Support Your I a/>q] Red Cross Unit DEDICATED TO PROMOTING CHEROKEE COUNTY VOLUME (6 NUMBER ? 41 MURPHY, N. C. MAY 9, 1957 TEN PAGES THIS WEEK Don't Turn Your Woodlands into Wastelands-Be Care - ful With Brush Fires ? PUBLISHED WEEKLY NEW HIGH SCHOOL TO BE DEDICATED? llio Board of Education of the Murphy School Unit has announced that the Murphy High School will be dedicated on Sunday, May 19 at S p. m. in the high cahool gymnasium. The public is nlvited to attend. fcnd-Ui- 1 erm Activities Slated In Murphy Schools The schedule for commencements and other 'exercises at Murphy School was released this week by Supt. H. Bueck. The Baccalaureate Service will be held Sunday, May 19th, at 11:15 a. m. in the school auditorium. The Rev. J. Alton Morris, pastor of the First Baptist Church wilt deliver the Baccalaureate Sermon. Sunday May 19, at 3 p. m. dedi cation and open house will be held at the New Murphy High School building on Andrews Road. Attor ney General George Patton will speak. Eighth grade graduation will be Tuesday, May, 21, at 8 p. m. with Hobert L. McKeever as speaker. High School awards and medals will be presented on Award Day, Friday, May 17, at 9 a. m. Senior Class Day will be held at the same time. High School graduation will be Thursday, May 23, at 8 p. m. This week some 50 eighth graders and their teachers are in Raleigh, Wilmington and other cities on their class tour of the state. Elementary school May Day ex ercises were held last Friday. Primary grades (one through three) will have a May festival Friday May 10. Miss Betty Weaver Local Winner In Essay Contest Miss Marjorie Elizabeth "Betty" Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver of Murphy was the winner in the county phase of the 1957 essay contest on "Vision and Highway Safety", according to Dr. William R. Gossett, local contest chairman foi the North Carolina State Optometric Society. Dr. Gossett added that the win ning essay writer will be presented a prize of $25.00 U. S. Saving Bond. The winning essay selected from each county now will be entered in the district competition. One win ner will be chosen from the district to compete in the state contest. A $500 U. S. Saving Bond, plus an all expense paid trip to the North Carolina State Optometric Society's annual- banquet in Ral eigh May 27, will be awarded the state winner. A $100 bond will go to the second place winner, and the third place essay will earn its au thor a $50 bond. Dr. Gossett also had words of praise for the school officials who helped make the contest one of the most successful projects ever un dertaken by the society. "Withouf the help of the teach ers and principals," he said, "the contest could- -not have been suc cessful, and the Society owes them a debt of gratitude." L L Love New Andrews Mayor L. L. Love was elected mayor Jn Andrews in an election held there Tuesday. Mr. Love, a Democrat, polled 215 vote* and his only opposition, Grady Garrett, Republican, had 148 vote* on a write-in ballot. Aldermen elected were Mark H. Elliott with 2M votes .Marvin Pal lium, 297; Luther Truett, 298; and Richard Flowers, 272. They are all Democrats. Grady Barlow, a Republican, drew 37 write-in votes. The incumbent, A. B. Chandler, Jr., did not seek re-election. CHEROKEE tOUNTY DEATHS Ralph G. Barton Of Murphy Killed In Florida Automobile Wreck Monday Ralph G. Barton, 47, son of Mr. and H. A. Barton of Murphy, was killed Monday in an auto accident near Miami, Fla. Funeral services will be held Thursday (today) at 2 p. m. in To motla Methodist Church. The Rev. C. A. Smith and the Rev. Jack Palmer will officiate and burial will be in the church cemetery. The body will remain at Ivie Funeral Home until time for the services. Pallbearers will be Ben Palmer, Max Sneed, Neil Sneed, Dewey Garrett, Pearl Swaim and Jim Hembree. Surviving, in addition to the par ents are two sons, H. A. and Jack, and a daughter Evelyn of Ports mouth, Va; one brother, Guy A. of Marathon, Fla., three sisters, Mrs. Irene Scott of Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. Sallie Stiles of Atlanta, Mrs. Blanche Garren of Asheville, five nieces and five nephews. Dora H. Sorre Us Mrs. Dora Seay Hooper Sorrells, 82, died in her home near Hayes ville at 2 p. m. Sunday, May 5, af "Kiddie Park" Set To Open June 1 The "Kiddie Park" sponsored by the Murphy Recreation Committee is scheduled to open June 1 ac cording to Hobart McKeeVer, chair man. The park is equipped for almost any sort of activities, the equip ment consisting of two different size wading pools, several swings, see-saws, merry-go-round, a slide and sandpiles. Other members of the committee are Merle Davis, Joe Ray and Ar nold Beerkins. The chairman re ports that the park will be under adult supervision and each child will have to present a certificate that he or she has had at least one polio vaccine betore they can at tend. The schedule hours of the park will be announced later. Rev. Christmas To Preach At Andrews Church The Rev. Clinton J. Christmas, pastor of Mt Lebanon Baptist Church, Maryville, Tenn. will preach at both morning and even ing services next Sunday at the First Baptist Church in Andrews. The Rev. Christmas is a grad uate of Fur man University and of the Southern Baptist Seminary. He has held pastorates at White Pine, Dandridge, Tenn.; Calvary Baptist Church, Alcoa, Tenn.; and Mary ville, Tenn. -He was chaplain In Korea and in the States for eighteen months. He is married and has three sons, ages thirteen years, eight years and thirteen months. Dr. Roy McCulloch retired of Asheville is serving as interim pastor of the Andrews church. A fellowship hour will be held in the ladies parlor at t]ge church on Sunday afternoon from S to 5 p. m. Everyone is invited. ter a brief illness. She was a daughter of the late Osborne and > Cindy Lou Rogers Seay a prominent Towns County, Ga. family. She had lived in Clay County more than 35 years. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m. Monday in Mt. Pleasant -Baptist Churcn near Hayesville of which she was a member. The Rev. J. K. Hutchins and the Rev. Berlin Thomas officiated, and burial was in Union Hill Cemetery. Surviving are the husband, Jule Sorrells; three daughters, Mrs. Ef fie Rice of Travelers Rest, S. C. Mrs. Ernest Sims of Hiawassee, Ga., and Mrs. Ruby Kitchens of the home; two sons, Kirk Hooper of Ringold, Ga., and Dennis Sor rells of Hayesville. Also five, sisters, Mrs. Lillie Par ker of Westminister, S. C., Mrs. Ollie Day of Atlanta, Mrs. Icie Shook of Athens, Ga., Mrs. Ida York of Bellgrade, Fla., and Mrs. Marlor Shook of Hayesville; 13 grandchildren, and 21 great-grand children. Townson Funeral Home was in charge. Hesby 0. Bracken Hesby Herbert Bracken, 62, died at 8 p. m. Saturday, May 4 in a Murphy hospital after a brief ill ness. He was a native of Clay County, a son of the late Dillard and Mat tie Higgins Bracken and had lived for the past nine years in the Mar tin's Creek section of Cherokee County. ' -He was a member of Truett Memorial Baptist Church in Hayes ville. Funeral services were held at 2 (Continued on back) page High School Bus Driver's Road-e-o Here On May 15 A school bus driver's Road-e-o for senior high school boys in Cher okee County will be held May 15 at the Murphy High field. About 15 entrants from Hiwassee Dam, Andrews and Murphy High Schools are expected to participate in the school bus driving contest, according to Joe Sherrill of Bry sjn City. Mr. Sherrill, a representative of the N. C. Dept. of Motor" Vehicles, said that winners in the contest will receive prizes donated by lo cal merchants. Winners will also be allowed to compete in the District Contest to be held June 3 at which time $1400 in scholarships will be awarded. Judges in me Cherokee County contest will be from local civic clubs. Old Martha's Creek Baptist Ckirck Services Announced The Rev. Vernon Davenport, pas tor of the Old Martin's Creek Bap tist Church announces that there will be" preaching every second and fourth Sunday afternoon at 2:90 at the church. The West Union quartet will take part in the service this Sunday. The public is cordially invited to attend. 3-Day ^?*fy Check Lane Started Here Wednesday Dr. George Dyer New President Of Murphy Civitan Dr. George Dyer was elected president of the Murphy Civitan Club for the 1957 term at the club's regular meeting Monday night at the Methodist Church. Other officers elected were: Ben Palmer, president-elect; W. T. Brown, vice-president; Bunch Nu gent, secretary; Donald Phillips, treasurer; and Ray Joseph, chap lain. Members elected to serve on the Board of Directors are: Lillard Walker, Kenneth Davis, Wilson Palmer, Ralph Rhodes, John Smith, and William Gossett. The new officers will be installed at a Ladies Night Metting on June 4. Miss Becky Rhodes, a winner in the Civitafi Essay Contest, was a guest of the club and read her win ning essay, "Home? The First School of Citizenship". Miss Mary Haigler was the other winner. S. S. Williams, Roy Lovingood and L. L. Mason were appointed to a committee to select a Cherokee County student to receive the an nual $250 Civitan Scholarship A ward. The award is to be given on the basis of scholastic achievement and the need of tb? student, ac cording to Dr. William Gossett, Ci vitan president. Baptist Central Training School The Baptist Churches of Western North Carolina and West Liberty Associations plan a Central Train ing School beginning Monday even ing, May 13-16. At the First Baptist Church in Murphy, 7:30 p. m., Conference leaders will be the following: the Rev. Bill Spardlin, Associate T. U. Director for N. C. Baptist will lead the pastors and T. U. Direc tors. . The Rev. E. F. Baker of Rob binsville Baptist Church will be the Adults leader. Young People, Miss Doris Raxter, Associate Mis sionary of Tennessee River; Inter mediates, Mrs. Bob Smith, Stone ville, N. C.; and Juniors, Mrs. E. F. Baker, Robbinsville. Other instructors will be Mrs. Carl West and Miss Frankie Mar tin.. Someone will be present to look after the nursery. All members of the Baptist Churches are expccted to attend. Andrews Lions Club To Sell Light Bulbs The Andrews Lions Club will sponsor a house-to-house canvass to sell light bulbs Thursday night. Dr. F. E. Blalock, Lions presi dent, said that the sale was in conjunction with a state-wide Lions Club drive and that proceeds would go to aid the blind. A three-day voluntary safety check lane for Cherokee County Motorists started Wednesday in front of the Episcopal Church on Peachtree Street here. Frank Ellis, chairman of the safety lane committee, said that the check lane will be in operation from 9 to 5 on Wednesday, Thurs- j day and Friday. He urged all motorists to take their cars through the lane for a free mechanical inspection. Motorists with cars passing the inspection will be given a wind shield sticker signifying that the automobile has been safety check ed and all motorists will be given a pamphlet on safe driving prac tices, Mr. Ellis said. Mechanical features of the cars to be checked are brakes, front lights, rear lights, steering, tires, exhaust system, glass, windshield wipers, rear view mirrors, and horn. Lions Club District Governor's Night Scheduled For Tuesday. Mav 14th Edward G. Barry of Little Rock, ? Ark., first vice president of Lions International, will address the an nual Western Nortli Carolina Lions District Governor's Night program, ! May 14, at 7 p. m. at the Battery Park Hotel in Asheville The program will honor W. E. (Ed) Michael, Jr., of West Ashevil le, Governor of 36 Lions in District 31-A comprising some 1,600 mem bers in 12 western mountan coun ties. Barry will succeed John L. (Jack Stickley) of Charlotte as pres ident of the world's largest club organization? 12,415 clubs with 546, 447 members in 75 countries? at the international convention in San Francisco, Calif., In late June. The Lions International officer will be introduced by Roy A. Taylor of Black Mountain, past District 31-A Governor who is now serv ing as an international counsellor. Among state and WNC Lions of- j ficials expected to attend are Nor- j man Trueblood of Elizabeth City, j secretary-treasurer of the N. C State Lions Club Council; R. W. j Easley Jr., of Murphy deputy dis trict governor of Region 1; and W. Mike Brown of Robbinsville, Zone One Chairman. Barry, who is commercial sales manager for the Arkansas Power and Light Company, was elected an international director at Chic ago, 111. In 1950 third vice presi dent at New Tiork City in 1954, second vice president at Atlantic City, N. J., in 1955, and first vice president at Miami, Fla., in June Thrift Sale Set In Andrews Friday, Saturday The "Thrift Sale" scheduled for last week which was postponed due to a conflict in activities will be. held this Friday and Saturday. The two days affair will be held in the Rowland building formerly occupied by "Bobbies Beauty Sa lon" from 10 to 5 each day. In addition to various articles of clothing, bric-a-brac, furniture, white elephant numbers, etc. on sale, coffee, sandwiches, candy, cakes, and cookies will be served. The sale is sponsored by the Val ley River Garden club with pro ceeds going for projects of the club. Murphy School Unit Requests $5,000 From County For Work On New Gym The Board of Education of the Murphy School Unit asked the Cherokee Board of Commissioners for $5,000 at the regular meeting ol the Board Monday at the Court house. The money is to be used for building and installing seats in the new school gymnasium. The Board directed the County Attorney to check to see if funds were avail able for that purpose. In other business conducted at this meeting, the Board recom mended that the Harbin Road be replaced on the state highway sys tem after receiving a petition from about 60 signers. They had previously recommend ed that the road be removed due to misinformation and misunder standing. A delegation from Hanging Dog School requested funds to build an auditorium. The request was de ferred. The Board ordered that $250 be donated to the Murphy Summer Recreation Board as its share in the lot for the new swimming pool. They also ordered several roads to be placed on the map. They are: a one mile road in Shoal Creek known as the Hibberts Road; a one-half mile road in Valleytown known as the Pisgah Road; a one mile road in Valleytown known as the Newman and College Street Road; and a .09 mile road in Shoal Creek known as the J. R. Stewart road. The Commissioners also ordered the County Accountant to purchase a lawnmower. EDWARD G. BARRY 1956. Representatives of Cherokee County's two Lions Clubs ? Mur phy and Andrews ? have been in vited to participate in the pro gram. W. D. Foster of the West Asheville Club is in charge of ar- : rangements and will serve as toast- 1 master. N. C. Brotherhood Convention To Be In Bryson City Region Ten of the North Carolina Brotherhood convention will be held at the First Baptist Church of Bryson City, Tuesday, May 14th. from 6 to 9:15 p. m. The theme of this conveVi >n will be, "Men Marching for the Mast er". W. K. Hooker of Franklin, Regional president, will preside. The program which starts at 7:05 will feature the Macon Assoc iation Male chorus, and short talks will be given by various speakers. Dr. H. Park Tucker, Chaplain of the Atlanta Federal Penintentiary will bring the major address and close the program. Dr. Tucker has a vital message for all men and boys. Each church in Region ten is urged to send a full delegation. The attendance is 1000 men and boys. Andrews Youths To Appear On TV Saturday A group of young people from Andrews sponsored by the Youth Center will appear on "Tlie Top Ten Dance Party" over station WDEF Chattanooga, Tennessee at noon Saturday, May 11. Participants are: Kent Laughter, and Carolyn Evans; Dickey Hig don and Jean Hogsed; Bob Slagle and Terry Slagle; Lloyd Derreber ry and Anita Luther; Jackie Allen and Ruthie Almond; Butch Love and Joyce Deaton; and Bob Mar tin and Martha Derreberry. The group will be accompanied to Chattanooga Saturday by Mrs. L. E. Laughter, chairman of the Youth Recreation Center commit tee and Mrs. John Slagle and oth ers. ' Hospital Auxiliary To Sponsor Beaeflt Card Party The Providence Hospital Auxil iary will sponsor a benefit card party at tfce Regal Hotel, Satur day May 18th. from S to 11 p. m. Mr. Ellis said that a uniformed policemen would be on hand while the lane is in operation and that local garages would furnish the services of an experienced mechan ic for the mechanical check. Highway patrolmen will also be there as much as possible, he add ed. .The lane will be operated by vol untary committees who will work in two hours shifts. Chairmen of these are: Wednesday, Dale Lee, Arnold Beerkens, Bob Wnite, Bill Costello; for Thursday, Hobart McKeever Charlie Hughes, Richard Howell, Harry Bishop; and Friday, Her man Edwards, Gordon Wilson, W A. Singleton and C. R. Freed. In Andrews last week, 308 cars were checked during the three-day safety check lane held there. The lane was operated under the direction of John Ellis with local civic clubs participating. Mechanics for the check were furnished by Dickey Chevrolet and Reese Motor Co. Exams Open For Position At Post Office The fifth U. S. Civil Service Reg ional Office, Atlanta, Georgia, an nounces an open competitive exam ination for career or temporary ap pointment to the positions of sub stitute clerk, substitute carrier, and substitute special delivery messenger in the Murphy, North Carolina post office. Applications will be accepted from persons who reside within the delivery of the post office named or who are bona fide patrons of such office. Persons employed in the post office will be considered bona fide patrons of the office. Ap plications must be received or post marked on or before June 4, 1957. The beginning basic rate of pay is $1,82 per hour. Applicants must have reached their eighteenth bir thday on the closing date for ac ceptance of applications. This age limit does not apply to persons en titled to veterans' preference. Necessary forms and further in formation may be obtained from the Civil Service Information Rep resentative .at the post office, or from the Fifth U. S. Civil Service Regional Office, Peachtree-Baker Building, 275 Peachtree Street, N. E., Atlanta 3, Georgia. County Historical Society Honors Mrs. Freel At Tea Mrs. Margaret Walker Freel, Au thor of "Our Heritage, a History of Cherokee County", was honor guest at an Autograph Party given by the Cherokee County Historical Society, Thursday evening in the recreation room of the First Methodist Church in Murphy. Joe E. Ray, president of the soc iety, presented the two winning contestants in the recent Declama tion Contest sponsored by the His torical Society and the Toastmast I er's Club. They were Ronnie Brit Itian and Bobby Easley, who gave the Declamations, "Give Me Lib erty or Give Me Death", and "The Constitution". Miss Bell Slaughter, of Robbins ville, Mrs. R. A. Dewar, of And rews, and Mrs. Glenn Prater, mayor of Hayesville, praised the book of the county. Dr. D. L. Corbitt, State Depart ment of Archives and History, Ral eigh, North Carolina, was tbe guest speaker for the occasion and was introduced by Mr. Ray. Out of town guests included: Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Corbitt, of Raleigh, Miss Bell Slaughter, Mrs. Miriam Ingram, Mrs. C. A. Bales and Mrs. Cord ell Russell, at 1 Mrs. Glenn Prater, ms esville; and Mr. Dewar and Mrs.