Cherokee County Farm & Home Nevs MISS THELMA WHEELER Home Agent October 20, Agricultural Workers Council, 3:80 p. m. , courthouse; October 21, Bellview Home Demon stration Club, 1 :30 p. m. Mrs. Clyde McNabb, hostess; October 22, Val leytown H. D. Club, 2:00 p. m., Mrs. Luke Carver, hostess; October 23, Ranger Home Demonstration Club, 1:30 p. m., Mrs. S. 8. Akin; United Nations Observance, court house, 8:00 p. m.; October 24, Mur phy high school, 1:30 p. m.. United Nations tree planting. October 29, Franklin, N. C., 10:00 a. m., district citizenship meeting; October 30, Midway H. D. Club, 1:30 p. m., Mrs. W. R. Thompson, hostess; meat cutting demonstra tion, Rock Building, fair groipds 7:30 p. m., Mr. John Christian, spesialist, N. C- College, Raleigh, N. C. October 31, Murphy Power Board Building, 1:30 p. m., training school, Mr. Hobart McKeever, speaker. October Devotion (or Home Demonstration Clubs Observes United Nations Day The week of October 19 has been designated as United Nations Week but October 24 is observed as United Nations Day throughout the nation. In commemoration of this impor S?vfc* WfcMToo f ft m ? ? that's the kind of service that counts the most, and it's the kind of insurance service you can get only from a home town agent who is always nearby, eager and able to serve you. We're independent busi nessmen ? not employees ot an insurance company. We advise you according to your best interests and when you have a loss, we represent you and you alone. For the protection and service you need, see your local independent agent ... who serves you first. W. A. SINGLETON Western Auto Associate Store MURPHY, N. O. tant event the Western dlatrict of home demonstration club* have been asked by their district citi zenship chairman, Mrs. Vernon Hall of Buncombe County to use this theme for the month's devotion al. A part of the prepared devotion al suggests using this poem "Hands Across the Border," composed by Mrs. Thate Barnard of Clay Coun ty, who this past year, 1957, re ceived State wide recognition for her leadership as district citizen ship chairman. Here is her compo sition: They told me there was a border line Across it a different race, But when your hand reached mine And I saw your eager face I knew we were much akin, No different at the heart Despite the color of your skin Lines could not set us apart. We can make one world of nations Establish peace and order Improve international relations Just reach hands across the border. Cherokee County tinder the cap able leadership of Mrs. Ben Warn er Sr., as chairman and in cooper ation with all church organizations, civic groups and Home Demonstra tion Clubs have planned two signifi cant fevents. On Thursday evening at 8:00 p. m., October 23, in the main court room at the courthouse a program will be presented to better acquaint the public with the work of the United Nations. Professor Robert T. Andreas, Dean of Young Harris College, will share with us some of his findings after years of inten sive study on subjects pertinent to the United Nations. Another speaker will be Mr. Joseph El Khouri, a native of Leb anon, who can give us a first hand account of what is going on in that part of the world and their reaction toward the U. N. Mr. El Khouri now resides In Andrews and has spoken to many groups. As citizens who must be inform ed and alert as to what is happen ing not one of us can afford to pass up such an opportunity as this. All of us have opinions and express ourselves freely but too often we have very little Information upon which to base our expressions. Let us all come to this meeting and show our appreciation and concern to these speakers for sharing their information and experiences with us. Then on Friday, October 24 at 1 :30 p. m. there will be a tree plant ing ceremony at Murphy high school. |. The Murphy Garden Club will sponsor this event and Mr. Glenn Patton's vocational agricultural students will set the tree. A marble marker will be placed to mark the event. Young Harris, Georgia A great convenience, asso ciated with the Abernathy Funeral Home, is the spac ious, private parking area we make available. During the day or night, this park ing area enables those visit ing our establishment to park with the greatest ease and convenience. 24 HOUR COMPLETELY EQUIPPI AMBULANCE SEtVICI MUSTARD SEEDS By JOSEPH DEAN CALL NO MAN GOOD! CALL NO MAN FATHEE! One day our Lord made a very ?trange remark after a man ad dressed him as "Good Master". Jesus said, "Why call me good? There is none good but one, that is God." Lk. 18-19. Then in the very next chapter Jesus calls a servant good- "Well done, good servant." Lk. 19-17. Did our Lord contradict him self? No. He did not! He used "good" in a different sense. The first time he used it in an absolute way, speaking of absolute goodness which belongs only to our heavenly Father. The second time he used it in a relative sense, in so far as The public is invited to witness this ceremony. You will see many reminders here in Murphy and Andrews of United Nations Week if you take time to look for them. Surely you will pause and study the exhibit in Trudy's window where the five little figures of the World's children are kneeling in prayer. These little figures are magni fied reproductions taken from a greeting card published by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Ny ack, N. Y. and sold during 1957 as a part of its work for peace and reconciliation around the world. The proceeds went to the childrens fund (UNICEF.) The art work for this exhibit was done by the art students of Miss Maria Travis, Murphy high school. Be sure to see this exhibit and tell others about it but do not fail to tell Miss Travis and her students how much you appreciate their con tribution to such a worthy cause. Perhaps you may remember seeing this same exhibit at the (Cherokee County Fair. The Mar tin's Creek Home Demonstration Club set up this exhibit. Mrs. Ben Warner Sr., is a member of this club and the idea for the exhibit originated with her. Her intense interest in United Nations goes back to the time when she repre sented Cherokee County as a dele gate to United Nations. The week of November 3, Mrs. J V. Henson of tne Ranger Home Demonstration Club will go as a delegate to the United Nations. (oodnaas was related to one of 3od's frienda Another day Jesus made an other strange remark- He laid "Call no man father, for one s your Father, who is In heaven " Watt 23 9. Then in the very same chapter Jesus referred to the parents of the Pharisees as their fathers, tfatt- 23-32. Did our Lord contradict him self here? No. He did not. Once again he used the word, Father, in a different sense. In the first place he used it referring to the absolute fatherhood of God. In the second place he used it in an other . sense, in so far as physical parents share in a rel ative way the fatherhood of God. It is in this sense we call Wash ington ithe father of our country or Marconi the father of the radio or our own "daddy" our temporal father. In the word ot God St. Paul re ferred to himself as a spiritual father to his early Christians in I Cor- 4-15- "For in Christ Jesus, by the Gospel, I have begotten you" He calls Timothy his son. Phil. 2-22 and I Tim. 1-2. And he calls himself the spirit ual father of those whom he had converted. "For if you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet not many fathers." I Cor. 4-15. St. Jerome, a church historian tells that the early Cristians in Palestine ant Egypt called their pastors "Father". Catholic people today also call their pastors "Father", in this relative and secondary sense, for various reasons such as: 1. To acknowledge that their pastor is in union with our Lord, a father in Christ, subordinate to our Heavenly Father. 2. To refer to their pastor as they do to their BIRTHS PROTESTANT HOSPITAL Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Mason of BlairaviUe, Ga., Route 1, a son, October 5. ?> Mr. and Mrs- Bobby Brendle of Murphy Route 1, a daughter, October 5. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Collins of BlairsviUe, Ga , a daughter, October 13. temporal parent. Just as a physical father contri butes to human life of a child and fosters that life with food and training so too a pastor contrib utes to the divine life of the soul through Baptism, through the food of Holy Communion and through teaching and training souls in the spirit of Jesus. In this sense we may rail our minister or priest "good" or "Reverend" or "Fath er". I To Kill Rats and Mice! Ask for Unci* Jo*'* Wonder Rat and Moum Killer at your favorite grocery, hardware or food store. ATHENS INSECTICIDE CO. Aniens, Tennessee VOTE FOR W. SHERIDAN (SLIM) DICKEY For County Commissioner Of District 2 Cherokee County One ot the BEST QUALIFIED Men for This Office THURSDAY, OCTOBER a, IMS ? THE CHEROKEE MOOT Mr. and lira. Fred Davia of Marble Route 1, a daughter, October 15. PEOVEDENCE HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Jack Deweese of Murphy, * son, Jack Dean Jr., October 10. ( Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Brown of Blairsville, Ga, a daughter, October 13 Among The Sick Admitted last week to Provi dence Hospital : Rev. James Oak ley, Blairsville, Ga-; Mrs- Blaine Uaney, Murphy Route 4; Kenneth Thomas, Murphy; G rover Smith, Murphy; Mrs Llllie McClure, Murphy Route 4; Kenneth Gra ham, Murphy Route 4; and Mrs. J. D. Taylor, Murphy Route 1. In A Few Moments You Could Lose A Home You Worked A Life Time To Own. Don't Take A Chance! Be Certain That You Are Fully Covered In Case Of Fire. I INSURANCE CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT VErnon 7-2141 Mourphy Andrews The Newest of Everything Great ! The Greatest of Everything Nru These seats swing out to invite you in! The moment you open the door, you discover the newness and the greatness of the "59 Dodge. Too discover now laaado^ \ ease ? Dodge Swivel Seats swing oat to invite yon in. You find new push-button mm ? a touch of a button both ^ driving and weather. There's new handling ease ? Level-Flite Torsion- Aire smooths out the road, lamala the load. New earn if visibility ? outside mirrors adjust from the inside, inside minors adjust Annual vm electronically. IWi of maintenance -a Lustre-Bond baked enamel fintah (hat keepa fcs abean twice aa long, to the fee and drive the new 799 Dodge. ^ New '59 DODGE E. C. MOORE Valley River Ave. Francw?? De*i?r eoo