3L Wfwk** '??' I I ? UII PROMOTING MURPHY AND ANDREWS / ( I ^ ? i ? ? vituiwi! it pmira ? " murphy, north Carolina Thursday, apul u, uh twelve pages this week I, .'I .? r murphy Miss Juliet Pegttes and uin CKtllUe de Calongne visited Mr. and Mflf. *. j. Darnell in Atlanta last wrtjk and. Mrs. Jahnale Nunn haa returned from a vklt with relaUvea and Wend in Whiteville and Wilming ton. w. W. Gudger of Aahavllle waa mingling with old friend* in Mur-' Phy laat week end. Mr* Bailie Quean and m? Be luah Queen had aa guests Easter end, Miss Elda Queen of -At lanta, Mr. and Mr*. E. C. Queen' of Elixabethton, Tank, and Mr and Mra. Grady McGuire of Mary ville. Tenn. ^ The Rev. Robert A. Potter, Dr. Robert R. King and Charles Bar rett Sunday afternoon attended an AahevUle Presbytery meeting In Waynesville on Family evange lism to plan for men's rallies. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hamp ton and son, Gerald have returned to Indianapolis, Ind. after a visit here with Mr. Hampton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hampton. Mrs. Harvey Wilson and chil dren, Jay, Missie and Lucy visit ed Mrs. Wilson's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Logan in Gainesville, Ga. Easter. John Fowler who la In the Air Corps and has been attending school in San Antonio, Texas, has gone to a school in Mich, after spending a leave here with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Claude Fowler. Mrs. Lassie Barnett Swain of Fla., who accompanied her father home a few months ago, was joined by her husband J. H.'l Swain for a few days. ? T. J. Barnett who was very ID, I* much better at present time. I Mf. and Mrs. P. to. Hensley and daughter, Debbie, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., visited his mother, Mrs. Vesta Henaley in Murphy over the week end. ' ' ?! Mrs. Mary Cathron Sneed, Mrs. Valerie Brown of Murphy and Mrs. Josephine Higdon of Andrews, at-| tended a beauty school in Ckatta- I nooga Sunday and heard Vemon Isbell, hair stylist, lecture' on syncroniied Jet permanent*. Miss Billie Jane Rush returned Monday to Richmond, Va. where she is a student at Richmond Pro fessional Institute, after having spent the Easter holidays here with her parents, Ms. and -Mrs. W. L. I Rush. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harshaw of Richmond, Va. spent the Easter week end here. They were accomp anied home by the former's sis ter. Miss Ada Harshaw. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W v. Costenoi have returned for a week's visit at' ' Ft- Lauderdale, Fla. ? j Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Frasch ra-l turned Monday from a business . trip to New York City. ANDREWS Mrs Felix Brady hu returned ; after a visit over the week end with her husband who works in Boston, Mass., and flew down to Washington, D. C. where she also travelled via plane to meet him. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Palmer and three children Paula, Barry and Brad of Brevard spent the week end her* with Mr. Palmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pal mer. Mrs. D. E. Beck and daughter, Joan, Miss Wanda K. Moose and Charles Franks spent the week end in Col umbos, Oa. with MM. Beck's son-is-law and daughter, j* Mr. and Mrs. Dave Golden. , Al/c Don Dills stationed at A1-' I bany, Oa., spent the week end / with his mother Mrs. Lyman Dills. \ Mr. and Mrs. R. A Dewar have returned after a stay of sev eral days In Knoxville, Tenn., as ? guests of their daughter, Mrs. Alice Dewar Harris. 'Mrs. Lyman Dills has returned after spending last week in Ashe vffle with her. daughter, Mrs. W. G. McCandless and her family. < Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis had i as their xuests over the week end I, their children, Mr and Mrs. Whit akar Davis of the University of North, Oarallaa at dupel Bill, and Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Davis and their children of Franklin. Mrs. C. L. Johnson left Tuesday for several days st?y In Atlanta, Oa. El''* Percy Ferebee Announces Candidacy For Legislature Pfrcy TtnbM at Andrews thiai V(U announced his omlidiqr to run on the Democratic ticket for Qteroke* Qounty representative to the N. C. Legislature. Be will ea ter the Democratic Primary in May. Mr. Fere bee is president of Otiaens Bank and Trust Comp any. He has served several terms as mayor of Andrews, has ?erved as State Highway Commis sioner and a member of the de partment of conservation and de velopment. He Is president of Western N. C. Communities, Associated, is vice president of the Cherokee Histori cal Association and is president of the board of the new District Mem orlal Hospital for Southwestern North Carolina being constructed at Andrews. '? ? ' .] Third Suday Sing Set At School The monthly Cherokee County Third Sunday afternoon singing will be held Sunday, April 16 at 2 o'clock In the Murphy School Aud itorium. Everyone is invited to attend and there is no admission charge. Burt Killian is president of the singing convention. A number of visiting quartets will be heard in addition to the ifewly organized quartet made up of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, Ralph Killian and Catherine Killian. Glenn Ellis will furnish piano mus ic. ? ' . Fire Danger Is High, Ranger Reports With the high April winds and the sap rising in the trees, the for est tire leuon is now at its peak, U. 8. District Forest Ranger W. E. Howell said today. Brush burner*, loggers, fisher men and anyone who travels through the woods is asked to be careful with fire the Ranger said. 80 far this year there have been 30 fires in the National Forest protection area, the Ranger said. Eighteen of these fires were of an incendiary origin and all have oc cured in the western end of Cher okee County near the Tennessee State line, Mr. Howell asserted. Most of the fires were set from a car traveling along the roads, he said. - , The Ranger reported that on Easter Sunday morning 11 incen diary sets were scattered along the Joe Brown Highway from Unaka to the Tennessee line. The worst fire of the year, the Rang er said, was set at noon March 28 near Unaka. This fire burned 30 acres of ttmberland belonging mostly to Bayless Morrow. Ranger Howell pointed out that National Forest land belongs to all the people and everyone is urged to help protect it from destructive fires. Woman's Club Fashion Show Set Next Week A fashion avowing, featuring! fashions -for late spring and sum mer, will be staged in the Murphy School auditorium Friday, April 20, at 8 p. m. by the Murphy Wo man's Club (formerly Junior Wo i man's Club). Models will largely be club mem- 1 bers and their children and the clothing will be from Candler's, Murphy Supply Company, Carring er's Dept. Store, Jabaley's Roy V. Lo vingood ' s , Trudy's and Cow ard's. A Parisian theme will be fea tured and stage settings will fea ture a Paris street scene. Tickets are on sale by club mem bers at 75 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. Music will be by Mrs. J. W. | Davidson at the piano. A number of door prizes will be, given. I 1 Election Precincts Are Announced The Cherokee County Board of Elections have established election precincts and voting places as they were in the General election in 1952 as follows : Andrews North Ward, Andrews South Ward, Topton, Marble, To motla, Murphy North Ward, Mur phy South Ward, Hangingdog, Boil ing Springs, Upped Beaverdam, Un&ka, Long Ridge, ' Vests, Lib erty. Also Shoal Creek, Hot House, Walker School House, Culberson, Burnt Meeting House, Brasstown, Peachtree, Grape Creek, Ebene zer and Ogreeta. BOARD CLOSED The Local Draft Board will be clcsed April 17. Broken Sidewalks Replaced In Murphy Business Area About 5,490 square feet of new i concrete sidewalks have been layed in Murphy this week replac ing boken sidewalks in the town's business area. A committee from Town Coun-' cil made recommendations for the new sidewalks after making sur vey of the town. Cyrus Witt was the contractor for the Job using Class A con crete for the work. The following sidewalks im provements were made: In front 'of Carringer's Dept. Store, 27 lineal * feet;. 300 square feet. Between Candler's and Craw ford Tire Co., 12 Hn. ft.; 72 sq. ft; Regal Hotel driveway, 15 ft. long; 183 sq. ft.; Jabaley's 257 lin. ft. and 3,000 sq. ft. and Coward's, 155 lin. ft. and 1,81S sq. ft. Boxscom II I.C.IIMV4VI RALEIGH The Motor Ve hicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. X. April 0: RUled this year: 268 Killed to dale last y*ax: MO If Safety la Worth A life. Drive And Walk Carefully ! v Revival Now In Progress At Andrews Church A series of revival services is now In progress at th e First Bap tist Church, Andrews, with the Rev. B. Milford Vaughn of Ly man, S. C. preaching. The services are held daily at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The pastor, the Rev. John C. Oorbitt, is leading the kinging. Sally Buch anan is organist. The revival series began Mon day evening and will continue through the Sunday, April 18, service. # , THIRD DEGREE The local Masonic, order will hold a thrid degree meeting on Saturday, April 14, at 7 :30 p. m. in the Lodge Hall. The McCayesvllle, Ga., degree team will confer t$e degrees. TMsteastcrs Set Ladles Night Today Mdrphy Toastmastefs tonight (Thursday) will celebrate ladles night at Duke's Lodge. Club members, their wives and guests will attend. Superior Court Disposes Of Several Cases Tha following were among "aim disposed of by Superior Court af ter The Scoat went to press last ' week: James McSwaln pleaded guilty to escaping from a prison camp. Judge J. WU1 Piess sen tenced htm to three months addl tlonal Imprisonment. Frank K. Wright pleaded guilty to Oie same charge and received an additional sentence of one to thre? years. Walter Morgan pleaded guilty to forgery. His sentence was 18-21 1 months, suspended with probation for five years on payment of ISO and court costs. Two divorces were granted and one marriage was annulled. Naomi Auburn Patterson won a di vorce from John H. Patterson and *he was granted custody of their four children. Bertha Raper Crisp was granted a divorce from Gar land Crisp, and she was given cus tody of their two children. The marriage of Frankie Black well McDonald and Ray McDonald was annulled, on the ground that Mr. McDonald already had a legal wife before the marriage. Mrs. Miller Is Temporary HD Agent In County Mrs. William R. Miller of Brass town last week took up her duties as temporary home demonstration agent for Cherokee County after that position has been vacant since the first of the year. Mrs. Miller, wife of BUI Miller, program coordinator at the John C. Campbell Polk School, studied at Georgia State College for wo men and was graduated from the ..University at CtaMjfei -with * ma jor in home economics and minor in education and rural sociology! She worked as home demonstra-J tion agent for Catoosa County in Ringgold, Ga. before her marriage ' in 1945. The Millers have three children, Emily, nine; Bob, seven; and Nancy two. Mrs. Miller is largely working to meet the Home Demonstration Club schedule and assist County Agent Paul Nave in meeting the Four-H Club schedule. Gets 61,000 Trout Appalachia Lake in Cherokee County was stocked this week with 61,000 Brown trout finger lings, Arnold Dalrymple, Wildlife protector said. t The stocking was made by the Wildlife Resources Commission with fish from the Marion hatch ery. Mason, Townson Candidates For Mayor In May Election W. D. TOWNS ON Republican Candidate L L. MASON, JR. Democrat Candidate GOC Post May Be Closed; Meet Called -3 Craft Workshop Set Saturday The Cherokee County crafters will conduct a craft workshop Sat urday, April 14, from 9:45 a. m. to 3 p. m. in the Bellview Com munity House. Free Instructions will be given in weaving, aluminum etching,' copper tooling and copper enam eling. Demonstrators -wilt be 11A Clyde McNabb, president of the crafters. Mrs. Edna Fleming, weaving, Miss Phyllis Snyder, Miss Leila Hayes and Mrs. Han cock Davis, copper enameling; Miss Dale Sudderth, etching a luminum trays; and Mrs. B. E. Warner and Mrs. Luke Ellis, cop per tooling. A pot luck lunch will be enjoyed and everyone interested is invited to attend. The Beilview Home Demonstration Club will be host-! ess with Mrs. T. E. Anderson as' club president. AGRICULTURE WORKERS The next meeting of the Cher okee County agricultural workers council will be held the second Thursday in May, it was announc ed this week. A meeting of the council was or iginally scheduled for today, but has been called off. BIG CATCH PRACTICING Already: Barty Akia (Left) and Leonard Jooea, both of Murphy, most have beta getting in a little practice for Jta Mg Cherokee County FUtaf Contest when they caught this string. They reported oatrhlag these la the Og recta lecttoo of Htwaaaee lake a day or two before the wBH spaaed last week. The oaM is being sponsored by the Murphy Chamber td Commerce. ' H. Bueck, Civil Defense Direct or in Murphy, this week said "We do not have a sufficient number of volunteer observors to continue the operation of our Ground Obser vor Post in Murphy." A meeting of all persons inter ested in maintaining this defense service has been called for today, Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 p. m. in the Murphy School library. Mr. Bueck said the minimum number recommended fcr the op eration is 168. At no time has the local post had more than 75 and many of that number were chil dren, Mr. Bueck said. And, he added a number of the adults who volunteered have found it impos sible or inconvenient to serve. W. C. Messer, CD supervisor and Frank. Ellis, chief observer expressed the feeling that the post should not be closed without giv ing the people of Murphy, and es pecially those who have served so faithfully, an opportunity to ex press themselves on the question, Mr. Bueck said. Also to be discussed at the mat ing tonight is the problem of find ing a new site for the post. The present site, on Alden Coward's property, will be prepared for building. Civitans To Have Birthday Celebration The Murphy Civitan Club will have a two-fold birthday celebra tion at their meeting Monday, Ap ril 16, at 6:30 p. m. at the First Methodist Church. The club will celebrate its sixth anniversary and at the same time wil lhohor the 366th anniversary of the organization of Civitan Inter national. Dr. A. J. Headrick, president re- ' ported that an interesting and en tertaining program has been plan ned. Candidates for the Town of Mur phy election May 8 were announc ed this week by heads of the Demo crat and Republican parties. Incumbent Mayor L. L> .Mason, Jr., completing his second term, will be the Democrat candidate for mayor in the election while W. D. Town son is the Republican candi date for mayor. Mason was elected the party's choice for mayor by acclimation at the meeting of the Town Dem ocrat party Monday night. The six Democrat candidates for council were elected by the party Monday as follows: Cloe Moore. John Jordan, Francis Bourne. Jr., and W. A. Singleton, all incumbents, and E. H. Brumby and Alvin Buchanan. REPUBLICAN SLATE Meanwhile the candidates for council on the Republican slate were announced by party chair man J. Doyle Burch as follows: H. E. Dickey, Doyle C. (Buddy) Burch, Hayes Docker?, Don Ram sey, Roy Lovingood and J. B. Mul key. The Republican candidates were nominated and selected by the Republican executive commit tee. REGISTRATION Town of Murphy voters were re minded to register for the election. All persons who did not register for the water bond election in the fall must register before being eligible to vote in the May town election. Registration books will be open Saturday, April 14, 21 and 28 for the town registration. It was pointed out that the town registration is altogether separate from the county election books and voters must register in each to be eligible for the town election and for all county elections. A new Cherokee County registration is also being held this year with the county books opening April 28 for the first registration date. Also at the meeting Monday the Murphy Democrat party re-elect ed Robert Weaver as chairman and Mrs. Hermar. Edwards as vice chairman and Mrs. Ruby Craig was elected secretary. Weimar Jones' Mother Passes Mrs. George Andrew Jones, 93, died Sunday, April 8, sit 5:30 a. m. at her home in Franklin following a short illness. She was the mother of Weimar I Tones, publisher of the Franklin Press, formerly of Andrews. Surviving in addition to Weimar Jones are three other sons, one daughter, a sister, 36 grandchil dren and a number of great-grand children. Funeral services were held Monday at 3 p. m. at Franklin Methodist Church. KONNAHEETA CLUB The April meeting of the Konna heeta club will be held at Nanta hala Inn, Thursday, April 19 at 7 p. m. Crippled Children's Drive Is Lagging The Crippled Children's drive i being conducted through the Eas- | ter Seal Sale la lagging all over i the county behind laat years do nations according to as announce- i ment by W. D. Whin taker, Cher- < okee County chairman this week. Other benefits are expected to be given this week and donations will Ms accepted for an extended time. _ ? Due to the fact that the local clinic for crippled children is being conducted monthly makes the drive for funds more urgent at this time, Mr. Whltaker stated. He asked for the moral support of individuals to make this years drive og "Over the top." , In addition to the sale of lilies by the Cub Scouts, the cotn cans and seals, the Town "of Andrews Jonated all money collected from Its parking meters on last Thurs day. The clinic serves Cherokee, Graham, Clay and part at Macon counties. Meanwhile, Mrs. Roy Puller, chairman at the drive in Murphy, asked all persons who have hot sent in their money for the seals mailed them to do so at once. Mr? Fuller said of the 976 letters and seals mailed out not over 900 hav* been returned. Mrs. Fuller also said that the returns are still incomplete from industry and business here. Dw expressed appreciation to all per sons whe have assisted in the drive, particularly the girls who conducted the sale on MHrphy _? ?

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