Statement By Local 585 INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL WORKERS UNION, AFL ! - I k In The Scout of last week there was a full page statement headlined "Here Is Our Story" that was written by The Hitchcock Corporation and Minerals-Metals Corporation. The company stated that there were no lay offs, no reduction in hours, continued overtime pay, favorable working conditions, favorable pay scale and many fringe benefits. They also stated that this has been carried out, even though their sales have dropped. The union will attempt, in this statement, to tell you (the people of Cherokee County) the true facts behind the companies' statement. In regard to the Companies' statement to no reduction in hours, that is one of the major issues of our dispute. The story behind this issue is, the company is working one shift (lxh hours daily) so that they might work these employees two hours on Saturday to avoid payment of over time for these two hours. The union has request ed, through negotiations, that these employees involved in a 1xk hour work day, be treated the same as other employees. The company has re peatedly denied the relief sought by the union in this matter. Now, the question arises of working condi tions which the company has used the word "FAVORABLE", in the full page ad. The word favorable, in our opinion, is a miscarriage of justice. We have em ployees working underground from three or four hundred feet, who are not furnished adequate protective clothing to perform their duties. For example, some of them have to work in water that comes through the holes of their boots that the company has refused to repair or replace. If a man has to go below the earth and work in water up to their knees for $125 per hour, is that a fair price paid for their labor? Female employees who have to toil and sweat under the conditions that exet in the Minerals & Metals Corporation and The Hitch cock Corporation, it would be more appro priate to say that in these two plants, the rate is one dollar per hour, and this dollar is guaran teed under the Federal Wage and Hour Law. This strike, called by Local 585 is certainly not an economic strike as quoted by the comp any. It was called because the company has re peatedly refused to bargain collectively and in good faith in accordance with the National Labor Relations Act The union asks for these in negotiations: Improved vacations; an eight-hour work day for all employees; three additional holidays; a rea sonable increase in wages and check-off of union dues which doesn't cost the company a penny. The company has refused to bargain col lectively which we are assured under the Federal Law on any of the above issues. When the company refused to entertain any of the unions requests, the union, in order to avoid any strike asked the company to submit these issues to an arbitrator or a three man panel to evaluate and make recommendations to the union's proposals. After these proposals were turned down by the company, we proposed that the present con tract be extended an additional six months and even this was denied and we were forced, with out a contract, to strike the company. The union has conducted itself as set forth by the National Labor Relations Act and will continue to do so until these issues are settled by negotiations between the union and the company. j LOCAL 585 Negotiating Committee