i**?: \ OLUME 6J NUMBER II MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1969 EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK ilULISlllO) ' 4,100 VehidesCross Hiawassee River Bridge Daily- SHC Says Four thoiuand, one hundred ve hicles cross H.iva*see River Bridge every day, ; --cording to Sam Beard. i>u:Uc relations o 1 lers for the SUte Hijhway Commission. All. Beard noted that the traffic count over the Hivasee Bridge was not as great a_> counts in other sec t ens ot :>je state wheie r>ad work has been considered. "There has jeen a general nib. un ' rsta.-ling about the ma..er of a new bridge across lhwassee Riv ton-jtructi. n," Mr. Beard said. "Ihc iirmiu' * will be a safe faur lane ^r.dfc w'.iich will n ?el all of lhi> niin n-.um ^andrrrds required by tie stile-. For all in;cnt and ^urpiso the bridpc will b? a new bridse be cause what is to be done <0 th? present brirtre vill be major re construct on." Mr. Board aid. Mr. Beard continued, "when mon ey was appropriated (or the Hiwas ? (Judge project it camr under th? heading of "New Construction" and not under "Betterment Pro- i Jects," which ii the category used lor repairs to roads and bridges. AA hydrographic sirvey i-t?dy of high and low water level l is not complete as yet and plans for the br.rige can not be drawn up until Ihir study U finishec, added Mir. Beard. Kslimated time fer completion of ?ho hydrographic study is Nov. 'IS. M.\ Beard noted that this .will allow a period of design for the bridge of about f,ve months. Plans are now for a May 1V30 letting of bids on tkf construction. "The bridge acro-s lliwassee Riv er will be just as sife cs a bridge c.vi be. If any portion of the old t idnc can be safely used, it will be salvaged but at tills time it U not kcwi i. any part of the bridge will b s?ved. It might be that the whole cooMriphon will be torn down," said Mi. Beard. Crntrov^rsy over the Hiwassee R.vf Bridge arose in Murpii-' at a highway ir-eeting on Oct. 1. A spokesman from the Highway Com mission stated at the meeting that a new bridge would not be built but that 1'ie present bridge would be repa ired. i Frank Forsyrh. state senp'or for Ike 33rd District, received word fr-m Melvin Brcughton. ch .irmin of the Highway Commission, in Juno, that the necessary funds had teen reserved for a new bridge across Hiwassee River. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Mrs. Phyllis B. Babb, Editor THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Murphy, North Carolina Dear Mrs. Babb: Alter talking with you by phone today, 1 checked the daily tra.tic count on US 64 in the vicinity of the Hi was ;>ee River in Murphy and found our latest count to be 3900 west of the bridge, 45C0 east of the bridge and 4100 on the bridge facil ity itself. The traffic counts repre sent averages over a yearly period with counts taken approximately three times each year. The Highway Commission at its June meeting here in Raleigh ap proved major construction on this facility, recognizing the fact that the present structure is not ade quate to handle present volumes ol traffic. I regret very much tha there has been a misunderstanding and that some of your people feel the Commission has in mind only repairs to the existing bridge. Whatever is done over the Hiwas see may be considered as major construction or reconstruction. Bj reconstruction, 1 mean that a com pletely new superstructure would be built with murh wider lanes, new rails and sidewalk facilities, and new bridge approaches. 1 think you wculd be interested in knowing that in such reconstruction projects, the Commission Engineers have in m nd an eventual bridge facility which would be new in appearance and in the service it would provide to ?trairic. It would also be new from the standpoint of its life expec ancy. I si ould like to point out that no # linal decision has been reached on inc mailtcr of the bridge or bridges and we shall be happy to keep you informed from time to time as the engineering details of location and design are worked out. Generally speaking on major pro jects si/ch as this, a period of one year and sometimes is required before a Commission approved project can be let to contract. I know that you can appreciate the engineering intracacies which must be worked out in final form. The present schedule as I indicated ea loc phone calls for the Hydro graphic Department to finish its survey work around the middle of next month, leaving a six or seven month period for design and acqui sition of any needed rights of way. The tentative letting date for the Hiwassee Bridge project is May I960 , I can appreciate your Temark that your paper wanted only the facts in the case, and I am happy to furnish you this information. This project nas been a long needed one for Cherokee County an now that the Highway Commissioi has given it the nod of approval we certainly want to avoid any mis understanding about it, and we ap prociaie any efforts you can exer to see that the matter is explainer to your readers. Sincerely yours, SAM BEARD Public Relations Officer October 12. 19a9 Handicapped People Restored To Enjoyable Status A record iwmaer of 4,369 handi capped North Carolinians were re s ored to employab'o and produc tive status through services ren dered by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. State Department ot Public Instruction, during the past ' iscal year. Charles K. Warren, Director ol the division, reported that 13,073 disabled and handicapped persons received services during tiie year, and that the division now has ready ior employment 8S0 persons. There a:.: also 61 additional persons not included in the 4,369 .wlto are in employment and are undergoing linal adjustment to the job. The number rehabilitated repre I sents an increase of 832 cases ? I a 22.8 per cent increase over last year's record. Mr. Warren stated that rehabil itation of a disabled person is no something which is done for a com munity, but tha* rehabilitation must be achieved by the community it s. If. The aid and guidance of a professional counselor from the di vision of Vocational Rehabilitation are available to coordinate such community effort. To Hold Meeting MUrphy Woman's Club will mest Thursday, Oct. 15, at 7 p. m. at the Power Board Building. First National Attack On Adult Illiteracy To Be Made This Year BRASSTOWX ?Ten commercial television stations In the Carolinas and Tennessee will devote a total of nearly 500 hours of ptfblic service time to a mass attack on adult illiteracy during the next year. The stations, scattered from Wil mington, N. C. on the coast, to Charleston, S. C. and Chattanooga, Tenn., will give the time for X! adult reading and writing lessons. Each lesson will last 30 minutes. The annoiicement of the plan which will make possible the first mass attack on Illiteracy In the ration was made by Mayes Behr man, director of the Literacy Center of the Jcfcn C. Campbell Folk School at Brass town. la addition, Behrman said major metropolitan] newspaper la cttM like Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville, Columbia, and Chattanooga had agreed to help in the movement called The Literacy Movement in I he Southeast by Televiaion. V'e organization of the 10-atation chain which will present the lessons during the first half of 1960 marks (he first time in the history of thin ration that one million adults have been offered an opportunity to learn to read and write. The movement, which will cover the Carolina*, Eastern Tennessee and will have, at the same .time, the Alabama Literacy Movement offering lessons over three eduoat icnsl stations in Alabama, is an outgrowth of two aoBcmfal tel evision twrblin mwitewou. New Company To Start Operating Soon A new company. Murphy Crush ed Stone and Marble Co., has rec ently been formed. The company will be located at Regal. Jack A. Smith of Clear Water, Fla., Jack A. Good, Chattanooga, Tenn. and Forest Dean, Clear Wa ter, Fla., formed the company. Mr. Good will be the local man ager and plans to move to Murphy ir the near future. Crushers are being moved here now and the plant will be neady to begin operation short a spokes man for the Company said. The plant .will employ seven or eight people but plans are to employ more people as the operation pro gresses the spokesman continued. Pie Supper, Cake Walk To Be Held A pic supper and a cake walk vil! be held at the Unaka School Saturday, Oct. 17, at 7:30 p. m. Proceeds will be used to purch ase school equipment. First Methodist Church Announces Sept Honor Roll The First Methodist Church has announced the Sunday School honor roll for the month of September. Nursery: Robert Scott, Bobby Forsyth and outan Taylor; Kinder garten; Sharon Lochaby, Melessie Bulord, Mrs. Whitley and Mrs. Worthen. Primary 1, Loioie Brittain, Steve Wells and Mrs. May Brittain; Primary 11, Wayne Wells, Bennic Scott and Miss Clara McCombs. Juniors IV, Tommy Clark. Fredd <e Lochaby and Judy Qulnn; Jun iors V, Mrs. Ruth Forsyth: Jun iors IV; Jane Whitley and Tieacy Nugent, Ann Lochaby, Freddy Dav is, Judy Brittain and Gretchen Brunner. Intermediates, Ben Scott, David Alverson, Dean Anderson, Doc Carter, Barbara Worthen, Jerrj Dickey, Steve Crawford and BiUle Forsyth. Seniors, Linda Houts. Lynn Whit ley. Brenda Qulnn. Phil Mattox. Bobby Weaver and Shirley Burr ell and Young Adult Class, Merle Davis and Florence Houts. John Wesley Class, Mrs. John Davidson and Mrs. Howard Mar tin; Hyatt Bible Class, Mrs. Neil Davidson. Mrs. Vancce Wilson, and Miss Lula Fain. Men's Bible Class, Alden Coward, Jerry Davidson, Neal Davidson, <?*y Davidson, John W. Davidson, E. C. Moore, Howard Martin, Frank Mauciy. Jim Green, Paul Hyatt the Rev. R. T. Houts. Jr. W. B. Johnson, A. Q. Ketner and Hugh Brittain. Accidental Blast From Shotgun Fatal To Two Year Old Child Band Day To Be Held Saturday The Murphy Elementary Band will observe Band Day in Murphy on Oct. 17. Purpose for the special day is to raise funds according to Ed ward J. Reynolds, band director. The Murphy band will celebrate their first birthday on Oct. 29. Mr. Reynolds said that when he look over the baud that there we re only two basic instruments that were in playable condition and a good 9et of drums. He said that practically all instruments recently purchased are new ones. In order to build a band that will be a credit to Murphy, I have set up a seven year program to achieve my goal. Since good musical instruments are quite expensive, the school^ band must foot the bill. We can't expect parents to sink be tween three and five hundred doll ars for an instrument," said Mr. Reynolds. He continued, "That is why we must have the help of the community to maintain our band." Uniforms for band members are rented at a nominal fee. These fees are saved and will he used to pur chase new uniforms when they are needed, said Mr. Reynolds. The Murphy Elemenlary Band was invited to lead the Young Har I ris Wagon Train and was invited | to play at Duke Band Day and the State-Clemson game last Week. Mr. Reynolds said that he plans for the band to enter the District Contest in Cullowhee in <the spring. The youngsters of the band play for all Murphy High School games, 1 both at home and out of town. I Duo to the lack of a band in past years, Murphy has had to borrow bands for special occasions. Mr. Reynlds has a B. S. Degree | in Music Education and is married | to the former Jane Hill of Murphy. Members of the band are; Judy | Brittian, Mary Arden Davis, Kathy Russell, Mike Jorden, Calvin Stiles, Willian Fish, Luke Bayless, Mary Linda Hyatt and Ann Lockaby. Also, Carla Beth Stiles, Hairy ? Moore Gleen Alexander, ^FVank Dickey, John Bruce, Faddy Lock by. Knox Singleton, Bo Drcher, David Hall and Sandra Rogers. Also, Sherry Millsaps, Miriam Rogers, Mary Francis Fain, Ron ald Grice, Jimmy Jorden, Charles Barrett, Wfp Bourse, Charles Hinson, Hubert Wells, William Gr een, Bobby Rogers and Bill Chen ey. Murphy High Bulldogs Take Another Victory Murphy High Bulldogs took ano ther Smokey Mountain victory Fri day against Hayesville Yellowjaj, kets with a final scone of 21 to 0. Chuch McConnell, coach of the Bulldogs, said, "Both teams played good ball but neither team could do its level best in all that mud. Mud hurts offensive playing rather than defensive because the ball is hard to handle and footing is diffic ult." When asked about individual }?la y.?rs the coach said that all of his boys played good ball and that no one in particular stood out. AU of the Murphy team got to play and gained some valuable experience which will help next football sea son. Murphy took the kickoff and with d 30 yard run by Hill drove to the one yard line where they held and Hayesville took the ball. Hayesville kicked again and Murphy drove ddep into Hayesville territory, this time to the four yard line. The ball went back and forth the rest of the first quarter. Early in the second period Bud Killian went over from the three and N* Donald passed to their own SO yard line. A pass from McDonald to Rati gave Murphy SO yards and ICieir second touchdown lor the night. Ml- Donald ran the Hill for the extra point. The ball changed hands several times until Murphy took over on their own SO yard line. A pass fr om McConald to Hill gave Murphy 90 yards and their second touchdo wn tor the night. McConald ran the extra point. The half ended with a score of 14 #. la tha third parted Bajraavilla took the ball and was unable to move it. Murphy took tne punt on their own 40. Killian carried for 10 yards. A pass to Hartness gained 25 and another run by Killian gai ned 11 yards, putting the ball on the seven yard line. David Thomp son carried for the final Murptiy touchdown and Emanuel McDonald carried the extra point. On the final play of the game Bobby Weaver intercepted a Haye sville pass. Friday night the Bulldogs will meet the Cherokee Braves at Cher okee. Gordon Isijy, assistant Coa ch, said that the Cherokee team might give Murphy a hard time. Fall Craft Course To Begin At Folk School John C. Campbell Folk School will begin it's annual fall craft course Monday, Oct. 19. Three hours classes will be held daily in weaving woodcarving, woodworking, pottery and Christ mas decorations. The course will continue througn Oct. 31. Instructors will be Murrial Msrtin Fannie McLellan. Lynn Gault and Jesse Ledord, Miss Bernice Stev ens. Field Craft Consultant for the Southern Highlands Handicraft Guild will hold a Craft Design work shop during the nwe weeks. Interested presons should write to the school or Call VE 7 -7775 for further information. Tha class in Ctirtrtmai decoration* la United. W.D. Whitaker To Head 81st Division W. D. i Bill i Whitaker of And rews was recently elected National Commander of the 81st Wildcat Division at the annual convention held in Concord. About 400 members of the 81st Division from both World Wars re united at the 40th annual conven tion. Mr. Whitaker. first vice presid ent of Citl/ens Bank and Trust Co served in the division during World War 1 as first sergeant of Company G. 323 Infantry Regiment. The 81st Wildcat Division during (he two World Wars was made up mostly of men from North Carolina and from most of the Southern states. Serving with Mf. Whitaker are James E. Cattail of Chicago, El., as national adjutant; George Owl of Cherokee ai assistant national adjutant, and William R. Lee o< Georgia ae senior vice commander. 9. Bradly White of Concord la the outgoing national commander. A memorial service to honor de ceased veterans of two World Wars closed the Convention. Next convention will be held at Waynesville in October 1960. TO HOLD MEETING Murphy PTA will meet Monday Oct. 19, at 7:30 pjn. at Murphy Elementary School. The program will consist of a panel dtscuScion on "Should Schools Group Children By AMHty?" The panel will delude: 1**. W. T. Brown, panel leader: Mrs. Charlea White, Walter Puett, Dr. H?in WaQa and Paul Nare. Wrestling With Brother Causes Gun To Discharge Saturday M'irilyn Beavers will no! rclc jratc her third bi: :h?lay Sh? was accidentally shot while playing with a 20-gauge shotgun Tutsdry e.'ierncon at icr home in the Liberty section of Cherokee1 County. Coroner J. C. Townson reporte.l | (he accident occurred ab>ut 4:30. p.m. Coroner's jury ruled the death [ an accident. Muilyn was found by her mother, i M. Welford Beavers, when she Ensley Places j First In Football Contest Walt Ensiey of Rcute 1. Andrew.'; placed first in last week's football contest sponsored by the Scout. He received a ?S prize. Second place winner was Rneer Kephart of Route 3, Box 70. He received a $3 prize. James Whitaker of M'irphy plac ed third. He recc:ved a $2 prize. Murphy Midgets Receive Uniforms Murphy Midget Football team is sporting complexly new (outfits. : Frank Forsyth, one of the coaches ' ss:d that the best equipment avail able was purchased. Money, which was recently rai sed through a public appeal, reac hed $1422 but the uniforms cost mono than that, according to Mr. Forsyth. I The team also carries insurance 1 nn its ircmbers which cost $150. A 1 $25 fee was paid to join the Pop Warner Youth Conference and the young group agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the league. An anonymous donar has agreed to cover additional expenses of the Midgets. Tht Murphy Midgets beat the Turlletown Midgets Monday night with a final score of 6-0. Schools Receive Share Of Sept. Court Fines Murphy. Andrews and County J schools have received $6,309.96 from j ihe clerk of court office for I September according to James C. Howse, Clerk of Superior Court. .The money was received from undistributed fines and fbrfituncs according to clerk's audit report. This was the largest amount re ceived at one time In the way of court fines. It was reported by Holl and McSwain, atfeerintendent of Murphy City School, that the scho ols usually receive only several hundred dollars. The money is divided according to the number of pupils each school has enrolled. The money will be us ed for general operating expenses. The amount of money varies acc ording to the way the court caaes are settled. I?ry Trials To Be Postponed Recorder s Court trials to be held Oct. ID has bees postponed tndefr i nitely doe to Hie lUneas at SoUcttof, F. 0. Christopher. i lui i'f i :iu? r 'm a Tli-. .iirotM stated ili.nl Marilyn, ?.i.i I r r#o brothers, ag?. seven and lite. we ' aline in tin: h ?ir.c I * i t war, on I be floor n.wt t? lite kU in the bedroom. 11 and I ,r :>e\en year old I. rather picked up the gi^n and be gan wrestling .villi it. The boy was laihiiw: the slock end of the gun while Marilyn was holding the other cm'. The tun accideatly discharged inflating the fatal injury in the hild's head. I: was r-'porlej that Mrs. Beavers loaded li e : 1 ti o;:rh ni'ht . for [TO lu ti 'ii, and miioaded it in the mora in;; placing the shelli on the dres ser. Her husband, ivho has been work in : in New York, is flying home today. Surviving are the mother and father, six brnl '?? rs. Ray, Ronnie, Lowcry. Sammy. Junior and Tony; p. iisler. .1 'idy M k all of the home; Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beavtrs arj Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell. Funeral services w ill be he'd Fri lay at 2 p.n at Friendship Baptist Church The Rev. I -ester Cook w ill i.fficiate. Burial will be in the ehurtv cemetery. Pack Funeral Home of Copperhill, renn.. will be in charge of arrange ments. JOSEPH (JAY) WILSON Scholarship Semifinialist ' Joseph H. Wilson Competes For Merit Scholarship Principal Walter R. Puett of Murphy High School has announced that Jot.?ph H. <Jay> Wilson has been named semifinalist in the 1959-60 National Merit Scholarship competition. Jay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ? J. H. Wilson Jr. of Valley River \ Avenue. He is a member of the . senior class and student council representative. He is among 10,000 of the highest scorers on the National Scholarship Qualifying | outscored over 560,000 and thus moved a step winning one of the coveted Scholarships to be awarded is I 19S0-00 program. Semifina lists three College Entrance which will

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