DRIVE SAFELY WATCH FOR . ?.>. > ? %? - ? ? * ?* ~ ? - ? SCHOOL CHDL1HUBN 1 PUBLMHim wwbwtv SALETOWN, N. C. COMING SOON ! S VOLUME M NUMBCBr-7 In The Above Photo Shown Left To Bight Nooh Lovtngood oft : Murphy Supply Co. and Dub Sia-jl (toton of Western Auto. They are pointing to the largest promotion In the history of Murphy, Sale Town North Carolina coming your way Monday September It through Saturday September 10. Morphy Bulldogs vs Andrews Wildcats j OPENING GAME F RIDAY NIGHT Football coach, Ralph McConnell and athetotic Director "Ike" Ol \ son report the football season will begin with two rival teams, the "Bulldogs" from Murphy and the * "Wildcats" from Andrews battling it out Friday night starting at 8 p. m. at the Murphy Fairgrounds. Fifteen returning lettermen on the Murphy team will be looking forward to action as well as the neweft members of the squaA The probable starting lineup will b? T.-R Tin. Hendrix; LT-Norris West; LO-Joe Swain; C-Charies Smith,; RG-Bob Hendrix; RT. Don Amos; RE-Benny Pipes; QB BuK Birchfield; LHB-John Mor ris; RHB-Bill Jones; FB. Bobby O'Dell. The others expecting to see act. ion are Ends, Hoyt Zimmerman and Bill Lovlngood; Tackles, Carl Radford and Carson Rogers; Guard, Johnny Mulky; Backfield Bobby Morse. "Ike" Olson reports that the following senior lettermen; Norris West, tackle; Joe Swain, guard; Charles Smith, center; Billy Jones, | halfback; Bobby O'dell, fullback; are all experienced and' will give a good account of themselves. He also states that these lines- . men, Don Amos, tackle, 190 pounds (the largest member of the Bull dog squad) Bob 'Hendrix, guard; Benny Pipes, end; and Jim Hen drix, end are showing marked im provement in each of their respec tive positions. Burt Birchfield, quarterback, and Johnny Morris halfback are showing up good in squad work outs. The newly organized quarterback club is actively engaged in pro moting sports state Frank Alexan der, president. They urge that 1 you come out and support your 1 team on this opening night. Re. member Friday night at 8 p. m. at the Murphy Fairgrounds. Ad mission $1 for adults or 60 cents Local Woman StruckBy . School Bus Wednesday morning at 8:10 a. m. Mrs. Clara Clark, 82, of Route 3 Murphy was struck down a short distance from her home, by a local school bus going south toward Murphy. The accident occured on the Hanging Dog road, in front of John Gentry's house. Mrs. Clark was on the west side of the road trying to flag the rural mail car rier, Charles Hyatt, and was re ported by Ray ^Hefner to have stepped out in the path of the school bus, operated by Kenneth Kephart, 17,' student driver. Mrs. dark is In Providence hospital, and reported to be to critical condition. Charles Hyatt, the mafl carrier was the only eye witness besides the children on the bus. Hefner states that no charge has been mads. I for students. The following Is the Murphy Bulldogs schedule for this season: Sept. 7. Andrews-Home* ; Sept. 14 Bylva ? Home*; Sept. 21-Bethel ? A way ; Sept. 28-Robblnsville ? A way?; October 5-Bryson Clty_A Away* ; Oct. 12-Hayesville? Home* ; Oct. 19- Cherokee ? Home* Oct. 2?- Franklin ? Home*; Nov. a- Andrews Away; Nov. 9-Hay esville Away. NOTE; The games with the stan are the conference games. ? ^ Perry Abernathy Kills 14 Snakes Joe Abernathy reported that his son Perry, killed 11 copperhead' snakes this summer in Boiling Springs section near his home. Also 3 rattlesnakes have been killed. The snakes were killed with a 22 rifle, and a garden hoe. Mr. Abernathy states that this is I the most snakes he has seen in his I 55 years living there. Open House Ranger Grange There will be an open house meeting of the Ranger Grange on Monday night, Sept. 10, at 7 :30 o' clock. T. W. Ferguson special deputy of North Carolina State Grange will be present to discuss the Grange Insurance, Farm Program and other things of interest to the county. O. W. Gull edge is Master and Glenn Patton is Lecturer and in charge of the program. the public is cordially invited ed to attend. Artificial Breeding Assoc. Re -Organized The Cherokee County Artiflcal Breeding Association was re-or ganized Friday night, Aug. 31, at a meeting held in the Court room with Mr. John Brown, Field representative of the American Breeder Service and Mr. T. C. Blalock Extension Dairy Special ist from State College were pres. ent. The following directors were elected: Bert Smith, Truman Mc Nabb, Leonard Stiles, J. B. Shields Grant Stiles and Ream Gibson. Mr. Frank Ghlrlnghelli has been employed as the technician to In seminate cows and will be taking the calls at his home and his tele, phone No. is VEmon 7-2969, and the calls should be in by 11 a. m. if you want your cows bred the same day you place the call. The fee will be J7.50 for the first .three services. Mr. Ghlrlnghelli will have semen for purebred Hol estine, purebred Guernsey,- pure, bred Jersey bulls in the dairy breeds and also will have semen from purebred Hereford bulls for anyone that would like to raise veal calves from their family cows. The calves sired from the purebred Hereford bull cannot be registered as the American Here ford Association does not register calves sired through artificial in semination. If you have any questions con. cerning this program contact the County Agent's office. neserve space f or Educational Booth If any person or organization is Interested in placing an education al booth in the Cherokee County Fair, please contact the County Agent's office at once so that space may be reserved for the ex hibits. There Is still room for any exhibitors that would like to put on an exhibit the week of Sept. IT. 23. Gk&iahee County Qolkl By Annetta Bunch Mrs. Loren Davis, often called T Trudy" because of her assocla-1 ion with Trudy's, finds her work lever grows dull. There is enough irarlety in her work to keep It iA. Cresting. She and her husband jwn and operate a modern wo men's apparel store on Peach tree itreet. "Trudy", originally from And ?ews, has lived in Murphy seven ten years. Foi- six years she ha? been constantly an the Job in the store capably displaying her mer chandise. She is moe^ gracious uid helpful to her customers and her winning smile helps sell the HttdUCt She is secretary in the Begin ler's Department at First Baptist Church and an acti^ member of Circle No. 3. She is a civic mind. Ml person and can be counted on to participate in any kind of pro. motion for her towa or oounty. Mrs. Davis and her husband, Lorea, have " two children, Judy, Mrs Loren Davis 18, and Dickie 11. They live la a beautiful new colonial borne a few miles from town on Andrews Road. Murphy Merchants Ready For Sale Town Murphy will be known as Sale Town North Carolina for one whole week starting Monday, September 10 as merchants stage their big gest bargain festival of the year. Thousands of real bargains in buying will be featured in this week-long event. Sale Town cli maxes months of planning by mer chants "to make this town? wide shopping event a real bargain i bonanza," Dub Singleton, chair man of the merchants committee declared. Mayor L. L. Mason Thursday, August 30, proclaimed Murphy to be officially Sale Town North Car olina during this event. Special Sale Town banners will be display ed in all the store windows. The entire family will find many outstanding bargains wherever they shop. There will be clothes for the individual; household items for the home; useful items for your business; bargains for auto owners; outstanding food specials, plus many more things too numerous to mention. This will be a wonderful oppor O. E. S. Meets {September 10 At the regular meeting of the Xndrews Chapter No. IS Order of the Eastern Star Monday, Sep tember 10 at 8:00 p. m. to be held in the Masonic Hall Mrs. Shirley McHan of Bryson City, District Deputy Grand Matron, and Audrew J. Wood, of Cullowhee, district Deputy Grand Patron will pay their official visit to the local chapter. Thomas Day Is Attending Banking School Mr. Thomas C. Day, Assistant Cashier of the Andrews office of Citizens Bank and Trust Company, is in Madison, Wisconsin, attend ing the University of Wisconsin School of Banking. Mr. Day left Andrews August IS and will return in early September. The Banking School conducted by the University, at Wisconsin if a nationally recognized School of Banking and is attended by bank ers from all sections of the United States and some foreign countries. The course requires three years and this is Mr. Day's first year. Guests Speakers Andrews Chapter James Mc Daniel, assistant ad. visor to Agheville Regional Blood program, and W. D. Dibrell, chap ter manager of Buncombe County chapter of the American Red Cross also of Aaheville, were guests speakers at the meeting of the Andrews chapter, Thursday, and presented slides made recently of tests made in the deserts near Las Vegas, Nevada. Jeff Brooks chapter president presided and announced that a slate of officers would be present ed at the next meeting. Manager Dibrell presented a placque to Dr. Charles O. Van Gorder for participating Hospital, Red Cross Blood program. B W C Meet Mrs. Amos Harris will be host ess at her home in Nantahala for the September meeting of the BWC of the First Baptist Church Thurs day (today) at 7:30 p. m. A report of the nominating com mittee will be heard at this time. Masonic Meeting September 7 r The Andrews Lodge No. 529 will hold an emergent communica tion Thursday, September 8, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of con fering the third degree in the Masonic Hall on Main Street. i ' Special Speaker For Grange Mr. T. W. Fergerson, special deputy of N. C. State Grange will be in Cherokee county next week to discuss the work of the Grange and how they may help our Unit ed Forces for Education and Committees for various Agri cultural Products. The schedule Is: Ranger? Sept ember 10, 7:30 p. m.; Hiawassee Dam, Sept. 11, '7:30 p. m.; Mar.* tins Creek, September 12, 7:90 p. m.j. Peach tree meeting will be country wide and a meeting that the public in invtted to attend. All rwsoriA are naked to' bring a cov. I ?r*d dish for the supper. New Quarterback Club Organized Twenty local business men met Tuesday night, August 28th in. the i Murphy High School library for the I purpose of organizing a club for' boosting Murphy High School Athletics and recreation for the town of Murphy. Officers elected were: President Frank Alexander, vice-pres., Dr. William R. Gossett, Sec.-treas., J. N. Boling. Board of Directors, Dr. George Dyer, Dr. Harry Dick ey, Dr . Carl Meroney and Nat Kinney. Meetings will be held every Tuesday, 7 :30 p. m. at the Murphy High School Library. All local businessmen inter, ested in becoming better acquaint ed with Murphy High School athle tics and also the problems of re', creation for the town of Murphy are invited to attend the next meeting. j Charter members will be accept ed until midnight Tuesday, Sep tember 18th. A resume of the previous weeks of Murphy High School football games will be given at each, meet ing by Coach "Chuck" McConnell [and "Ike" Olson. - HEALTH DEPARTMENT GIVES VACCINE EACH MONDAY The above photo proves that some of the people in Cherokee County are being wise by having themselves and 'their children vac cinated against the dread disease Vets Apply Now For School Aid ' Veterans who plan to enter schools and colleges this (all under the Korean G. I. Bill were ad. vised today by Mr. John A. David son, District Officer, N. C. Vet. erans Commission to make early applications to the Veterans Ad ministration. Mr. Davidson said that veter ans entering training under Public Law 580 would need a certificate of eligibility and entitlement from the Veterans Administration. He stated that his office is ready to assist in obtaining this certificate and suggests that veterans inter ested should bring a certified or photostatic copy of their DD Form Veterans who taiWl in a full time school or college course will receive subsistence allowance of 1110.00 with no dependents, $136.00 with one dependent, and $180.00 with more than on* dependent. For more, detailed Information veterans are invited to contact the N. C Veterans Commission, ' District Office located In tpe HU1< Parke- **uiM1rig . Murphy, North i Carolina. Polio. The county health department Is giving every Monday morning', Salk vaccine to those who want it. The only effort on the public's part is. to go to the ccrtinty health department to receive this vac. cine. This is very little to ask considering the possibility that it may keep you or your child from being crippled or paralyized bj this dread disease. Now that your child Tias started back to. school he or she will b< in contact with others more thar ever. Not only will there be th? danger of taking polio from th? local group of children, but thej will be meeting and making nev friends. They will be participat ing in activities together, thus in creasing the chances of takinf polio. There is no excuse on your part Take your child and yourself t< the county health department, o .local physician and be vaccinate* I against infantile paralysis. Friday Night ~ Sing ing ChuKed To All singers the Friday nigh singing has been changed t Thursday starting this week. Val leytown church, Andrews, N. C. IHok Richard's New Office Location Dick Richards local Natla wide Insurance and Real Mat agent is now operating in hia net office In the Brant Building. - It to located "(Erectly over th Police station. I tunity for everyone to come to Murphy and visit ' the fine stores and shops. You will find that your shopping tour will be complete in every respect. Sponsoring stores and businesses are: Smoky Mountain Gas. Co., Murphy Laundry and Cleaners; Acme Hardware, Murphy Supply Co.; Candlers; Sossoman Furni ture Co.; Ivie Furniture Co.; Trudys; Citizens Bank and Trust Co.; Walter Coleman; Allison and Duncan Tire Co.; Davis Jewelers; Murphy Electrical Shop; R. V. Lovingoods; Farmers Federation; Cowards; Jabaleys; Davis ESSO Service Center; Ingrams Gulf Service (now Jones Gulf Service); Wilson's Pure Oil Station; Palmers Sinclair Service; Western Auto Associate Store; Murphy Hard ware; Gibbs Hardware; Hyde In surance Agency; Cherokee Pon tiac Co.; and many other firms. Minister Of Five Churches Oppose Pearsall Plan In view of the fact that citizens of North Carolina are called upon to go to the polls Saturday, Septem -ber 8, to vote upon an amendment to the state constitution called the P tarsall Plan, in regard to the op eration of our public schools, we! the undersigned ministers of Mur phy wish? without attempting to ?peak for our local churches? to share with the voting constituency of this area our common view point. (1) We believe the Pearsall plan is contrary in its teachings to New Testament, and Christian practice. The New Testament Church favors, we believe, an in. teregated pattern for society. This it assuredly does for the church, the redeemed body of Christ: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gelatians 3:28) Furthermore, the Christian practice is of course to obey the law, and not to try to evade it (2) We believe that the Pear sall Plan proposed In the Amend ment to be voted upon is likewise impractical in regard to the nature of public school education to be provided, and the quality of that education. The proposal visual izes a two-platoon system of schooling; public schools, as now; and private schools supported by public funds. No explanation is offered as to how the system will be initiated and carried out. Can. dldly, we are operating our public schools, at present, below the right standard. In some areas facilities | Are limited; it is difficult to ob tain qualified teachers; and many | of these are underpaid. With add. ; ed schools, the problem will be accentuated, at additional costs; r and we, think, with further low ^ ering of our standards. We believe that you will serve the interest of our children, and our state, and be in line with God's will by voting against the ' proposed amendment. I Signed: j Earl Nbrris, Free Methodist r J. Alton Morris, Pastor of 1 First Baptist Church William L. Russell (priest-in charge) Episcopal Church Of the Messiah Robert A; Poher, Murphy Presbyterian Afmond Maxweft, First ? Methodist T? Be There will be an annual Red Croea meeting held to the home of n Mrs. doe Moore. County chair. ? hub. September IS. at 8 p. m. All chairmen and Red Croea re. [> ?wlaUm are urged to attend thle meeting to plan for the eom Ji

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