COUNTY'S FISHING CONTEST VOLUME M NUMBER | ECONOMY V AC ATIONIAND CHEROKEE COfJNTY DEDICATED TO PROMOTING CHEROKEE COUNTY THURSDAY, AUG. li, 1906 12 PAGES THIS WEEK PDBLman Andrews Ball Club Has Outstanding Record Andrews Was Two More The Andrews baseball team now holding a 11-3 record will play boat to Isabella, Tenn., Sunday af ternoon at 2:10 (August 19). Andrews played a return game at Epperson, Tenn., Saturday af ternoon, winning by the score of 7-5. Fred King now pitching regular ly for the Andrews team wen his second straight game without S defeat King had a shaky first inn ing, but pitched excellent ball the rest of the way. The Epperson team collected eight hits; four of them in the first inning. Andrews took advantage seven timely hits and four walks for the win. Jerry Gilbert's home run with two men on tied the game up In the second. In the top of the seventh with the score tied Henry Braswell doubled with two men aboard. These two runs gave Andrews another victory. David Hogsed and Cecil Mash burn were the leading batters for Andrews with 2 for 4. Andrews, seeking revenge foe the the last Sunday's 2-1 defeat, won over Franklin by an 8-4 score on Sunday afternoon at Andrews. Guy Taylor on the mound for Franklin gave up six hits, one base on balls, and six runs the first inning. Taylor beat Andrews at Franklin last week, but could not hold his own 8unday. Cecil Mashburn pitched the win for Andrews, giving up six hits and striking out six. Mashburn had a wild third inning giving up three lilts, two walks, and two' runs. After the third things were under control, and Mashburn re- 1 ceived superb backing by his fielders. The leading batters for Andrews were David Hogsed and Willis Anderson. Each collected two hits for four trips to the plate. Seay, with 2 for 4, was the big gun for Franklin. US 64 Scene 01 Another Accident Mrs. Bessie Golden, 50, of Route 2, Culberson was struck by a 1939' Buick Monday while crossing the' road about 20 miles west on US! Highway 64. Patrolman Hefner states that) Mrs. Golden had Just stepped out of a truck and started across the. road at the time she was hit. ' She was taken to Providence hospital where she was treated for head injuries and bruises on her legs. Valleytown H. D. Meets Wednesday Mrs. H. M. Hamilton will be hostess for the August meeting of j the Valleytown Home Demonstra-j tion club on Wednesday August I The meeting will be held at the picnic area near her home on the old Robblnsville Road. Large Catches Reported Fishin&r Contest Nearing End With only four weeks left of the fishing contest, you fishermen better get busy. Already there has been a. number of contest entries. The leaders in the contest uP to date are W. D. Pharr, Decatur, Ga., a 9 lb. large mouth bass; Jack Pinson, Murphy 8 lb. pike; Richard Caldwell, Murphy % lb. rainbow trout; Mrs. H. F. Camp bell, Atlanta, 2 lb. 1 os. Crappie; Walter Jones, Unaka, 1 lb. Bream, Mr. J. M. Lowery, Chatt., Tenn., 3 lb. 3 or. small mouth bass. Only those fish caught and en tered between April 5, 1956 and September 30, 1956 will be eligible. Each catch must be verified by a witness, and by a weigh-in sta tion manager. Entry blanks may be turned in at any one of the fol lowing weigh in stations: Grif fith's Boat Dock, at Dukes O. C. Payne's at Suit, W. B. Dockery's at IQwassee Dam, Claude Dorsey's Sport Shop at Andrews, and Cher Cherokee Comity's Delegation Leave Cherokee County's delegation to the second Western District 4-H Conferences left for Swannanoa 4 H. Camp, Monday, August IS. The 4-H Club members from Cherokee Cbunty attending the week long event will include Pa tricia Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith of Brass town, James It. Adams, asst. county ?gent, is also attending the camp. Delegates from the fifteen west ern counties will be at the 8waa naaoa meeting along with a group of county Extension Agents and personnel from the extension staff df North Carolina State Col lege. The meeting will be devoted tr improving Junior leadership, re cord keeping, personal develop ouiftr opportunities in MS port. Featured an the pKgtsm wd led by ?* ? ?-< ' AoMpt Director at the V Ruth Current, State] itrsttton Agent; t. * Harrfll. State ? okee Cafe at Murphy, Arbor Autel, Murphy, Claude Janes, RL 3 Ranker, Rd., John Morley, Unaka. Prizes will be awarded for the largest fish caught with fly, cast ing or spinning tackle, or pole and line in waters open to the public in Cherokee County. Seperate prtx-j Bell View H. d7 Club To Have Annual Picnic The Belhdew Home Demon stration Club will have its annual picnic at the community house next Tuesday, August 21, at 7 p. m. Mr. Adams, Asst. county agent will show a film "Room Of The Soil". Everyone is invited to come and bring a lunch basket Farm Bureau Dist Meet Held Monday A district meeting of the Farm Bureau was held on Monday August IS, at Bryaon City for the six most Western counties. Those attending from Cherokee county were: Judd Stiles, presi dent of the Cherokee County Farm Bureau; Paul Naves, county agent; Mrs. Kat? Shields and Mrs. Ben Warner. Mr. Will Rogers, director of the organization for this farm bureau tgave a most interested and In formative talk on the aims and ob jectives of the farm bureau. He pointed oat the fact that It Is the largest organisation ? for farm families in the world. One of Its chief alms ifc to increase the farm net Income. . . Our county asked to reach a quota of 80 members. We hope to do much better than that. There was a short talk by Mr. Jones of the farm bureau insur Tates from Haywood county. Mr. msm at an Mads, and Mrs. Walter from Greensboro ' who wort* with the women of d? or Mr. W. B OoIDna, WMtdk dis trict torn agent, te his Aort talk impressed upon us the advantages of being a member of Farm B?> reau. Cm If we tot sen more Chan one gallon of milk, or 1 lb. of 3 a year. f to have a membermip this county Aasust ?T, ?. es will be offered for each of the following type*: trout; large mouth' baas; email mouth bass; pike; panfish; crappie; bream, etc; cat fish. Prises will be awarded on weight. In the event of a tie, the length and girth of the ish will be the deciding factor. 1htO0 \ VMfH\ face}''' k *?? s'u>r* 'or * 'on* 6lte*okee County fyollu By Annetta Bunch MBS. JOHN DONLEY New Officers For Cherokee County Infantile Paralysis The following are a list of the new officers and the executive committee for (he Cherokee County Chapter of the National Foundatiot for Infantile Paralysis, for 1996 and 1007. County Chairman: Frank For syth; Treasurer, John Gill; Secre tary, Gertrude Worth en. Executive Committee: Mrs. Frank Ferguson; Jim Hawse; R. 8. Bault; Jake Buchanan. Pleating the public is One Mrs. John Donley's gifts. She hai| been doing Just that at Candler': since 1940, where she Is now em 1 ployed as salesclerk. Mrs. Donley knows her mer chandise and Is well qualified to nelp her customers. She is artistic minded, and her attractive displays in Candler's windows denote this talent. Mrs. Donley, or "Donnie" as aer friends call her, is married and lives in Mooreland Heights. Her hobbies are meeting people and growing and arranging flow ers. .\antahala District Scoot Coonolttee The Nant&hala District Scout Committee will meet Thursday August 18, at tip John C. Camp bell Folk School at Brass town. It will be a dinner meeting be ginning at 6:90 p. m. All commit tee members in Murphy are urg ed to attend this meeting. Andrews Annual Red Cross Meet The annual meeting of the And rews Chapter of the American Red Cross will be held August 30 at 7:30 p. m. in the City Hall. W. D. Dibrell of Ashevtlle, man ager of the Buncombe County chapter will be the guest speak er. Annual reports will be heard from the various committee chair men and also a report from the nominating committee recently appointed by Jeff Brooks, chair man at the Andrews Chapter, to present a slate of officers for the combtg year. Tom Day is Blood Bank chair man and Charles Delaney is secretary-treasurer. Presbyteriaa Circle The Evening Circle of the Wo-' ! men of the Church of Murpy Pres byterian Church met Monday night with Mrs. R. A. Potter at the Manse. Mrs. Evelyn Sneed presented the program on "The Prodigal Son." A social hour followed the pro gram when the hostess served re freshments to Mrs. Ann Phillips, Mrs. William Fain, Mrs. Kiffen Craven, Mrs. R. H. Foard, Mrs. ?Ed Hyatt and Mrs. Sneed. Cherokee County Teachers Named For 1956-57 Term The following are the Cherokee County Teachers, for- 1966 and 1957. Ranger: Mr. Douglas H. Smith, Principal, Mrs. Ruth D. Carroll, Mrs. SaUle K. White, Mrs. Osie S. Foster, Mrs. Myrtle Moore, Mrs. Evangeline 8. Johnson, Mrs. Violet L. Storm, Mrs. Luella J. Newman, Mrs. Ruby Kate Watson, Mrs. Ruth H. Smith, Miss Maud E. Collins, Rev. C. A. Smith. Wolf Creek: Mr. Wyndom M. Kilpa trick, one vacancy. Hiwassee Dam: Mr. Harest E. King, Principal, Mrs. Frank Singleton, Mr. W. Grady Ander son, MT. Paul Ray Hawkins, Mrs. Vesta R. King, Mr. Lyle Carring er, Miss Jewell Garrett. Mrs. Edith M. Evans, Mrs. Ruby W. Wilcox, Mrs. Thelma K. Kis sel burgh, Mrs. Vesta T. Vemer, Mrs. Lois B. McNabb, Mrs. Maude D. Radford, Mrs. Annie Lou K. Rogers,, Mrs. Edith 8. Anderson, Mr. JtDMkC. Evans, Mr. Walter H+tym, Mr. S, U ieeamm, NeU W.^CHbson, Mr.'jcfcmv Gib tmaltt: Mr. J. FmnMfa Smith, Principal, Mr. J. Aides Cooke, Miss Darlene Chastaln, Mrs. Out das a Carrtngsr, Mrs. Lucile M. Mmtow. . , White Church: Mrs. AMOm a Brown; Pttodpal, lbs. Mo Donald. Mrs. millll W. flwrtry.j ? Hendrlx, Mrs. A via S. Hoover, Mr John T. Smart, Jr. Peachtree : Mr. Clarence Hen drlx, Principal, Mrs. Thelma P. Axley, Mrs. Irene K. Stowe, Mrs. Mattie Lou Penland, Miss Dale Sudderth, Mr. Verlon Martin, Jr., Mrs. Marcella H. Smith. Martins Creek: Mr. R. C. Pipes, Principal, Mrs. Bertha H. Carring er, Mrs. Ruby M. Hemphill, Mrs. Beulah B. Sales, Miss Geneva Chaataln, Mr. John W. Hogaji, Miss Jarry Ruth Smith, Mr. James P. Crisp, and Mr. Charles F. Hen drlx. Mrs. Maggie Belle K. Pinaon, Supervisor. Youth Fellowship The Youth Fellowship at Peach- 1 tree Methodist Church ?u organ lxed Sunday Bight, August 12. This | meeting will be held every Sun day night beginning at 740. The purpose of these meetings is to develops a clearer understand- 1 tag of the Bible and to get to* Tl The offlcera Instaned are: ICer^l Ideth Taylor, yrMldMt; John English, assistant; Calvin Tlmp- 1 son, eecretary; aad Olrllne Taylor | leader. la tavtted to attend | Murphy Presb}i., -^ns Will Observe 60th Anniversary Members of the Murphy Pres byterian Church are making plana for the observance oi the 60th an niversary of the organization of the church on Saturday and Sun day, September 1 and 2. Ail former pastors and supplies are being invited to the celebra tion. A picnic dinner will be served on Saturday, Sept. 1 at the church, and that night, the history of the W. E. (Ed) BfiCHAEL, At. New W. N. C. Lions Leader The Murphy and Andrews Lions Clubs are under the Jurisdiction of W. E. (Ed) Michael Jr., of West Asheville, newly-elected Dts trlct 31-A Governor for the 196# 57 club year. Michael, wno served as deputy district governor during the past year, succeeded Lawrence B. Leatherwood of Waynesville as governor of 39 clubs with 1,607 members in 12 western mountain counties for the new club year which began July 1. He has also served as president of the West Asheville Club, Chair man of Zone 3, Region 2, and dis trict 31-A Cabinet Secretary-Treas urer. The new WNC Lions leader has been master of John A. Nichols Lodge No. 650, AF and AM; chair man of the West Asheville Divi sion of the United Fund of Ashe ville and Buncombe County; and a member of the Review Board of the Buncombe County Committee on Public Solicitations. A native of Rowan County, he has resided in Asheville since 1906. His first Job was a carrier for the old Asheville Gazette. He attended the Asheville city schools and studied accounting. Michael was engaged in the drug business for 34 years, 18 of which he was associated with the Palace Pharmacy in West Asheville. He has been owner and operator of Cobble's Department Store In West Asheville since 1M8. His wife is the former Miss Margar et Frances Smith of Charleston, S. c. He Is a member of the West Asheville Presbyterian Church, the board of trustees and secretary of the executive committee of the Asheville Orthopedic Hospital, the Asheville Chamber of Commerce, and the West Asheville Business Association. |A Rnunage ^alePlaraed i. The ladies of at WiUiam'i Par iah have aunt?wad a praacfcoul rummage sale for Friday and Sat urday, Aujuat 17th aad 18th. The location will be the former location of the Ctoth Shop next to HoweQ'a Market on the way to the port office. The time will be ? a.m. to5p.rn.oe Friday and l a. m. to S p. m. on Saturday. (Mm aad ahoaa tor both okQ