?OOCT Society ? Parties ? PersanmU ? Club Activities MISS LAWSON WEDS CARROLL CLONTS Married Recently Miss Cleo Lawson of Carryton, Tenm Carroll Clonts Of Murphy Marry Miss Cleo Lawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler E. Lawson of Carryton, Tenn., recently became the bride of Carroll B. Clonts of Murphy. Mr. Clonts is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Clonts of Murphy Route 2. They were married at House Mountain Baptist Chuch at Carry ton, Tenn. The service was pre CHEROKEE CHATTER By OPIE McKEEVER October 12-19 could well be termed "Club Week" for the wo men of Murphy. Last week dele gations from five Mu M NIOATE clubs traveled hundred of miles to meetings in the district and came back with a lion's share of honors. Eleven members of the newly organized Business and Profes sional Woman's Club attended an all-day meeting of District One at High Hampton Inn on Sunday and were awarded the much sought-after attendance gavel. Those who were present for the meeting were: MRS. BOB WEAV ER, president, MRS- O. L. GUL LEDGE, MRS. KATE SHIELDS, MRS. JEAN GREEN, MRS. C. It- ALVERSON, MRS. HUGH HOWARD, MRS. W. M. FAIN, MRS. H. G. ELKINS, MISS ELIZABETH GRAY, MRS, RUTH CHENEY and MRS- CHARLIE JOHNSON. Representing Murphy's Wo man's Club at the district lun cheon meeting of the General Fed eration of Women's Clubs in Fon tana on Tuesday were: MRS. HOWARD MOODY, MRS. L. L. MASON JR., MRS C. L. ALVER SON, MRS. KENNETH GOD FREY, MRS. GRANVILLE RAD CLIFF and MRS. PAUL HILL. Mrs- Hill is president of the Wo man's Club which is one of the district's 100 per cent clubs. This year's project is to raise money for a scoreboard for Murphy High's football field. MRS. CECIL BURGESS, new ly-elected district leader of the American Legion Auxiliary, was present for the Auxiliary's 5th area meeting in Morgan ton on Friday. Mrs. Burgess, one of Mur phy's most active clubwoman. Is also district awards chairman of formed by the Rev. J. T. Lawson, grandfather of the bride. A program of wedding music was given by Dr. Horace Lawson, uncle of the bride. Mrs. Clonts, aunt, Mrs. John Parrish, offer ed piano selections. A reception was given at the bride's home following the ser vice. The couple are now making their home in Atlanta. Murphy Library Announces New Film List The Murphy Carnegie Public Li brary has announced a new film list available to groups and the public for showings. Following are the films. They may be reserved by calling VE 7-2417. 1. Animal Life at Low Tide (Dowing) 11 minutes-sound-color. Lowtides explained as a small boy and girl go exploring a tide flat. 2. Agriculture Story (USDA) 14 minutes-sound-color. What makes American agriculture the most ef ficient and productive in the world. 3. Germany (EBF 1955) 11 min utes-sound-black and white. Ma jor historical, industrical, geograp hical and scenic highligts of Germany. 4. Gossip (YA 1955) 12 minutes sound-black and white- A high school girl's experience with the results of gossip. the Garden Club of North Caro lina. At the meeting in CuUowhee of District One of the N. C. Garden Club on Thursday, Murphy's two garden clubs, the Cherokee Rose and the Murphy Garden dub, were awarded certificates as hon or roll clubs for the past year. The Cherokee Rose was repre sented by MBS. JOHN CABBING EE, preside n t , MRS. CLOE MOORE, and MRS. FRED BAT ES. The delegation from the Mur pry Garden Club included MBS. HOBABT McKEEVEB, president, MR8. WADE MASSE Y, MRS. BILL HOOVE B, MBS. H- A. MAT TOX, MBS. B. W. WHITFIELD, MBS. RAMOS. BOUBNE SB., MBS. HOLLAND MeSWAIN and MBS. EDWABD BBUMBY I ANDREWS PERSONALS Lieut, and Mrs. DavU MaOti of Port SOI, Okla, kin retur?d ?iter a visit hen with roiatliw Mr*. Moflet to the former Mlaa Patricia Thomaaaon. Mrs. W. T. Fisher left Sunday for Rutherfordton where she will spend the winter montha with her aon-ia-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs- McBrayer. She was accom panied on the trip by her grand son, W. Fisher McBrayer and Mrs. McBrayer wno spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Christy. George Pullium, student at Wake Forest College, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pullium. Mr- and Mrs. Zeb Stuart of Winston-Salem spent last week here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. E- Rosendale have returned to Chatanooga, Tenn., after a visit of several days with Mrs. Robert Taylor and their mother, Mrs. David Swan. Pvt. Jack Pullium has complet ed basic training at Fort Jack, son, S. C-, and is spending a two week's leave at his home here. Mrs. G- E. Lail left last week for a visit with her daughter, ,rW\k, Mn. Vincent Low, in Brown well, W. V*. She ?ii accom pen led oa the trtp by Mr. and Mn. J. H. Hnrwood end their deugtx ter. Mtu Lola Harwood of Bry son City Mrs. David Swan is spending this week In AsheviDe aa guest of her sister, Mrs- A. L- Duckett. Miss Vera Moore spent last week-end in Stony Point as guest of her sister, Mrs. George Cul breth and family. Mrs. C. A. Brown has returned from a weeks stay with her son. Dr. Robert Brown and his family in Kingsport, Tenn. Mrs. C. H. Jarrett spent last week in Atlanta, Ga-, as guest of her brother-in-law and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jar rett. She was accompanied on the return trip by the Jarretts and Mrs. Gordon McQuire who spent the week-end with her. Mrs. L. B. Nishols returned to her home Friday after a two weeks visit in Georgia. She was accompanied on the return trip by her father, W. B. Chandler and her sister, Mrs. Ann Anders Mrs. Ruby Kephart of Hart well, Ga., will be the speaker Set Tkaraday At S*JL AND UWS- Mrs. O A- Rescb ke sad Mrs- Paul Jordan will present * program