Widespread Use Of Genetics In Forestry Seen The paaiiblUty for widespread use of genetics In forestry has only recently been recognized. During the past seven years pr ogress has been very rapid, so naeh so that in nutty instances the defand tor practical application of ^eseties has surpassed the existing hotjy af fundamental knowledge on which sound practices must be based. A number of research organiza tions are now enaged in both the basic and applied phases of forest genetics. There is at present a good balance of investigative effort In which the forestry schools, the Federal and State Forest Services, and private Industry are all taking a part. The pulp and paper ind ustry, especially in the South, has been a leader in sponsoring rese arch. At present the southern in ustries are sponsoring programs at the University of Florida. ? North Carolina State College, and Texas A&M CoUege. Although progress has been ra pid beyond the highest hopes of most researchers, forest genetic investigations are still a long-term, slow undertaking. Some of the most import basic studies to date deal with ways to find short-cuts for speeding up both research and app lication. Methods to induce early seed production are being worked on. Already some juvedile-mature relationships, especially on wood properties, have been worked out. enabling prediction of the charac ters of a mature tree from the characters of the young tree or seedling. Wherever such Juvenile mature relationships can be es tablished. the progress of forest genetics is greatly speeded up. Basic studies on pest resistance, physiology, and growth patterns are now underway. These serve as a basis for all applied research. For example, real success in determining the genQtic control of wood specific gravity cannot be achieved until we understand why a tree stops producing springwood with its thin-walled, tracbeids and starts producing summerwood with its thicker-waited tracheitis. In fact, most of the basic studies now needed, and already underway are not really forest genetics at all. but they are basic to further pro gress in this field. In the South, the greatest applied effort has been directed to impro vement of seed source for planting. The initial work has largely cen tered on the selection of trees to be used in special seed-producing areas called seed orchards. Seed orchards are established from the best-appearing trees to be found in the forests. These are then tested for their genetic sup eriority while the orchard grows. As soon as the genetic tests are widuaU aw mum Mad orchard. Many acraa of saad the touthara yaUaar been eat abashed within OK past Av? yeara. MM of ? panics have either eati iahe4, or of seed orchards to supply seeds for til (heir plaattag needs in the future. Enough slash and fobloih pine seed orchards have already been established to supply seed for production of about 300 million plantabie seedlings annually, and the seed orchard acreage Is ex panding rapidly, both In industry and state programs. Trees ta be used as seed sources are variously called selected trees, plus trees, super trees, or superior trees. They are the very best av ailable in our present forests. They may be selected for one or more oijt&andfcig chatderi^ticB, usually for a combination of sever al characteristics i Superiority is judged on the basis of growth rate (both in height and in diameter), limb size, straight ness of bole, rapidity of natural pruning, 'freedom from diseases and insects, and quality of wood. Such "super" trees are hard to find in theiorest, but they do exist. Shun Piking Fast Becoming Top Vacation Sport " Shan piking" is fast becoming a top vacation sport. "Shun piking" is. as the name implies, the avoiding of heavily tr aveled main routes and the seeking out of by-roads. Western North Carolina with its beautiful mountains scenery, Us unspoiled forests, pastorial form areas and its many good rural roads offers an excellent opportun ity for those who want to wander through a varying landscape free from heavy traffic. Fine main roads lead into the area from all directions. Ashev ille is centrally located and a good "home base." From this city inter esting by-ways branch out in all directions. Possibly the most famous is the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway. Engineered for pleasant, take-it easy mountain top driving, this blgttwuy connects Shennant^sShl Valley in Virginia with Asheville. North Carolina. By 1966 it will be complete from Virginia to the Great Smoky Moun tains National Park. Portions West of Asheville are now open to the public, amoung them the 22 miles of Wagon Road Gap. This section includes such wonders as Devils Court House, Looking Glass Rock and Yellow Stone Falls. Another portion will be open for the summer visitor season, that section which connects Soco Gap with the Great Smokies. This road will cut thro ugh a heretofore unpenetated sec tion of the Smokies to open up en tirely new vistas. Mow! Shift to aay sp?d! MEW FOW SUiCT-O-SPUD Hydraulic p?w*r do?? Hi* Mlual shift ing, but It's controlled by Hd? handy lovor undor Hto stoorlnfl wfccd> A M^ht touch li all you nood to ihlft to any t*?r-tO ?p*?dl forward. Now ? finger-tip, chrtohlcbt shifting with hydraulic power doing all the work! For th* tint time, you can shift on the-go to any speed you want, any power you need, by a simple touch of your finger. No* you can match pull power and speed exactly, in stantly, to changing field ditions. And what's motfe. independent PTO engages or disengages on-the-go, too, to save time and speed P1X> work. With clutchlees power shifting and independent PTO, you 11 do more work and cover more sons. Come in and test drive a Fowl Select-O-Speed tractor soon ?see what it can do for you! Tfci a Brui New 185?P?ri Tractor Will Be Oa Display Week of March 23-28 WW TRACTOR COMPANY Factor la Beitetw atlag The proper use of color in a bed room redecorating project will not only provide an attractive decor, but can change the apparent size and proportions of the room. A homemaker doesn't require a courye in color appreciation to plan a modern and efficient bed room decor, but an understanding of certain basic principles is essen tial. Many professional decorators have used plastic-finished Marlite planks and blocks for bedroom projects because these easy-to-han dle panels are available in 10 "companion colors" styled by Ray mond Loewy Associates, and they also have a washable plastic sur face. Here are several principles that these interior decorators follow in planning bedroom renovations: To Make a Small Room Look Larger? Panel all four walls with planks of a receding color, such as blue or green. A feeling of spac iousness is achieved by eliminating strong contrasts. i? man a narrow Koom by paneling the end walls with a warm color, such as pink, and the side wall with predecorated hard board planks in a cool color, a bedroom will appear more uniform. This decor is paticularly effective in a growing girls, room because it is extremely bright and gay. To Lengthen a Square Koom By the correct use of color, a perfectly square bedroom can be made to seem longer in one direc tion. The contrasting wall method also can be used in this case. Mariite's "companion colors" can be used in several interesting com binations. To Create Interest in a Large Room panel the walls with predec orated hard board planks in a dark, *arm color. An accent wall behind the beds is an easy way to add in erest to the room. Marlite 16- inch square blocks in a lighter color or i handsome woodgrain on the acc ent in a larger bedroom's decor. To Make a Room Brighter Draperies and furniture absorb light, and the correct use of color can usually "pep up" a dull bed room. Light color planks, such as yellow or green, will brighten a dark bedroom. Since light usually strikes the floor first make sure hat the rug or floor covering mat-j erial is also a light color. Plain white planks are also becoming popular in modern arrangements, since bri ght accessories will supply a color ful contrast. To Make a Room Darker T^arge bedroom with several wind ows often are over-bright, and too nuch light can be annoying. In Manning a new decor for an over night bedroom, choose a darker paneling and floor covering. These .-111 somewhat neutralize the nat ral brightness. If a bedroom celling is cracked )r in need of repair, the 16-inch 'redecorated hardboard blocks can je installed right over the old sur face. The color of the blocks how ever, should complement the main ?olor theme used throughout the bedroom. All of these Marlite-paneled bed room decors are extremely prac ical because predecorated hard >oard planks and blocks have a "rable pi is tic surface which can be damp-wiped clean with a damp cloth. Housecleaning is cut to the ninimum, and redecorting is el ?ninated because the permanent i-ineling never requires painting r refinishing. Area Serviceman Returns To States Thomas 0. Mull, seaman, USN son of Mrs. Violet Clonts of Route 2, Culberson arrived in Alameda, Calif., March 12, aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Midway after a tour of duty in the Western Pacific. Since the beginning of the cruise in August, the Midway took part is the Formosan Patrol and was engaged in operations with the U. S. Seventh Fleet. Between exercises her crew visited Yokosuka, Yokohama, Tokyo and Hiroshima, Japan, Hong Kong; Okinawa and the Phlllipines Islands. FOR ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR INCOME TAX Boyce Stiles ACCOUNTANT Offieaa - PotUe Building MURPHY, N. 0. PfcM* VE MUI f ?- - - ?? Ptain Janes Need Not Give Up The Ship Are you a plain Jane? If to, don't let the thought intimidate you if you crave success in the glamor world. It may be to your advantage to be an average girl, says 17-year-old blonde Carol Lynley who is on ber way to Hollywood to make her second movie. She ex plains. "A beautiful or exquisite face is likely to hamper a person. If she just has ordinary looks, perhaps she will develop in other ways to her advantage. A beautiful girl may take everything for granted, not makeing the most of her othrf talents." The blue eyed teen-age starlet began ber career at age 10 when she took dancing lessons and had an opportunity to do some modeling. "But I don't discuss my modeling past" she says, because I'm going to concentrate on being a great actress." Typical of the average student of her age, Carol who just was graduated from high school, has the usual complexion and hair pr oblems, but neither have stood in her way to success. That's one re ason why she believes you should try the glamor world, even if you don't have the facial attributes of your favorite actress. ."If you could see her in real life without her makeup, you may be surprised that she is not really very glamorous," Carol says. Very few actresses are discovered she adds. "The entire road to st ardom is dotted with hard work." She believes acting lessons are essenial to the success of a would be actress., and those who saw Carol in the television production of Rapunzel generally agree she orought the fairy tale character to life in a way that proves her statement. If you are ambitious, don't expect to make your fortune in the theater, she says. "There is much less money in acting than in modeling, and you should be dedicated if you'd succeed." Carol has a rigorous schedule, She has been in several Broadway shows and more than 20 TV pro ductions, next starring with Ron ald Regan in " Deed of Mercy, " but maintains the vitality of her lithe, 105 pounds. 5-ft-S frame with "lots of sleep and vitamins." She washes her face with soap and water, and uses a minimum of makeup. She loves to ice skate dance, knit and crochet. "I am fascinated with cold wea ther. I don't really begin to perk" says the New York City bred girl, "until the temperature drops to zero." She is on her way to make "Holi day for Lovers." Her first role in "Light on the Forest" for Walt Disney came as a result of his sp otting her picture on the cover of a national magazine. FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION : Where chemicals are used to control weeds in corn should the corn also be cultivated? ANSWER: One shallow cultiva | tlon can be beneficial if the soil { has a tendency to pack and be | come hard. At least this is what wasfound by some tests conducted at Willard in 1958. The single cul tivation allows air and water to enter the soil. Repeated cultiva tions. however, were found to re duce yields. On loose, soft soils chemical weed control produces good yields with or without culti vation. Sofl Conservation News fcy l?ki tattk The Soils Scientist of the Soil Conservation Service spent several days in Cherokee County last week making Land Capability Maps o( the farms of a number of Cooper ators with the Soil Conservation District. These maps will be used in developing complete soil and water conservation farm plans on these farms. Several conservation plans were delivered to farmers in the past few days. One was delivered to Edd Foster, on Highway 64. At the time Edd's plan was delivered, his bro ther Fred, was helping him load some cord wood. When Fred saw Edd's plan, he requested that we get him the necessary maps and help him develop a conservation plan on his farm. Several farmers have requested our assistance in taking soils samples of some of the fields they are going to plant either in pas ture or alfalfa this spring. It is better to take the samples now than not at all. but a sample should have been taken last fall for fields to be planted this spring. It takes lime about six months or more to become available to plants after it is applied. For that reason, lime should be applied well in advance of the seeding date for pasture or alfalfa. Now is the time to take samples for fields you plan to plant this coming fall. Two or three land owners have recently told me that they had or dered tree seedlings as the result of reading about the need to plant idle land in this column. It is grat ifying to know that some results are coming from the information in these columns. Fred Claridge, the State Forest er, has notified the state office of the Soil Conservation Service that there are plenty of white pine seed lings available from the state nur series. The stocks of loblolly and short leaf pines are getting very low. Orders will be filled on a "first come, first served basis" until stocks are exhausted. Anyone who plans to order trees at this time should be sure that they will be able to plant them immediately upon receipt. The tree planting sea son jfi Jijst about over. The first few warm days we have ' will start tree seedlings to sprouting feeder roots. When these roots start grow ing before the tree is planted, that tree has very small chance of sur vival. The Soli conservation Service teachnicians have been called on by a number of farmers for assis tance with drainage problems. We can and are glad to help any far mer who has a proglem with wet lands. The County ASC committee voted not to give any farmer financial assistance with drainage for the 1959 program year, but this does not mean that the farmer cannot get technical assistance with his drainage problems from the Soil Consveratlon Service. If you need our assistance, do not hesitate to call on us. On May 8th, 1911 the birth of Naval Aviation took place when the Triad, first aircraft of the Navy, was ordered at a cost of 15,500. Agency Opportunity Man or Woman Adaptable & Ambitions . . . seeking business opportunity with good earnings and future as the Commission Representative of Real Estate Organization doing a National Business. Established more than Half Century. No Investment ard No Experience Required. Free H6me Study Course Licensing Assistance. Must be aggressive and good worker with A- 1 References. Car an asset ? better than average income can be earned from support grrert by Centra! Office Headquarters New York City. If your background includes training in work such as Insurance, Household Appliances or Rcaf Estate, and you live on or near a heavily travelled highway, write about your self to . . . Strout Realty Co. A. H. BliANNOlf, Otitrtct Manager 11 "'.'.I "'I GARDEN THE I By M. K. QHbii A ctudent came oy recently and told me tM kit matter waa In terested In Boyta* two or" thrtee ap ple tree* suitable for Espalier training. This la an interesting type of training as well as unusual. It consists of doing the necessary pruning so that the tree will grow flat against a wall or on a trellis. The trellis may be constructed of either wir*, o^yoQd. t* f t For this type of training you will need a dwarf tree. The trees are dwarfed by grafting on a special stock. If you wish to try this method, I suggest that you order varieties grafted on East Mailing IX, as this is the most dwarfing root-stock of any of the East Malt ing selections. These stocks have been knows in France for many years but np it tempt had been made to classify them until research was begun at the East Mailing Research Station in England. As a result of this work, stocks are now available for apples and pears which range from very dwarfing (E. M. IX) to very vigorous (E. M. I). While on the subject of dwarfing trees, I might suggest that they are excellent for small properties because they require so little space. They come into bearing early, sometimes the second year after planting, if they grow well the first year. it is aesiraDie to plant more than ? one variety to insure pollination and fruit setting. For apples, I | would suggest Golden Delicious and Gallia Beauty (similar to Rome i Beauty but more color). If you would like to substitute another variety for Gallia Beauty, they are available and you will still have a fruitful combination be cause Golden Delicious is both i self-fruitful and cross-fruitful. Kor pears, you can use Duchess as a ! good pollinator and select another variety sucii as Seckcl. Barllett or Clapp's Favorite. A word of caution? the root sys tem of the dwarf tree is not exten sive, so it is desirable to support them with a rigid stake or the first two years uutil the roots become well established in the soil. FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION: Are there solutions recommended for tomato plants? ANSWER: A starter solution can cause the plants to begin growii? quicker after transplanting. A star ter can be made toy mixing five pounds of 5-10-10 in SO gallons of water. Where smaller amounts are needed, dissolve our level table spoons of fertilizer in each gallon of water. The Navy Norse Corp was estab lished in May 1906, making Burses the first women to serve in the Navy. 1 FREE WBEEUNG *T BILL CBOWELL TttKT TOCKSELF . . . Accord' tag to a Nent survey M-per cent of the drttei* Interviewed thought themselves "better than average" drtversL The test wasn't made in North CaroliaaS but it'a safe to say about the s^Ait) percentage of Tar Heels probata jtliinfc of themselves 'as a little betttr than average, too. But to he ,? good driver means you mnst'jkMw more than how to steer and atop. You must also have a thorough? knowledge of state traf fic law*. ; I'm w&ling to bet that not many Tar Heel drivers, even those on the road every; day, can score 100 per cent on a 'test of their traffic law knowledge. \ Read theme questions carefully, check your answers, then consult the end of the column for the cor rect ones. 1. At night you must dim your headlights when following another car within 100 feet. ( ) True ( ) False 2. In North Carolina it is. legal to make a turn against a red light so long as a posted sign permits it. ( ) True ( ) False 3. It is unlawful to pass another car only when a solid yellow line is in your lane of traffic. ( r True ( ) False \ 4. You must signal a turn con tinously during the last < ) 25 feet. ! ( ) 50 feet. ( ) 75 feet before the turn is made. Check one. 5. The designated speed in North Carolina highways, unless otherwise posted is, ( ) 50 mph. ( > 18 avk. ( ) ? tap k. CM (. A driver moat turn on headlights when there le not am# visibility for him U> see clearly far a distance of 1000 feet. ( ) True ( ) False 7. A blinking yellow light mean* you must not enter an iatenectioa without stopping. ( ) True ( > False. S. In North Carolina, it's legal to make a U-turn at khy M raj jfcc#" tion. ( ) True ( ) False V. Before passing another car on the highway state law requires that you sound your horn. ( ) True ( ) False 10. When driving in a fog during the day the law requires you t* turn on your parking lights. ( ) True ( ) False Now check your answers with the correct ones: 1. False, you must dim if you are following within 500 feet. 2. True. 3. False, solid yellow lines do not mark all areas where passing might be unsafe. 4. 50 feet. 5. 55 mph. 6. False, lights must be turned on when a driver cannot see clearly for 500 feet. 7. False. 8. False, even in rural areas you cannot make a reverse turn on or near curves or a hillsrest. or any other place you cannot see the roadway for at least 500 fc-ct in i>it:iiT direction. 9. True. 20. r 1st', v 'u cannot use parking lights at a . .y ti;ue visibility is lim it eJ. i: v.'ii fiistvcred all 10 questions corrsr.lv. rut*' your knowledge of state t. o i tie la\?s excellent; 7-10, very good; ">-6 goad; below five, Mr. v. ' ' ? ? ? Truck !r; ..ers ;ii nearly 29 mil* 1-Jii r m.jiifc*. each year. Your Saving's with us En joy THESE ADVANTAGES Safety Availability Stability Generous ni'iiiR.i Service b Or By Aba OUR CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE Up I* *IMW HAYWOOD SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION WAYNES VILLE, N. C. IN OUR 40TB YEAR GLeodale M386 NO OTH1R PICKUP LI KB A *69 FORD You get the smoothest ride of ^ any half-ton pickup, dttnlcs to Ford's heavy-duty, two-ctage 1 rear springs and IMg, tapered leaf front springs. Srientiif Impact-O-Graph tests preve ym get the easiest ridel 0 fM Map ta tH CMn * 3 MmMmim. 3 Mr tm. ? ta* *n mm S Stat SM? ?#m. . . ukm i? ? A '69 POND Big 8-ft. Styteside bo* gives yoa 70 cu. ft. loadspflCM with daa structural strength you need far heavy hauls. And you've get the only Short Stroke Six kt pickups today plus a new econ omy carburetor. Result: tb> greatest gas-saving combination 011 the road? and it'* yours at no extra cost! UKI A '69 FORD Hvt*i Amariu't lowtst*pri6td 4-vImI drive pfcKtip with cab- wide btac 4-WHHL DRIVE PICKUP I Now? get the efficient {lower of ' Port! Short SftolU? Six or V-8 engine delivered to all four ' wheels. Yo? CM fto anywhere and get there) Hills, gullies, pasture, mod, wood, underbrush . . . nothing stops a Fotd 4x4. See it ayertK try ft yourself! j 'T'4V/" Ji Gc-Foroward Of" """" FORD TRUCKS 008T UN

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