FARM QUESTIONS QCmiON: What is happening to JBtt production this year? ANSWER: nor the first time in 1* years mi ft production has gone down, compared to the previous year. Production should continue close to that a t last year until cows begin to freshen for a fall base-forming period. Blend prices, as a result, should be , good ? they should go over $8 per hundred in July and August QUESTION: How can I get tree seedlings* fo my fsrm? ANSWER: Contact your county | farm agent- He has the necessary HENN ; THEATRE MURPHY THu. 81 ? FBI. 1 - SAT. * "KING CREOLE" ELVIS PRESLEY SAT. LATE SHOW "Attack Of Crab Monster" SUN. S ? Moo. 4 - Tue. 5 "Mwrjorie Mondag Star" Gene KeDey ? Natalie Wood WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 "Seven Hills Of Rome" MARK) LANZA REN ATO RASCEL VALLEY DRIVE-IN THEATRE ANDREWS THU. SI ? FBI. 1 "Witness For The Proseention" TRYONE POWER JURLENE DEITRICH SATURDAY ? AUG. 2 Double Feature "The Searchers" JOHN WAYNE JEFFRE HUNTER also "Crash Landing" OARY MERRILL NANCY DAVIS SUN. 8 - MON. 4 . TUBS. 5 "And God Created Woman" WED. 6 - THU. 1 "Enemy Below" BOBERT MTTCHUM CURT JUKGENS BALE ANDREWS, N. C. Bale starts August lit, lasts all month! Reductions on many items up to S0%. Others at giv??way prices. Sale prices on Johnson Out board Motors. Entire greeting card assortment for sale in block with I drawer blond card cabinet 86" by 30" tree. (Sorry, no reduc tions an Fair Trade items). See next week's Scout tor further infor mation on this huge stock reduc tion sale. 1-ltc order blanks and price last. The county agent or your local fores - er can also give you advice on the most suitable type of seedling for your land. The N. C. Division of Fostery expects to have 95 mil lion seedlings available for 1958 59 planting. But order early. Over 30 species of salt water game fish, including giant tuna and billfish, are caught along the North Carolina coast. Proper curing is essential to good tobacco production. Power companies use around 1,- ] 500 billion gallons of water per day in supplying the nation's elec tricity needs, but practically all , of this water is returned to the streams unchanged in quality. A plastic cover for a trench silo helps preserve the quality of the silage. Individual stalls for young dairy calves help prevent the spread of disease in a calf-raising enterprise. Sting nematodes, which attack peanut plants, also attack other crops, including com and cotton. A good plant rooting mixture can be made from equal parts peat moss and sand, well mixed. % The corn earworm is also know as the cotton bollworm and the tomtao fruit worm. 1 MURPHY DRIVE-IN Murphy, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY July 31 ? August 1 Double Feature Susan Cabot ? Dick Miller, in "Sorority Girl" ALSO Anne Neyiand - Steve Terrell, John Ashley ? Carl Switxer, in "Motorcycle Gang" SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 Double Feature Guy Madison-Yaletne French, in "The Hard Men" ALSO MARY ANDERA in "No Time To Be Young" SUN. - MON . TUBS. AUGUST S . 4 - 5 "Peyton Place" Lana Turner - Lloyd Nolan in WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 4 Lunva Patton - Jeff York in " Johnny Tremoiw" 1 BANK NOTES by Malcolm WlVS/iOMMK, wt c*y awwaM? D 'PEACE' W ANY WW* ? T*UNn? sores wee COUAR. M HIS SflME TIME, A WW6 WBCHANtC HIT UPON AUSEFUL /WT&E FOR THE SHOE TBMJE. A LOCAL BMK WLPEO HUA OUT WHTHRHANCIN6, AW TODAY heS worth was wn ?cs, ooq m _ mwc meuk www ? AWIBiM'IMOHOOTM.C , ?u?ygycRTMf FOB ULIi 10 ft. Bating boat with small wheel trailer. Boat la good OOWttttOB, flbW |lU( Ntltd and painted with marine enamel. SUB far com hi nation Call V? 7. 1-ltp FOB BALK: New International Demonstrator pickup; two tone blue; Lees than 4,000 miles; Abso lutely new condition; will sell for less than cost. Call VE 7-2986. 1-ltp FOB BINT: 3 room apt with bath and electric water heater; wired for stove; Also 4 room house with bath; wired for stove; ;both close In. See Mrs. Tom Evans, Phone VE 7-2257. 1-ltp FOB BENT: S rooms and bath un furnished apartment. Wired for stove. Will accept 1 child. Inquire at Gibson's Store, MS Hlawassee St. 1-ltp WELL T R A D E a good clean 47 Chevrolet car for pickup of equal quality. See J. R. Crisp, Rt. 4, (Near L. A. McClure's Shell Sta tion). 1-Stp FOR SALE: On Willseatt Creek 9% acres of land with 2 houses; 2 miles from town; running water; contact Rosa Bell Lance, Rt. 1, Murphy, N. C. 1-Stp FOB SALE : 57 Volkswagen with tan and red leather interior, low mileage at $1585. Opel station wag on,, 35 miles per gallon at $996. 55 Consul 4 door sedan English Ford at $795. 55 Ford Country Squire station wagon, automatic transmis sion, radio and heater, 26000 miles at $1295. Louis Raper, 674 Spring St. N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Phone TR 4-1204. i-2tp BOSS: the man who is there when you're late, and late when you're there. Insurance is always there . when you need it. Hyde Insurance Agency. Dial VE 7-2438. 1-ltc CARD OF THANKS I I wish to express my appreciation to the doctors, nurses, and all members of the staff of District Memorial Hospital in Andrews for the kindnesses shown me during my 13-day confinement. I also wish to thank my many friends who visited me or sent cards. Joseph El-Khouri Andrews, N. C. I About 3% million Americans 14 years of age or older do some farm work for wages. DEADLINE FOB FOR RENT: Rooms and office apace In the Evans building. Call VE 7-2322 or VE 7-2257. 34-tfc LOST, Strayed or. Stolen:. Black English Hound. Male with white cheat Reward. Ed Foster, Murphy, N. C., Route 4. 1-ltp THIS OPPORTUNITY is for you ? If you have a pleasing person ality, can spend 4 to 5 hours daily away from home, AVON cosmetics offers you a splendid earning op portunity. Write Mrs. Dorothy Bru tal, 183 Duns tan's Rd., Asheville, N. C. 1-ltp FOB BENT: Unfurnished apt. on corner of Sales and Wells Streets. Close in with car port. Contact at residence: Mrs. Mull. Phone VE 7 2248. 1-ltp FOB RENT: 2 room furnished apt. with private entrance. Also 3 room house wired for stove. Mrs. C. I. Calhoun, VE 7-2098. 1 1-tp JOIN BLUE CROSS Now. Hospital surgical and maternity care a SPECIAL GROUP RATES through FARMERS FEDERATION. See Don Ramsey. Dial VE 7-2416 14-tfc VACATION AT HOME? Get the most from it by renewing your floors with a rented sanding ma chine and materials from us. Best at lowest cost. Gibbs Hardware & Auto Supply. Dial VE 7 2122. 45-tfn APARTMENT FOR RENT: Four rooms with bath, close in town Wired for stove- Also bouse for rent. Wired for stove- Close in with garden space- For informa tion call VE 7-2322 or VE 7-2257. 27-tfc Expert Watch Repair BY A GRADUATE WATCH. MAKER. E. C. Moore Jewelers Murphy, N. C. Dial VE 7-3188 FOB SALE: 1300 lineal f eet at t In. art eel tubing in T and 8 ft lengths. Cut be uaed tor rartoua purposea: drains, porch columns, swings and clothes line poets. See C. H. Hold er, Murphy, N. C. 1-ltp ATTENTION: Pat Odell is an ap pointed Justice of the Peace and Notary Public for Cherokee County. Can be contacted at his home near Boiling Springs Church, Route 3, All work ap preciated. 51-3tp FOR RENT: A large, nicely, fur nished, redecorated 3Vi room a partment. See Mrs. J. W. Dyer, 511 Hiawassee St., Murphy, or call VE 7-3167 or VE 7-2592. 51-3tc HOUSE FOR RENT: 4 bedrooms 2 baths, unfurnished across from courthouse in Murphy beside Episcopal Church. Write Mrs. J. D. Mallonee, 35 31st St., NW, Hickory, N. C. 50-4tc FOR SALE: Modern 8 room house with gas heat, beautiful lot, close in- Contact Mrs. Tom Ax ley at 802 Valley River Ave. or call VE 7-3150. ?Mtc WELL DRILLING: Have your wells drilled: modern machin ery. Six and eight-inch domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and Well Co. Write 7. B. Rogers, Franklin, N. C. Call 37W-1 M-tfr FOR SALE: Three-bedroom house on Third Street. Call VE 7-2737 or VE 7-2314. 51-3tp FOR SALE: 40 acre farm adjoin ing Nottely Lake on Camp Creek On school bus and mail routes Near Churches and stores. Good community. 2 houses, one with 6 rooms, bath, porches, and base ment, all conveniences, wired for stove. One 4 rooms with porch, barn and other out buildings. Some fruit trees. 20 acres in cultivation- Perman ent pasture for hogs and cattle. Good creek bottoms. Both hous es newly painted inside and out On paved road. See owner J. M. Hall, Route 1, Box 41, Culberson, N. C., Union County Ga. 52-3tp FOE SALE: Six room house with bath; fully equipped with gas. Good garage and t*rn and 14 acres at land- Located S mi- west of Murphy on old 64. Call VE 7 am. 5i-3tP MAN WANTED:? Sell Rawlelgh Products for steady good earn ings year around in Cherokee County. No capital required. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCG 7S0-S61B Richmond, Va. 49-5tc WE BUY SCRAP IRON and Juik. Also burnt and wrecked cars. We sell all sise concrete and cin der blocks. Kaye's Auto Parts. Murphy. Dial VE 7-2172. 22-tfc Wedding, portrait and commercial photography. Kodak flnlshtwg and photostats. 8MHJEYT} STUDIO, Andrews, M. C. "LIVESTOCK KILLED BY UC0 NINO!" You've m?i such bead lines. Don't wait for tragedy ?to prepared. Insurance coats little, protects a lot. Long experience qualifiea us to advise you. Oooault Hyde Insurance Agency. Dial VE T 2488 1-ltc Ttwre'a a rich reward in