VOUUICE M NUMBER? 12 THURSDAY, OCT. 11, UM ten pages this week published weekly Fishing Contest Climaxed With Jndgimg of Entries Prizes Total Nearly $225 To Fishing Contest Winners The fishing Contest was climaxed t Monday night when the final judg- i ing was made. This contest was < one of the successful projects the ! Chamber of CMUnerce of Chero- i kee County sponsored. ] Approximately $225 in prizes were given to wiqners. They were . awarded for the largest fish caught 1 with fly, casting or (pinning tack- 1 le or pole and line, In waters open in Cherokee County. Only one ] prize, awarded on weight, was ] given to each individual. ] The winners were as follows: i Large Mouth Bass: First prize ! goes to W. D. Pharr, 636 McKay < Street, Decatur, Ga. who caught I a 9 pound large mouth bass. He i will receive a No. 300 Mitchell Spinning Reel, donated by Kadfords Saw Service. Second prize goes to < Sam Green, Tate, Ga. who caught < a 7 lb. 14 oz. bass; a Zebco Spinn- ; ing Reel, donated by Claude 1 Jones. i Small Mouth Bass: First prize to Anderson Petett, Route 1, Mar ietta, Ga. who caught a 3 lb. 3V4 oz. bass; a Nebco Spinning Reel, donated by ACme Hardware. Sec ond prize to J. M. Lowery, Chatta nooga, Tenn. who caught a 3 lb 3 a fly rod, donated by Duke' Reel donated by Hayes and Hopson Sporting Goods in Asheville. Pike: First prize to Jack Pinson, Murphy, who caught an 8 pound pike; a 7 foot glass spinning rod donated by Cherokee Cafe. Second prize to Frank Ashe, Brasstown, who catight a ? lb. 12 oz. pike, 25 gallons Sinclair gasoline donated b* Elmore Kilgore. Rainbow Trfut: First prize to Wayne H. Curtis, Andrews who caught a 2 poSnd 4 ounce trout; an Automatic Sopth Betid Fly Reel, donated by Western Auto in Mur phy, and a Fly Line donated by Mauney Drug Co.. Second prize went to Richard Caldwell of Route 1 Murphy, who caught an 8 ounce trout; a Shakespheare Automatic Fly Reel, donated by Murphy Hardware Company. Brown Trout: First prize, Lester R. White, Andrews, who caught a 2 pound 2 ounce trout;. An Auto matic South Bend Fly Reel, donat Murpy Civitans Sponsor Quartet The Kings man Quartet also Charles Matthews anU the Melod iettes Trio are being sponsored by the Murphy Civitan Club. They will appear in person at the Murphy High School on Saturday, Oct. 13 at 8 p. m. Admission 90c and $1. The Murphy Civitan Club will soon get under way with their an nual Christmas fruit cake sale. Grading System Discussed At Murphy PTA A panel discussion regarding tin methods of grading primary students was held at the first meeting of the Murphy PTA Mon day evening. Mrs. Frank Forsyth directed the discussion. It was agreed among teachers and parent* on the panel that the traditional method of A, B and C grading gave the students more incentive and the parents a better knowledge of how their children ware progressing. For the . past several years the method of , S for satisfactory" and U for (unsatisfactory) has been used in the Murphy Primary schools. Also the classification of children according to their ability level and 1 having a teacher for each group 1 is being tried and so far is proving ? to be very satisfactory. It gives 1 the keener child more competetton ? and makes him work harder and < the slower, one mere emcouiage- i meut < ? '.-jf ? :-V. ?> V, 4 Teachers taking put on tin panel were Miss Addie Leather wood, Miss Emily Sword, Mia Juliet ; Peguese and Mrs. WHlitms. . Parents were J. H. Duncan, Bod Alverson and George Bunch, Mrs. Asmead Maxwell's Glee I Club presented a parody on . sd by the Western Auto in Murphy, ind a Fly Line by Mauney Drug Zo. Second prize to Grady Howard, Juit, for a 1 pound 12 ounce trout* i fly rod, donated by Duke's Lodge. Bream: First prize, Walter lones, Unaka, a 1 pound bream, a ackle box donated by Jim Frank in. Crappie: First prize to Mrs. H. P. Campbell, 2695 Lenox Rd. N. E., Atlanta, Ga.; who caught a 2 pound 1 ounce crappie; $5 cash, donated by Roy Lovingood's store Second prize to Charlie Devlin, Canton, N. C. who caught a 1 lb. 3 oz. crapfte; a tackle box, donat ed by Granville Radcrlff. Catfish: First prize, Oscar Pain ter, Postell, Tenn. wno caught a 1 pound 15 ounce catfish; $5 cash donated by Ingram Gulf. Second prize to R. E. Whitener, Farner, lenn. who caught a 4 pound 7 oz. catfish; a glass casting rod, donat- ' ed oy Mauney Drug Co. Carp: First prize to Bernard Jackson who caught a 9 pound carp; complete auto service, by Davis ESSO Service Center. Judges in this contest were Hor ry Sword, Arnold Dalrymple, Pete Stalcup, W. A. Singleton, and C. R. Freed. All winners were notified by mail Wednesday and prizes may be picked up by the winners at the Cherokee Cafe. Everett English, chairman of the fishing contest committee as sisted greatly in working out this contest, and the Chamber of Com merce states that tbey are looking forward to sponsoring a bigger fishing contest, with bigger and better prizes next year. This fishing contest proves that Hiwassee Lake fishing area still remains to be the best fishing lake and the best variety ih Western ? North Carolina. Bull Dogs Lose To Maroon Devils 21-12 By Robert Potter Murphy's Bulldogs had what it takes in its feature game of the season, Friday night at Brysoa City; but Swain bad that, and more? and thus sent Murphy's brave team home on the unhappy end of a 21-12 count. The Maroon Devils of Bryson fielded a well-knit team: smart, facile, in handling and running the ball, weO-drilled In fundamentals, moving with power and dispatch. In some departments the Bulldogs were a match for them; but Mur phy was outweighed in the line about 18 pounds per man. The Bulldogs surged into the game like hounds unleased for their first seasonal hunt, and haa the heavier Maroon Devils rocking on their heels soon after the kick off Swain received. Bryson fumb led and recovered but West and Amos broke through to give Swain men a decided loss and forcing a punt. Taking the ball at mid-field, Mur phy picked up a few yards on one play; and then O'dell electrified the Cherokee fans with a fine off tackle thrust that took him to the Swain 4-yard line. There .Bryson City buckled, giving a foretaste of; things to come; but Jones finally smacked over for first blood. The extra point was missed. A fourth down pass by Swain later in the quarter when the Bull dogs and on-lookers were expect ing punt? from L. D. Hyde to "Spud" Hyde help set up the first Swain touchdown. The pass car ried -22 yards to Murphy's 24 as the quarter ended. Bryson City gains and a 15 yard penalty a gainst the Bulldogs carried to Mur phy's 3 from which point "Spud" Hyde ran over. Randall, whose punting and extra-point kicking, was ably done through the entire game, booted the point that sent the home team ahead. \ But not for long. On Randall's kick to Murphy's five, Bobby Mor ris thrust back to the 38; and Mur phy went on to advance the ball almost to midfield. Then on a pitchout "Red" Jones, accorded good protection, eluded Swain tacklers and raced 53 yards for a touchdown. Again extra point was missed. On the next kick Bryson aided by passes, drove down field, Hall carrying from the 31 yard line of Murphy to the 18. But on the next play Norris West pounced on Hall's fumble on the IT. Hie Bull tegs were hnable to gain, and a short pant pat the Mama Devils dangerously date again, but half time Ait short scoring chances. ' Early fat the secood half Swain surged ahead to ?tay. After Jim Hendrix had ran back the kick-off to hit 35, Murphy was farced to punt. Ike Maroon Devils, taking the ball on their 31, in a series of well-executed plays, went all the way, to Murphy's yard line. In two Plays Han pinfeed Over, following a large opening into touchdown I in, n I,, ? 'vl X ilOs J ? Early la the foftrth period Bry son City -countered again after re cowing a fumble oa Murphy's 4ie,,a a 15 yard penalty. "Stub" Hyde] ran elusively for 20 yards, how-: ever; and from this point Swain moved on down to score again, Hall bangiag over. Unable to gain noticeably through the big Swain line, and cut down on attempted end runs by Bryson tacklers crashing through more than once, Murphy resorted to passing; and, with an end run by Jones, - worked the ball to Swain'* 40, but there the Maroon Devils held. After making gains, Brysbn was forced to punt, Ran dall sending the ball out of bounds on Murphy's 10. Jones made a first down on his 20, and Birchfield carried to the 25, but time ran out. Late in the game the No. "77s" of each team left the play a little while apart amid the well - deserv ed plaudits of the crowd. Bryson's "77" was Hall, the smashing full back; and Murphy's, Don Amos, who played a bang-up game on de fense that reduced greatly Swain yardage. The Bulldogs were hard at prac tice early this week under Coaches McConnell and Olson, unhurt by the bruising Swain encounter, and in good spirits for the Hayesville game on the Murphy field at 8 o'clock Friday. The match should not be a hard one for Murphy and should provide opportunity for oth er members of the squad to ?et in the game. The Bulldogs merit our cheers not only for the four games they so handily won but also ? and even more? for the match with Swain which they so bravely lost. They had what it takes; no discredit to them that Bryson City had more. Cherokee Eodge To Hold Third Degree Meeting A meeting will be held at Cher okee Lodge 146 Saturday at 7:30 p. m. W. M. Leon Kimsey announces that the third degree team from Dillsboro will be present to confer degrees upon candidates. Breakdown Delays Scout Due to mechanical difficulties and machine repair the Cher okee Scoot did not go to press until Thursday. Hie first run of this edition was made possible through the Ooorteay of Weimar Jonee editor of the Franklin Press. The Cherokee Scout editor and the Scoot foreman made a fast trip to Franklin en Tuesday evening arriving back in Mur phy at 4 a. m. Wednesday. Machinery was pot back in op eration late Wednesday and the final run of the paper was completed Thunday. Our apologies for this unavoid able delay, and our many thanks to the Franklin Press for coming to our rescue. Pictured above is Charles White deputy sheriff, holding up a large rattle snake. He- and Jack Mc Millian killed this snake at Beavei Dam Creek near Cliff Radford's property on October 2. The snake had twelve rattlers. Laymaa's Day To Be Observed The First Baptist Church will ob serve Layman's Day on Sunday morning, October, 14, during the regular morning worship service. The theme for the program will be "Stewardship of Revival". Special Music will be presented by an all men's choir, directed by C. E. Hyde. GUenakee County fyollu Bff Annettu Bunch New Marble Elementary School Dedication Is Set The Dedication Exercises for the Marble Elementary School will be held Sunday afternoon, October 14, at 2:30 p. m., in the school audi torium. A. B. Combs, Director of the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, Raleigh Andrews Defeats Cherokee 39-7 Andrews met Cherokee on the opponent's field at 2:30 Friday October 5 to win with a score of 39-7. Cherokee got the first score and Dwain Winfrey ran 18 yards a roupd the right end. Kett Laughter tried for an extra point', Lawrence Johnson ran 11 yards aq|d made an extra point to make tWs score 7-6 in the first quarter. In the second quarter Archie Myers ran 32 yards for a touch down then Kent Laughter kicked the extra point. Lloyd Derreberry passed to Laughter 10 yards to score the third touchdown. In the third quarter Laughter scored a touchdown. For the final score Laughter made an extra point to end the score with 39-7. The Andrews football team (WILDCATS) will meet the Sylva team in Andrews Frjday evening. American Legion Auxiliary To Meet Thursday Night The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Thurshday night, Octo ber 11th at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Bayless. All members are urged to attend this important meeting at which time new officers for 1956-57 will be installed, and new members welcomed. October is designated as "Mem bership Drive Month." Anyone who is not a member of this national organization, who is eligible, and would like to join in the work to help our dis-alded vet erans are asked tDycall Mrs. Her- 1 man Edwards or Mrs. John Dav idson for application. Help us to help those who cannot ] help themselves. Special Service At Bell Hill On the first Sunday night in November there will be a special service at the Bell Hill Bible Bap tist Church, 7 miles West of Mur phy, N. C Special singing featuring the famous "Snowbird Indian Quar- 1 tet" from Bobbins ville, N. C. Evangelist Howard Kilpa trick will I bring the message. Make plans to | attend this service. Given Emphasis is being given this in the Murphy Presbyterian | Church oo Church Extension this bring the season of Church Ex tension. At T:SO p. m. Wednesday, a movie on the theme, "Seed-time and Harvest" win be shown. Next will teO of var of Hoi at 2:30 p. m. a| will be held at| at Unaka. The Rev. i] Mtii'il jfcH i'n North Carolina, and former Super intendent of the Andrews School Unit will be guest speaker. Also appearing on the program will be Congressman George A. Shufford of Asheville, N. C. from the tewel th Congressional District. All in Final Meeting Set Tonight A second meeting of the farmers and extension workers of Cherokee County was held Thursday evening October 4, at the courthouse, con tinuing their efforts toward fur thering the progress of the new Farm Income Program. Paul Nave, County Agent, ex pressed disappointment in the num ber of people present at this meet ing. He urg*es the farmers not to miss the final meeting. The next and last of these meet ings will be held Thursday (to night) at the court house at 8 p. m. The meeting will last until 9:30 p, m. The farmers present will adopt ways to solve the problems brought up at previous meetings, and the extension workers will at tempt to meet the goals set up for them. Mr. Naves stated that this is the farmer's program, that the farm ers will be deciding at these meet ings what the program will be for the next several years, and he urg es everyone to come to the last meeting and help work out the new program. terested parents and citizens are extended a cordial invitation to at tend the Dedication. Following the Dedication the building will be open for inspection. The parents and children of the Marble Community are happy to enjoy a modern fire-proof building after having vac?* Tbene twins weren't watting. Wednesday evening Mrs. Franklin bortaadt* the Cherokee Hospital. Tiny get to Trulls Service Stadew in Tomotla, and that was the ex JUOHmj. eaMft for