DEADLINE FOB CLASSIFIED ADS: Noon Mondays Rate: Mc lor each Insertion 13 words or less;, three times lor <1.25. More than 15 words, two cents per word. BULL DOZER work by the hour or by the Job. See J. M. Hughes and son or call 246, Murphy, N. C. 37-tfc OUR REPRESENTATIVE will be In Murphy each Tuesday ?id Wednesday. Used Singer Ma chines for $39.50. New singer electric machines from $94.50 up. All types of repairs. Write Singer Sewing Machine Co., Box 188, Murphy, N. C. 35-tfc NOTICE. WE ARE BUYING dog- 1 wood again. See Cloer & Ander son at Hayesville. N. C., for prices and specifications. 37-tfc ''OR SALe : Chicken grit, size for laying hens. $10.50 a ton in bags, FOB Plant. Columbia Marble Co. Marble, N. C. 38-tfc FOR SALE: Cinder Blocks any size, any amount. Delivered. Palmer Bros., Phone 202, Mur phy, N. C. 30-tf FOR RENT: 3 room furnished a partment with bath. Call 30. Murphy, N. C. 37-tfc RESURFACE your floors . Do the job yourself. Rent our lloor sand ing machine. Reasonable rates dj the half-day, day or week. Also complete line of floor fill ing and paint. Gibbs Hardware & Auto Supply. ? hone 100. 38-tfc FOR SALE: Block house, six rooms and bath. Barn and chick en house. Six acres of land, 5 acres in grass. Two miles west of Marble on Highway 19. See G. W. Barton, Marble, N. C., Rt. 1. [? . 39-ltp FOR SALE: One 7 room house near center of town known as the Reagan house. Price $7,500. See Sam W. Jones, Realty, An drews. N. C. FOR SALE: One 10 room house with dandy garage apartment. Has furnace, large lot. Close in town. Reasonable price. See Sam W. Jones, realty, Andrews, N. C. 37-3tc Johns - Manville Bid. Materials Asphalt Shingles-Roll Roofs Abestos Siding GIBBS HWD. & AUTO SUPPLY ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR, If not pleased, your 40c back, j This STRONG fungicide SLOUGHS OFF the outer skin to expose bur ied fungi. Kills It on contact. Get Greaseless, instant-drying T-4-L at any drag store. Today at Mauney Drug Store. FOR SALE: One S room house, excellent condition. Wonderful view. Price $6,800. See Sam W. ?lores, realty, Andrews, N. C. 37-3tc #ELi_, DR1LUNU ? Have your wells drilled, modern machinery. Six and eigK Inch domestic and mmmerical wells. Macon Pump and Well Company. Write F. B. Rogers, Route No. 1. Franklin. N. 0. 37-tfc FOR SALE : 3 pairs of chinchilla. NCBA Registered. Guaranteed litter three months. For sale reasonable. Cherokee Chinchil las, 301 Valley River Ave., Mur- 1 phy, N. C. John Morris 37-3tc FOR RENT: Small heated furnish ed apartment. Phone 30, Mur- 1 phy, N. C. 38-3tc rOR SALE : Refrigerator. Servel gas model, slightly used, guar anteed. Also gas hot water heat er. Phone 549, Murphy. N. C. 38-3tc i"OR SALE : Good galvanized 30 1 gallon water tank with "Holy yoke" - Kerosene Heater attach- 1 ed. In perfect condition. Will sac rifice for $17.50 cash. Write P. O. Box 188, Murphy, N. C. 38-3tc .ADIES attention" Are you in terested in making $50 - $75 a week displaying Coppercraft gift items in private homes? If you are 28-45 years old, have phone and use of car, call Mrs. Aralene Smith, GL 6-3160, Waynesville r write to Box 505, Hazelwood, N. C. for personal interview. 38-2tc "OR SALE: A good 27 acre farm j near town. 14 acres River Bot tom. Good 5 room house with bath. Large chicken house. Good barn. Full price $6,000. See Sam W. Jones, realty, Andrews. N. C. 37-Stc MAN WANTED for Rawleigh bus iness. sell to 1,500 families. Good profits for hustlers. Write today. Kawleigh's Dept. NCD-750-S, Richmond, Va. 38-4tp BLOCK, BRICK and concrete work. Carpentering and painting. Also have Blacksmith. Call Lambert, Phone 778, Murphy, N. C. 38-2tp FOR SALE : 5 room house and two lots. Good location at back of Shell Dining Room. Andrews. Guy Hall, owner. Phone 50-R. Andrews, N. C. . 38-3tp FOR RENT: Two room furnished apartment. Hot and cold water. Call 165-W. Murphy, N. C. 38-3tc FOR SALE: Two milch ccws, one with young calf, also a three year oh' heifer. J. W. O'Dell, Rt. 3, Murphy, N. C. 39-3tp FOR SALE : Cinder Blocks any size, any amount. Delivered Palmer Bros., Phone 202, Mur phy, N. C. 39-tfc FOR SALE: Six room frame house in Marble. Two acres of land. Good well with tile. Price reason able. Contact Arthur Cook. Mar ble, N. C. 29-3tp always ^ FOR RENT: Two S room apart ments; house newly painted in side and out. Private entrance and private* baths, with garden. Located " on Valley River Ave , Call 216, Murphy, N. C. 39-2tc BULLDOZER WORK,By~hour or contract. Also all farm work In cluding harrowing and clearing. Phone 399-W, or 288, Murphy. N. C. 39-tfc ONE DOWNSTAIRS APT. with 4 rooms, tile bath, hot water heat er. furnace heat, first floor porch and private entrance with large [ garden, nice location, Call 647, | Murphy, N. C. 39-3tp DODGE 4 DOOR sedan to trade for coupe. Give or take dif ference. A. R. Bell, Murphy, N. C. 39-ltc FOR RENT: Four room unfurnish ed apartment with bath. Private entrance. Hot wfcter heater. Phone 100, Murphy, N. C. 39-3tc FOR SALE : Two pianos in excel- 1 lent condition, priced to move. Good buy in a 19-piece used dining roogi suite. Murphy Furni : ture Salvage. Hiawasee St., be- 1 low Cherokee Hotel, Phone 298- J, j Murphy, N. C. 39- ltc 'ALE O Marble Top tables. Prices j on all marble top tables reduced. New chrone Dinette 6 piece sets. I Used bedsteads and springs. Mur \ phy Salvage, Hiawassee St., Be low Cherokee Hotel, Phone 298-J, ! Murphy, N. C. 39-ltc LOST : Black fem lie cocker span iel. Tag No. 3>\)919. Reward, j Phone 204-J, Murphy, N. C. 39-ltc FOR RENT: One 4 room house with bath. Wired for electric stove and water heater. Good garden. On Wells St. Also one 4 room apt. Wired for stove. See Mrs. Tom Evans, Phone 44-W, Murphy, N. C. 39-ltc FOR RENT: First floor unfurnish ed 4 room apartment. Hot and cold water. Private entrance. Also baby bed for sale. Phone 103 ? W. Murphy, N. C. 39-3tc Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Eat talk, laugh or sneeze without fear 6f insecure false teeth dropping. slipping or wobbling. FASTEETH holds plates firmer and more com fortably. This pleasant powder has no gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Doesn't cause nause%. Its alkaline (non-acid). Checks "piate odor* (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug counter. ? nuTHjE ur SEKVinu oi l" MOH8 BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY JASPER W. GREEN -V8 EDJTH FAITH GREEN The defendant; Edith Faith Green, Will take notice that an action as above has been c&mmen jced In the Superior Court of Chero I kee County, North Carolina, against said defendant for judgment in I favor of the plaintiff for divorce ' on the grounds of two years sepa- ' ' ration. That said defendant will j further take notice that she is re quired to be and appear at the of Ifice of the Clerk of The Superior fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, in the Court House In Murphy, on or before the 10th daV I 'of May, 1955. or within twenty] >20) days thereafter and answer orj 'demur to complaint of plaintiff filed in this action, or said plaintiff j will apply to the Court for the re lief requested in the complaint. ) This the 8 day of April, 1956. f J. L. Hall Deputy, Clerk, Superior Court, Cherokee County, 39-4tc North Carolina | IN THE SUPERIOR COURT I NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA I CHEROKEE COUNTY STEEN DERREBERRY KING , Plaintiff CARL KING Defendant TO CARL KING: Take Notice that a pleading seek mg relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action, j The nature of the relief being ! sought is as follows: The plaintiff is seeking an abso lute divprce from the bonds of i 'grounds of separation for morel matrimony against you on the than two years next preceeding , the commencement of this action. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 26th day of May, 1955, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the re- 1 lief sought. This the 29th day of March, 1955. | /S/ K. W. Radford |38-4tc Clerk Superior Court Thir dSunday Sing Be ^ Mt. Zion The regular third Sunday after noon gospel tinging will be held Sunday, April IT, at Mount Zion Baptist Church. The church in located on the Marble-Peachtree road. Prank Davenport and his male quartet will attend along with the Melody Trio from Georgia and vis iting singers from Clay County. B very one is invited tb attend. Wild Life Club Is Talked At Unaka There will be a meeting at Unaka School on Friday, April IS, to or ganize a wild life hunting club. Everyone is invited to come and bring a friend. Postmasters Meet Set June 12? 14 The some seven Cherokee County postmasters are among the number invited to the State postmasters convention June 12-14 in Carolina Beach, it was announced this week. Galusha Pullium, Andrews post master, is chairman for the coun ty and the district chairman is Charles C. Potts, Highlands post master. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE The undersigned, having quali tied as Administrathix of the es tate of John H. Rogers, Deceased, late of Cherokee Count, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of April, 1956 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make prompt pay ment to the undersigned at her home in Andrews. N. C. This the .2th day of March, 1955. SALLY P. ROGERS, i Administratrix of John H. 35-6tc Rogers, Deceased NEW OVERNIGHT SCHEDULES FROM KNOXVILLE and ATLANTA Two Trailers Daily From Each City Offering Overnight Service Frorti Knoxville and Atlanta Dickey Freight Lines, Inc. Phone SI Murphy, N. C Reading Clubs Hold Meetings | i The Murphy School Reading I Clubs held their meeting* In the school library, with the fourth | grade ch\b being called to order ' by Roger Derre berry, president. I | Book reviews were given gy Wands Thompson. Sara Singleton, Suslo | Derre berry, Terry Smith and Pete: Maxwell. The fifth grade club held a short business session presided over by Sue Pennington, Darleen Raper, Elizabeth Gibbs, Frankle Beal and Roger Cornwell made books re views. ' 4 Linda Green presided over the sixth grade club. The following girls made book reviews-Joan Holl! field, Lynn Whitley, and Sara Ea~. toy. Book raviawa la the iiwrtb grade club were given by Sue Miller nod Beth Bailey, with Rath Bates pro* aiding. V The eighth grade club had a pro gram on Historical Characters and events. Joan Haney presided and Nancy Mills presented the program Those taking part were June King. . Jane Van Hom, Mary Lou Kirk- ( land and Nancy Mills. March indications pointed to a total U. 8. planted com acreage of over ef million acres for 1955. DONT SCRATCH THAT ITCH la IS minutes, you Ml' ST be pleas ed with ITCH ME .NOT when ap plied for, the Itch of ecxema, ringworm, athlete's foot, Insect bite* and other surface rashes or your wc back at any drug store. Yoday at Parker's Drug Store. ?SO' CHICK STARTER NOW CONTAINS iolac At iiimlin?il NEW growth factor far GAINS ON TOP OF GAINS! . . . and in addition ! NiCarbazin is available as an optional coccidiastat im . . . 'SO' CHICK STARTER ? GROWING ? BOOSTER VKJOf AC, a Pfizer Co. product, produces gains over and above those from antibiotics aad whey, distillers solubles and fisb meal. Nl CARBAZIN, most efficient protection known against cocctdi osis, is a product of Merck * Co. research. Addition of these important Mi factors to farther rridoc* ' of Spartan's constant parpoae to offer jrot the beat to feeds. CRAIG SUPPLY CO. MURPHY, N. C. " Researched-Feeds for the South^tst Want to feel ~ //Are st pilot feels ? HOTTEST BUKK IN HISTORY Ho worxUf you *ee to mony '55 Bvidu on A* Highway* ? they're rolling up bigger tales (Hon mr before In i- 1- * aL. .1 1- ? - _ I - - ? ^ , ? A A. mtTory? topping *ne popvtonry tt?ot not oireooy moae lukfc on* of Hi* "Kg TV**" of Anwka't bMt >*U*r? Today's the day to "Join the feat Pilot Clubhand ? what a thrill you gat whan you try Variable Pitch Dynaflow* w. 're not kidding/ . When you try a *55 Buick with Variable , Pitch Dynaflow, you'll feel like a pilot does when he htttdt his plane down a runway for take-off. , For you, in the driver's seat, are doing what thai pilot does? you're changing the pitch wt your propellers ? one way for instant 'response on getaway? another way fori better gas mileage in cruising. Your propellers are whirling ip oil, deep inaide the Dynaflow unit When you press the pedal in the normal way, you hold those propellers in their economy angle? and you enjoy plenty more miles from yoor gasoline. But wktn yon wont instant accti*rmtiom ?for Quick or for a sntUon safetj-xnrgi of Po?or? yonjntt pross thopodmi mmy down, mnd?wifh ahsohto tmoothnou ? yon got ? tin action you want, and split-second gnick. It's the thrill that's the talk of the industry ?performance unlike anything you have ever known before on the ground. And so many folks have been asking to try it that we Boiok dealers across America have set ?p April as "Test Pilot Club" - Month. All k lakes to join the "Club" is a test drive at the wheel of a new Buick. That's all. So we oord tally invite you to win your "wings"? to try the spectacular perform ance of Variable Pitch Dynaflow? and to feel the nighty V8 power that puts the whip to these gorgeous new Buick beauties. : Drop in this week. ?Of** fair Drift ii AmUtri cm KctdmtOf, optKxui 0 mam rent cm o tbtr Strut. Loeml dellwrmd pricm of thm 1985 Bulch SPECIAL ?, I hm^ii S?d?. MiJil 48 (II $2232 3 i Oprlonol wtpm*.!. oCMMlll, lto1? ood oddllloool. frlcM may *mn >II^>iIt I* odlototag ndk?< Hun 4 D*frotf?r~$&1.79; ?odlo local law. H am. I iol>lne commMHw. want an botmmim, 1 Said a ilaath: Ah I Tha mjalatj'a utmUi'. About en thak'taka oU Ilk. a laralin." Bat with DynafloVa ? witch Oi lta Vaxlabla Pitch? Tea wwa haip . Now yov'i* than. Boy, t&qf'a trarralln'l ? tWhf dom't Tgji try a Bulak?l it ,j 1 ? i.'ya--1 - v-" r... ' .hi I., .

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