Society 0 EtiflQffemetitM ? Weddings ? Parties ? Pergonals ? Club Activities PERSONALS Kra. William D. Townson Jr.. arrived Friday to spend a week witk her two children, Grace and BUtjr Townson. ?O- -0- -O Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Townson Sr., left Friday for a weeks vacation in Hollywood. Fla. Mrs. D. L. Wells Jr.. of Wallace. N. C.. flew to Atlanta. Ga., last week-end to accompany her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Townson for a weeks stay in Hollywood, Fla. -0- -0- -0 Pfc. Harry W. Mattox has been transferred from Bainbridge. Md. to Annapolis, Md. He is in the Marine Corps. Young People Conduct Sunday Service ANDREWS? The Andrews Pres byterian Youth Fellowship, in ob servance of the Assembly's Youth Sunday, conducted the Sunday morning Worship Service last Sun day. Jim Bristol conducted the wor ship service. Larry Huls read the Scripture Reading for the morning. The Youth Choir provided the Anthem, "We've A Story To TeU To The Nations." Roy Conley led the congregation in the Litany of Faith. Several talks were given concern ing the work of the Youth Fellow ship during 1958. Miss Linda Car ringer gave the introduction. Pitt Walker spoke on the summer Conference Miss Jannette Carring er spoke ou Die young people's part in the Sunday School Program of the Church, and on the Worship Programs had by the Youth Fel lowship. Miss Terry Single spoke on Re treats and Recreation held by the Youth Fellowship. Miss Katherine Sursavage spoke on the Special Ac tivities participated in by the young people. Roy Conley concluded the NOTICE To All Business Concerns, Gentlemen: As County Attorney and as Tax Supervisor of Cherokee County We Have Been Instructed By The Board Of County Commissioners To Make The Following Announcement: Each aid Every Business and Industry In Chero kee County Should Cheek and See That The Inven tory, Including Merchandise, Machinery, Fixtures and Other Items ol Like Nature Listed As of January 1st, 1959 Corresponds With The Amounts Yon Reported On Your Income Tax Returns and Submitted To The Federal Government And The State Of North Caro lina. The Tax Supervisor Far Cherokee County Has Instructions To Cheek And Compare All Retarns That Are Submitted To The Tax Listers With The Records In Raleigh. Very Truly Years, I L L MASON Cherokee County Attorney * '? ! " s . ? t ? ' ' ' E W. HUGHES Cherokee County Tax Supervisor talks with u explanation of Che Young People's Theme Hymn (or 1959. "Christ Is The World's True Ugkt." The service was concluded with the benediction by the minister, the Rev. Eugene Withers poon Ad visors for the Youth Fellowship are Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols and Mrs. Jor?ph Sursavage. Mr. and Mrs. Odom Honored At House-Warming Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom were honored at a house-warming at their new hume on last Friday evening. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. Walter Coleman, Mrs. Alvin Buchanan, Mrs. George Dyer and Mrs. Bob Minor. The living room of the Odom home was decorated with arrange ments of pink and white gladioli. The dining room from which re freshments were served was cover ed with a pink and silver cloth and centered with an arrangement of pink carnations. Sixty guests called during the evening. Andrews Personals Mrs. T. v. ( 1 ictmas has return ed to her hi >c i- '"harlotte after a visit with he- :: >n ' c F*?v. T. C. Christmas and bis f m:*\ . Mrs. Ellen Tjersland ot Johnson City, Tenn., was the guest of the Misses Jean and Gladys Christy for the week-end. George Pullium student at Wake Forest College, Wington-Salem. spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pullium. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wesson of Charlotte were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. T C. Christmas for an over night visit Friday enroute to Shelbyville, Tenn. Mark Elliott left Saturday for New. York City to attend the New York solo of his nephew Tenor Walter Carringer who gave a reci tal in Carnegie Hall February 2, He was joined by his sister, Mrs. Ruth Carringer of Murphy, mother of the tenor who will spend several days with ber son. pi Rev. T. C. Christmas left Mon day for Greensboro where he will attend sessions of the State Baptist Evangelical Conference this week. Mrs. Lee Barnard and daughter, Jo Evelyn of Franklin were guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McKeldrey for the week-end. T. J. Jones has returned from Morganton after a visit with bis sister, Mrs. James Roper. Mrs. Louise Rogers spent Mon day in Atlanta where she attended the Style Show and purchaseed stick for the Dress Shop. Andrews Couple Married At Hiawassee, Ga. ANDREWS? Miss Janice Watts and Wayne Mintz were married Saturday, January 24 at 11:30 a.m. in the parsonage of the Methodist Church, Hiawassee. Ga.. with the pastor the Rev. John Ozley, offi ciating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Watts of Andrews. The bride-groom is the son of Mr and Mrs. Ben Mintz of Andrews. The bride is a graduate of the Andrews High School class of '57 and is employed in the office of District Memorial Hospital. The bride-groom is a postal clerk in the Andrews Post Office and is associated with an Esso Station. Mrs. Abernathy Honored At Stork Shower ANDREWS? Mrs. Jake Abernathy was honored with a stork shower at the home of Mrs. Dee Mosteller Saturday at 7:30 p. m. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Lee Bail ey. Mrs. Harry Wolf and Mrs. Wood row Cox. Approximately 50 guestc attended the affair. After opeuing the gUts refresh ments were served. Mn. A. V. West presided at the punch bowl. A color scheme of Mae and pink was noted In the decorations aad appointments. Miss Ida Brumby had as a guest i??t siit i mi mIh Ireas Robinson ndUluuii CHEROKEE CHATTER By OPUS McKEEVER The magazines are full of diet plans? 3 days? 8 days? 14 days o I pure torture. The column this week with favorite recipes of some of Murphy's finest cooks is designed to lure you into instead of out of the kitchen. MISS CLARA McCOMRS' recipe for Sweet Potato Balls is full of everything good? not on the low cal orie list. She says it's a pretty dish for parties and also one the whole family will enjoy. Take one cup of mashed s-.veet potatoes and combine with 1/4 tea spoons of salt, 1 '3 teaspoon of nut meg. 1/2 cup of black walnuts, and 1/4 cup of brown sugar. Shape into balls and roll in 1 cup of crushed cornflakes. Placc 8 slices of canned pineapple in a buttered baking dish and over that pour 1/4 cup of pineapple juice and sprinkle with 1/2 cup of brown sugar. Place a potato ball in the center of the pineapple slices. Pour melted but ter over the balls and sprinkle with paprika. Bake in a moderate oven until the mixture is well-browned. MRS. W. F. ELLIOTT, who has a place in every Lion's heart for her culinary talents, chose this recipe for Liver Pudding lie cause pork at this season is abun dant and cheap. Season two pounds of fresh pork liver and 1/2 pound of fresh pork shoulder wiili salt !>nd pepper. Boil until tender. Resc. broth and grind pork and liver. 1 . h~"k into broth and thicken with I i-" < of cornmcal. Cook until thick. 1 ..I iu container to cool. Serve the pud ding cold in slices or fry. MRS. RUTH FORSY TU h a s a special Cheese Ball recipe I hat lias nefer failed to draw favorable com ment not only for its delicious taste but also because the ball is so at tractive when servii!. r_.OVn>ENCE HOSPITAL Sir. and Mrs. Roy Bingham of Biairsville. Ga., a daughter, Feb iiiary 2. MEETING SET The Tri-Slate Bock Hound club will hold its regular monthly meet ing Satur.i.iy at 7:30 p. m. at the club at Biasstown. Among The Sick Admitted last week to Providence Hospital: Judy Crisp. Murphy; Route 4; Lois Reece. Warne: Wil liam Edgar Ferguson, Murphy; Mrs. Francis Bourne Sr.. Murphy; Mrs. Howard Roberts, Andrews; Brother Roger Kreimer, Andrews; Mack Howell, Mupliy; Fred Kil patrick, Murphy Route 2; and Teresa Giles, Warne. Combine one jiound of Borden bleu cheese or imported roquc. one cup of mayonnaise, 1 dash of Tabas co. I dash of Worcestershire sauce, 1/2 pint of milk, garlic to taste, and ralsup fur color. Ulcud with food mixer. Shape into hall and roll in chopped nuts and cliopi>cd parsley. And for you diet hounds, MRS. CLYDE SXKED offers a Carrot Loaf which she used as a meat substitute ir.any times during the war. She promises it's as delicious as any meat loaf she ever tasted. Grind cij'ht or ten carrots. Com bine carrots w ith one onion chopped fine, sail and pepper to taste, and one beaten egn. Put in greased baking dish and top with several small cubes of salt pork. Bake in moderate oven until the pork is well-browned. Most people in Georgia don't believe in heaven; they thmk they die and go to ATLANTA. Program On 'Re:::ndling The liilt Presented by Mrs J. W. Davidson Mrs. J. W. Davidson presented a program on "Rekindling Ihe Gift" at the meeting of the Wcsleyan Service Guild of the First Metho dist Church on Monday evening, January 26. The meeting was held at Ihe home of Mrs. Duke Whitley ? ith Mrs. Glenn Bates as c > The devotional was given hy Mrs. Neil Sneed and the president. Miss Leila Hayes, presided at the meet ing. Refreshments were served at the end of the program. Other members present were Miss Kate Hayes, Miss Addie Leatherwood. Miss Emily Sword, Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. John Bayless, Mrs. Tom Hours. Miss Adelia Mer o'--v. Mrs. Gertrude W'orthen. Mrs. rve Mrs. .Jessie Zirbes. | Mrs. Frank Ellis. Mrs. Dale Lee. Mrs. Mercer Fain. Mrs. T. A. Case, and Miss Clara MeCombs. Miss Ruth Nance was a guest at the meeting. Rummage Sale Clothing Benefit - EVERY SATURDAY - Time ? 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon Placc ? Basement of Davidson's Store Sponsored by The Ladies of Murphy's Catholic Chapel "HOW TO GET ALONG WITH PEOPLE" By Dr. Waller C. Alvarez A new health scries authored by Dr. Walter C. Alvarez, emeritus consultant in medicine at Mayo LJinic, tells how health is atlected by your ability ? or inability ? to get along with others. "How to Get Along With Peo ple, " an 18-part special, will be published daily and Sunday except Saturday, exclusive in Georgia, in The Atlanta Journal. This reader special is in addition to the regular column by Dr. Alvarez in The Journal. You'll find many hints to help you achieve greater health and happiness. In sound, easy-to underst&nd terms. Dr. Alvarez discusses this how-to get-along health problem and offers practical sugges tions for its solution. "How to Get Along With People" begins Sunday, Feb. 8, In ?lje Atlanta Suuntal Covert Dixie Like the Dew THE ATLANTA"" CONSTITUTION The SoiUh't Standard Newtpaper COMING EVENTS: WRESTLING MATCH? Saturday night, February 8 p.m. at old rock high school gym, featuring Tex Riley versus Corsica Jean and Jessica Rogers versus China Mira. Sponsored by Rotary Club. Pro ceeds to be shared with Woman's Club to go toward their score board project. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB -Regular 1 monthly dinner meeting, Monday evening, February 9, 6:30, New | Regal Hotel. Program on International Relations by Mrs. Kate 9 Shields. 1^ ROTARY CLUB? Monday evening, February 9, 6:30, Henry i House. LIONS CLUB? Tuesday evening, February 10, 6:30, Basement 3 ol First Methodist Church. <EDITOR"S NOTE: If your club or organization has a meeting 1 or program coming up you would like to have listed in COMING | EVENTS, please contact Opie McKecver or call the Scout Office.) Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Ponce de ? ? 5. Undesirable plant 9. Halo 11. Spring holiday 15. At 14. Hangs over 16. Negative 17. Novel 19. Smacks 20. Steal 21. Auricles 23. Bird 24. Ooze 25. Network 27. Excited 29. Content 31. Wide valley 32. Armor 34. Hybrid beast 35. Rest 37. Guide 39. Single 40. Male voice 42, Regret 43. Because 44. European country 46. Sun god Assurer to Fun** 47. Defense 4!). ? Barrymore 51. Dul Ic 52. Brad DOWN t. In a line 2. Printer's inca tiro 3. Japanese 4. Insensible 5. I.umfj 6. Letter 7. And: French 8. Contradicted 9. Number 10. Prophesy 1 1. Swallow up 12. Play 15. Entiui?lir,2 18. Struggle 20. Poorer 22. Gaze 24. Rob 2 \ Greek letter 23. Direct 30. Reflexive pronoun 31. Final stage 33. Evcrgteea 31. Ancient kingdom ns. Work 38. Distribute 41. Relate 41. Destroy 44. Bleat 4j. F'ishtlsss bird A3. iiim 5j0. Nickel: chem. Cherokee County Farm & Home News MISS TIIELMA WHEELER llome Agent January 2"J found County Council members with schedules so full that they would not want to face such a schedule too often. The first meeting was scheduled for 9:ofl a.m. at the Power ISoaifl Building and il was called fi>r the express purpose of planning the District Federation meeting wli:cli will br held at Robbinsville on April 30. District Federation I is compris ed of Clay. Cherokee an:i Gra'.iam Counties and each county was well represented. Mrs. David Riddle, president, presided over the meeting with Mrs. Blaine Carver serving as secretary. A coffee hour preceded Hie meet ing allowing each one to get ac quainted. the meeting getting un derway promptly at 10 a.m. The speaker this year will be Mrs. Mena llogan Woodle, Home Economics Agent, Clay County. The group was quick to realize that it is a rare privilege to have one in its midst who has such a vast of wealth of experience to draw upon. Mrs. Woodle who is better known as Miss Mena llogan. Extension Service, Washington. I). C.. is known personally by mosl Home Economies Agents through out the country for her leadership ability and all of the oilier charac teristics that makes her an out slanding person. How she happened to come our way we can only hazard a guess but our section of the State is ex tremely fortunate to have such a person in our midst. Out tri-county delegates planned a very ambitious program but one entirely within realization provided we get busy. Twtncty-five members attended the planning meeting. The County President Mrs. Pas fclial Hughes called the first coun cil meeting for the new year fur 1:30 p. m. same day. same place. Council meetings arc held quar terly and with much business to transact in order to get the new year off to a good start the meet ing moved rapidly and cleared the agenda. Mrs. W. R. Thompson was eject ed to succeed Mrs. Arthur Jones a* county council secretary. Mrs. J one* askod to be rtlltvod due to If other committments. Three county project leaders j were appointed lo (ill out unexpir ed terms. . Considerable tine w as devoted to < I he c it wen .ho procram fur the , eriMiiii:- wish lite theme "Bet- ; tcr Inform* (! Citizens." Our objectives are: 1 1 1 to help i all people understand that all lumcmakers need citienship educa tion: (2> To help comity and dis- j trict citizenship leaders to develop , a program that "ill ui"'irm and eneotirane women lo imderstaud j.' tlieir rcsi>onsibilitics us citizens. Ii order lo accomplish our ob it etivos lour defini-c goals were' set up. Ti e group sun .es'cd a more cf- , fective rciwrlin:1 -,irm in order ;o haw necurale re.ords of indi- 1 vidua! member accomplishments. i The sio'^ostion *.:is so good that liie president asked to have it put in the form of a motion. The follow ing members were asked to serve on a committee which will meet Friday, February 0. I : .10 p.m. at I bp Home lv. onoriies Agents home: I Mrs. Olen McDonald, Mrs. A. B. Chandler Sr . Mrs. Wesley Baker, Mrs. Bill llaichctt. Mrs. Howard 1 Martin. J With seventeen members repre- a sent ins cifjit Home Demonstration clubs in the county much planning 1 was accompl'.hed. Cherokee Coun ty Home Demonstration Clubs have manifested their leadership abili ties in years pa.l and the year 13o9 promises to be equally as good or better than previous years achie vements. A NEW PUBLICATION FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION MEMBERS "Green 'n' Growin" is the intrl ijuln^ name jiven to the new maea Ine for Home IVni.itslratwn Club memberj in North Carolina. The first issue is just of the t ress and it's cluvked full of in formation of particular interest of members but other members o . the family will find it good reading too. It is a magazine dedicated to wo- 1 men who believe that "today'ttf Home Builds Tomorrow's Worlds^ Need more be said? It Is avaiable to any Interest^ person. Make intfiiries at Economics Afsnt'a otfloa.

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