Dog Tax The Cherokee County Commissioners. we beheve. took the right niovt* to set up a rabid and stray dog i-oritiol when they asked Sejiator Harve Muure and Representative Virgil (?I>ell 1 ?. > out Che: okee County under the dog ta\ law The Commissioners take the stand and we agree tha*. dog owners s.nould help pay for the dog control system It is rr.ere^ to note t ha * is one id' just two counties that are n 't included in that Jaw Ar.d all the u:idei '.ha*, law ii>e the :n^ne> tu c.o'.ro! : ab. J ar.ii s" r ay d-?gs t. ru iu that is bv>", h who a e ?iL.a:nst a iv imp: ovenienl. i: O I > 2(1 Local Churches . Set Revivals >? - me -O churches >?/ X Carolina Baptt.-'_ Association ?? r:c-rm reviv al ser\ i? Sunday. A:..; :ir. 1 continue through April ( : . E. Scruggs. asso< ailiuaa. n ria i y said tins v.vek. S ruggs said til" ?: revi vals d.e it pas t of a j : S-am "f simultaneous reviv.iN anion:' Southern Baptist Chu: ? iies. The local churches tha'. have re port eJ are listed below In each case the name of the paster is list ed first and the revival speaker second. Andrews First . Rev John C Corbitt, Rev Marshall Weaver; Hewitts, Rev Clifford George; Hanging Dog, Rev J. L Allen, G E. Scruggs; Little Brasstown, Rev. Fred Lunsford, Rev Andrew Cloer; Marble Springs, Rev. A. B Lovell, Rev. F. P. Blankenship; Maltby, Rev, C. L. Adams; and Murphy First, Rev. J. A. Morris, Rev. Joe H Miller. Murphy Second, Rev. Corn well; Mount View, Clifford George; Mount Pleasant Rev J. S. Stans bury, Rev. Sim Martin; Owl Creek, Rev. Raymond Carroll. Rev. Car roll; Pleasant Valley, Rev. Marvin Hampton. Rev. W. M. Corley; Peachtree Memorial. Rev. Lester Stowe. Rev. George Stuart; Shady Grove, Rev Loy Thomas, Rev. J E. Cable. Services Set Harmony Church ? , l.i ; ,.i .1 h". : C n ? .-'i A|?: .1 1 ?' at 7 : 30 p. *n '???? n.ght ???"' ! ten'hs ?? < , j Rev William M Co-?ey, p.ts'.or > >' I Flat F.ock Bap'is' Church, Liberty, i S C . speaker. Andrews, April 16, 10 a in . Kev. , A B Lovell, pastor of Marble 1 iSj.:.ngs Baptist Church, speaker, i Marble, 16, 2 p. in , Kev. ^ Earl Cable, pastor of Mount Pis gah Baptist Church, speaker. | The street services will consist of hymn singing, testimonies and gospel preaching. Everyone is in- j vited to attend each of these ser ! vices. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Established July, 1889 Published every Thursday at Murphy, Cherokee County, N C. WILLIAM V. AND EMILY P COSTELLO? Publishers and Owners WILLIAM V. COSTELLO Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Cherokee County: One Year, $2.50; Six Months, $1.50 Outside Cherokee County: One Year $3 00; Six Months, $1 75 Entered In the Post Off'>? at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Dickey Freight Changes Hands, Increases Service j Dickey Fr eight Lines. Inc., April I began operating under new stock holders and four daily schedules were put in effect two from Knoxville. Term , and two from At lanta. (la Wilson Palmer, agent and termi nal manager at Murphv said Mur phy is now being useu as a turn j around point lor the new oper ations He said to set up the new service Dickey purchased 10 'new tandem trailers and five new heavy duty tractors and 1L* pick up trucks. He said a new teletype system will be installed soon arid will be the only r-Urh system west ot Asheville. Palmer aai Ihc freight line is !. 'W able '?> < 'f !ev ? r \ ? : > ? ? !rorn and any p cat m the I' S is well as :? e\pui t p. i;nts Contracts have bien s.gne I with K Ua car-1 1 : e l s m the r S Palmer ?i?ai\ i irl. in*; . * v l ' ' ^ !-"W ^ uions ' V ! . i a* ?: V > lie; vjiti'1. * ic^Ht Yourh'i Enter cthod??t Church * \ haw t i?:ii;i!fl(' I i v.t-t'ks j a- sh.ji t : . . .M:r: . - jn t!:< First Methodist Churrh weiv re lay by * he lli v Asm ?:i> ! M i w.vil. , i -asii/r . The were: Virginia V\eLs (!a Quinn. (Ins Winchester. Johnnie] Da*> ay Iv.rus. FMi* F:e*u sf.n Johnnu* Atkins. i !*. i David Alvei son. BIRTHS IN 1'KTKIF. HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs l):ilc Dockery, Rt. ?, Murphy, :< daughter, March 30. Mr. and Mrs. Dun Hughes, Rt. 2, Murphy, a daughter, March 31. Mr. and Mis. M L Totherow. H! 1, Marble, a son, Apni I M:v and Mrs. William Lee of B: a^s'own, a son. April ! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braswell o' Murphy, a daughter. April 3. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lackey of Culberson, Rt 1. a son, April 3. Mrs. Kephart, 86 Dies At Rt.3 Mrs. Tabitha Louise Kephart, 86, died at 2 a in. Monday April 4, in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Maynard Palmer, Route 3, Mur phy following a k?ng illness. Funeral services were held at 2 p m Tuesday in White Church with the Rev. Thomas Leather wood officiating. Rurial was in the church cemetery. Surviving, in addition to the daughter, are nine grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, and one great great-grandchild; one broth er. J C Allen, Route 3. Murphy and two sisters, Mrs. Ira Sneed of Ranger and Mrs. N A Mc Donald of Murphy Townson Funeral Home wis in charge of arrangement;; MASH-WINS IN MOBILGAS ECONOMY RUN ? Miles per Gallon with fiydra-Matic Drive Embassador . Sweeps "big car" mmsc First in its field with a record of 58.55 ton miles? the Ambassador Super Jetfire 6 with Hydra-Matic Drive outclassed its competition in the most grueling Mobtlgas t conomy Run of all time. The most spacious of America's fine cars leads again in performance with economy! Drive the winner today ? the 1955 Nash Ambassador! Vou're So Right To Choose A L & M Nash Co. - 123 Te nn St. - Murphy 109 W ABC?7V. Brought to you by your Nft*h Citizens Bank Gains In National Standing The Citizens Bank and Trust I Company of Andrews, which report ed deposits of $6,397,363 on Decern I ber 31, gained 360 places in its standing among the 3-iOO largest banks in the United States during 1954 It now ranks as the 3.330th larg est in size compared with 3,690th I place '-it the end of 1953. This is revealed in the 1955 An j .iual Roll Call of the larger banks m the United States published i March 29 by the daily AMERICAN j HANKER of New York which is the trade newspaper of the bank mg business. There are 14.000 banks m the I 'ruled States. Zeb Chastain Gets Recognition In Mich. Zeb Chastain. formerly of Mur phv, now living in Detroit. Mich . was awarded membership in the Di:.tge "100" Club at a banquet at the Statler Hotel recently. The award was given in recog nition of Chastam's "superim salesmanship" in :he retail selling P . ige cars. f.'i 'he third largest Dodge Ply moirh dealership in Michigan. Edwards Makes First Visit Here In 47 Years Earle YV Edwards, 71. of Somer ville, Mass.. a former resident of Cherokee County, last week made his first visit here in some 47 years I Edwards was born in the old Wil son home at Leicester In Bun combe County. When a baby he came wi'li his parents, Mr and Mrs Raymond C Edwards to Cher okee County Hi's father was a build ing contractor and later moved to Colorado Edwards attended college in Bos ton and remained in nearby Som mervillc. Some five years ago Edwards, who is a real estate operator an 1 insurance broker, bought an old hearse and spent $2,000 having it Goodrich Announces $50 000 Sweepstakes Crawford Tire Company local B F Goodrich deafer, announce! this week a $50,000 sweepstakes scheduled for April bv Goodrich. Anyone may enter the contest by entering his name and address af Crawford's. The first prize is km: i cash. 1 converted into a house trailer. Since then he has traveled some 30 000 miles and when he com-, pletes this trip ne will have visited ^ 1 every state in the union. I He visited his old home in Mar- ^ * phy and went on to Georgia and ( I ?'lorida and out to California.) Ho ixpects to go home in July and hen to his summer place in Maine. Edward's father use