Less Ulan Half Collected In Red Cross Drive In tU 1958 Red Crocs drive Mur phy has in hand only 9900 of its $2,500 quota thus far, Joe Ray, drive chairman, announced Tues ~ day. / Increased effort is needed, he brought out, in order that the Mur phy chapter attain its quota. Per sons in rural sections are urged to send contributions to principals at their schools or to Mr. Ray. If any of the areas wish someone to help make solicitations, this aid can be provided. Mr. Ray said, if request is made The money raised thus far has come largely from business men and contributors in residential drives made by the Mothers' March Murphy's return to active parti cipation in the Red Cross has been stimulated by the blood-lacks since the bloodmobile no longer includes Murphy as a visiting point. With the raising of its quota, Murphy and the central and western por tions of the county will again have blood services; and will also contribute to the over-all disaster relief, life saving, first aid, and home-nursing program of the Red 9M Reward Offered la Tire Stealiag A $50 reward tM been ottered for information leading to the ar rest and conviction of persons who stole two truck tires and wheels recently at Granny Squirrel Gap near Andrews. The tires were U. S- Royal, 15 inch, six-ply Fleetway. They were mounted on green Plymouth wheels when stolen- Information concerning this theft may be re ported to Sheriff Claude Anderson of Murphy or R. R- Carryl of An drews. O. E. S. To Meet Murphy Chapter No- 10 Order of the Easter Star will meet Thurs day (tonight) at 7:30 in ttte Ma sonic Hall. Mrs. Alice Morley, worthy matron will preside. Cross. The drive has also lagged nation ally. President Alfred M. Greun ther has declared: "An extra ef fort is absolutely vital- We must re store the Red Cross financial ca pacity to meet disaster emergen cies as they occur " Robert W. Weaver is chairman of local chapter, and is working with Mr. Ray in promoting the 1958 campaign. $50 REWARD OFFERED A $50 reward will be paid for information leading to arrest and conviction of persons who stole 2 truck tires and whels at Granny Squirrel Gap near Andrews. Tires were C. 8. Royal, 16-inch, 6- ply Fleetway mounted on Green Plymouth wheels when stolen. All Information strictly confidential. R. R. CARRYL, Andrews, N. C. Get 25o Cash I for trying new blue detergent Silver Dust Cannon face cloth in every regular size Cannon kitchen towel in every giant size Cannon bath towel L in every king size I 29c 79c 1.35 GET REFUND SUP HERE! HOWELL'S MARKET I Regal Hotel Bldg. Dial VE 7-2630 | , HOOtRN lACAS MNGCS HAVE a I FBATURCGOf TOMORROW* BUILT-IN OVOIS WW PICTURE W/MDOW DOORS; AIMUMVC _< THERMOSTAT CONTROLLED HIGH SPEED BURNERS i WOOLS TORS TWIT CONVERT n A S" BURNER; BUILT-IN, EAS/-TD READ MKT THERMOMETERS moo?s cooks eema ^ * ~ab$M*K.COOLSK m>cuMWi Smoky Mountain Gas Company Andrews Rd. Dial VE 7-2111 Festival Year Draws Tourists ta Israel itrart Govt. Tounm orfet nuno DRESSED IN BIBLICAL COSTUMES, these Israeli girls are dancing in joyful celebration of Israel's Tenth Anniversary. Israel is marking her ten years of statehood with a gay Festival Yesfc! The celebrations will last from April 33, 1958 through May & 1359. More than 150 events have been scheduled thus far. The* will be pageants, dance and music festivals, masquerades, exhitik' tions, pilgrimages to Holy Sites, Biblical quiz contests, concerts* country lairs, flower shows, and even plowing competition*, as well* as other special events. According to the Israel Government Tourist OfBce, more than : 100,000 tourists will visit Israel during ' bar Festival Year. Townson Lumber 100 Per Cent In C of C Campaign Towns on Lumber Co- here has 'gone 100 percent in the Chamber of Commerce Campaign for asso ciate members. Becoming associate members by paying the $1 fee were: Lee Thomas, G. W. Keasler, W. O Graves, Elmer Townson, Loonie Cook, Floyd English, Willie Queen, Carl Hogsed, Paul Roberts, W- A. Roper, T- W. Chapman, Fred Moss, John Horton, Fred Amos, and Julius Young. Also Olin Coleman, Tommy Gra ham, Lester Chastain, Donald Ma son, Allen Bryson, Reid Botts, J. O. Winkler, jack Dillard, Andrew Young, Horace Thomas, Evelyn Sneed, L. L. Johnson, Elmer Lan ey, B- L. Patterson andd Horace Thomas. Mayor Proclaims Clean-Up Week ANDREWS-Mayor L. L. Love ! has proclaimed city-wide Clean-Up Week to begin Monday and con tinue through April 28. At a meeting of the board plans were made for collecting rubbish in various section of the town in addition to the regular schedule of collecting by the town truck All civic organizations are urged to cooperate in the clean-up camp aign to have a more attractive community. Call 108 the town clerk's office, when trash has been collected. DEATHS Garland P. Posey Funeral services for Garland P. Posey of Murphy, a retired rail way employee who died at 6 a- m. Monday in Morganton after a long illness, were held at 11 a. m. Wednesday in the chapel of Ivie Funeral Home. The Rev- R. T- Houts officiated and burial was in Valleytown Cem etery in Andrews. Mr. Posey was a member of the Murphy First Methodist Church. Pallbearers were: Porter Raper, Frank Forsyth, H. A. Mattox, John Bayless, Sam L- Davidson and Don Gentry. Mr- Posey was a son of the late Ben Posey, prominent Murphy at torney, and Elnaeth Hennessee Posey. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Willabelle Posey; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Morgan of Montevallo, Ala., a grandson. George Will Morgan; a sister, Mrs. L. O. Rector of Morganton and a brother, Ben Posey of Andrews and several nieces and nephews. Daniel N. Adams Funeral services for Daniel Mar tin Adams, 4, of West Buffalo who was killed last Wednesday when a log rolled down a slope and struck him near his home were held Fri day at 2 p. m. in Cedar Cliff Bap tist Church. The Rev. Gurley Stewart officiat ed and burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Martin Adams, a brother, Michael and a sister, Brenda of the home; the paternal grandfather, Will Adams, and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Martin, all of Robbins ville. Townson Funeral Home was in harge. I Edward Caldwell Funeral services for D. H. Ed ward Caldwell, 37, of Brasstown Route X were conducted Saturday morning at 10:30 at Sweetwater Baptist Church. The Rev. Fred Lunsford offi ciated and burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Caldwell was found dead last Thursday morning. A native of Clay County, Mr. Caldwell was the son of George Carl Caldwell and Florence Teems Caldwell of Brasstown. He was a veteran of World War II and ser ved 37 months with the Army in the South Pacific. Surviving, besides his parents are three sisters, Miss Etta Mae and Iowa Caldwell and Mrs. Hazel Stewart, all of Brasstown. Ivie Funeral Home was in charge Mrs- Mercer Fain Jr., of Atlanta spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hyatt and Mary Linda. A well-oiled farm machial cost less in the long run. The regular meeting of The Murphy Business k Professional Women'* Club will be held in the dining room of the Regal Hotel at 7 p.m. Monday Miss Joyce Jenkins of Atlanta, Ga. spent last week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyatt. Western Style ? . . (Continued from page 1) Plains is planning to furnish three wagons with others coming from Madisonville, Sweetwater and Spring City, all in Tennessee. The journey will be approximately 60 miles. In addition to the wagons, many will make the trip on horseback. Wagon train rules have been set up and all wagons and riders will be under the supervision of a wagon master. Arrangements have been made for coverage by the Associated Press and the United Press and television stations. Look and Life magazines have also been contact ed for coverage There is a blacktop from Tellico Plains to the state line, and there is a paved road leading out of Murphy, but it stops several miles short of the line. In between is a stretch of rough trail. The road from Tellico Plains is the main one up through the Telli co Wildlife management area- It follows the banks of the Tellico River all the way to the state line It runs through some of the wild est country in the Southeast, where the managed bunts are held each year for Russian wild boar, bear and deer- The section is one of the few frontier areas left in the nation, and the completed road to Murphy would open the semi wilderness to the nation's travel ing, vacationing public. Citizens of Tellico Plains and Murphy vis ualize another Gatlinburg as a possibility because of the natural wild beauty of the scenery, the mountain flowers and the white trout waters that come tumbling down through the rocky gorges. Rev. Kercher ... (Continued from page 1) Baptist Training Unions of the two associations- The West Liberty Association will meet with the Ran ger Baptist Church on Friday night at 7:30. The Western North Carolina Association will meet with the Truett Memorial Baptist Church of Hayesville Saturday night at 7:30. All churches are asked to pro vide transportation for their youths to attend these meeting. I am official eo-ordinator in Chero kee County for HEINZ ROLLMAN, Democratic Candidate for Nomina tion to Represent the 12th District in Congress. My telephone number is VErnon 7-2783 in Murphy. You are most cordially invited to visit with me or to call me at any time. W. C (Pete) Stalcup The Youth Organization of the Western North Carolina Baptist Association follows: Yuvonne Walker, Youny Peoples' president; Sarah Long, Intermediates' pres ident; Nancy Mills, recording sec retary; Neta Kimbrough, corres ponding secretary; Kenna West, pianist; Margaret Hendrix, song leader Alto: Emanuel McDonald, Dav id Burch, Thomas Stanley and Vernon Ford, ushers; Margaret White, Mary Jo Dills, Lulla Belle Dills and Sarah Cabe, registration committee; De Witt Sharp, Lon nie Hoover, Steve Hall and Melva West, publicity committee. Used Aato and Trick Parts for Sale Bee Ui For Parts For Almost Any Model Cars. We Boy and Sell Wrecked and Cud Autos. We Rebuild Generator*, Starters, and Transmissions. Brackett's Auto Parts BLAIR8VHXE, OA. PHONE HJt OVER 100 REGISTERED ANGUS AT AUCTION Friday, April 18, at 1:00 P.M. DODALFA FARMS Philadelphia, Tennessee (35 miles south of Knoxville on U. S. No. 11) Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Frow, Owners ? and ? Saturday, April 19, at 1:00 P.M. CAYLOR & CAYLOR FARMS Riverdale Community, Knox County (11 miles northeast of Knoxville) Knoxville phones 3-8135 or 2-5522 Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Caylor, Owners 50 eows (30 with calves at side and 20 close to calving) ? 33 bred heifers, 17 [ open heifers, 14 bulls. See the Ford Show on NBC-TV Tennessee Ernie Ford tells you why 'FORD STATION WAGON UVIN* IS THE LIFE !" ? -if ? . . ' ? 1 You can have Thunderbird V-8 GO, up to 300 mighty horsepower, in any Ford wagon you choose. Or select the thrifty Mileage Maker Six. Or make yours the 2-door Ranch Wagon. With all of its advanced styling it's still the lowest-priced* wagon youll find in the low-price three. To make an impressive arrival, choose the Del Rio Ranch Wagon. This 2-door wagon has a high-style air that will gather envious glances wherever you drive. "THIS 4-OOOR ranch wagon handles as easy as a TENNESSEE WAUON' HORSE . . . RIDES QUIET AS A? i * / SWEETHEART'S WHISPER!" A k. / "room FOR TEN UTTtE INDIANS OR NINE BIG CHIEFS IN THE COUNTRY SEDAN !* Nine fit fine into this hand some 4 -door wagon. And its equally big brother, the Country Squire, features mahogany-like side paneling ... a Ford styling exclusive! There's nearly nine feet of level floor space in the 6- passenger Country Sedan. And its wrap-around liftgate operates with one hand I Ford sets the pace in wagon styling . . . outsells its nearest competitor nearly 501. And Ford wagons are the lowest priced* of the low-price three. *Btutdon comparison of manufacturer ?UKgnted retail delivered prices SPECIAL OFFER FROM FORD A $2.95 BOOK KM JUST $1J0 TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR FORD DEALER PILL THIS IN Mama Address Phons LKAVI THIS BLANK Dealer Address District ?Urch ^2*52??. Reece Motor Co. Dial YE 7-3131 FrsnchiM Dealer No. ?M 101 A BKTTII BIT II A Mil CM 01 IKICK# N SVU TO SH 0M