MEEPYOUR mmri **4 . ^ m TRADE AT money in a i** m itfrii k tt vnut home: ? fOUR COMMUNITY ? 9\W ^ ^ IT PAYS PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS P V ? - ' ? - ? ? - ? . ^ > VOLUME U NUMBER ? *4 MURPHY NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY S, IMS ~ ^ wintrr pa nm THI? mvTZ People You Kncfw *URPHY ?The Rev. J. Alton Morris la at tending the Southern Baptist Con vention In Miami, Fla. H. Bueck will ' attend the annual meeting of the trustees of Western Carolina College at Cullowhee Thursday. Mr. Bueck is a member of the board of Trustees of the college. Mrs. B. L, Padgett, her sister, - Mrs. Ann Waldroup of Marietta. Paul Padgett and Sheridan Stiles spent Sunday In Waynesville with | Mr. and Mrs. John Posey. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Williams and son, Hu, have returned to .their home in Tallahassee, Fla., after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Parker. Richard Forrest arrived last week to join his wife, the former Miss Mary Bolan Brumby, here. Mr. and Mrs. Max William Go forth and son Billy and Miss Belle Fuller of Pacolet Mills, S. C. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fuller. Mrs. A. B. Owens and children, Porter, Allen and Fain have re turned to Garland, Texas after a mont's visit here with Mrs. Owen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fain. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Forester spent the week end In Lenoir City, Tenn. with the Utter. s mother, Mrs. Butt Mrs. S. D. Akin has returned from a visit with her daughters, Mrs. Paul Shocfield in 8tatesville, and Mn. George Powell In CJiar lotte. Miss Kate Axley returned last week from Statasville where she spent the winter with her brother, Cart Axley. ^ Mrs. Mercer Fain spent last week iu KnosrlUe with taw mothec, Mrs. T. I. Mount " Mr. and Mrs. S: 8. Williams were week epd guests of friends and relatives in A*&e?Ule. Miss Margaret Rice of Mineral Bluff, Ga., spent the week end with Miss Betty Clonts of Mbiphy, Ri. 2. H. M. I. Paul Padgett of Wash ington, D. C. of . the Main Navy Department Dispensary, is visit ing his mother, Mrs. B. It Pad gett and other relatives here. Paid has been in Washington cme year, having been formerly stationed at Trlnadad. He Is attending Georgetown Uni versity at night, majoring in For eign Service. ANDREWS Mr. - jL Mrs. Richard Parker have returned from a weeks -plane trip to Rapid City, South Dakota where They were guests of Mrs. Parker's brother-in-law and sister, Sgt. and Mrs. Bert Love and daughter, Trena. Miss Elizabeth Troxler of Haley, Tenn. spent the week end here as guest of Mrs. Ruth Starr Pullium. Mrs. Ellen fjersland 1 of Fontana was also a visitor on Sunday. Gwyn Anderson of St. Peters bury, Fla., spent the week end here with relatives. He was accom pamled home by )(rs. Anderson who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Devefeaux Birch field. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gels have have returned to Reading, Pa. af ter a weeks stay here at Valley town Court. Mr. Geia Is head of the needle department at the home plant of Berkshire Knitting Mills In Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Christy and con, Bobby, of Columbia, 8. C. spent last week $et? with Mr. Christy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Christy. Miss Doris Baxter, student at South Western Baptist Theological Seminary at Fort Worth,* Texas, has arrived lor the summer vaca tion. Miss Rcxter plans to enfage In summer work with the Stat* BTU program after a visit hen with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dflly Raxter. ? 'I Miss Lena Truett of Oak Ridge. Tenn. spent the week end here her father. Luther Truett. 173 Graduate Mon. From Cherokee Co. Schools I Hiwassee Dam High School Graduates 22 SYLVIA WILLIAMSON Salutetoriaa Douglas Davis of Western Caro lina College will speak at thencom mencement exercises of Hiwassee Dam High School Monday, May 23, at 7 :30 p. m. Twenty-two seniors will graduate. The baccalaureate service will be held Sunday, May 22 at 7:30 p. m. with the Rev. Lester Stowe delivering the sermon. Miss Irene Roberson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roberson of Suit is valedictorian of the class. Idas Sylvia Williamson, daughter ? 1 IRENE ROBERSON Valedictorian of Mr. and Mrs. Beecher William son of Liberty is sateitatorian. The graduates "include: Dennis Graham, Kenneth Boring, Kenneth Swanson, M. G. Curtis, Norbert Price, Wayne Loudermilk, Hubert Picklesimer, Don Brown, Bill Ma con, Irene Roberson and- Sylvia Williamson. Also Blanche Jones, Geraldine Henry, Wllla Lou Raper, Edith Long, Mozelle Long, Carzell Allen, Barbara Bruce, Louise Blackwell, Helen Picklesimer, Shirley Parmer and Maifol Radford. Honor Students To Speak At RVille 4 ' ^ BUCHANAN WILCOX CRISP ?to will speak at the RobbinsvlUe High School Wednesday night. May 25. Four of the i are pictured here, left to right, Ann Costlier, salutatorian, Jo Ana Bochanaa, Unto Wilcox, valedictorian, and Patricia Crisp. Leila Out, whose picture waa not available, win also speak. Five honor student* will be the speaker* at the Robblnsville High School commencement exercises Wednesday, Kay 29. The program will be held at S p. .m in the school stadium. Mrs. Leota Wilcox, valedictorian, will speak on "Bridges to the Stars" after the presentation of diplomas and awards. Before the presentation of di plomas by Principal James A Stanley, honor student Jo Ann Buchanan, Patricia Crisp and ! Leila Carr will speak. Their sub jects, respectively, are "Our Glor ious, Heritage", "Youth In the Atomic Age" and "Beyond To night". I The salutatory will be by Ann jcostner whose subject Is '"Hie Frontiers of Tomorrow''. The Rdbblrisvllle School Band will pi4 four selections. I The baccalaureate service for the 1165 graduates will be seld Sun day. Kay 23 at 11 a. m. in the school auditorium. The Re*. Frank Cook, pastor of the ftobhfnsvllle Methodist Church, will deliver the sermon. The Rev. jjoe Orr, pastor of the 'Robblnsville' Baptist Church will also assist at the service. ? The speaker will be presented by Supt. K. S. Clem. Special music will be by the sen iors, the chorus and soloist Fran ces Parsons with Billie Ann Mill saps at the piano and Lewis Enloe as music director. Graduating seniors, numbering some 38, are: Max Buchanan, Charles Cable, Mack Calhoun, Hugh Oolvard, Dale Garland, Kyle Garland, Lowell Garland and Dale Irons. Also Huel Millsaps, Arthur Odom, Larrjr Perkins, Melvin Rob erts, Harold Rogers, Ralph Stew art, and Jake Stratton. Girls are Evelyn Ayers, Edith Jane BMurchfield, Kathleen Brooks, Jo Ann Buchanan, Wllma Carpenter, Emlle Colvard, Marie Colvard, Ann Costlier, Juanita Crisp, Patricia Crisp, Leota Denton Wilcox, Anna Dell Deyton and Ro ma Edwards. ' Also Louise Holder, Christine James, Lavina Lovin, Retha Mae Medlin, Shirley Odem, Ethel Shef fey, Joan Shoppe, Shirley Stewart, Christine Stratton and Nellie Wal droupe. BLOODMOB1LE BE ] IN MURPHY JUNE 1 - V John L. Savage, chairman of A* Red Crou Blood program haa an nounced that the Had Crow Blood MobUe will ba In Murphy on Wed nesday, June 1, and win b? atatton ad %t the Pint Baptiat Church ' from 1 to t p. m. All who can poaat jbly donate blood aw urged to do Miss Gray To Entertain JWC The Junior Woman'* Club will ?meet tonight at 7:80 p. In. at the home of Miss Elisabeth Oray. , New officers will be Installed after which Klas Gray, theviut going president, will entertain at] tea. ' W ' < , lira. Qearge Use la the new eWb % "A Asheville Minister Be Andrews Speaker! All 11 schools in the Andrews School Unit .will closse Tuesday, May 24. The Rev. J. H. Brendall, pastor of West AsheviUe Methodist Church, will deliver the graduating address at the Andrews High School, Mon day, May 23, at 8:00 p. m. Representatives of the graduat ing class who will participate in the program are Maxine Mason, valedictorian, and Bobbie Conley, salutatorian. Some 48 Seniors will receive diplomas. The commencement sermon will be delivered by Rev A. B. Lovell, pastor of Marble Baptist Church, in the high school auditorium, Sun day, May 22 at 7 :30 p. m. Mrs. Leila Van Gorder, public school music teacher in the And rews School, will direct the High School Glee Club in several num bers in both exercises. The invocation will be by the Rev. Vitold Gobins, pastor of the Lutheran Church, Andrews; script ure reading by Rev. Austin Kim berlain. Free Methodist Church, Andrews. Marshals will be Junior class stu dents with the highdtt scholastic averages. Senior girls are Helen Adams, Thorn asine Almond, Rebecca Bab bington, Ann Barker, Barbara Barton Lois Breedlove, Jose phine Coffey Bobble Conley, Peg gy Conley Palmer, Sue Crawford, June .Qwi, ^Patricia Datvebezry and Mary Ruth Gibson. : Laughter, Jean Lovell, Jectn Lovin good, Dorcas Aim McGuixe Maxine Mason Patricia Painter Gladys MISS BOBBIE OONXF.Y Andrews High School saluta torian and winner of <2,000 Alcoa scholarship. (Scholarship story on Page 8) Pullium, Doris Teas and June Thompson Senior boys are Ray Adams, David Beck, Joe Collett, Jerry Lyle Cooper Bobby Cooper, Daniel Dills, Dean Docxery, Jerry Ed wards, Bobby Gibson, Jerry Gil bert, James Lunsford, Bill Mair and Carroll Matheoon. Also Roy Palmer, Lannon Poetell Dale Raster, Johnny Baxter, .Wai ter Raxter, William Todd Reece. Kendal Rose, David Seay, James Homer Taylor, Jr., Larry West, Gerald Wfteeler and David Young. Polio Vaccine Still Not Available Here The Salk polio vaccine is still not# available for the second shot due Cherokee County first and second graders, the local health depart-, ment announced today. The local department said in a telephone conservation with Dr. J. I A. Googlna of the state health de partment and U. 8. Public Health Service, in RalWgh, that Dr. Goog ins said the vaccine will not be i be available before school is out. He did not Vnow when the vaccine I would be available, it was report ed. Parents of first and second grad ers who received the first shot will be notified when the second vacci nation is available, the local health depafcment said. Murphy Square 1 Gets New Look Murphy's town square is getting a new look this week after a road crew from the State Highway Com mission moved in to remodel the four islands in the square. The silands will be tilled with asphalt and raised a little less than eight inches. The curbs will be painted yellow and the surface 'of the islands will be painted green. Pedestrian traffic will continue across the islands as it did in the past, Charlie Johnson, town clerk said. Two Ball Games Set For This Week End Murphy's undefeated baseball club will meet Hayesville here at 8 p. m. Friday, followed by a Sat urday night game with strong La fayette, Ga., team. The Georgia club, a member of the North Georgia League, is also' an undefeated team. Murphy has won four gam4e In four ? tacts. Last Friday Murphy beat favor ed RlceviUe eight to four before a small Murphy' crowd. Attendance at Murphy's opening game of the official season wad' hurt bey p re-game rata. The local club is now selling season tickets tor $10 each. Purchase of a ttc*et wffl mean h j big saving to spectator* who ex-' pert to see most of the home games' Rd Anderson, dub manager, said. Also the advance sales will help Cub Scout Meet Is Scheduled The third in a mHm of organiza tional meetings (or Cub Scouts in Murphy will be held at 9:80 a. m. Saturday in the community room of the Citlxena Bank and Trent Co. building. It was estimated that over loo] boys said they wanted to Join the I Cub Scouts during a recant poll atj the Murphy school. t Parents must take an active part I in the organisation before those I boys can be allowed to join, it was' pointed out. 1 ft packs can be established tn ' . sJEk. _ ; 103 Murphy Seniors T o Graduate Mon. Some 103 seniors will graduate Monday at the annual exercises at 8 p. m. in the school auditorium. j Mrs Winfred Townson Wells will give the address and will be in troduced by Supt H. Bueck. Mrs. Wells is the daughter of Mr. ani Mrs. W. D. Townson of Murphy. She is 1936 graduaate of Murphy ! High School and is now practicing1 law with the firm of Wells and j Henderson in Wallace. Howard Cornwell is valedictorian j and Hedy West is salutatorian of the class. Awards and medals to be present ed by E. H. Brumby include scholarship medals offered by the Murphy School board; the citizen ship medal of the Murphy Junior Woman's Club; and the dramatic medal of the Murphy PTA. H. A. Mattox will award the diplomas. Music will be pro vided by Mrs. F.dna Whitley, pianist; the girto' chorus and a troiifbone solo by Bill Evan Browning. Meanwhile representatives from six Murphy churches will take part at the baccalaureate service Sunday at 11 : V in the school audi torium. THE BACCALAUREATE The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Mark Jenkins, pastor of Calvary Epis copal Church, Fletcher. He will be introduced by local Episcopal lay leader Earl C. Van Horn. The inTe nation win be by Rev. ' Asmond Maxwell, pastor of the First Methodist Church and the scripture will be read by Raymond ' J. Joseph, lay reader of Murphy's | Catholic Chapel. Following the scripture a pray er will be led by Cyrus White, | First Baptist Church deacon and the benediction will be by the Rev. G. H. Guisler, pastor of the Free Methodist Church. E. H. Brumby, Presbyterian Church elder will make the an nouncements. MARSHALS Marshals at both the baccalau reate and graduation programs will be Georgia Sampson, chief, Judy Cook, Virginia Fcrwler, Mary Ruth Logan and Sue Beth Rowland, members of the junior class. THE CLASS The 1958 grafting seniors art: Joe Allen Anderson, Patsy Ander son, Evelyn Modean Arrowood, Rose Lowry Axley, Gordon Creed Bates, Barbara Jo Ann Buckner, Harry Howard Burgess. Clark Gail Byers, . Harold Clyde Chambers, Edward Thomas Chastaln and Al vin Birder Coffey. Giles Kenneth Coffey. Gwinda Lou Cole . James Howard Corn well. Virginia Dockery Comwell, Barbara Swaim Crisp, Clause Howell Crisp, Mary Prances Crisp, Shirley Bandy Davis, Carolyn Yvonne Denton, Bettie Lou Dock ery, and Christine Dockery. Also Myrtle Ruth Dockery, Net tle Sue Dockofy, Eddie Joe Elliott, James Franklin Foster, John Alex Fowler, Maurine Gaddis. Jo Louise Garrett. Mary Kathrene Gentry, Kathleen Gladson, Lucille Graham and Dan Marvin Hall. George Walter Hall, John Linton Hall, Nina Hampton, Donald Wil born Hancock, Mary Zell Haney, Bobbie Joyce Hariness, Reed a Mae Hartness, Harold Hatchett, Jr., Margie Hayes and Ann Houatin Hlckey. Also Roy Earl Hogan, Edward MRS. WINFRED WELLS Commencement Speaker Jackson Hughes, Jean Glenda Hughes, Lucille* Elizabeth Hyatt, Bonnie Hall James, Joyce Ann Jenkins, Virgil McKinley Johnson, Bobby Jones, Alvin W. Kephart and Ralph Alvin Kephart FURTHER GRADUATES? Also William Rex Kephart, Joyce KlQlan Annie Kilpatrlck Mack E. Ledford, Max Lefevers, Joyce Xs a be lie Lockaby. Charles McClure, Ralph Garry McClure, James How ard McCombs and Betty Juanita McLeymore. , Furman Henry McLeymore, Ola Esta Mason, Harry Webb Mat tax, Luther Mauqey, Virginia Ruth Mill tape, Howard Utrof Ger aldine Mulkey, Wallace Jamas Mur phy and Joseph CUfton Owenby Carol Elisabeth Owens, Edna Ann Palmer, Katharine Payne, Charles Kenneth Queen, Harold Jay Queen, Gertrude Raper, Mag gie Josephine Raper, 8unny Pran ces Raper, Glenn Lex Roberts, Virgil Lowell Scruggs, Gene Simons. James Edward Sneed, Eulala Stiles, Wifford Bobby Stiles, Rich ard Paul Sudderfh, Mary Nell Sut ton, Jeanette McClure Swanson. Jo Burrell Taylor, Meredith Irene Taylor, Shelby Jean Taylor and Bobby Glenn Teague. Eva Jane Thomas James Le roy Thomason, Elbert Edwin Timpson, Betty Truett, Frederick Earl Van Horn, Grade Hedwig West, Curtis Samuel White, Neva Jean Bates Whitener, Luella Wimberley and William Glenn Wimberley, Jr. STECOAHTO GRADUATE 13 , Solicitor Thad Bryson will speak at the commencement exercises at Stecoah School Tuesday, May 24 at 8 p. m. Baccalaureate services will be held Sunday at U a. m. Some 13 seniors will graduate including the following : Charles Fred Bradshaw, Tommie Newton Cable, Larry Russell Carringer, Cliff Ray Cody, Daniel Hyatt Greene and Jimmy Edward Gar land. . Also Betty Carolyn Crisp, Kelda Anette Crisp, Iris Jeannete Glad den, Frankie Oweh Bolder, Doris Jean Jenkins, Virginia Anita Pos tell and Efien Christine Sawyer. " Ilf ? ? t ? i ?

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