will be held at St. Andrew's Luth eran Church in Andrews on Friday April 8 a! 7 30 p m. The Litany of the Passion will be used on this occasion. Mrs Giles W Cover will be organist. All visitors wishing to worship at St Andrew's are welcome to this service. Methodist Choir To Sing Cantata Sunday "The Faster Sunrise Song", an Raster cantata, will be sung by the Methodist Church choir at the Sunday evening ^fcrvice April 10 Mrs Glenn Bates is director and Mrs Duke Whitley, organist for the cantata Andrews Service Set At Cemetery I The Rev. James Hornbuckle. | pastor of the Andrews Methodist [Church. will brine; the Easter mes j sage at the annual Easter Sunrise I service to be held at 6:30 a. m Sunday at the Vallevtown Ceme tery. The Rev O rover Kimberlin. pas tor of the Free Methodist Church, will be in charge of arrangements. Pastors of the various churches in town will participate The Andrews Rotary Club is co- 1 operating in arrangements. It has boen announced that in case of rain the services will be held at the First Methodist Church. JWC BAKE SALE SAT The Junior Woman's Club will J sponsor a bake sale Saturday, i April 9 at 9 a m at Ivie Furniture ,Co Proceeds will go to the drive for Crippled Children. Fields Of Wood Easter Pageant Set The annual pre-dawn Easier ser vice at Fields of the Wood will be gin at 4 30 a m Easter Sunday Members and officials of the ('"hurch of God of Prophecy, owners of the religious park, will be fea tured in the roles of Jesus. Pilate. Peter. Judas. Mary Magdalene and others. The pageant wui bo complete I with costumes and structures will be erected to represent Jerusalem and the judgment hall of Pilate In preparation for the pageant an all night service will be held at Sanctuary Hall at Fields of thrt , W ood . Some 30 persons will be in the ??ast Everyone is invited to at end and admission is free It was estimated that some 5.000 persons witnessed the pageant last year Soloman To Speak At Murphy Service The annual Easter sunrise ser vice in Murphy will be held Sundav I at 7 .30 a m at Sunset Cemetery. The Rev C W Soloman, in terim pastor of the Presbyterian I Church, will speak The Revs. J A Morris. R. Y. Winters, and A. S MaNwell will also take part. The First Raptist Church. First Methodist Church. Presbyterian and Fpiscopal churches are co operating: in the service. A port able organ will be loaned by the, Catholic Chapel Lowell Scruggs wifl plav the organ. Mrs Glenn Rates will lead the congregational singing and Ed ward Revnolds will have a brass ensembel to play special music. The current church attendance crusade will end Easter Sunday The four local ministers will be at the school assembly program Fri day and the Rev Jack W&ldrep of Blairsville, Ga., will speak. The Crippled Children's drive, being conducted through the Eas ter Seal Sale is lagging behind m donations W D. Whitaker. chair |m;in. said this week J Mr. Whitaker said that some $600.90 had been raised in Andrews and $145 in Murphy. Last year th ? chairman said, some $1.108 09 w..s raised during the drive. Mr VVhitaKer said the current drive will determine whether thi local crippled children's clirnt can be held monthly as planned The clinic serves Cherokee. Clra harn. Clay an