$17,400.00 Goal - $30,000.00 MAKE IT A SAFE YEAR IN 1957 DEDICATED TO PROMOTING CHEROKEE COUNTY VOLUME 66 NUMBER ? 18 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1957 TEN PAGES THIS WEEK published wejcklv I ? : ; : Mary E. Haigler Named Homemaker Of Tomorrow at Murphy High School ? Mary E. Hangler, of Murphy has been named "The Betty Crocker Crocker Homemaker of Tomor row" in Murphy High School, i She is the 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Haigler and is a senior of Murphy High School. The new homemaker competed with 62 other high school seniors December 4, in a written examin ation on homemaking knowledge and attitudes, given by Mrs. H. Bueck and Mrs. Hilda Olson, and sponsored by General Mills. For her achievement, she re ceived an award pin designed by Trifari of New York, which was presented to her in the chapel pro gram Monday January 28, by Mrs. H. Bueck, home economics teacher. Mary's examination paper will bo entered in competition to name this state's candidate for the title of All-American Homemaker of Tomorrow and will also be consid ered for the runnerup award in the state. The national winner in the third annual Search conducted among 300,256 young women in 11,636 of the nation's public, private and parochial high schools will be named May 2 at the American Table banquet in the Waldorf-As toria Hotel, New York City. Each state Betty Crocker Home maker of Tomorrow will receive a $1,500 scholarship and an educa tional trip with her school advisor to Washington, D. C., colonial Wil liamsburg, Va. and New York City. A {500 scholarship will be a warded the runnerup girls in each state. The school of the state win ner will receive a set of the Ency clopedia Britannica. With an overall "B" average grade for four years of high school, she has still found time to take part in the many school activ ities; having been the reporter for the Business Club and P. T. A., and or the Annual Staff. She also won first prize in the senior class mag Uurphy PTA To Hold Founder's Day Program on Monday A founder's Day program will be held at the regular meeting of the Murphy PTA on Monday night at 7 :30 at the Primary Auditorium. Mrs. Asmond Maxwell will be in charge of the program, according to Mrs. Merle Davis, president. A Founder's Day birthday gift offering will be taken for the ex tension of the PTA movement and its work. All former PTA presidents and charter members will be recog nized. The eighth grade boys of Mrs. Dair Shields are to present the program, and will be of special interest to fathers. * Fire At Murphy Shoe Shop, Cause Unknown The Murphy File Departmen* answered a call to the Murphy Shos Shop, operated by Hembree and Ledford on Tennessee Street, Thursday, evening about 7:30. The {ire was discovered by the owners before a flame started, the cause was unknown and no dam age was reported. MARY E. HAIGLER iine contest sponsored by the Curtis Publishing Co., the prize be ng a watch. Writing and basketball are her riost liked hobbies. She is employ - d part-time by James Hilton at j lilton Business Equipment Office. 1 Two Persons Hurt In Car-Truck Crash Wednesday Two persons were injured slight- ' ly Wednesday night, Jan. 30 about ; 11 when a car rammed into a park ed pickup truck on Highway 64 east of Murphy. Jessie Lee Arrant of Route 4 1 Blairsville, and Jimmy Stiles of j Murphy, were both struck by a late model Chevrolet while standing on , the shoulder of the road beside the truck. The car was driven by Wil- ; liam Ray McBrayer of Hayesville. Both were given emergency treatment for bruises at Provi dence Hospital and dismissed. . Highway Patrolman Ray Hefner said that the truck, driven by Ar rant, was traveling toward Murphy and had stopped on the left should er of the road near the Filter plant with lights burning to fix a flat tire McBrayer, traveling west saw the lights of the pickup and as- j suming that it was in the right j lane, attempted to pass to the right. Seeing his error, he jammed on 1 the brakes and skidded sideways into the pickup, hitting both Ar rant and Stiles who were standing beside the truck. Arrant was charged with parking i on the left side of the road with lights burning and McBrayer with . exceeding safe speed for driving conditions, PatrolmanHefner said. Officii h Named For Cherokee Polio ?~w* - -x- - hS * Fund Drive; Mother's March Monday POSTMASTER'S JOB OPEN AT ANDREWS An examination for Postmaster at Andrews, at $4890 a year, will be open for receipt of applications until Feb. 19, 1957, the Civil Ser vice Commission announced today. The Commission is taking all possible steps through special pub licity to civic and other commun ity organizations to encourage well qualified persons to apply for the examination. Competitors for the postmaster /acancy in Andrews must have at least 2 years of experience showing that they have the ability to con duct and manage the community's postal business efficiently and to supervise employees so that custo mers are satisfied with the ser vice. Competitors must show that they can deal with the public agreeably and effectively and that they are reliable citizens who would com mand the respect and confidence of patrons of the post office. Applicants must take a written test. Those who pass will be as signed final ratings on the basis of this test and on their experience, ability, and character. There is a 1-year residence requirement and applicants must have reached their 18th birthday on the closing date for receipt of applications. Per sons over 70 years of age may not | >e appointed. Cherokee Store Burglarized Saturday Night Franklin Smith's store on the Peachtree Road, known as Smith mont, was burglarized during the night of February 2. The intruders entered the build ing by breaking out the glass of a window. An estimated $40 to $50 in merchandise was taken includ ing flashlights, batteries, pocket knives and cookies. No arrests have been made, ac cording to Sheriff Claude Anderson who said that he is still investi gating the robbery. Dr. Headrick To Represent Murphy's Toastmasters Club In Speech Contests Dr. A. J. Headrick, president of the Murphy Toastmasters Club, will represent the Club in the Area Four Speech Elimination Contest 1 'o be held at the Battery Park Ho tel in Asheville on February 16. Dr. Headrick will deliver his speech of "Cat and Man" at the meeting. He won the right to rep resent the Murphy Club with his prize winning ' speech, "The 111 credible Kangaroo." Area Four clubs in the contest are Asheville, Canton, Murphy, Pigeon Valley and Waynsville. The first and second place winners will compete against Area Seven winners, at a later date. All Murphy Toastmasters and their wives are invited to attend the dinner and contest in the Grove Room of the Battery Park Hotel. Womanless Wedding Slated At Andrews High School The Konnaheeta Club of And rews will sponsor a "Womanless Wedding," Saturday night at 7:30 in the Andrews High School audi- i torium . Mrs. Ruth S. Pullium, the club's president, said that this is the first benefit sponsored by the club this yea.*. Members of the all male cast are: bride, ? Joe Mintz; bridegroom, Lr B. Nichols; Miss Jilted, S. J. Gernert; bride's mother and father, Luke Ellis and Gordon Butler; bjidegroom's mother and father, ten Ray and Robert Heaton; maid of honor, John.Slagle; solist, the Rev. John C. Oorbitt; and, per . forming the ceremony, James , Wood. Bridesmaids will be Tom Day, Edgar Wood, John Ellis, Joe S Ur sa vage, and Charles O. Frazier; flower girls, Clifford Hulls and Herbert Sheidy; ring bearers, Tommy Axley and Joe El-Khouri; aunt o( the bride, Frank Maennle; uncle of the bride, Harry Shaw. Ushers are Edwin Bristol, Char, les Delaney, James Baer and A. B. Chandler, Jr.; out-of-town guests will include Fred Haney, Amos Harris, Dick Oonley, W. H. Fuller, Tommy Fuller, Jack Mintz, Rich ard Parker and others. Konnaheeta club committees are costumes, Mrs. S. J. Gernert, Mrs. F. E. Blalock and Mrs. W. W. Ashe; decorations, Mrs. A. B. Oiandler, Jr., Miss Ada Mae Pruette, Mrs. Charles Delaney, Mrs. L. L. Love, Mrs. Jack Led. ford and Mrs. Ruth S. Pullium; corsages, Mrs. W. T. Forsyth and Mrs. A. B. Chandler Sr. In charge of music, Mrs. Rob ert Heaton; .posters, Miss Tribly Glenn, Mrs. Grady Garner and Mrs. H. E. Davis; script, Miss Jean Christy; and serving at the door, Mrs. Jack Ledford. The program is being sponsored by the Konnaheeta Club for the benefit of Polio, Care, Red Cross and the Hospital grounds. AWARDED 45 YEAR SERVICE PIN ? S. N. Bobo, Murphy Agent for the L&X railroad, received a pin recently for 45 years of service. Shown here a ro (I. to r.) R. H. Wilson, Division Fre'ght Agent; S. N. Bobo; Mrs. S. N. Bobo; E. R. Harris, Assistant Trainmaster; and Billy Vest, Operator. Mr. Bobo began his service in Jasper, Ga., on March 10, 19 10 as a station attendant. He came to Murphy as agent in April, 1937.