LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, bavins quali fied u Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Wile Roberts de ceased. late cf I'uerokee County, this la to ncti';' all persons having claims against said estate to pra ?eat them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of January. 1980. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 10th day of January, 1958 Cecil W. Roberts Administrator d.b.n. 25-6tc Kt. 1, Liurphy, N. C. '*. ? 7T NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Administrator of the fs tate of Charlie Cooper, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is t| having claims u?m i ' T 1 , MM THEATRE MURPHY " WED., THURS.. FBI. FEB. M l THE HUNTERS IN COLOR Starring Robert Nitchnm Robert Wagner SATURDAY. FEB. 7th DOUBLE FEATUBE George Montgom ery In TOUGHEST GUN INTOMBSTONE ? AIm ? DARK VENTURE IN COLOR John Calvert Ann Cornell ?> SAT. LATE SHOW TEENAGE BAD GIRL Anna Neagle Sylvia Syms SUN., nON.. TUES., FEB. M-W THE BIG COUNTRY IN COLOR Gregory Peek Jean Simmons WED., THURS.. FRL, FEB. II ? 12 - 13 STRANGER1NMY ARMS /' June Allyson Jeff Chandler ???iast Mid estate to prweal then to the undersigned on ?t before the 15th day ot Jutwy, '.NO, or this notice wiU he plead ed in bar of their recovery- All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of January. 1959. J. W. DAVIDSON 23 6tc Administrator NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROUNA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COl'RT CHEROKEE COUNTY. A Munici pal Corporation, Plaintiff, -vs , LLOYD KILPATRICK and wife, PANSY G ADDIS KILPATRICK; ; WILL KILPATRICK and wife, . VLLMA KILPATRICK; WALTER i KILPATRICK and wile. BEULAH HILTON KILPATRICK; MRS. EDNA PASSMORE. widow and i. Defendaiti By virfue ot authority m tr by n Juipfii iil Of rtw Cherokee &HlOiy Superior: Cburt," dfcttrf t-toei 3rd day of February. 19S9, in the above entitled actibn. - JL will* en Thursday, tbe 19tb day of Febru ary. 1959. at 12:00 noon, at tbe Courthouse door in Murphy. Chero kee County, North Carolina, of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract or parcel of land situate in Cherokee County. North Carolina, being more particularly described as follows: NEU MAXWELL BEGINNING on a stake in Frank Burrell's land, on the South side of the Mission Road, and runs an East course with said road 30 poles to a stake on the South side of said road: thence S. 44 E. 29 poles to the top of the ridge; thence a West course with the top of the ridge. 30 poles to the Frank Bur rell corner; thence N. 44 W. with said line, 30 poles to the Begin ning. containing five (5) acres, more or less. This sale wil be made subject to all outstanding taxes levied and assessed against the property. This the 3rd day of February, 1939. F. O. CHRISTOPHER 28-2tc Commissioner ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as administratrix of the es tate of WiHard M. Axley, deceas ed, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to tne undersigned on or' before the isth day of January, 1960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at her home in Murphy, North Carolina. This the 9th day of January 1959. ANNA BELLE AXLEY 25-6tc Administratrix NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the es tate of S- E- Leatherwood, de ceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of Feb Skeletons Of One-Celled Plants Now Playing Vital Role In Industry Mention of the diatom m casual conversation may produce a blank stare. yet foaalls of thu microscop tc marine plant play aa Increas ingly Important part ia industry. Packed in huge deposits over millions of years, the fossils from diatomaceous earth, or diatomite. Mpu has used the bard, compact rct-k of diatomite In building for the last 2,000 yean, but it la only within recent decades that Its larg er potential has been realized, says the National Geographic So ciety. Today the substance is used for such various Jobs aa filtering an tibiotics and strengthening highway concrete. Diatomite is vital in the production of camouflage paint used In wartime. Only recently it waa in corporated into a new cigarette filter. It is used to Insulate blast furnaces, and it makes a fine abrasive for silver polish. Diatoms are members of the algae family. They help nourish the vast, floating sea re ica from the water ia which they live, and with this silica they build c it ternal skeletons of incredibly de i cate design. When the diatoms d e, the skeletons remain. They sink to the floors of seas and lakes. These lacy skeletons, with their porosity, give diatomite four im portant qualities: light weight in relation to bulk, tremendous surface area per pound, high absorptive ness. and excellent suspension pro perties in liquids. as uiaiumiie is practically puic silica, it is chemically inert and w eel-nigh fireproof. Diatomite's lightness led Emper or Justinian to use it in the dome of St. Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul. Albert Nobel made history when he soaked nitroglycerine into it and made dynamite in 1870. As late as 1900. the entire annual world production was only about 20.000 tons. In 1967, however, world production was estimated at 750, 000 tons. The United States leads in the processing and development of dia tomite. The largest deposits are found in California, Nevada, Ore gon. and Washington. Other major producers are France, FUland. and Denmark. Russia is believed to have enormous deposits, but little is known of Russian production. About three-fourths of ail the dia tomite produced is used for filtra tion of liquids. Formed into a training cake, diatomite is porous enough to let the liquids flow free ly, but its billions of lacy parti tions are capable of removing even bacteria. In paiat. the diatom's structure and light-diffusing properties pro duce flat and semigioss finishes. It increases the opacity and bright ness of paper. Hence diatomite is often called "white gold," and costs about $40 a ton. Mined or quarried, the one cell diatom has come to be one of the 20th century's valuable raw materials. ruary, I960 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es please make immediate payment to the undersigned. I This the 8th day of January, 1959. Mrs. Lillie Leatherwood, Administratrix 25-6tc Rr- 1, Marble, N. C. TELL. ME -7. ? I now FAST Does RAUIUM I ^vCt? i-v/* v //*? I i icr 9 -rue gouptm AFRICA' LENGTH of Which is the largest BEETLE IN VARIETIES REMAivj LEAST ? ?ff - - * rr./* ?? GRPPE-VINES Fagrr? SOME SHAKES MPWE L?#S? VEST MAUV LflftGER SNAkftS MftVf Mrs. Mildred Ray Named Chairataa Of Heart Graap ' ANDREWS? Mr? Mildred Ray. cashier of the Citizen* Bank and Trust Company of Andrew* has been appointed trea*urer of the Heart Fund, it wac announced to day by Mrs. Paul Jordan, chair man of the Cherokee County Heart Committee. "While the major fund-raising ef fort* on behalf of the Heart pro gram. both in this county and state and throughout the nation, take place in February." said Mrs. Jor dan. "memorial gifts on behalf of people who have died from heart or blood vessel diseases are accept able at any time during the year. For this reason, we are delighted that Mrs. Ray has accepted the post of treasurer of our local Heart Fund. People who wish to make such memorial donations may send check to her in this capacity." In asuming her voluntary job for the North Carolina Heart Associa tion. of which the local committee is a unit. Mrs. Ray said. "There appears to be a growing trend for people to make memorial gifts when honoring those who have died. Customarily, these gifts take the form of donations to the national health agency conducting research into the disease which caused death. It is a thoughtful and highly practical way to remember those who have passed on." COLLEGE HINTS Safety tips on Winter driving? When your windshield is iced up. start your engine and defroster. Placing the palm of your hand against the inside of the glass will help. Use a scraper on the out side. Once the ice begins to melt, use your windshield wipers to clear it off. Be sure they are in good condition. Remember, when you begin to skid, don't step on the brake. Steer in the direction of the skid. Ease up on the gas, but don't take your foot off suddenly. When you have control of the skid, slow down gradually. When you run into fog, slow down and keep well to the right. Use your windshield wipers and defroster. Wipe the inside of the glass frequently. Keep your lights on day or night, and use the low heam. Always count your change? re gardless of how small it is or how big a hurry you are in. If you have the habit of not counting your change after making a purchase, you may lose a lot of money. Fresh and odorless? to keep sponges fresh and odorless, wash them in warm water and soap, then rinse thoroughly. When you have removed all the soap, let them soak in a solution of cold salt water for about 30 minutes. The salt solu tion gives them added bouyancy and keeps them free from odor. Ian Davidson Presides Over Club Meeting Jan Davidson, president of the Fifth Grade Club, presided over the club's meeting on Tuesday. Gary Bryson, Mike Jordan, Bobby Pott ter, Patricia Guffey and Jan Davidson made book reports,. The club decided Mike Jordan's report was best. The Seventh Grade Club met on Thursday with Jimmy Jordan, president, calling the meeting to order. Book reviews were given by Charles White, Vivian Harris. Judy Sanders, and Hilda Decker. Charles White's report received the largest number of votes. In th book contest/'Famous Book Characters", Johnny Rogers bad a perfect score and won the prize. A playet was given by the mem ben of the Birth Grade Club. Af ter a business session presided over by the Ginger Smith, president of the club, the meeting was turned over to Jane Whitley, chairman of the program committee. She an nounced the cast of the play, "Cin cinnatus". The Roman senators wete: John Cooke, Larry Fox. Dar rell Timpson, Russell Caldwell. Howard Dockery. Billy King, Gene Fanner. James Sneed and Richard Aawliags. Richard Casey was "Ciacinnatus," Becky Jo Ray was Ra cilia and Luke Nave the Mes Rlehard Casey won the award for the bent actor. ... A book review was given by Sarah Alice Jeffrie* Ia the Book eoatest, Missy WO YOU'LL FIND IT I INJ THE WANT AOS DEADLINE FOB CLASSIFIED M AOS: NM Maafejw Rate: Mt far eac* iaatrtiea S ?Hi or leas; Ihrrt Han far (1JS. Mare tkaa IS waNa. twa MOST OF U8 acquire furniture gradually, and forget to increase insurance. Tonight, list everything you own. Estimate the value. Com pare with your coverage. See bow "short" you are! Tomorrow, call Hyde Insurance Agency. VE 7 2438. 28-ltc FOR RENT: Four room house in East Murphy. Call Marie Price, VE 7-M13. 28-3tc HOUSEWIVES: Earn extra money during your spare hours. Pleasant and profitable. No experience re quired. Phone VE 7-3306. FOR RENT: Nice five room ap artment two blocks from Main Street. Close to school. Reasonable rent. Call 351-J Andrews. 28-3tc 56- PG PLANTING GUIDE Catalog in color, offering Virginia's larg est assortment of plant material, including newer varieties in fruits, nuts, ornamental plant material Free on request. Salespeople want ed. Write Dept. N24, Waynesboro Nurseries. Waynesboro, Va. 28-4tc FOR SALE Baled hay, and 100 bushels of white corn. See W. E. Brendle, Brasstown ,N. C. 25-6tp ? - , I FOR RENT: Five room house and 1 bath. Cherokee Street. Phone VE 7-2813 - VE 7-2564 night- 26-3tc HEATER NEED REPAIRING? Bring your heater in for a free inspection. We are equipped to j cleAn, reconditioned and repair your electric, gas and oil heaters. Guaranteed parts and labor. Gibbs Hardware, your Economy Auto 8tore. Dial VE 7-2123. 7-tfc I WELL DRILLING: Have yoQt j wells drilled: modern machin try. Six and eight-inch domes'ic ; and commercial wells. Macon " Pump and Well Co. Write F. B ] Rogers, Franklin, N. C. Call 375-J-l 24-tir FOR SALE: 1954 Fire Dome V8 ] DeSoto. Call 112-W Andrews or see Mrs. Ethel Coiard, Topton 27-3tp ? FOR SALE: 300 bushels corn. If in terested come at once to the first house on left past Owl Creek Church. Contact Mrs. C. A. Sex ton. 27-3tc FOR SALE: One six room house. 30 Acres of land. House has water and electricity. Near Lake. Contact: David Dockery, Route 3, Murphy, N. C- 2 6-3tc WE BUY SCRAP IRON and Junk. Also burnt and wrecked car*. We sell all size concrete and cin der blocks. Kaye'a Auto Parts WANTED If you have farms or mountain land for sale, I have buyers that will pay top price. List with me. SEE SEE Dick Richards Parker Building Murphy, N. C. Phone VE 7-2812 WANTED AT ONCE ? Rawleigh Dealer in Cherokee County. Write Rawleigh's Dept. NCB-70-R, Rich mond, Va. 28-4tp REWARD of $1.00 to person who finds thin cat. Silver Color, ibout eight inches tall and 10 inches long. White neck and stomach. Re turn to Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, "ulberson, N. C. 28-ltp WANTED: U you have a good 1955 or 1956 Ford tractor you want to sell at a reasonable price, with or without equipment con tact, A. A. Williamson, Route 4, Murphy (Oak Park) 25 GROW YOUR OWN FRUIT: Free on request? our 55 pg. Planting Guide Catalog in color, offering Virginia's Largest Assortment ol Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines. Landscape Plant Material, Salespeople wanted. Write Dept. N24, Waynes Joro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Va. 25-4tc *PT. FOR RENT: Phone VE 7 2747 or see Merle Davis. 25-tfc SUDDERTH WELDING SHOP: WE DO ALL TYPES of Weld ing and Mechanical Work: Elec trical and Acetylene. Also port able welder for going out? Buster Laney, Mechanic. Call VE 7-3312, 25- Uc FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING * PAINTING ? Free Estimate ? J. W. DOCKERY VE 7-2464 Photographs Wedding, portrait and commercial photography. Kodak finishing and photostats. SMILE YS STUDIO, \ndrews, N. C Expert Watch Repair BY A GRADUATE WATCH. MAKER. E. C. Moore Jewelers Murphy, N. C. Dial VE 7-2188 NEW? C OVNTER TYPE MODEL ASSURES SECURE FUTURE! Earn up to 1300 Monthly Spare Time Service Route of the Market's Newest, Most Convenient, Cig arette Units Man or Woman Part Time No selling or soliciting. BUSINESS Established For You Business Established For Yau Income Starts Immediately $1,0(0 to $2,000 Cash Required Please don't waste our time un less you have the necessary cap ital and are sincerely interested in expanding. We finance ex pansion. Full time possibilities if fully qualified and able to take over at once. Write briefly about yourself and include phone number for personal interview. Box 148? Minneapolis 40, Minn esota. The per capita consumption of chicken and turkey increased by !.6 pounds last year. WANTED: Raw fur* and Ginseng ' Contact J- P. Trull at Trull's Store, Marble. ?4tp j | 1 1 ? WANTED: Girl from this area to go J to Washington, D. C., to care for ' apartment and two small children ; | one goes lo school and other is one ] year old. Live in apartment. Hast ] be dependable. For information i contact W. M. Mauney. 28-Jtc | DO IT wUKtUf and aava with our rental e<;ulpm?nt Floor Sand er and edger, hand sandcr, floor waxer, skl)> saw, electric drill, blow torch, paint sprayer, step and ex tension ladder, 2-wheel hand trucks, 4-wheel platform dolly, pipe dies and wrenches. We cut and thread pipe. Gibb'a Hardware, your Ecan omy Auto 8tor?. Dial VE 7-2123. 7-tfc With Child With 4 child m the (amily. it's difficult to move to a i*w home. Children require tender fate and handling . . . in tact, the same care we give your precious household possessions. Call us today (or * Wife-Approved" North Ameri can move. (Your agency name, ad dress and telephone number here in same size type ) VE 7-3113 MURPHY, N. 0> DOES VOI R OLD CHAIN SAW GIVE YOU TROUBLE? II so. Come in and let us fix it or trade (or a ew Burns Saw. Shop located beside the Police Station in the Evans Building. We arc also dealers (or MERCURY outboard motors Clarence Stiles, Manager Cherokee Sai& rnd Marine Supply The li(e expectancy of an Ameri can is now more than 70 years, compared to 48 years a century ago. m W ?omefcody'a VALWrtW* after the diaaater. when we i*. place the lose. We ?n Wp YOfcf If you prepare NOW. Reach tor Uii? phooe. Call Hyde Insurance VE f> mm ?iu MAN WANTED: To operate NA? [ON ALLY ADVfcRTBED W AT KINS BUSINESS la Cherokee Cotttt ty. Prefer maa with car between tl to 53 year* of age. Z7S NemiHlw with II year* reputation far qual ity, MO W yearly Booding Fee aa curea ample credit. No peraoaal luretiea needed. (1*0.00 or mora weekly earnings by full time Deaf er. Write The j. IL Watkiaa Com pany, P. O. Bex No. 5071, Richmond, Virginia. " SMtp to xni R?t? and J Mk?l | W mtm i N H . } Mm nth* zsz frewy, ker^wws ?? M suit. ATHENS INSECTICIDE CO, t Athens, Tennessee FOR SALE Approximately fit Bales si Hay, Orchard Grass and Oover. VERY GOOD BAY CONTACT Charles Ctlema Murphy VE 7-ttH ? 1 ' I I i HAVE YOU BAKED. A CAKE? See;? Ike Rambler? rage, Vjj FCFR SALE: v : ? ? ;? v \ One Building, formerly used as res taurant and grill. Partially destroyed by fire. Approximately four thousand square feet. Wood frame construction Outside Walls Weatherboard Inside Walls Plywood Hardwood Floors Asphalt Shingle Root Cement Block Basement To be sold and torn down by the high est bidder. Bids accepted thru Feb. 27, 1959. For further information contact? Arnold Allen, Fontana Dam, N. C Telephone 2833 VU &?> Ife oMnKT 5TUO/I UG 90 HARD EARLV *4. THE TWM IMS CTIHfcX KUKIL-3 SHOULD BE AS x AMBITIOUS ! / UIU YOU if YE5 , i EA* Htlr, SOtVF A \THE RNSVrtR PPOBLSM, f IS 9 MOtflMe, PU<56yW 36 V/TO45, M2 DAV6, ? 6048 HOURS.